
Good morning everyone!

Happy Father's Day to all of you fathers. No kids for me.

May or may not have posted this one before, but since it's Father's Day and we've been talking fishing. This was about 15 years ago. 37" 21#, we've caught several about this size, but we can't get past it.

I hope everyone has a great Sunday.

Good morning and Happy Father's Day from Forge Ridge, TN. Currently 55°F and partly cloudy. Today's high expected around 84°F Awesome weather.

Celebrating first-ever Father's Day with daughter. Super special.

Wishing y'all a great day.


I eat the snot out of those but not the sushi type... Nope, no, nada...

My meat and bait must be cooked....
Good morning folks. Happy Fathers Day.

I’m blessed to still have my father here to talk to at age 92.

And I’ll get to see two of my kids today and will hear from my other daughter and two grandkids.

I hope all you dads have a good day.
My dad was 44 years old when I was born, so I lost him in 1975 when I was 29 years old.

I had a great one. He was a Baptist who tired to lead by example. He would not argue and he would not even say darn as it was too close to damn. He is the only man that I was ever around that never used bad language. "Gosh dallet" was the worst thing he would say.
Good morning everyone!

Happy Father's Day to all of you fathers. No kids for me.

May or may not have posted this one before, but since it's Father's Day and we've been talking fishing. This was about 15 years ago. 37" 21#, we've caught several about this size, but we can't get past it.

I hope everyone has a great Sunday.

Now that is some good bait there!
Whew... it was fathers day for sure, father do this, father do that....

Just got back from my youngest daughters home. She had a couple shutters come loose. Not loose any longer. Was at my oldest daughters home after church today bug spraying and edged her yard. We have a coffee table I had stripped and have one coat of stain on it and was going to re-stain...ran out of time..... Have a restful evening...
Good morning from Forge Ridge, TN. Currently 64°F and cloudy. We received quite a bit of rain last night. Today's high expected around 73°F.

Wishing all a great start to your week.
Did some face time with one of my sons and his family last night (Hillsboro Tn) and they said that it was supposed to be in the 70's most of the week. Would love to have that. Fishing all day.

Morning Legionnaires!

66° this morning with moderate winds. High going to be in the mid 90's.

Not much going on today other than the normal routine. Wife is off today which is why we went clothes shopping for her and my daughter yesterday. I complained enough about how long it took yesterday that she said they will go by themselves next time. She wanted me to go so we could all eat lunch but, the time spent in each store when they go shopping is too much to make eating out worth it.

During the third store I told her I was already at my limit so, she got a little miffed but gave in. When we got home, I immediately turned on the tv to the Reds game already underway. She looked at me and said, "You could have led with that". I told her that I was hoping they would find what they were looking for at the first store.

You folks enjoy the day off and God Bless.
Good morning folks.

Had to earn my Father's Day badge late last night. My daughter called just before midnight -- a drunk driver swerved across the center line and head-on collided with her boyfriend's car. Both were relatively unharmed but had been taken to the local hospital. I had to drive over, pick them up and take them home. The car is totaled.

I happened to see the thread in Rafters about sympathy for Bob Huggins this morning. Put me in the category of Zero Tolerance for drunk driving. I can sympathize with alcoholism. I was probably uncomfortably close in my 30s, and my wife's dad and my uncle were both hard core. And I'm sure in my drinking days I got behind the wheel too often, and was just lucky to never get caught or to hurt anybody. But we, as a society, live and learn, and there is no excuse now -- especially for a guy like Huggins. Hell, he could BUY a bar and set up a bedroom in the back if what he missed is the social part of it. Certainly he could pay a guy a full salary just to drive him around at night -- his own designated driver.

Enough preaching. I'm just a little groggy from lack of sleep.
Good morning folks.

Had to earn my Father's Day badge late last night. My daughter called just before midnight -- a drunk driver swerved across the center line and head-on collided with her boyfriend's car. Both were relatively unharmed but had been taken to the local hospital. I had to drive over, pick them up and take them home. The car is totaled.

I happened to see the thread in Rafters about sympathy for Bob Huggins this morning. Put me in the category of Zero Tolerance for drunk driving. I can sympathize with alcoholism. I was probably uncomfortably close in my 30s, and my wife's dad and my uncle were both hard core. And I'm sure in my drinking days I got behind the wheel too often, and was just lucky to never get caught or to hurt anybody. But we, as a society, live and learn, and there is no excuse now -- especially for a guy like Huggins. Hell, he could BUY a bar and set up a bedroom in the back if what he missed is the social part of it. Certainly he could pay a guy a full salary just to drive him around at night -- his own designated driver.

Enough preaching. I'm just a little groggy from lack of sleep.
Was just talking to my daughter about this the other day. A neighbor down the street is on his second dui and in Oklahoma, a third is automatic 1 year or more in prison. For me, I think the second strike should be automatic jail time. Knew a woman quite a few years back who was going to prison for her third strike and the night before she was to leave for prison, she was at a local bar getting drunk and not with her family.

Morning Legionnaires!

66° this morning with moderate winds. High going to be in the mid 90's.

Not much going on today other than the normal routine. Wife is off today which is why we went clothes shopping for her and my daughter yesterday. I complained enough about how long it took yesterday that she said they will go by themselves next time. She wanted me to go so we could all eat lunch but, the time spent in each store when they go shopping is too much to make eating out worth it.

During the third store I told her I was already at my limit so, she got a little miffed but gave in. When we got home, I immediately turned on the tv to the Reds game already underway. She looked at me and said, "You could have led with that". I told her that I was hoping they would find what they were looking for at the first store.

You folks enjoy the day off and God Bless.

"Fer" a guy that's got it going on, "yuse" messing up big time...

Use Bill Cosby wisdom.....obey, obay, O-bay, OH Bay.......
Good morning all on this Juneteenth holiday....

I was snoozing upstairs "cause" I "gots" two grandchildren sleeping over BUT my youngest called me and woke me up while she was tired driving back from her 12 hour shift....

Oh well, sleeping in is overrated but I sure wouldn't mind eating it too...

Have a blessed day...
Thanks VH and Warrior. Here's the car. As you can see, the outcome could have been worse. Good design - the front end gave way back to the windshield and absorbed the energy. I hope they throw the book at the A-hole who slammed into them head on.
Glad to hear your daughter and her boyfriend were relatively unharmed. Geez.
Thanks VH and Warrior. Here's the car. As you can see, the outcome could have been worse. Good design - the front end gave way back to the windshield and absorbed the energy. I hope they throw the book at the A-hole who slammed into them head on.

So glad your family is safe.

My Youngest was in a similar looking accident back around 2007 or 8, mashed her face into the windshield. She still has the scars on her chin to prove it.
Good Sunday Morning folks.

It is 73.8°F and partly cloudy, we are supposed to get to 76°. We also have 60% chance of rain. Last night we got .15" of rain and I hope and pray we get a little more, I would be pleased with a lot.

Best of luck to your daughter and her boyfriend @MdWIldcat55 . I drink all the time; however, I have never driven with alcohol in my veins. It is a serious problem. I don't know why anyone would be willing to risk their lives and others lives by drinking and driving. It is just stupid.

I agree with @warrior-cat the second DUI should come with jail time.

Morning Legionnaires!

77° this morning with light winds. High to be in the mid 90's with light winds.

My martial arts instructor just started a new class at the church he attends. Monday, Thursday, and Friday nights 17:30-19:00 and wants me to help. I already teach twice a week early afternoon and told him it would be hit and miss. I went last night to help him set it up. There were 12 students with more people saying they were going to be there other nights. Yesterday was a holiday after all so...When they ask how much it would cost, he told them whatever they could donate to the church. We will see how that works out since the church said they will also buy the uniforms and equipment.

Going to OKC with some friends this morning to just visit and hit a Vietnamese restaurant for lunch. There is a big one there with a nice buffet.

Not much else going on so, you folks take care out there today and God Bless.
Good morning folks. Rained yesterday and the air is still heavy and muggy here in the east —first really humid day this spring. It’ll be like this most days til the end of September now. Not my favorite when I have to work. Good for weekends.

Reds are in first place in late June. They are playing so well they avoided the Votto curse —in fact he hit a home run in his first game back. I figure he’ll be injured again in 13 days or so, if the team can just hang on til then.

Sailing along on the subway listening to Charlie Parker’s Drifting On A Reed for you classic jazz fans — if any. Have a good day everyone.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 80°F, humid and clear. Under excessive heat advisory. Today's high expected around 104°F. Heh, huge departure from SE KY area weather. I endured cool rain all day yesterday during drive down to Knoxville.

Back working today. Short week.

Wishing all Happy Tuesday.

Back to the Southwest. I remember how in Summer in Houston you never got a cool day.
Cloudy and 69.3°F in Smiths Grove and we are only supposed to get to 78° today with a 90% chance of rain. My gauge says that we have had 1.15" of rain so far in this event and hopefully we will get some more. This is sure going to help out some young corn and beans here in this country.

It was cool yesterday so I made a big pot of New England Clam chowder. I love that stuff and will probably have left overs today.

You all have a good Tuesday.
Good morning everyone.

A nice comfortable 64 degrees out this morning. I'm just sitting here waiting for the rain to start. Unlike most of the state we barely got any rain yesterday.

Zoom meeting yesterday. I've discovered they're just like face to face meetings. When your group doesn't meet often these things can drag out beyond reason.

I hope everyone has a great day.