
I feel validated.

We shall see how it looks in the living room. Have to stop at Lowe's and get some pads for the legs. I saw them there but have to take one off to ensure I get the correct size.... My Darling just left for my oldest daughters house to pick lettuce and primp her garden. I have a cup of coffee and some peanut butter fudge cookies. (Yeah, I LIKE'EM.)

The stripping of this piece took some time...

Good morning folks.

Another Monday. Ugh.

Overcast again in the east, after a sunny and warm weekend.

Hope the Cats get good news on Tre Mitchell today. Add him and the big, raw center, Cyril, and it'll be an interesting team with some real potential.

Have a good day.

Had a weather alert for high winds and hail from 4 to 8 ET...
Always enjoyed this song... Meaning not withstanding, it was a joy to listen to all the voices...

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SOB. Good friend left for vacation Saturday morning to Yellowstone with sons & grandsons & brother. Really excited.

She came down with covid Saturday afternoon! She's been in hospital there since Saturday & and got quite sick, but appears to be recovering after starting on paxlovid yesterday. Rest are continuing on in Yellowstone except brother is keeping tabs. He's one great guy - does for anyone & everybody.

She hasn't had a lot of opportunities to do things like this, so sadder than if was someone like me who's been a lot of places and seen many things. So I missed one. NBD. Feel bad for her.
Good morning from ATX, Currently 79°F and clear. Expecting 104°F for today's high.

Bad news: I've lost 10 lbs since Jun 19. I've been eating more of a Keto diet lately in an attempt at slowing this weight loss. Hopefully some positive results come about between now and July 11, date of my next scheduled oncologist visit. Plan on visiting KY again this coming Saturday. I'm not ready to leave this world yet.

Wishing all an awesome Tuesday.

Good morning folks.

Austin, I’m sorry for the setback in maintaining your weight. I hope it is temporary.

Sunny and hot in the east. Heading into another long day in the office —topped by a mandatory appearance at an awards dinner tonight. I’ll be so glad to have this one behind me. I hope you all have a good day.
SOB. Good friend left for vacation Saturday morning to Yellowstone with sons & grandsons & brother. Really excited.

She came down with covid Saturday afternoon! She's been in hospital there since Saturday & and got quite sick, but appears to be recovering after starting on paxlovid yesterday. Rest are continuing on in Yellowstone except brother is keeping tabs. He's one great guy - does for anyone & everybody.

She hasn't had a lot of opportunities to do things like this, so sadder than if was someone like me who's been a lot of places and seen many things. So I missed one. NBD. Feel bad for her.
Thank goodness, she's much improved, out of hospital, non-contagious. Still, a messed up big vacation.
Good morning all,

Busy day yesterday. My Darling got to meet most of the people that work with and for me.

I stand a little taller now. All that know me, know I am the black sheep of my family. At least the least sheep of my family.

My peers, counterparts, and leadership meeting My Darling gives credence to my stature.

It was a good day. I am thankful.

Heading inside...treat your day like it's worth something. You are....

Morning Legionnaires!

77° this morning with light winds. Today's high to be around 107°. Ouch! Too hot for fishing at this point. It is going to cool down a little by the weekend so, I will try one of the upcoming mornings to get a few hours in.

Bought a new rod and reel this week at Sam's. It is exactly like the last one I bought because that one is the best caster I have ever had. The combo was only $80.00 and can cast a good way. I had bought the one I had early in the year and wanted another one. They must be popular because other times I went they were sold out.

Wife and daughter like the color. Funny how we look at it differently, women look at the aesthetics and men at functionality.

Slow day today and an inside day for sure with the temp in triple digits.

Got to walk the monster shortly so you folks be careful out there and God Bless.
Good morning folks.

Sunny and warm in the east.

A productive evening at the awards ceremony I was dreading. We took first in the most important “overall excellence” categories. Two more trophies to go in a case and be swiftly forgotten. No one awards themselves more than journalists and publishing.

My daughter —still bruised from that car crash —and her boyfriend braved the rain to watch the Reds win in Baltimore. The Redlegs come to DC next and I’m still planning to go though my son ditched me for a July 4 weekend beach trip to Ocean City. Do not blame him at all. Young women barely dressed, beach volley ball and bar hopping along an ocean pier versus sitting for three hours in a sweltering stadium. Not a tough call.

Hope it’s a good day for everyone.
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Morning folks. Sunny, hazy and 71.6°F on our way to 89°.

Sunday night's storm gave us 1.64 inches of rain and lots of damage. I have two 75' tall wild cherry trees down on my fence and my neighbors back yard.

Much to clean up. We were without electricity for about 16 hours and 36 hours without internet. Our cell phones are AT&T and even they were out for over a day.

You all have a great hump day.
Morning folks. Sunny, hazy and 71.6°F on our way to 89°.

Sunday night's storm gave us 1.64 inches of rain and lots of damage. I have two 75' tall wild cherry trees down on my fence and my neighbors back yard.

Much to clean up. We were without electricity for about 16 hours and 36 hours without internet. Our cell phones are AT&T and even they were out for over a day.

You all have a great hump day.
The fire dept is renting a building next door to my shop because theirs was destroyed in a tornado. I let them park a truck in my parking lot at no cost, but I came in Monday morning and there were two trucks blocking access to my loading area for customers. The chief told me he had been out till four in the morning. A big wind storm had hit in the county, lots of trees down. Roads blocked and power outages.
Good morning all,

Heading inside... My annual appraisal is on tap at 0800. We shall see how my perception is in tune with leadership and in part to reality.

My mantra is and has been, I am my hardest critic. We shall see...

Also happens to be our agency family/ organization day. Wearing jeans and Nikes. (Not the norm for sure.) In my current "nearing the end state of my career" I can only hope to be perceived as being still in the high speed mode....

Take this day and give it your best. God Bless you D-League....
Brother in-law (Butch), age 65, passed away ~15 minutes ago. He also suffered from head/lung cancer + bladder cancer. He received treatment at same facility as I. We saw each other once while he received chemo. Man, I sure hope end is not so near for me.

Bad news. May God rest his soul.

Maybe the odds can lean toward you Austin. It will probably not do much good but I am earnestly praying for you my friend.
It is a cloudy, smoky day in Smiths Grove with an 80% chance of rain. Hopefully the rain will get rid of the Canadian smoke. I hope that we do not have severe weather again like we did Sunday night. It is 74.1°F here on our way to 85°.

Here are three pictures of my back yard. The first one is from my deck on the back of my house. The second and third pictures are of my neighbors back yard. The wind came from the North and his house is South of mine and he got the mess. Of course it may take a while to get the mess cleared up as the whole area was hit hard.


Brother in-law (Butch), age 65, passed away ~15 minutes ago. He also suffered from head/lung cancer + bladder cancer. He received treatment at same facility as I. We saw each other once while he received chemo. Man, I sure hope end is not so near for me.


My deepest sympathies.

That's got to be really tough, especially as you fight a similar battle. I'm no expert but I do know that no two people, and no two cancer cases are the same. Just in my circle of friends the range of outcomes has been very different.

So hang in there, we are all pulling for you and praying for you.