
Doing some more family research. Found out that my direct paternal line came straight from Jackson County, TN. Check out my 3rd great uncle who fought with Forrest in the 8thTN Cavalry. He deserted to go back home in 1864 to tend to the farm and was captured by the union soldiers occupying his county and sent to Louisville KY. He took the oath and was discharged. His father was in the 28thTN infantry. He was discharged after Shiloh due to age. Info on his unit Have a good one yall.
You stop in the Dari Bar? Worth a visit, even on a rainy day. Or Pelle’s. That place is owned by my sister’s husband’s family. Famous for their Deep Fried Cheeseburger.
Long time ago for both for me. Living in vh, ky - that be Villa Hills - SG is off the beaten path for me. NKU, HH, and AA Highway are as about as close as I get without a specific effort. But did play softball against Pelle’s for a number of years. I’ll add that I do see the drywall plant when I cross the river on I-275.
Doing some more family research. Found out that my direct paternal line came straight from Jackson County, TN. Check out my 3rd great uncle who fought with Forrest in the 8thTN Cavalry. He deserted to go back home in 1864 to tend to the farm and was captured by the union soldiers occupying his county and sent to Louisville KY. He took the oath and was discharged. His father was in the 28thTN infantry. He was discharged after Shiloh due to age. Info on his unit Have a good one yall.
Thanks for sharing. Good day to post some family stories. I've been nailing down some connections to my earliest Kentucky kin. My great-great-etc...grandfather was a Joseph Hedges who came down the route of the Ohio River, then inland to the Bourbon County area in the 1770s. But his brother John -- both of whom were raised in an area now known as Hedgesville, West Virginia, was a militia captain who came on an expedition down to what is now Maysville, Kentucky in 1773. As some of you may know, the early settlers called Maysville "Limestone." He was the one who named it that.

You can find this exhibit in the Maysville Museum -- if you are willing to pay the ten bucks to get in.
Good morning folks. Rained yesterday and the air is still heavy and muggy here in the east —first really humid day this spring. It’ll be like this most days til the end of September now. Not my favorite when I have to work. Good for weekends.

Reds are in first place in late June. They are playing so well they avoided the Votto curse —in fact he hit a home run in his first game back. I figure he’ll be injured again in 13 days or so, if the team can just hang on til then.

Sailing along on the subway listening to Charlie Parker’s Drifting On A Reed for you classic jazz fans — if any. Have a good day everyone.
I was thinking the same thing about Votto. If it happens again soon, it is time to retire. Besides, these youngsters are hungry and fun to watch.
Thanks for sharing. Good day to post some family stories. I've been nailing down some connections to my earliest Kentucky kin. My great-great-etc...grandfather was a Joseph Hedges who came down the route of the Ohio River, then inland to the Bourbon County area in the 1770s. But his brother John -- both of whom were raised in an area now known as Hedgesville, West Virginia, was a militia captain who came on an expedition down to what is now Maysville, Kentucky in 1773. As some of you may know, the early settlers called Maysville "Limestone." He was the one who named it that.

You can find this exhibit in the Maysville Museum -- if you are willing to pay the ten bucks to get in.
I assume that you have the book "The Frontiersmen" by Alan Eckert. Simon Kenton may have been involved with your ancestors.
I assume that you have the book "The Frontiersmen" by Alan Eckert. Simon Kenton may have been involved with your ancestors.
Bert -- I have just started reading that after having it on my list for years.

My kinfolk are mentioned in Allan Eckert's book about the early days along the Ohio River, "That Dark and Bloody River." Some hair-raising tales!
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Morning Legionnaires!

79° and muggy this morning with the high to be in the low 90's. Need to cut grass one of the next few days before the weekend. Probably tomorrow. Will go fishing tomorrow morning, then come back and cut the grass (maybe). Fishing will not be long as the morning starts out in the low 70's but will climb quickly to the mid 90's. Today will be busy with auto repairs, honey do grocery shopping list and training my student for a tournament on Saturday.

Well, as Austin posted, it is hump day so everybody stoke the fires in your engines and get over that hill.

Enjoy the day and God Bless.
Good morning folks.

Rainy and gray in the east. Subway already crowded because of a “switch problem” somewhere on the line. The technology to detect some potential equipment failure is far ahead of the crushingly mediocre humans managing and fixing the system. So we are “protected” into perpetual delays which eventually end with someone determining that if there was a real problem the technicians couldn’t find it.

Reds really rolling. I have tickets for two games early in July in DC. . I hope the magic continues until then.

Have a good day folks.
Partly cloudy and 66.4°F here on our way to 76° with a fifty percent chance of rain. Yesterday afternoon we got .34" on top of the 1.15" the night before for a total of 1.49 in this event so far. We could handle a lot more. My grass is green and growing.

Stay inside @AustinTXCat 100 degrees is not comfortable at all.

@MdWIldcat55 The Frontiersman is a wonderful read. Eckert has several books about early times in midwest area. He also did one exclusively on Tecumseh.
Partly cloudy and 66.4°F here on our way to 76° with a fifty percent chance of rain. Yesterday afternoon we got .34" on top of the 1.15" the night before for a total of 1.49 in this event so far. We could handle a lot more. My grass is green and growing.

Stay inside @AustinTXCat 100 degrees is not comfortable at all.

@MdWIldcat55 The Frontiersman is a wonderful read. Eckert has several books about early times in midwest area. He also did one exclusively on Tecumseh.
Thanks Bert. Yeah, I’m familiar with his work and enjoyed “Dark and Bloody River…” He has an entertaining style, anchoring everything in fact but using a novelist’s techniques. The few references to my kin, I’ve traced back to the more traditional historical works like family letters from which he drew the material. One quick example —there was a story my grandfather told about his family coming to Kentucky in “Indian Days” and a girl child falling off a flatboat into the Ohio. His great-great etc. grandfather as a young boy himself jumps into the river and saves the girl.

Well, that story appears in Eckert’s Dark and Bloody River, written decades later and long after my grandfather died , with the boy having the name of my family, and the traditional oldest male’s first name.

That story must have been in a diary or collection of letters in the Kentucky Historical society Eckert used for research. No other explanation.
Partly cloudy and 66.4°F here on our way to 76° with a fifty percent chance of rain. Yesterday afternoon we got .34" on top of the 1.15" the night before for a total of 1.49 in this event so far. We could handle a lot more. My grass is green and growing.

Stay inside @AustinTXCat 100 degrees is not comfortable at all.

@MdWIldcat55 The Frontiersman is a wonderful read. Eckert has several books about early times in midwest area. He also did one exclusively on Tecumseh.
Anyone read Follow The River biography about Mary Ingles' capture & return trip? Interesting to me. Quite the harrowing experience. She passed thru MD's hometown area.
Just finished cutting and weed eating of the grass. Probably need to check the weed eating tomorrow as it got dark before I finished. Radar has some storms coming in so, I decided to get it done. Cloud cover made it bearable. Sucking up a Hollander beer that I found in the class 6. Not bad, but not on par with the German or Belgian that I drink normally. Would buy it again though. Diversity.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 76°F and cloudy. 50% chance for rain. Humid and muggy. Today's high may reach 98°F. We hit 103°F yesterday

Cable provider, Spectrum, initiated an update at 4 am. No TV for a while. Bah!

Watched "12 Mighty Orphans" last night. Hugely enjoyable. Filmed around Fort Worth area.

Wishing all another great day.

Woke up a little later than normal this morning (moments ago). I usually get up between 04:00 and 04:30. Sucking up coffee fast because I need to leave here in about 30 minutes if I want to get any fishing in today. Have to get out early as the temperature is in the low 70's but will get hot quick. Couple two or three hours to fish.
Howdy folks.

Second day of drizzly rain and lead colored skies.

Heading in on the subway. Lots of work today.

Reds are still on a roll. They got me looking up history’s longest winning streaks. (27 for Lakers in 1971. 26 for baseball, Giants more than a century ago.)

Hope it’s a good day for all.
Good morning everyone.

It was a busy day yesterday mostly spending money. We did get to relax in the evening and got to see some wildlife right around the house that we have never seen while inside before. Any one know how to post a video here?

We're just working around/in the house today. But, it's starting to drizzle again. 3 days in a row expected plenty of rain but got only enough to dampen the grass.

Reeves back. I'm still trying to stay positive about the season.

I hope everyone has a great day.
Just finished cutting and weed eating of the grass. Probably need to check the weed eating tomorrow as it got dark before I finished. Radar has some storms coming in so, I decided to get it done. Cloud cover made it bearable. Sucking up a Hollander beer that I found in the class 6. Not bad, but not on par with the German or Belgian that I drink normally. Would buy it again though. Diversity.

So, you're not prejudiced. Good to know...
Woke up a little later than normal this morning (moments ago). I usually get up between 04:00 and 04:30. Sucking up coffee fast because I need to leave here in about 30 minutes if I want to get any fishing in today. Have to get out early as the temperature is in the low 70's but will get hot quick. Couple two or three hours to fish.

Priorities, priorities.... You are DEFINITELY on point. I'm "Wit ya".... (If I was close enough to water, I'd WFW (Work From Water)
Good morning everyone.

It was a busy day yesterday mostly spending money. We did get to relax in the evening and got to see some wildlife right around the house that we have never seen while inside before. Any one know how to post a video here?
Click 3 dots (ellipses) located right of picture. Should see an option for media. List of approved sites also appears. Paste in URL