
I was on federal jury duty one time........I was on call for six months.......I had really long hair, facial hair and I was only 19 yrs old......I didn't get picked for many cases......there was a gentleman that was in our pool that made it a very enjoyable time when you had to sit all morning in the jury room.......His name was Big Six Henderson......he was a federal marshal from western KY......he had stories and stories.......and he was a good story teller......heck of a nice guy.....
Big Six is a legend.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 46°F and mostly cloudy. Today's high may reach 68°F. Slight chance for rain.

Jet lag = Boah.....

First day back at work went okay. Worked 3 tickets.

Happy Hump Day, y'all.


38° this morning with light winds.

MIL and BIL leaving this morning for Florida. After much stalling by MIL, we finally got their Penske truck in. In fact, when I found out they ordered a 22' truck I told them that it was way too big, and I changed it to a 16' truck. They were all worried and saying that they had too much stuff but, I helped move that stuff to their storage container and knew better. Plus, the storage area was too small for a 22' truck, and they wanted to fill up my truck and drive back and forth out of the storage area to a place they could park the truck and load it there. :rolleyes:

When finished only about 3/4 of the 16-footer was filled. Could have probably used a 12-footer. I wanted to set it all up in the beginning, but MIL complained that it was her move, and she would make all of the decisions on what size truck and how things were to be loaded. She stayed in the front of the truck while we loaded it. The morning was cold and windy, and I told her I was going to load it the way I wanted to no matter what. Plus, she could not lift anything or move for that matter and would just be in the way.

They will be leaving this morning at 0700.
Good morning folks.

Nice birthday evening for my wife last night. We went to a French bistro she likes called Le Diplomate in the Logan Circle neighborhood which is a beautiful area in DC — Lovely four-story 19th Century townhouses lined with cherry and magnolia trees, some of which house embassies for small countries or national or global interest groups. Very colorful. People from all over the US and the world.

The food was fine —damn good French onion soup and Steak Frites -a flank steak and fries with some sort of creamy sauce.

Walking along after dinner we found ourselves passing a little neighborhood bar and grill called Stan’s where we met for an early date 35 years ago. Great memories.

Back to work now. Hope you all have a good day.
Hello all,

No better happened today on the UK front. I am sure not happier in that area. Started watching the "interview" abruptly stopped after near ten minutes. Ridiculous....

I have several irons in the fire.. Lot's happening on that front. Nothing finalized but, man-o-man am I engaged in several areas. I am thankful! Have a restful evening....
Good morning everyone.

I've been busy with life but was trying to watch intently for info (mainly RR) about a new coach. Well, that didn't work. I didn't watch Mitch and Cal last night so if any of you want to chime in with info that would be good. Everyone's agenda (both sides) overrides the info in RR.

This year I don't think I can or want to keep up with the old who stays/who goes and then later do we get this transfer or not. I still hope we can go on a run next year but won't be working my schedule around to watch.

Enough of that and on to something more upbeat. We cashed out a CD yesterday, made all the arrangements for our funerals, and paid for them. No kids, so planned to get it done before 60 and did. We also plan to get our tombstone done in a couple more years. We have a small family cemetery here on our property so may even get it set before either of us........

Cool, but nice weather here today. I hope everyone gets a chance to enjoy it.

32° this morning with light winds. High today in the low 60's with 15-20mph winds.

Moved on from the NCAA tournament and will be wearing Reds gear today when I go out to do the honeydo list. Reds Play at 3:10pm central time today and I will be watching so...

On the same lines of baseball, softball starts on 14 April for me (maybe). Still battling Plantar Fasciitis and now have pain in the rotator cuff area of my right arm. Getting old I guess, but I still plan on playing. Have had this kind of pain before (rotator cuff pain) and it goes away after a few days.

Well, hopeful all got over the hump without much trouble so, slide on down the other side and roll in to the weekend.

God Bless and stay safe.
Good morning folks.

Another crazy day on the subway. A melee breaks out between this fairly big man and a good sized woman who is shrieking and howling. When I turn, I see her wailing at the guy, landing punches, but he is being aggressive too, so I reluctantly decide someone needs to break this up before it gets out of hand. Luckily a young Black guy joins me so I’m not just making it racial. We try to get between them but the woman is still throwing haymakers. Someone has called the cops and a metro security guard shows up. The guy runs away and the woman, of course, turns on the guard, cursing him in vile terms, before she runs after him.

Just another day.

Hope it is peaceful where you are.
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@warrior-cat I have a buddy in Louisville who will be 87 this summer. He still plays softball in a senior league and still runs the bases his self. I call and talk to him every so often just to feel better about getting older.

Is it bad that I'm kind of embarrassed to wear my UK stuff this time of year?
No, it would just be inviting possible ridicule. I got a text yesterday from an old co-worker who I have not talked to in a long time, and he ask me who I was rooting for now (knowing him, sarcasm). I replied: The Reds, since the season starts tomorrow. His reply: "LOL, I am rooting for Purdue". He is a lifelong Longhorn fan since he was born in Texas.
Good morning folks.

Another crazy day on the subway. A melee breaks out between this fairly big man and a good sized woman who is shrieking and howling. When I turn, I see her wailing at the guy, landing punches, but he is being aggressive too, so I reluctantly decide someone needs to break this up before it gets out of hand. Luckily a young Black guy joins me so I’m not just making it racial. We try to get between them but the woman is still throwing haymakers. Someone has called the cops and a metro security guard shows up. The guy runs away and the woman, of course, turns on the guard before she runs after him.

Just another day.

Hope it is peaceful where you are.
Ah... life in the big city.
Thanks, I really enjoy your pictures!!! .....Baretta....
Daisy has seen more bear than the average human. Sure glad she's not a cockatoo like Baretta. Cockatiels are not near as loud and don't pack near the bite.

We got some great video of the bear climbing the tree and figure out the feeder. She ended up pulling the rope with her paw and teeth to get it close enough.
Daisy has seen more bear than the average human. Sure glad she's not a cockatoo like Baretta. Cockatiels are not near as loud and don't pack near the bite.

We got some great video of the bear climbing the tree and figure out the feeder. She ended up pulling the rope with her paw and teeth to get it close enough.

Glad you knew what I meant anyway. (I was kind of close...) Keep'em coming... 😁
2024 Reds off to a good start, though this will probably jinx them. A 33-year-old lifetime journeyman named Nick Martini who only made the roster because of injuries started as the DH and has home runs in his first two at bats, and 5 RBI. That's like two seasons for him up until now. I'm watching here in DC with a room of Nats fans. First good sports moment in weeks. So far, at least.
No, it would just be inviting possible ridicule. I got a text yesterday from an old co-worker who I have not talked to in a long time, and he ask me who I was rooting for now (knowing him, sarcasm). I replied: The Reds, since the season starts tomorrow. His reply: "LOL, I am rooting for Purdue". He is a lifelong Longhorn fan since he was born in Texas.
I wear my Purdue stuff a lot - GD is Engineering student there.
2024 Reds off to a good start, though this will probably jinx them. A 33-year-old lifetime journeyman named Nick Martini who only made the roster because of injuries started as the DH and has home runs in his first two at bats, and 5 RBI. That's like two seasons for him up until now. I'm watching here in DC with a room of Nats fans. First good sports moment in weeks. So far, at least.
De La Cruz is 2 for 2. 2 K's. But he improved on that even with a throwing E. Love the guy, but he has issues. If this keeps up, may be good idea to give him to the Cardinals.
2024 Reds off to a good start, though this will probably jinx them. A 33-year-old lifetime journeyman named Nick Martini who only made the roster because of injuries started as the DH and has home runs in his first two at bats, and 5 RBI. That's like two seasons for him up until now. I'm watching here in DC with a room of Nats fans. First good sports moment in weeks. So far, at least.
Watching as well from home. Had my daughter watching up until about the 4th. She isn't really interested, but I keep trying.
They can be destructive. Not really any danger to people around here, but there's always a chance. They (this sow and her 3 cubs most likely) tore into our screened in patio last year and made a pretty big mess. We took it as payment for them providing us with entertainment throughout the summer. I have a feeling they will be worse this year.

It's hard to tell in this pic but there is a window between her nose and my camera.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 57°F, cloudy and with gusty winds from the south. Today's high may reach 77°F.

Watched Retribution with Liam Neeson last night. Filmed in Berlin. Pretty good.

Happy Good Friday (Karfreitag). I volunteered to work today. Hopefully not busy.

Yeah, good for the Tide.

Wishing y'all an awesome end to your week.
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They can be destructive. Not really any danger to people around here, but there's always a chance. They (this sow and her 3 cubs most likely) tore into our screened in patio last year and made a pretty big mess. We took it as payment for them providing us with entertainment throughout the summer. I have a feeling they will be worse this year.

It's hard to tell in this pic but there is a window between her nose and my camera.

Ya think? You don't miss it by much but you "ain't" Dan'l Boone. Course Dan'l cilled a Bar in a tree....

Really enjoy you relaying your day. Just enjoyable.

I showed My Darling the bear pics as I do many of your pics.

My Darling grew up in the woods and small areas of Korea and is an avid and learned farmer and mountain woman if you will. She loves it. Thanks again...
Good morning everyone.

Man I slept like a baby last night. I've did a quick check around the house and thankfully the bears didn't come back last night. I enjoy watching them during the day, but they can be a problem at night if I'm sleeping good. There are occasional reports of bears bothering livestock, but usually don't kill them. Coyotes are the problem with dogs and cats. Coyotes getting them are not rare at all.

I hate to hear about Thiero entering the portal. He was a favorite the last couple of years.

I hope everyone has a great day.
Good morning folks. Working from home today.

Stayed up way too late to watch UNC-Cheats lose. Nothing will make this tournament good, but that makes it a little better.

Good start to the season for the Reds. Happy for Martini, who has knocked around for over a decade and finally gets a chance to start and hits two HRs.

Hope you all have a good day.
I wanted to go to Purdue for chemistry. It is a good school. To get an out of state scholy I needed to make 96 percentile on the SAT. I got to 95 and could never get over the hump. So I went to Western Kentucky.


I got a bug degree from Purdue. I never mention that for some reason. Seriously it is a Pest Technology degree. (Associates) I never have put that on any of my resumes...

Not sure why.... Kind of forgot until you mentioned Purdue, they had a heck of an "antemology"... (I know, I know...entomology...) May be why they didn't like me much. ;) I "gradgeeated from dar dough 2."... ;)
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