

Touchdown Kentucky
Howdy D-League. Checking in after a long drive and some prep for tonight’s big reunion.

It’ll be interesting most of our small class has stayed near our town and see each other fairly often. I haven’t seen most of them since we graduated. But I believe we’ll all feel the closeness of small classes that went, in many cases, from grades 1-12 together.

Didn’t see the Cats of course but that score is anemic. SEC overall has not impressed yet this year.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 81°F and clear. Today's high expected ~99°F. Hopefully this triple-digit streak ended. No precipitation so far. Reports of rain around us. Might receive some later this week.

Once Cats got things together yesterday, scoring came rather quickly. Glad Ramon Jefferson got in a few snaps. Dane Key and Barion Brown played great. Tayvion Robinson = game changer. I'm set, at least as far as cable goes, for rest of football season and most of basketball season. Cost me $314. Eff Disney. Greedy assholes can kiss my ass.

Watching NFL later today.

Wishing all an awesome Sunday.


Morning Legionnaires!

67° this morning with light winds and a high expected to be in the mid 90's. Cooler weather expected tomorrow with the high to be around 80° and rain possible. Could be a nice day tomorrow temp wise.

Kentucky looked better on offense in the second half yesterday not dissimilar to last week. Slow starts 2 weeks in a row with a shaky defense so far has me a little worried. We can't start slow when we get into the SEC schedule, it will be too hard to come back against them. Not an explosive enough offense for that imo.

Bengals vs Browns today with Burrow expected to start so... let's hope he is ready.

Enjoy your day and God Bless.
Good morning folks. Waiting out my wife’s glacial packing routine so we can get on the road for eight hours back to Maryland.

I’d judge the reunion a big success. Graduating class of 26 minus three dead and one dying. Of the other 22, 18 showed up. Percentage-wise that’d be hard to match. Most everybody getting along fine. We had two couples who married within the class and three who married someone a class higher or lower right after we graduated, and all of them are still together, which seems remarkable. Some health issues —one good friend and former basketball teammate showed up in a wheelchair and couldn’t really speak —he’s going fast from a type on palsy silomat to ALS. And my best friend was on a walker from the latest in a string of back surgeries trying to arrest crippling arthritis. But people were all in remarkably good spirits.

Looks like my wife is ready. I’ll catch you all later.
Good Sunday morning

I'm the age that any win for UK football is a win. But, they really have me worried after that first half. Those offsides penalties really get on my nerves. Seems 2 players had 5 between them???

After church this morning wife and I are headed to the lake for most of the week. It's only the second time she's been down this summer.

I hope everyone has a great week.
Good morning folks. Waiting out my wife’s glacial packing routine so we can get on the road for eight hours back to Maryland.

I’d judge the reunion a big success. Graduating class of 26 minus three dead and one dying. Of the other 22, 18 showed up. Percentage-wise that’d be hard to match. Most everybody getting along fine. We had two couples who married within the class and three who married someone a class higher or lower right after we graduated, and all of them are still together, which seems remarkable. Some health issues —one good friend and former basketball teammate showed up in a wheelchair and couldn’t really speak —he’s going fast from a type on palsy silomat to ALS. And my best friend was on a walker from the latest in a string of back surgeries trying to arrest crippling arthritis. But people were all in remarkably good spirits.

Looks like my wife is ready. I’ll catch you all later.
Too bad on members health issues. Marriages sound like typical Silver Grove and Campbell County inbreeding. LOL.

MD, where was the reunion?
Good morning from ATX. Currently 81°F and clear. Today's high expected ~99°F. Hopefully this triple-digit streak ended. No precipitation so far. Reports of rain around us. Might receive some later this week.

Once Cats got things together yesterday, scoring came rather quickly. Glad Ramon Jefferson got in a few snaps. Dane Key and Barion Brown played great. Tayvion Robinson = game changer. I'm set, at least as far as cable goes, for rest of football season and most of basketball season. Cost me $314. Eff Disney. Greedy assholes can kiss my ass.

Watching NFL later today.

Wishing all an awesome Sunday.


All correct but you can have "my" TV dinner. ;)
Good Afternoon all,

De-junking today. Got to clear some clutter, mostly boxes and quite a few are empty. Just, work work work... I can take a day or two of clutter THEN it has to go. (All mostly in my office now..) The BB has a lot but that part is easily moved, well, not as hard to move. (My side is rougher...)

Got some new fishing lights. The BB was amazed that when you drop them in water, they come on. He had a good time...

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These are short and several may interest you...

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Good morning folks. Remembering 9/11 and some terrible scenes at the Pentagon...not to mention what we all saw from NYC on television.

I was talking to my 23-year old son last night about 9/11, who, of course has no memories but I asked him if, growing up with it and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq it had made some lasting impression on his generation. He said, "Honestly, no. I remember you going overseas and being sad you were gone. But for most people my age, they don't really think about 9/11 or at least talk about it much."

I get it. It is as remote for them as WW2 was for kids born in the 1950s, and fewer have a father, uncle, older brother who had direct experiences to talk about and make it seem real to them. But it was somewhat disquieting. Lessons already forgotten.

Working from home today. Gloomy and cool. Hope you all have a good day.
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Sunny and 70°F and we are supposed to climb to 85°.

Been watching the 9-11 coverage on Fox News this morning. It was horrible and it changed all of our lives. Many of you went over seas and know so much pain that it caused. My biggest problem was having a son deployed and worrying for a year and a half. Then worrying if he would get deployed again.

Now our President will not be at any of the 9-11 cites.
Good morning folks. Remembering 9/11 and some terrible scenes at the Pentagon...not to mention what we all saw from NYC on television.

I was talking to my 23-year old son last night about 9/11, who, of course has no memories but I asked him if, growing up with it and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq it had made some lasting impression on his generation. He said, "Honestly, no. I remember you going overseas and being sad you were gone. But for most people my age, they don't really think about 9/11 or at least talk about it much."

I get it. It is as remote for them as WW2 was for kids born in the 1950s, and fewer have a father, uncle, older brother who had direct experiences to talk about and make it seem real to them. But it was somewhat disquieting. Lessons already forgotten.

Working from home today. Gloomy and cool. Hope you all have a good day.

I have to be there later this week....
Good morning folks.

Best wishes for you Austin as you go through Chemo today.

My wife is back in NYC helping nurse her favorite aunt through chemo as she deals with cancer.

Back on the subway. A couple challenging days ahead. I found out today that a trusted colleague who keeps a lot of pressure off me with his work has had enough and is retiring. That’s not great news for me, and may change my calculation to work til age 70-plus. We’ll see.

Have a great day.