After saying they (MIL and BIL) were going to move to Florida last May and again in October and again in November and again in December and again in January and again in at the end of February , they have finally started actually packing up their stuff this past week, and need me to help them move their stuff to a storage bin on Thursday, so they can clean up their apartment on Friday, and then load a Uhaul/Penski (which ever one they get) on Saturday to leave on Sunday. Whew!
Problem is, both have bad backs so my wife will take a couple of days off and with my daughter help me move their stuff and clean the apartment. Of course they would actually start the process during NCAA tournament time.
For the sake of my sanity however...I'll take it. I have already told my wife that we will drive separate to their apartment to help them on Thursday and Saturday (provided we get past Thursday) so that I can leave to get back to the house for the games.