This reminded me, I was metal detecting one day at a friends house, I knew that her late husband was in the military in WWII, he passed away when I was about 15, but I got a hit with my detector, when I dug it up it was a triangular piece of metal, when I cleaned it up, I could see a small specks of red, yellow and blue I think, I ask Mary if she wanted it, she just said no, but she said Henry had been one of the first units to land in Europe. When I got home I cleaned it up some more and I could make out a lightening bolt and a tank on it and I think strike force also, I called her back and told her, but she still didn't want it. I have lost this piece of Military history. Out of everything I have ever found, I wish I still had this piece!!! If any of the D could find a picture, I would like to see it.