Spent the day helping my BIL and MIL pack and move most of their stuff to a storage building. Carrying a lot of stuff (MIL is a hoarder) down some steep stairs. BIL has a bad back so, my wife and my daughter helped out a lot too. Wife and her mother got in a bigger argument than normal and for the first time ever (that I have seen) my wife lost it and told her mother "Screw you, I am trying to help you!" Her mother just blew it off and said, "I will help myself". My wife has been helping and financing a lot of her stuff for years and it seems as if her mother does not appreciate what she does. Sad thing is, we have to finish tomorrow and then they stay with us tomorrow night and start driving to Florida Sunday morning.
Sad part of all of this is that on our way home as we were just about to turn into our driveway my wife noticed a dead grey cat in our ditch. It was her cat which sleeps with her most nights and lays with her on the couch when she sits down to relax. Looks like she had been hit by a car and knocked into the ditch.
Rough day.
Sad part of all of this is that on our way home as we were just about to turn into our driveway my wife noticed a dead grey cat in our ditch. It was her cat which sleeps with her most nights and lays with her on the couch when she sits down to relax. Looks like she had been hit by a car and knocked into the ditch.
Rough day.