Good morning from Burbach, Germany. Time now is 12:39 AM. Temperature outside is is 45°F (7 C°). Weather forecast looks good for Siegerland for next few days. I'm really gonna check out my old haunt this week.
- Jet lag kicking my butt. Me drinking 4 beers last night probably has not helped. Spilled beer all over computer. Heh, still works. Internet Service Provider (ISP) here at brother's place all in German. Good connectivity. My individual hot spot (4G) not working. Smart phone hot spot works great.
Also wearing long johns. Former brother in-law running heat on low (wood pellet stove) to conserve energy, but room temperature maybe 60°F. It's all good.
@cordmaker : my former brother in-law still works for Dynanit Nobel in explosives.
- Visited with several folks last night here at bro's place. Good seeing everybody. Many more folks left to visit. Have not yet seen son and granddaughter. I ran outta gas before our meet-up. Had to lie down. Just exhausted after past few days. Only slept an hour on the flight.
- Happy with UK as a 3-seed. Could have been worse. Let's hope they beat Oakland. Go Cats!
Check back with y'all later.
Here you go, cordmaker. Tallest building in NYC. Snapped photo coming into Newark. Airport totally sucks a huge one. TSA threatened to arrest me there. More later.