On D-Day's 80th anniversary I thought some of you vets might be interested in the way old units are kept alive in today's army.
I was embedded with the 299th Combat Engineers in March, 2003. Their original mission was to be the first unit into Iraq from Turkey in the north, and the seize and hold the oil fields at Irbil and Kirkuk. Then the Turkish parliament vetoed that, so they went in from Kuwait with the rest of the invasion force, and were part of the task force that seized the Republican Guard bases at Taji and Balad (which became Camp Anaconda.) Not exactly D-Day, but interesting times.
Later, the battalion C.O. sent me this t-shirt because he felt I'd treated them fairly. They still celebrate being the first unit to go into Omaha to clear beach obstructions ahead of the invasion force on D-Day.