
Evening D, and the Pukies go down!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂 ATX, did I read that you are retiring?? I am still praying for you my friend!!! I know OHIOCOLONEL hasn't been around in a long time, hope he is ok, lots of tornadoes moving through Ohio! Felt like heck all week, had blood work done, results were good except for urinalysis report abnormal, showing blood and bacteria in it, I go to the doctor Tuesday to find out what's going on. I had a kidney stone move a little bit last Friday, so that might be it. Mrs. M left me know today that I'm almost 73, said you can't act like your 20, your body just won't let you!! Mrs. M talked me into going to a baby shower last Saturday and I am glad she did, never seen such a spread of food in my life!! They had a shrimp pasta salad that was incredible! I got the recipe if anyone wants it, going to the store tomorrow to get the stuff to make it, will let you know how it goes!
Evening D, and the Pukies go down!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂 ATX, did I read that you are retiring?? I am still praying for you my friend!!! I know OHIOCOLONEL hasn't been around in a long time, hope he is ok, lots of tornadoes moving through Ohio! Felt like heck all week, had blood work done, results were good except for urinalysis report abnormal, showing blood and bacteria in it, I go to the doctor Tuesday to find out what's going on. I had a kidney stone move a little bit last Friday, so that might be it. Mrs. M left me know today that I'm almost 73, said you can't act like your 20, your body just won't let you!! Mrs. M talked me into going to a baby shower last Saturday and I am glad she did, never seen such a spread of food in my life!! They had a shrimp pasta salad that was incredible! I got the recipe if anyone wants it, going to the store tomorrow to get the stuff to make it, will let you know how it goes!
No, not retiring yet. Plan on working two more years, until end of March, 2026 IF cancer remains under control.

Good luck on your shrimp pasta dish.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 72°F and cloudy. Depending on weather forecast, I may leave earlier this morning for airport than originally planned. Maybe, maybe not.

Aggies vs Cats tonight. I should be in the air, Houston-bound, during the game. Go Cats! Good things happen with UK basketball during tournaments when I travel internationally. Will expand more on such an interesting phenomenon after I check in at airport this afternoon. Stay tuned.

Happy Friday, y'all.

Good morning everyone.

Busy week for a retired guy. I'll be watching my nephew play baseball during tonight's game and will be driving home from a meeting for tomorrow's (being positive). I'll get to watch the championship game and Selection Sunday. Go Big Blue!

I tied with WC on the fishing this LM. But Dad and I had a good trip. We are now using a good ole fashioned step ladder to get him in/out of the boat. It works perfectly for him.

I hope everyone has a great day.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 72°F and cloudy. Depending on weather forecast, I may leave earlier this morning for airport than originally planned. Maybe, maybe not.

Aggies vs Cats tonight. I should be in the air, Houston-bound, during the game. Go Cats! Good things happen with UK basketball during tournaments when I travel internationally. Will expand more on such an interesting phenomenon after I check in at airport this afternoon. Stay tuned.

Happy Friday, y'all.

Safe travels.
Good morning everyone.

Busy week for a retired guy. I'll be watching my nephew play baseball during tonight's game and will be driving home from a meeting for tomorrow's (being positive). I'll get to watch the championship game and Selection Sunday. Go Big Blue!

I tied with WC on the fishing this LM. But Dad and I had a good trip. We are now using a good ole fashioned step ladder to get him in/out of the boat. It works perfectly for him.

I hope everyone has a great day.

I may need to go "learn" you all how to fish soon. @warrior-cat
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Good morning folks. happy Friday. Warm and overcast here. I'm working from home so I took a long hike before showering and settling in.

The Madness starts for the Cats today. A maximum of nine games -- and two losses -- before we say goodbye to these kids. I've been watching and listening to the Kentucky teams since Rupp's Runts in 1966, and this bunch has been well up there in terms of enjoyment and excitement. We'll see how it ends but I try not to be one of those "win or else you have let me down" fans. Still, it'd be great to see this bunch make a couple long, deep runs.

I hope you all are easing into a happy weekend. Back to work for me before that chance rolls around.

I just went to the commisary for my dinner (No eating, just shopping for My Darling.) Ran into an Ole boy wearing a UK emblem on his UK blue shirt. Said "Go Cats" as he walked by pushing his cart. Told him UK should take care of A&M. He stated "I hope".

Saw him again a little later, he asked where in Kentucky did I live, I told him around the Fort Knox, Radcliff, and E'Town area for 20 years.

He told me he lived in Valley Station (Born and raised).. I almost said Eh... someone's got to live there (From my memories.). ;) (I didn't, but I thought it...) @awf

Seemed like an okay fellow in our brief chance meeting...

Go CATS!!!
A buddy of mine called a while ago and said he had tickets to the ACC semifinals tonight and invited me along. I think if Duke had still be alive to root against I might have said yes, but my wife and I had dinner plans so I turned him down.

Now watch -- I'll miss seeing UNC-CHeats get upset.
Good morning from Houston, TX. Currently 64°F with light rain,

Severe thunderstorms in Houston area forced delay of our flight from ATX. Ripple effect throughout UA system. Missed flight to Germany on account of bad weather. Getting out today from Houston and on further to Newark then Germany. They comped me a room.

Last night's game: Ugh!

Gonna shower here in a bit and hopefully locate my lost luggage.

Stay tuned. Wishing y'all a great day.
Good morning folks. Back from my long Saturday hike.

Sloppy, uninspired effort by the Cats last night against a desperate team with a NCAA bid on the line. How much does it matter? We'll find out next week. But a major disappointment, and certainly true for the faithful Cat fans who sacrificed to attend the tournament hoping to make an exciting weekend out of it.

Beautiful, sunny day in the east. Got some chorse to do and then back out to enjoy the weather. Have a good day folks.
Good late morning all,

Been up early but had company already a couple times.

Just cannot fathom this continuing. Ban me, hate me, whatever but Cal has got to go. Too many of these situations annually (All season long) now... Not going to ramp up again for this type ending. Invested too deeply in UK to allow this type of result. This was not on the players. I am no coach but darn I do and have led people a lot of years...

Enjoy your day today. Just not investing emotion into this kind of floor product any longer. Cal has got to go. If UK wins the championship this year, Cal has got to go. The consistency alone states he is not invested in doing his job.... Rant stopped...
Good late morning all,

Been up early but had company already a couple times.

Just cannot fathom this continuing. Ban me, hate me, whatever but Cal has got to go. Too many of these situations annually (All season long) now... Not going to ramp up again for this type ending. Invested too deeply in UK to allow this type of result. This was not on the players. I am no coach but darn I do and have led people a lot of years...

Enjoy your day today. Just not investing emotion into this kind of floor product any longer. Cal has got to go. If UK wins the championship this year, Cal has got to go. The consistency alone states he is not invested in doing his job.... Rant stopped...
I lost faith in Cal several years ago. I still watched or listened to all the games, but quit the pre and post game shows. My final tipping point came with the kneeling episode. I haven't watched a game since. I still care, but in no way will let my entertainment dollars flow in that direction.
Good morning folks.

Another Monday. 67 to go not counting mandatory holidays until I hit 70 and retire. Until then it’ll be my least favorite day. I’ll probably drop dead the first Monday after I quit. (Nah, I’ll be around for a while I think.)

Gonna get warmer today in the east. We had a beautiful Sunday and more warm weather to come.

Last week of the regular basketball season. Whatever happens after that, it has been a treat watching these kids develop and find their college game. Bradshaw, Wagner, Dillingham, Edwards, Z, Sheppard. They’ve all had great moments.

I need to get to work. Have a good day folks.
I retired when I turned 70. I actually enjoyed the science of biological discovery. I was actually paid to determine- and explain the truth i.e. what happened when, where and why?
I'll be 77 soon enough. I enjoy what I do enough that I'll continue to do so at my own time and pace for as long as I am up to it. I worked long enough to draw a small pension at the "atomic plant" near Paducah. At one time they said the average retiree at that plant lived 18 months. I think it is important to keep busy. Of course, the uranium enrichment at the plant brought the average retiree age down some. They said not to eat the animals or fish taken near the plant. They ran city water from Paducah to a small town near the plant because the water was unsafe. They give me a free physical ever so often for having worked there. The last one was last fall.
I'll be 73 in June. One of the assignments included following Cobalt- 60 X-ray protocols. They were strict.
I feel sorry for the poor souls that dish out the money to attend the SEC tournament only to see the Cats lose their first and only game. One guy on RR spent 5K on Wed.-Sun tickets, plane tickets from Houston and hotel. I'd be irritated too. Not to be a downer but since UK's last SEC tourny title in 2018 they've gone 2-5 since. Granted 2020 didn't happen due to Covid but still.....
I retired when I turned 70. I actually enjoyed the science of biological discovery. I was actually paid to determine- and explain the truth i.e. what happened when, where and why?

I'll be 73 in June. One of the assignments included following Cobalt- 60 X-ray protocols. They were strict.
73 in June for me too, Mr. Rooster