
Good morning from ATX. Currently 81°F and clear on this last day of July. Expecting another triple-digit day for our high.

Finally watched Dr. No in its entirety yesterday afternoon. Classic. Awesome first Bond film with Sean Connery.

Blasting off at 6 am for usual walk/scavenger hunt. Monday, Monday.....

Wishing y'all a fine start to your week.


Morning Legionnaires!

74° this morning with light winds. Triple digits on tap today with plenty of sunshine.

Zonked out early last night so, I woke up a 0300 this morning. While still sore from yesterday's heavy lifting, I am not as bad off as I thought I would be. Back feels good, only biceps and shoulders are still a little sore. No workout today, just walking the monster as soon as the sun starts to rise.

Not much else going on, Monday, Monday la la la la la la...

Morning Legionnaires!

74° this morning with light winds. Triple digits on tap today with plenty of sunshine.

Zonked out early last night so, I woke up a 0300 this morning. While still sore from yesterday's heavy lifting, I am not as bad off as I thought I would be. Back feels good, only biceps and shoulders are still a little sore. No workout today, just walking the monster as soon as the sun starts to rise.

Not much else going on, Monday, Monday la la la la la la...
Good morning folks. Another Monday.

Reds in first place this morning. Good weekend in LA.

I hope the Cats get some good news on the big Croat early this week. Some are saying Tuesday. We’ll see.

Hope it’s a good day for all.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 79°F and clear. Expecting triple-digits again today.

Attended late brother in-law's memorial service yesterday. Highlights:

- One of BIL ex's showed up as service began to "support her daughter" (read: "start crap"). Wife, and BiL girlfriend against BIL ex and her sister. Shoving ensued between all four women. F-bombs dropped. Funeral directors threatened to call police if BIL ex and her sister did not leave. What a mess. Order restored. Service held.

- Talked to wife's cousins for quite a while. One cousin has lung cancer. He saw a doctor in March, who prescribed one-time stem cell therapy. He'd used an oxygen bottle and could not walk across the room without it. Said he thought stem cell therapy was a waste. In May, he removed oxygen and has been comparatively fine since. Luckily, I don't have breathing issues, but plan contacting his doctor soon. Could be a game-changer. One can only hope.

- Same cousin's grandson leaves for Fort Benning BCT tomorrow. I wished them good luck. Happy the young man will serve his country.

Heading out for a hike soon. Y'all enjoy your Sunday.

Stuff like that is sad ATX, but it happens more often than we know of. My son is a police officer and he tells us about it a lot, including a fight, even had one when they called the funeral home and told them that they were bringing guns, they calmed that situation down by telling some of the family that the police have guns too!! SAD!!!
Stuff like that is sad ATX, but it happens more often than we know of. My son is a police officer and he tells us about it a lot, including a fight, even had one when they called the funeral home and told them that they were bringing guns, they calmed that situation down by telling some of the family that the police have guns too!! SAD!!!
People can act crazy when a death in family occurs.

By the way, none of these gals pushing and shoving this past Saturday are younger than 63 y/o.

Morning Legionnaires!

77° this morning with the high for today supposed to be around 104°. Triple digits up through the weekend and then a cooling trend with temps just short of 100° for a few days after. Whooo Hooo! That allows for the morning to be cool enough to get a few hours of fishing in.

Regular morning ritual this morning with the monster's walk, workout, and cleaning of the house. Lunch around noon at Golden Corral with a couple of old friends. Since I turned 66 today, one of my friends texted me last night and said he would like to take me out to lunch but, he was broke and could not afford it so, I told him I would pick him up and buy his lunch. He is always broke, local casino's take his money.

Reds win again but made it close. I'll take it.

You folks traveling, working, or seeing medical docs be careful out there and God Bless.
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Good morning folks.

I stepped outside today and it was October —cool, crisp, pristine skies. It immediately filled me with that excitement and energy of those days when the season is turning after summer…

Reds are rolling for now. Whether it lasts or not to reach August and still care about baseball is great fun. Brewers list to the lowly Nats on my hometown TV, so a good night.

About to get off the subway downtown. I’ll check in later.
Good morning everyone.

It looks like the big 7'2" guy Big Z committed to KY. Interesting and exciting.

Not much going on here except the usual late summer stuff. Working at the place on the lake and here, a little kayaking/hiking/fishing and waiting for cooler weather (not bad this morning).

I hope all is well with everyone. Prayers for those in need. Speaking of that we've entered the "transfer portal" for church attendance. .We've attended our church for nearly 5 years and the previous one for 20+. It will work itself out though.

Have a great day.
Good morning folks.

I stepped outside today and it was October —cool, crisp, pristine skies. It immediately filled me with that excitement and energy of those days when the season is turning after summer…

Reds are rolling for now. Whether it lasts or not to reach August and still care about baseball is great fun. Brewers list to the lowly Nats on my hometown TV, so a good night.

About to get off the subway downtown. I’ll check in later.
It was a nice cool morning here in Louisville this morning as well. BUt it climbed up to 85 but that's cool compared to last week.
Spent 3 hours at Golden Corral with my friends today spending time with one who has stage 4 colon cancer and is fighting it hard. Said his diet is rough but he gets one cheat day ever so often and today was it. He is sitting to my right in the picture below. He has lost a lot of weight and is down to a 34 waist pants size from a 38 in the last few months. His skin pigmentation has lightened up a lot as well as he is African American and now almost looks white. He has not lost his sense of humor though as he said he is still black down there. I said "come on over to the light and get away from the dark side". People in the restaurant were looking at us then as we all broke out into hard laughter.

His wife beat breast cancer about 15 years ago and we are all hoping and praying he beats his. Second picture is about a year and a half ago with him sitting across from me

Good morning from ATX. Currently 83°F and clear. Today's high expected around 105°F.

Wonderful news:

"Nodule in the upper lobe of the right lung remains decreased in size from its initial diagnosis, and stable compared to the most recent prior exam. This indicates treated primary tumor.

Complete resolution of lymph node metastases"

Now Immune-therapy infusions will happen once every 6 weeks rather than once every 3. Not out of the weeds yet. Balance issues still there. My daughter is ecstatic. She's asked me to write a self-help book or put together a website. Heh. Glioblastoma patients usually only experience 6% survival rate. My granddaughter's great-aunt is one; she's lived 20 years with brain cancer like mine.

Thanks for your support. Anyways, wishing y'all Happy Hump Day.


Morning Legionnaires!

Great news @AustinTXCat prayers will continue.

80° this morning with a high to be around 104° again. Hot, Hot, Hot.

Headed back to the oral surgeon again today to get the abutments screwed into the implants. It's a process. Once I get the teeth in (three upper right side), I will start the process again for two (maybe three) on the upper left side. Cha-ching! Says the oral surgeon. Oh well, quality of life in my Golden Years right?

Ugly game last night for the Reds. Only positive is they scored 9 runs but, the 20 runs the Cubs scored was just a little better. :rolleyes:

Hey, don't forget, exhibition football starts tomorrow night with the Hall of Fame game. I generally don't watch preseason but, I think I will this year.
Great news Austin. You had a bunch of broke down ol’ D Leaguers praying for this yesterday. Must be such a relief. I’m happy for you.

So, Reds got murdered. Starting pitcher gives up five runs without an out. Manager leaves him in because “our bullpen needed the rest.” Okay. I’m with you. But why take him out when he’s given up 13 runs by the 4th? Bullpen still has to pull 5 in innings on a night you have no chance to win! I’d have left him in even if he gave up 30 runs…If he bitched I’d say, “Pitch better.”
Good morning from ATX. Currently 83°F and clear. Today's high expected around 105°F.

Wonderful news:

"Nodule in the upper lobe of the right lung remains decreased in size from its initial diagnosis, and stable compared to the most recent prior exam. This indicates treated primary tumor.

Complete resolution of lymph node metastases"

Now Immune-therapy infusions will happen once every 6 weeks rather than once every 3. Not out of the weeds yet. Balance issues still there. My daughter is ecstatic. She's asked me to write a self-help book or put together a website. Heh. Glioblastoma patients usually only experience 6% survival rate. My granddaughter's great-aunt is one; she's lived 20 years with brain cancer like mine.

Thanks for your support. Anyways, wishing y'all Happy Hump Day.

Great new, ATX.

Good friend started on immunotherapy (i-t) nearly two years ago after having kidney tumor & having the kidney removed. Was only found because he broke his arm and they did a biopsy that found the cancer had spread there - a common occurrence with kidney cancer.

He's in fine shape with i-t every three months plus ongoing cat scans. They can't find anything in his system but believe cancer cells will always be lurking. Net, these appear to be forever treatments but are not much of a problem for him. His initial heavy, frequent doses had severe side effects that had him wanting to give up, but he made it thru that stage. Prior to i-t, kidney cancer was a near death sentence. Great advances medicine makes.
Good morning folks. Another crisp, fall-like day in the east.

Well, the Reds pitching has cratered. The decision not to add significant help at the trade deadline already backfiring.

And the Senzel experiment has to end. There is no position on the field where he isn’t a defensive liability. And he’s hitting .230 with little power. It’s like after years of considering him a top prospect the management can’t quite believe the years of accumulated proof that he isn’t very good.

Getting on the subway so I’ll wish you all well and check in later.
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Morning Legionnaires!

80° this morning with a high of 104° expected again.

Wife turns 50 today and she is acting like this is just a normal day. She got her first correspondence from AARP last week and just threw it in the trash. She says she does not want a card, party, or gift (yawn, same story every year). I give her $500.00 (separate bank accounts) a month to put into stocks for her retirement so she says that is enough to cover all times of the year. Does not matter, I still get her something on all of the gift giving days. Today will be no different as she is going to work, and I will float around this afternoon looking for a card and something small and simple. Her new office still needs decorations for the walls so...

Reds...Uhhhgggg, yes @MdWIldcat55 pitching...I think they are content with what they have and are just biding their time hoping they can hold on until the injured pitchers return.

Happy Friday Eve everyone and God Bless.
72°F and rainy. We have 1.10" so far. We are to top out at 81.

Nothing else.
If everything goes as planned I want to turn my birds out at
Smith's Grove on Monday..............if there is an open spot near you...(I read about the tree) I would like to maybe turn a flock of pigeons loose. I go to Horse Cave tommorow, Radcliff on Saturday and your neck of the woods on Monday.......I am guessing I will be in Smith's Grove between 9:30 - 10:00........I am going to set my bands up for 10:00 AM..............I won't be hanging out but just a few per usual I am days behind on everything......but my pigeon training......that is ahead of schedule 😉 If'n you are busy I plan on training from there a few times......I plan on it being my middle of the week toss until racing season is over in early October.........