
Merry Christmas D-League! Just waiting for my adult kids to rise to open presents. Sure is a change from when they were younger and they'd be bouncing off the walls at 5am...

My daughter came down with COVID yesterday, so we're dealing with that. She had to miss our Christmas Eve Dinner so it was just me, my wife and our son in from Texas.

We enjoyed our outing at the Old Ebbit Grill, Washington's oldest existing saloon, and a favorite of everyone from Grant to McKinley to Teddy Roosevelt. THey still have stuffed animal heads donated by Teddy over the bar -- no kidding.

Here we are at dessert.
Morning D. Christmas salutations from the shanty. Y’all have a safe, joyous and Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas D-League....

Santa Claus is coming...




Papa's Baby....

(She was scared and did not know it was me. She is tough though and liked her present...)


Jesus is the reason for the season..... Love each other and God's peace to all of you...
Santa needs a few snacks........or maybe another cheddar biscuit every day....... 😉
Good morning from ATX. Currently 36°F, partly cloudy with a light wind from north. Chilly. Today's high may reach 58°F. Winter returned to Central Texas with a vengeance.

Off again today.

- Called Germany. Spoke with former brother in-law. Staying with him when I travel over come March. He lives next to Burbach train station.

- Plan on obtaining my International Driver License today. AAA opens at 9 am CST. Can rent an Opel Corsa for $500/week. Gonna play James Bond again on the Autobahn. Have not driven a car over there in over 28 years Rode trains, ferries, busses and even tractors during previous excursions. Stay tuned.

- Broke zipper on favorite Gore-Tex jacket. Owned garment since retirement from Army. Woodland camo pattern. Sending to a firm located near Seattle for repair. 10-day turnaround.

Modern problems.

Hope Santa good to you. Wishing y'all an awesome day.


Missed all of the Christmas well wishes yesterday so mine is belated.

Had more people over than anticipated for Christmas dinner/lunch. Two of them were friends from karate who have been pictured in this thread before. One is 6' 7" so it took the monster a little more time to adjust to him being here. She, being of guard dog mixes, growled and barked for a while but eventually warmed up to him. The other was our karate instructor who also apologetically brought his two nieces (18 and 20 years old) without prior notice because they did not want to go with their parents to their grandparents' house. They hang around him more than their parents. Says a lot.

Wife took today off from work so; I will do most of the after Christmas cleanup around here today. She is still in bed since her mother and brother did not leave here until about 1 am this morning.

@AustinTXCat Still have my Gore-Tex woodland camo jacket as well. Completely intact and in good shape (have not worn in years).

You folks enjoy the rest of the season and remember Jesus is the reason for the season. Always has been.

God Bless you all.
Good morning folks. I hope it was a nice Christmas for all. I just dropped off my son at Dulles Airport for his flight back to Austin. It felt like a sudden end to the holidays, but we had a great time so no complaints. Back at work now, but at least we are working from home this week.

My daughter is still dealing with her sudden bout of Covid which she tested for on Christmas Eve. We tried not to exclude her from anything other than Christmas Eve dinner in a packed restaurant. As a result, I would not be surprised if we all came down with a dose, but I've already had it twice and it has never been worse than a cold. I'd certainly take the hit if my son and wife can be spared. That's my biggest wish.

I hope it is an easy day for everyone.
Merry Christmas D-L, I hope y'all had a great day! Today has been a great day for us, we had almost all our family here, our granddaughter was sick and my son-in-law stayed with her, got to see all our children
When they grow up.......they scatter like a covey of quail.......opportunities to have the whole family together only happens when someone dies or gets married......
The three amigos on the couch after eating the Christmas meal. They both wore blue in honor of UK they said jokingly not realizing they both decked out in blue before coming over. Notice the UK pillow and teddy bear pillow on top of the couch. They are always there.


Ya'll propably chop up your own meat without a knife....
I think the theme for my family Christmas was since you two (me and Dad) can't catch fish we'll gift them to you.

My brother hand carved this one and presented it to me for Christmas, retirement (4 years ago) 60th BD (next Sept) and anything else that may come up. No one can get him to make something you just have to hope he'll think of you as he's creating the next piece. The fish is about the size of a 12-14 lb bass. Dad got a couple of things to poke fun of our lack of catching last year.

I think the theme for my family Christmas was since you two (me and Dad) can't catch fish we'll gift them to you.

My brother hand carved this one and presented it to me for Christmas, retirement (4 years ago) 60th BD (next Sept) and anything else that may come up. No one can get him to make something you just have to hope he'll think of you as he's creating the next piece. The fish is about the size of a 12-14 lb bass. Dad got a couple of things to poke fun of our lack of catching last year.

That is wonderful!
Good morning from ATX. Currently 42°F and clear. Slightly windy. Today's high may hit 62°F.

- chemo this morning, radiation this afternoon. Cast-iron stomach: please don't fail me now.

- got International driver license yesterday from AAA. $36.24. Plan on using this coming March and again summer.

- send jacket off to Seattle for repair next Saturday.

- working some today in between chemo and radiation.

- it appears Santa good to some of y'all. Happy for ya.

Happy Hump Day, y'all.

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Good morning all,

Working from home today and should not have. Some taking advantage and though I am not a supervisor, I am a manager. (I will pass on the supervisor bit, been there, done that...) I can manage though and needed to today. I needed to be in person on this one but My Darling needed me home more. She is not feeling well at all.

I may go in this afternoon. We shall see how things work.

Have a great day and make a difference in someone's life...
Good morning D-League. Gray and rainy and cold in the east. My son went back to Texas. My daughter is back in her apartment dealing with Covid. My wife is back at her hospital job and I'm back to work at home. Definitely the post-holiday blahs are upon us.

Not much else to report. Looking forward to be best of the Bowl games rolling around. Hope all is well with everyone.
@wromanp7 where ever you are... I did a search and haven't seen you post since 2022 or so. Just to give you a belated:

Merry Christmas and a VERY Happy New Year... and your family...

I normally do not call someone out and I was going to do this personally but this poster back when CinDog passed away came into her gofundme thread I think @Bkocats may have started.

He asked me how much was needed. I think the gofundme was at $500 or $1000 or something like that. (No one knew what to ask for at the time as it was new and a spur of the moment thing.)

In talking with a member of her family (I cannot remember if it was via chat or email or maybe even via phone.) They stated her funeral was well over $3500 or $5000 or something like that...

I told wromanp7 something like $2300 or $3300 or something like that (Maybe more.) but it was enough to cover everything they required.

The intended of this post asked me and I stated what was needed and it wasn't a few minutes later, he posted "Done".

The gofundme showed he donated the exact amount I quoted to wromanp7.

To this day I can only admire what this poster did. It was in the true spirit of giving and I have never and doubt I ever will forget it.

Just wanted to post this in hopes he somehow knows his generosity touched much more than what he gave and that was a WHOLE LOT. (To a stranger!)
Good morning from ATX. Currently 39°F and partly cloudy. Light wind out of the northwest. Looking at 58°F for today's high.

- Stomach held after chemo and radiation yesterday. Yay. Get nuked one more time next week for this go around.

- Work remotely from vets office for about an hour this AM. Pup needs last round of PT.

Wishing all an awesome day.

Good morning folks. Cold and gray in the east.

My wife tested positive for COViD last night, and I’m doing what I can for her. We all were in close contact with my daughter so it is likely we will all get it, but so far my son and I seem to be hanging in there.

Back to work after a long walk/jog this morning and a trip to the store to get a few things that my wife wanted. I hope you all are in good health and good spirits.
Good morning all,

Taking today off, getting ready to make a pan of biscuits, sausage, and eggs.... Been a LONG while since I had that... Going to try cooking the sausage in the air fryer...(Not sure but at least it will be less-greasy but I love grease.... Torn between two lovers.... ;) )

Have a blessed day...
Good morning from ATX. Currently 39°F and partly cloudy. Light wind out of the northwest. Looking at 58°F for today's high.

- Stomach held after chemo and radiation yesterday. Yay. Get nuked one more time next week for this go around.

- Work remotely from vets office for about an hour this AM. Pup needs last round of PT.

Wishing all an awesome day.


I do hope all works out well. God Bless you...
Good morning folks. Cold and gray in the east.

My wife tested positive for COViD last night, and I’m doing what I can for her. We all were in close contact with my daughter so it is likely we will all get it, but so far my son and I seem to be hanging in there.

Back to work after a long walk/jog this morning and a trip to the store to get a few things that my wife wanted. I hope you all are in good health and good spirits.
I tested positive for Covid on December 14. I was sick for five days running a fever but just felt tired. Sherry never got it. It is strange how that works.
I tested positive for Covid on December 14. I was sick for five days running a fever but just felt tired. Sherry never got it. It is strange how that works.
Glad you are feeling better and Sherry stayed healthy, Bert. I have had it before and have no doubt I'm contending with a minor case now but I'm able to work and don't need to show up in the office for another week, so I'm not going to bother to test. I'm not around anyone anyway this week. I'm just praying my son dodges it. He needs to stay on the job during these first months of building up a good reputation.
Glad you are feeling better and Sherry stayed healthy, Bert. I have had it before and have no doubt I'm contending with a minor case now but I'm able to work and don't need to show up in the office for another week, so I'm not going to bother to test. I'm not around anyone anyway this week. I'm just praying my son dodges it. He needs to stay on the job during these first months of building up a good reputation.

That is SO MISSING in today's young workers. He is to be commended!

What I try to instill in those I have come in contact with is that the very short time it takes to build a GOOD work reputation is worth YEARS of understanding for issues that DO come up. Just cannot stress enough the building of a good reputation in anything... It gets you by with a lot for a long time...