Good morning D-League. Mini Beach vacation is off the an excellent start. The ocean is really lovely this time of year and you can walk along the beach at the edge of the waves for a mike and see just a few people. Pods of large dolphin passing by just off shore —amazing creatures.
We went to our favorite fish and chips place for lunch run by a British couple we’ve gotten to know over the years —best fish and chips I’ve had anywhere including London which I’ve visited 4-5 times. Then for dinner we had the best crab cakes with fresh Chesapeake Blue Crabs I’ve ever had —and that’s saying something because Maryland is to crab cakes what Kentucky is to bourbon.
Nice day planned so I’ll wish you all well.
We went to our favorite fish and chips place for lunch run by a British couple we’ve gotten to know over the years —best fish and chips I’ve had anywhere including London which I’ve visited 4-5 times. Then for dinner we had the best crab cakes with fresh Chesapeake Blue Crabs I’ve ever had —and that’s saying something because Maryland is to crab cakes what Kentucky is to bourbon.
Nice day planned so I’ll wish you all well.