
Good morning everyone.

Drove back from FL yesterday. Good trip and drive except the number of truckers who insist on passing other truckers because they're going 0.5 mph faster. Dang, I bet I lost 30 minutes or more.

Well, hopefully the Cats will now go on a run though the remaining games and the SEC tourney and get our seeding way up. Tenn @ TN and one or 2 highly ranked teams in the tourney have the potential to move us way up (or down). I only watched 3 games during Feb. and haven't visited RR during the month....not sure I can go back.

@BBUK careful with the salmon. My wife swallowed a bone while at a restaurant in FL and nearly had to go to the hospital. We tried most of the home remedies and I think drinking cola while laying down finally did the trick.

I hope everyone has a great day.
Dill pickle juice will melt the bone........
Years ago I was at the oral surgeon's office......I was in the chair and just as they was putting the tourniquet on my arm a guy comes rushing into the office.....he had eaten a sandwich down the street and had a fish bone in his throat......they put me on hold and Dr. Patterson took care of him free of charge..............before the folks gave me away I attended a Catholic school/church..........the church scared me away from eating fish with the candle/throat blessing thingy that they do......I though if this fish bone thing is bad enough to have it's own ritual..........I didn't want fish.......and to this day I can not enjoy a pc of fish with bones in it......
Did not get above 41° today and had some late afternoon icy rain. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the low 70's and sunny. A 30° shift, I'll take it as I need to cut my grass in the backyard already since the temps before yesterday were 70's and 80's for about 2 weeks.

Seems several of you have enlarged or problematic prostates. I too seem to have a smaller stream than before, but so far, I sleep through the night without having to wake up. After waking up though, it generally takes 2 times (within minutes of each) in the bathroom to empty the bladder. Probably need to see a urologist shortly.

Saw my podiatrist for the second time in 2 weeks today to check on my progress with planter fasciitis. He asked if I thought I needed another shot and I told him no. Pain is less right now and I will keep doing what he instructed hoping to get it under control. He gave me another month and then we will see again.
Good morning everyone.

Drove back from FL yesterday. Good trip and drive except the number of truckers who insist on passing other truckers because they're going 0.5 mph faster. Dang, I bet I lost 30 minutes or more.

Well, hopefully the Cats will now go on a run though the remaining games and the SEC tourney and get our seeding way up. Tenn @ TN and one or 2 highly ranked teams in the tourney have the potential to move us way up (or down). I only watched 3 games during Feb. and haven't visited RR during the month....not sure I can go back.

@BBUK careful with the salmon. My wife swallowed a bone while at a restaurant in FL and nearly had to go to the hospital. We tried most of the home remedies and I think drinking cola while laying down finally did the trick.

I hope everyone has a great day.

Sorry to hear that. Yeah, I as much as I love fish I watch it, I like shoveling my food in and with fish you cannot, well, I guess you can but I cannot knowing the bones await. Bones do not like me and I do not like them. I'd eat more fish if I could shovel it like most other foods. Had Mackerel for supper just now and it surely has bones among it's bones. (Sure tastes good though.) I normally take 30 more minutes to eat when there is fish involved.

I have been okay so far as far as the pee thing goes, the last couples days though it seems I have gone three times as much. Sleeping at night not so bad but I usually drain right when I sleep but do get up on time to drain again. Most days if I get 7 hours sleep I have hit the jackpot. On the weekends or days off, I usually just cut off drinking early enough to not worry. Thankful so far but sure am cautious...

I have been okay so far as far as the pee thing goes, the last couples days though it seems I have gone three times as much. Sleeping at night not so bad but I usually drain right when I sleep but do get up on time to drain again. Most days if I get 7 hours sleep I have hit the jackpot. On the weekends or days off, I usually just cut off drinking early enough to not worry. Thankful so far but sure am cautious...
Sometimes I cut drinking off early, but I have to be careful. I have a history of kidney stones, so I need to drink as much as I can. Several years ago, I had emergency surgery at two in the morning. The surgeon said I was almost totally blocked and could have died. Some of the stones were so lodged in my kidney, he couldn't get them out. A couple of times since then, after falls, I have passed a stone. Guess the jolt of a fall knocked them loose.
Good morning folks. Sitting in the waiting room of an outpatient surgical center in Bethesda, Md.

I’m about to get my prostate carved up with a laser. If all goes well I’ll piss like Secretariat and sleep through the night without a head call. If all doesn’t go well i guess I’ll walk around with a plastic bag strapped to my leg draining urine from my withered penis. But I don’t expect it’ll come to that.

Glad to see February behind us. May tomorrow start a magic March for the Cats.

Have a good day guys.
55, on the GOD KNOWS LIST YOU GO!!!! I pray for my friends in the D League ever morning!
Sometimes I cut drinking off early, but I have to be careful. I have a history of kidney stones, so I need to drink as much as I can. Several years ago, I had emergency surgery at two in the morning. The surgeon said I was almost totally blocked and could have died. Some of the stones were so lodged in my kidney, he couldn't get them out. A couple of times since then, after falls, I have passed a stone. Guess the jolt of a fall knocked them loose.
Look up Virgin Olive Oil and fresh Lemon juice as a daily drink (shot) to help breakup/control kidney stones. Old timers remedy/holistic. I take a shot of it everyday.
Good morning everyone.

National Peanut Butter Lover's Day....that would be me. It will be what some will remember about me after I'm gone. lol I have cut back for health reasons lately though. I lose/gain weight just with that one move.

At 59 I too have prostate issues and the ole getting up at night issue. Oh well, I'm still enjoying getting older. I'm (wife and I both) striving to stay "in shape" as long as possible.

March is here and after the last 2 games we have hope for another run. I will try to stay optimistic and enjoy the rest of the season.

I hope everyone has a great day.
Good morning folks.

Well, my prostate gland has been greatly reduced by laser blasts. I’m still hooked up to a cathartic bag that fills every couple hours with stuff the color of red kool aid. But I get that out later this morning. So all is well -and thanks for the good wishes!

Sleepless night but work has backed up so I need to get stuff done after the early morning doctor’s visit.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Morning Legionnaires!

This morning's forecast changed from low 70's to mid 60's now for the day. No matter, nothing outside of the norm scheduled for the day.

MIL and BIL still in OK. They were supposed to move to Fla. back in May last year, then Oct. last year, then Dec. They then changed that to end of Feb. this year because they are running out of money. Wife's father has a 5-bedroom house there and he has asked them to come 2 years ago. One SIL lives there already. MIL is fighting it and hopes we will take them in. We only have three bedrooms and me and my wife occupy 1 and my daughter the other two. She sleeps in 1 and has a lot of her stuff in the other. Would not matter though, MIL makes me crazy the one day of the week (Sat) she comes here so... not happening.

Wife still thinking about putting 20-30K down on a cheap house for them so that they could stay here if it comes to that but is waiting to see if her job goes away. If it (job) does not, she will probably do that even though I told her they still could not afford that which means, she will cover mortgage and some of the bills. MIL takes home about $1000.00 a month SS and her brother has less than $8,000.00 left on injury settlement with Goodyear and complains about back problems and has no intention to go to work (36 years old).

My wife also didn't realize (I reminded her) about all of the repair cost and upkeep on a cheap house which would fall to us.

Come on Florida! Only time I will root for Florida.

TGIF for all of you grinders out there and God Bless.
Look up Virgin Olive Oil and fresh Lemon juice as a daily drink (shot) to help breakup/control kidney stones. Old timers remedy/holistic. I take a shot of it everyday.
I will look into it. Thanks. I drink organic lemonade cut with water. I even put it on my cereal, but my stomach has been upset a lot lately, so I cut back on using it.

I won't tell on him but I swiped that from a picture brother SawneeCat posted on facebook... (Just today)
Yep. Careful if you're driving in Hanging Rock, OH. I was driving home late from work because it's faster cutting over into OH for a bit to bypass all the NE KY towns. In uniform, in a KY Fish & Wildlife truck. No deal in OH. I limped back into KY $150 lighter.

How's SC doing?
Yep. Careful if you're driving in Hanging Rock, OH. I was driving home late from work because it's faster cutting over into OH for a bit to bypass all the NE KY towns. In uniform, in a KY Fish & Wildlife truck. No deal in OH. I limped back into KY $150 lighter.

How's SC doing?

Seems to be doing well. I do enjoy his posts. We converse through likes regularly. He's good people.
I think we saw 7 gators this past week with some being pretty close from the kayaks. We also saw 9 manatees. We got some videos of the manatees, but I'll have to look to see if we got a decent picture.


Dumb turtles.... Of course they may have seen a relative or two get eat... and were more comfortable snoozing... (Knowing he was full...)
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Good morning everyone

Going to a Men's Group event with church. Good that our new church does these things, but the coordinator of these events needs to be a better planner. Go Cats!

I hope everyone has a great day. Oh, peanut butter is good no matter how it's eaten. My favorite....pb on a spoon.
Good morning everyone

Going to a Men's Group event with church. Good that our new church does these things, but the coordinator of these events needs to be a better planner. Go Cats!

I hope everyone has a great day. Oh, peanut butter is good no matter how it's eaten. My favorite....pb on a spoon.
Storm, when I was working at Dyno Nobel, my son who is a health guru, told me how good peanut butter for you and how slow it digested in your stomach, I started eating a spoon full it in the morning before I went to work, that was about 4:30 in the morning, it kept me going until my first break at 9:30-10!
Storm, when I was working at Dyno Nobel, my son who is a health guru, told me how good peanut butter for you and how slow it digested in your stomach, I started eating a spoon full it in the morning before I went to work, that was about 4:30 in the morning, it kept me going until my first break at 9:30-10!

It will definitely plug you up for sure Sir. My issue is, I do not eat in quantities that are conducive to regularity. What I put on one sandwich is enough for three sandwiches.... (No Apples...with the PB, it is counter productive....)

Good morning all,

Too much to do today....too much stuff.... getting started though. I did wake up forgetting there was a Men's breakfast this morning I signed up for..... It irks me to no end I do not do what I say I will do. There will be 50 to 75 Men there so I won't be missed but .....


Was going to try to go fishing today but, I will wait until tomorrow. Hoping that my Plantar Fasciitis does not keep me from staying out long enough to catch something. A little sore this morning but, I will walk the monster and see.
Read up on Thorlo socks. They are .expensive, but family owned and American made. They make socks specifically for different type use. I love the cushioning. I ran A LOT for years and they really helped with cushioning the impact. I will say since the old man died, some people are saying quality has dropped a little.
Good morning folks. Rainy and cold in the east. Took a long hike with my rain gear on. Needed the exercise after the surgical procedure this week.

Cats need to stay focused today. Always seems to be a struggle playing the Razorbacks, even when they are having a down year.

Hope its a good day for all.
Another story for baseball and beer lovers. Many years ago, August Busch built a new stadium in St Louis for the Cardinals. He wanted to name it Budweiser Stadium after his premium beer. MLB said no naming stadiums after booze. Augie got the last laugh and pizzed off MLB by naming it after himself, Busch Stadium.
This certainly is a very exciting team offensively to watch, only reason I'm not letting myself to get too hopeful about a deep NCAA run is we don't play any defense. Give up way to many easy baskets.
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I have had calls after calls, after calls. Can't get into specifics but it sure is amazing for a guy some tell him he isn't performing. (The thing is, I never tout performance, it is about doing the job...) Had to vent a little..... Sure glad the Cats took over at the end.
Good win. I'm exhausted. Up, down, up, down, etc.. 5 freshmen on the court to end the game. Normally I'd say that's a bad thing. It worked today. Still, the defense is sub-par and that's a real concern going forward. Defense wins games in March.

Vandy then the big one in Knoxville. Looking much better for a bye in the SEC tourney.