
Good morning folks. Cold and gray in the east.

My wife tested positive for COViD last night, and I’m doing what I can for her. We all were in close contact with my daughter so it is likely we will all get it, but so far my son and I seem to be hanging in there.

Back to work after a long walk/jog this morning and a trip to the store to get a few things that my wife wanted. I hope you all are in good health and good spirits.
I tested positive for Covid on December 14. I was sick for five days running a fever but just felt tired. Sherry never got it. It is strange how that works.
I tested positive for Covid on December 14. I was sick for five days running a fever but just felt tired. Sherry never got it. It is strange how that works.
Glad you are feeling better and Sherry stayed healthy, Bert. I have had it before and have no doubt I'm contending with a minor case now but I'm able to work and don't need to show up in the office for another week, so I'm not going to bother to test. I'm not around anyone anyway this week. I'm just praying my son dodges it. He needs to stay on the job during these first months of building up a good reputation.
Glad you are feeling better and Sherry stayed healthy, Bert. I have had it before and have no doubt I'm contending with a minor case now but I'm able to work and don't need to show up in the office for another week, so I'm not going to bother to test. I'm not around anyone anyway this week. I'm just praying my son dodges it. He needs to stay on the job during these first months of building up a good reputation.

That is SO MISSING in today's young workers. He is to be commended!

What I try to instill in those I have come in contact with is that the very short time it takes to build a GOOD work reputation is worth YEARS of understanding for issues that DO come up. Just cannot stress enough the building of a good reputation in anything... It gets you by with a lot for a long time...
I tested positive for Covid on December 14. I was sick for five days running a fever but just felt tired. Sherry never got it. It is strange how that works.
Yeah, my wife, daughter, MIL, BIL, karate student and her mother and father who I am around during the week all got it, but I did not. At least I don't think I did. I have not been sick for a year or so before Covid nor since. I have had a sniffle or two, but nothing that has drug me down. Now for context, I never tested for it either. But they all did.

I have gone years in the past without being sick (genetics?). Now days however, I hedge my bets with about a shot glass amount of colloidal silver daily which I have been doing since just before covid. Colloidal silver is said to have broad antibacterial and antiseptic effects when taken orally or placed on a wound so, I have been doing it for a few years now.
Yeah, my wife, daughter, MIL, BIL, karate student and her mother and father who I am around during the week all got it, but I did not. At least I don't think I did. I have not been sick for a year or so before Covid nor since. I have had a sniffle or two, but nothing that has drug me down. Now for context, I never tested for it either. But they all did.

I have gone years in the past without being sick (genetics?). Now days however, I hedge my bets with about a shot glass amount of colloidal silver daily which I have been doing since just before covid. Colloidal silver is said to have broad antibacterial and antiseptic effects when taken orally or placed on a wound so, I have been doing it for a few years now.

Seems I remember that stuff.


Good morning D-League. Gray and rainy and cold in the east. My son went back to Texas. My daughter is back in her apartment dealing with Covid. My wife is back at her hospital job and I'm back to work at home. Definitely the post-holiday blahs are upon us.

Not much else to report. Looking forward to be best of the Bowl games rolling around. Hope all is well with everyone.
I just read this post......hoping that your daughter gets over the Covid. I had it again last February.........I lost all taste/smell abilities.........then they started to come back in wasn't great, but was coming back.......then I got IT again......all taste/smell is gone again........the first time it happened everything I ate left a chalky sensation in my mouth.......and I lost 20 lbs........this time I am hungry all of the time.........looking for something that will have taste.........and have went back up a pants waist sure makes it impossible to cook.......I don't use recipes.........I cook by taste......compared to others I have no complaints is almost like I am living the dream life.......