
Grandparents lived In Minneapolis in the early 60’s so I became a Twins and Vikings fan. Twins playing against Blue Jays this afternoon. Twins have 3 games at home but haven’t won a playoff game since I think 2004.
I'm glad to root for the Twins.

Back in my young days as a traveling pipeliner I worked a job called the Trailblazer PipeLine that came in from Canada through Montana and the Dakotas and ended up in a town called Marshall, Minnesota. I started in Wibaux, Montana and ended up in Marshall, Minnesota. Really liked the people. Pretty girls who liked to help young pipeliners have a good time and spend money.

The Twins were terrible in those days and the locals called them the Twinkies, but still rooted hard.

Go Twinkies!
I enjoy reading here but it's been sparse. I know it is the off season but it used to be UK basketball was never in the off-season. (I am kind of getting the feeling though that basketball is coming back. I sure hope it makes it all the way.)

(Just ranting a bit, I had to pull some back in line today. People can get off course, pulling them back toward the straight and narrow is the fun part. One day they may even realize that is what happened when it got done. ;)) (My leadership never has perceived there was ever a problem. That is good and bad.) Looks like all I've ever done is..................................nothing.... ;) 🤫
Good morning from ATX. Currently 78°F and cloudy. Today's high may reach 94°F prior to front moving through. Showers possible tonight and tomorrow. We sure need the rain.

Happy Hump Day, y'all.

For you baseball fans, I just saw an amazing stat:

"The Tampa Bay Rays had the lowest post-season game attendance since the Black Sox Scandal World Series of 1919 - 19,704. The last postseason game with a smaller crowd was Game 7 of the 1919 World Series in Cincinnati."

My grandfather would have been among the 19,000 at that 1919 game in Cincinnati. He attended all the home games of that series -- which went 8 games -- first team to win 5. He had lots of good stories about those days, seeing Shoeless Joe, the crazy atmosphere, the rumors of a fix that were already circulating. And he had an interesting perspective as a guy who knew baseball: The Reds were a terrific team and could well have won the series if it were played straight.

I looked it up: They had Hall of Famer Edd Roush and a lot of very good players. They went 96-44 for a win percentage of .686. Papaw might have been right.
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For you baseball fans, I just saw an amazing stat:

"The Tampa Bay Rays had the lowest post-season game attendance since the Black Sox Scandal World Series of 1919 - 19,704. The last postseason game with a smaller crowd was Game 7 of the 1919 World Series in Cincinnati."

My grandfather would have been among the 19,000 at that 1919 game in Cincinnati. He attended all the home games of that series -- which went 8 games -- first team to win 5. He had lots of good stories about those days, seeing Shoeless Joe, the crazy atmosphere, the rumors of a fix that were already circulating. And he had an intersting perspective as a guy who knew baseball: The Reds were a terrific team with several Hall of Famers and could well have won the series if it were played straight.
Pretty sure Grandpa attended 1+ of those games also. He lived in Newport then working at Wiedemann's. I know that for Reds' games he would take streetcar to Cincy & transfer to their system.

Did you know that Covington had a team in the short-lived Federal Major League for the single 1913 season known as the Blue Sox?
Pretty sure Grandpa attended 1+ of those games also. He lived in Newport then working at Wiedemann's. I know that for Reds' games he would take streetcar to Cincy & transfer to their system.
I remember that old Wiedemann's warehouse in Newport where he probably worked. Do you recall when it was abandoned, and some guys were making illegal fireworks in a garage near it that blew to bits and damaged the warehouse to the point they tore it down? 1981 I think. One of the three who were inside the garage and vaporised was a guy named Steve Thomas who went to HS in the same 1973 class with me at Silver Grove. From what I heard they never found enough of him to make a positive ID, but he ain't been seen since, so it's pretty confirmed.

My grandfather had been in combat in France through 1918 and in 1919 was working at the old Baldwin Piano warehouse/store in Cincinnati, among other things demonstrating pianos for customers. He was a terrific ragtime player as I can still remember from the 1960s when I heard him play. He was a colorful cat.
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I remember that old Wiedemann's warehouse in Newport where he probably worked. Do you recall when it was abandoned, and some guys were making illegal fireworks in a garage near it that blew to bits and damaged the warehouse to the point they tore it down? 1981 I think. One of the three who were inside the garage and vaporised was a guy named Steve Thomas who went to HS in the same 1973 class with me at Silver Grove. From what I heard they never found enough of him to make a positive ID, but he ain't been seen since, so it's pretty confirmed.

My grandfather had been in combat in France through 1918 and in 1919 was working at the old Baldwin Piano warehouse/store in Cincinnati, among other things demonstrating pianos for customers. He was a terrific ragtime player as I can still remember from the 1960s when I heard him play. He was a colorful cat.
When stationed in Turkey, we had a plane crash up in the mountains. A group of us had to secure the area till the salvage operation was complete. The biggest part of him we found was a piece of his head still in his helmet. I found one of his dog tags. It had a greasy film on it.
I remember that old Wiedemann's warehouse in Newport where he probably worked. Do you recall when it was abandoned, and some guys were making illegal fireworks in a garage near it that blew to bits and damaged the warehouse to the point they tore it down? 1981 I think. One of the three who were inside the garage and vaporised was a guy named Steve Thomas who went to HS in the same 1973 class with me at Silver Grove. From what I heard they never found enough of him to make a positive ID, but he ain't been seen since, so it's pretty confirmed.

My grandfather had been in combat in France through 1918 and in 1919 was working at the old Baldwin Piano warehouse/store in Cincinnati, among other things demonstrating pianos for customers. He was a terrific ragtime player as I can still remember from the 1960s when I heard him play. He was a colorful cat.
Pretty sure he worked in the brewing dept., not warehouse. He went back after Prohibition ended.

Vaguely recall that explosion. Dad left in '78 due to disabilities. They didn't stay open much after that. Grandpa's younger brother died of the (Spanish) flu in France at the end of The Great War. Army brought his body home & he's buried at SS Peter & Paul at 12 Mile.
When stationed in Turkey, we had a plane crash up in the mountains. A group of us had to secure the area till the salvage operation was complete. The biggest part of him we found was a piece of his head still in his helmet. I found one of his dog tags. It had a greasy film on it.
Ugh. I suspect the nightmares are still there over that one Bernie. That story reminded me of the below photo taken on Day One - Ground War of Desert Storm. It was taken by AP photog Bob Jordan, who I was traveling with, along with the PFC in the shot, and a PAO captain assigned to escort us as official pool reporters. .

We drove unsuspectingly upon two British APCs hit by A-10s in a Friendly Fire killing. You can clearly see the inverted V on the side that was supposed to ID allied armor. A medevac helicopter had just cleared the area ahead of us, taking off the wounded and anyone with a chance to survive, but it was still an ugly scene. I heard nine Brits were killed but that was unofficial.

Your line about the helmet reminded me that I saw a tanker's helmet with a fist sized hole blown through it, and lots of evidence inside it was being worn at the time...
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Ugh. I suspect the nightmares are still there over that one Bernie. That story reminded me of the below photo taken on Day One - Ground War of Desert Storm. It was taken by AP photog Bob Jordan, who I was traveling with, along with the PFC in the shot, and a PAO captain assigned to escort us as official pool reporters. .

We drove unsuspectingly upon two British APCs hit by A-10s in a Friendly Fire killing. You can clearly see the inverted V on the side that was supposed to ID allied armor. A medevac helicopter had just cleared the area ahead of us, taking off the wounded and anyone with a chance to survive, but it was still an ugly scene. I heard nine Brits were killed but that was unofficial.

Your line about the helmet reminded me that I saw a tanker's helmet with a fist sized hole blown through it, and lots of evidence inside it was being worn at the time...
I had what I considered a grizzled old marine at the time tell me. "They say life is a bitch and war is hell, but combat is a mother f**ker."
I had what I considered a grizzled old marine at the time tell me. "They say life is a bitch and war is hell, but combat is a mother f**ker."
I make no claims to be equal to Army or Marine combat vets.

But during my days traveling around places that would be considered 'in harm's way' the two things that worried me were road ambushes in guerrilla and asymmetric wars like Bosnia, Rwanda, Kosovo, Somalia and Afghanistan (in the days before the US military was on the ground) and in more conventional settings like Desert Storm, Afghanistan after the US rolled troops in and Iraq post-2003 Friendly Fire... I figured if I survived those two things I'd be okay -- unless maybe a helicopter crashed in the times when I was a constant occupant of those.
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There are so many things a guy feels guilty about. The one that eats at me most is when I was stationed at a radar station near the DMZ. I was asst NCOIC of security and our mission was to protect the radar our planes and ships navigated by and protect the people on the station. We had several civilians doing menial work. One was a sweet 19 year old girl named Bien. I didn't know most of them, but part of Bien's duty was to clean the security office, so I spoke with her just about every day. One night the Viet Cong raided their village and killed everyone who worked for us including Bien. I think about her most everyday of my life. Sometimes I dream I'm in a boxcar and the Vietnamase workers are squatting behind me. The Viet Cong open the box car doors and try to get in. I have no weapon, so I am laying on the floor kicking at them, trying to keep them from entering. As they start to overwhelm me, I wake up.
Renewing the UK/IU game? I don't know. I have some problems with that. IU hasn't been a player in literally decades. Plus, many of my Mom's side of the family are IU fans. Obnoxious IU fans.

I saw no good that could come of that. UK should attain snob status again. At one time UK did what they wanted, when they wanted. I am looking forward to this team but I sure have a bad taste in my mouth for many years now. UK as a program has become................... normal in several senses of the word and no good sense of the word. JMO (I may be skewed a bit in my typing as I have had to confront a TON of mediocrity that is termed as acceptable.) I am kind of sick of the normal being called the exceptional... (I will stop typing...)
I saw no good that could come of that. UK should attain snob status again. At one time UK did what they wanted, when they wanted. I am looking forward to this team but I sure have a bad taste in my mouth for many years now. UK as a program has become................... normal in several senses of the word and no good sense of the word. JMO (I may be skewed a bit in my typing as I have had to confront a TON of mediocrity that is termed as acceptable.) I am kind of sick of the normal being called the exceptional... (I will stop typing...)
I can speak from experience. IU fans are the worst. Good riddance the series ended when it did. Too bad it's going to start back up. Don't get me wrong. It used to be a red-letter date for UK basketball back in the day. Bobby Knight days. Can't see it now.
Oh Yeah, James Bond day. Was listening to all of the Bond songs for each movie the other day. Just a note for no reason, below is a list of my favorite Bond actors from best to worst imo.

Connery: Just the right balance of the character (set the bar since first).
Dalton: Thought he looked and played the role with class.
Moore: My hit on him is he was just a bit too comical.
Brosnan: Tried to be too cool for me.
Craig: Was too angry all of the time.
Lazenby: An Australian model who really couldn't act and was too rock faced. Should have played in Canadian Mounty movies.
Good morning folks. Off today. Getting ready to drive to the Delaware coast for our Long Beach weekend. Should be a lot of fun.

Looking very good for Big Z the Croat to join the Cats. He’s a fully enrolled student. He’ll be behind on practicing but he’s been playing basketball at a high level in Europe, and it’s basketball, not Chinese Arithmetic. He should catch up fast.

Getting closer to the Georgia showdown. A rare opportunity for the program. If Leary can get on target and the receivers can catch the ball, anything can happen.

Have a great day folks.
Good morning folks. Off today. Getting ready to drive to the Delaware coast for our Long Beach weekend. Should be a lot of fun.

Looking very good for Big Z the Croat to join the Cats. He’s a fully enrolled student. He’ll be behind on practicing but he’s been playing basketball at a high level in Europe, and it’s basketball, not Chinese Arithmetic. He should catch up fast.

Getting closer to the Georgia showdown. A rare opportunity for the program. If Leary can get on target and the receivers can catch the ball, anything can happen.

Have a great day folks.

Have a great trip. Any special activities? Just curious....
Have a great trip. Any special activities? Just curious....
Thanks. Nothing special really. A nice bungalow on the ocean. Walks along a nice stretch of beach where we can usually spot groups (schools? Herds?) of dolphin. Lots of really nice restaurants —it’s a small resort town called Dewey adjacent to a slightly larger resort town of Rehoboth Beach. Crazy Joe Biden has a house there bought by the crooks from China or Ukraine probably. I hope he isn’t there falling off his bicycle. A few nice shops for my wife to haunt. There’s an abandoned WW2 Nazi submarine spotting tower I usually hike to. Stuff like that.
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Some recent hail damage in our area. First auto is a 2005 Maserati. Our carport has more than paid for itself.


My 2012 Mazda 3 (Was my daughters we bought for her before we went to Korea.) was totaled by hail in SA. I bought it back and still drive it with a junk title. The car is like gold here due to the low taxes having a junk title and all... I'd drive it to New Mexico and back... (Would say California but I won't set foot in that joint.)
Good morning from ATX. Currently 69°F with drizzle. More precious rain on the way. Could get intense. Today's high may reach 86°F. Cold front moving in by Saturday.

Wishing all an awesome day.


I only remember watching Sean and Roger Bond movies. Sure did like them though. I could not get into the changes they brought with characters after those. (Don't remember the one between Sean and Roger.)

Really liked Bond, James Bond.... (Goldfinger and Jaws plus the girls, oh the girls...)

My 2012 Mazda 3 (Was my daughters we bought for her before we went to Korea.) was totaled by hail in SA. I bought it back and still drive it with a junk title. The car is like gold here due to the low taxes having a junk title and all... I'd drive it to New Mexico and back... (Would say California but I won't set foot in that joint.)
Love me some hoopties. I drive one myself. Saves on gas and milage of my truck.
Good morning D-League. Mini Beach vacation is off the an excellent start. The ocean is really lovely this time of year and you can walk along the beach at the edge of the waves for a mike and see just a few people. Pods of large dolphin passing by just off shore —amazing creatures.

We went to our favorite fish and chips place for lunch run by a British couple we’ve gotten to know over the years —best fish and chips I’ve had anywhere including London which I’ve visited 4-5 times. Then for dinner we had the best crab cakes with fresh Chesapeake Blue Crabs I’ve ever had —and that’s saying something because Maryland is to crab cakes what Kentucky is to bourbon.

Nice day planned so I’ll wish you all well.
Good morning everyone.

@MdWIldcat55 We've only been once but loved the Dewey Beach area.

Frightful Friday...I always said in 40 years of outdoor education that copperheads are not aggressive and I've never been struck at even though they've had plenty of opportunities. Can't say that anymore, but it hesitated just long enough for my old man quickness to kick in. It was just outside the screen door of the patio and I may have walked by it 5 minutes earlier to get it stirred up.

Thankfully my hand/eye coordination is still good and the second swing with the broomstick while it was trying to make a getaway and snake eyes. 27"



I hope everyone has a better day than the snake.
Good morning D-League. Mini Beach vacation is off the an excellent start. The ocean is really lovely this time of year and you can walk along the beach at the edge of the waves for a mike and see just a few people. Pods of large dolphin passing by just off shore —amazing creatures.

We went to our favorite fish and chips place for lunch run by a British couple we’ve gotten to know over the years —best fish and chips I’ve had anywhere including London which I’ve visited 4-5 times. Then for dinner we had the best crab cakes with fresh Chesapeake Blue Crabs I’ve ever had —and that’s saying something because Maryland is to crab cakes what Kentucky is to bourbon.

Nice day planned so I’ll wish you all well.

Super to hear. We are at Westmoreland State Park. No fish but we are the only ones on the pier. I have tons of work to do but have the rest of the weekend....

Have a wonderful time. (Sounds like you are...)
Good morning everyone.

@MdWIldcat55 We've only been once but loved the Dewey Beach area.

Frightful Friday...I always said in 40 years of outdoor education that copperheads are not aggressive and I've never been struck at even though they've had plenty of opportunities. Can't say that anymore, but it hesitated just long enough for my old man quickness to kick in. It was just outside the screen door of the patio and I may have walked by it 5 minutes earlier to get it stirred up.

Thankfully my hand/eye coordination is still good and the second swing with the broomstick while it was trying to make a getaway and snake eyes. 27"



I hope everyone has a better day than the snake.

Copperheads are the worst. I've been so close to being struck multiple times. Each time they hit home, they hit metal. (This is multiple occasions at different times at different places. Yes the Lord has watched over me so many many times in many many different types of mortal danger.... I am thankful...