
Brother in-law (Butch), age 65, passed away ~15 minutes ago. He also suffered from head/lung cancer + bladder cancer. He received treatment at same facility as I. We saw each other once while he received chemo. Man, I sure hope end is not so near for me.


My deepest sympathies.

That's got to be really tough, especially as you fight a similar battle. I'm no expert but I do know that no two people, and no two cancer cases are the same. Just in my circle of friends the range of outcomes has been very different.

So hang in there, we are all pulling for you and praying for you.
Good morning folks.

Cloudy day in the east.

Nice 10-inning win for the Reds last night. Still giving up way too many runs. It’ll be interesting to see if they make a move for pitching at the trade deadline. My guess: No.

Getting ready for work. Hope it’s a good day.
They are still banking on having enough decent pitchers when Lodolol and Green come back. Luckily so far, the scoring has been really good but to your point, we need better pitching.
Brother in-law (Butch), age 65, passed away ~15 minutes ago. He also suffered from head/lung cancer + bladder cancer. He received treatment at same facility as I. We saw each other once while he received chemo. Man, I sure hope end is not so near for me.

No words other than condolences, hopes and prayers at the same time.

Hang in there.
They are still banking on having enough decent pitchers when Lodolol and Green come back. Luckily so far, the scoring has been really good but to your point, we need better pitching.
I saw your post in another thread about the Reds, Warrior -- about missing both the 1976 World Series in basic training and the 1990 World Series deployed to Desert Storm...

I can somewhat sympathize...I missed most of the 1976 season working up in Alaska, but did get back home in time to actually go to one series game and celebrate the championship downtown the night after the sweep.

But in 1990, I was inside Saddam's Baghdad during the entire series and didn't see one ptich...I didn't know anything about how the series had gone until after all four games were over. There were still some Americans Saddam was allowing to stay in a consulate to monitor the "guestages" -- the American oil field workers rounded up in Kuwait the Iraqis were holding captive at that time. I was over there at the consulate using a satellite fax to send back some stuff I'd written and I asked one of the guys how the series had gone. "Sweep" he said. The As were heavy favorites, so I just assumed the Reds had lost in four straight...It was another week until I got back to Jordan and called my family that I learned the truth.

Would love to have a chance to make up for missing that celebration some time before I die...
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Good morning and Happy Friday from ATX.

- Rather than triple digits, it appears we'll fall back to the high 90s. CenTex summer.

- Almond milk not bad. Non-flavored variety tastes like, well.... almonds.

Wishing all an awesome day.

Good morning folks. Sun just came out as I was typing this in the east.

If the clear skies hold up I may spend an hour on my back deck tonight after everyone is sleeping trying to catch sight of a falling star on Meteor Night. We're just far enough from the city and other ambient light that I can see them, and usually if patient can score a sighting or two before I get really sleepy.

Glad it's Friday. Busy day ahead, with a short week coming up and deadlines on the horizon. hope you all have a good one.
Good morning all,

Off day for me. I am thankful. Going to "Bear" down decluttering. I am making progress.

I have to change the brakes and rotors on My Darlings car. We are planning a trip to Huntsville the week of the tenth to visit people we were in Korea with. Actually three families.

The brakes are a must. Had prices of $1500.00. I can buy the parts, and good parts for $400.00 and do the job in a day and will know what I've done so it's a no brainier to me.

Going to head over to advanced auto today or tomorrow....

Have a great day...
Sunny and clear of most of the Canadian smoke that we had yesterday. We got .66 inches of rain yesterday and that really helped with the smoke. It is 73.8°F and is supposed to get to 92° today.

. . . . .

If the clear skies hold up I may spend an hour on my back deck tonight after everyone is sleeping trying to catch sight of a falling star on Meteor Night. We're just far enough from the city and other ambient light that I can see them, and usually if patient can score a sighting or two before I get really sleepy.

. . . . .
Little Smiths Grove has ambient light out the wazzoo, to see the Milky Way on a clear night you must wait for a power outage! My house is about 400 feet for the Cemetery and there are two lights there to keep punks out after dark (I put them in when I was Mayor and I also closed the cemetery to traffic from dusk to dawn, so I have to blame myself). I used to go to Nolin Lake to watch such stuff.
Long day, nothing ever works like the plan... I expect that though, so all is good. I am thankful. Will try again tomorrow. I bought the brake parts today. (Came to $396.) I watched a couple Youtube video's on this model of car to brush up. I've done a few brake jobs, just not frequently. No biggie... May try tomorrow but have to leave early to do some honey things. We shall see...

I hope all of you sleep well. If you are out and about, keep it safe....
Went fishing this morning at Rattler. Have not done as well as I normally do there this year but today was a little better. They were hitting and bumping the lures a lot and I caught 4 although 5 got away so the score: Warrior-Cat 4---Largemouth Bass 5. Biggest was just short of 3 lbs and the smallest was about a pound. Will try again tomorrow probably (depends on how I feel in the morning). Feel a little queezy right now so... I have not been sick in a couple of years or so (don't count elevated blood pressure incident). Probably due.
Went fishing this morning at Rattler. Have not done as well as I normally do there this year but today was a little better. They were hitting and bumping the lures a lot and I caught 4 although 5 got away so the score: Warrior-Cat 4---Largemouth Bass 5. Biggest was just short of 3 lbs and the smallest was about a pound. Will try again tomorrow probably (depends on how I feel in the morning). Feel a little queezy right now so... I have not been sick in a couple of years or so (don't count elevated blood pressure incident). Probably due.

Sure wouldn't mind spending time with you on the bank flinging a line and jabber-jawing. Hope you feel better for sure. I could talk a fish or two onto your line though you catch plenty on your own...
Sure wouldn't mind spending time with you on the bank flinging a line and jabber-jawing. Hope you feel better for sure. I could talk a fish or two onto your line though you catch plenty on your own...
I told my wife when I got back today that there were some ladies out there bugging me when I was fishing and she ask "What did they want?" I said: "Aphids". It took her a minute to realize what I meant and then she said: "Get out of here!" Heh, heh, heh,

Morning Legionnaires!

70° this morning with a high expected to be in the low 90's and sunny.

Fireworks everywhere last night and my next-door neighbor with friends and family had a lot of them. When they started shooting them off, 3 of my dogs ran into the house, but not the monster. She started barking and growling and charging the fence. She was not happy and let them know that was not acceptable. I had as much fun watching her as I did watching the fireworks.

Not much going on today, I am little more tired than usual as I had more to drink than normal last night. Going to take it easy and just watch the Reds play at 12:40 CDT. Was going to go fishing but...another day this coming week will do.

@AustinTXCat enjoy your trip and stay safe.

and to all, God Bless.