
I have Spectrum and I get good service. I have 300,000 mbps download; I did have 600,000. I got to thinking that I did not need to watch 60 movies at once and I had over kill.

My March 2023 Spectrum bill was $353.28 a month. I had all the movie and sports channels and four DVR boxes ($12.00 a month each). I record all of UK's football and basketball games on HD (1080 lines). To avoid HDCP I used the old DVR boxes with the component outputs. I decided that recording UK's football and basketball games was not worth $4,239.36 dollars a year. I had the three extra DVR's as backup as they often quit working as they are old technology.

I dropped cable and now only have internet and phone. My bill went down to $74.98. So $899.76 per year is a lot better than $4,239.36 dollars a year. I now have YouTube tv for $72.00 a month. The differential is enough to have my yard mowed.


I read this about when you posted and wanted to comment but got away from my phone and computer.

We have Verizon FiOS. (Had some issues but overall okay.) We are at 500/500 with fiber to the house.

We have four flat screen TV's and they are all leaned up against a wall or in a closet leaning against a wall.

I have my one 32" monitor for my computer and my work monitor (24")

My Darling has her iPad and a couple phones she uses to watch what she watches.

I pay, I think $59.00 a month and am thankful. Amazing how much tv and streaming costs..... Who knows what tomorrow holds but we have no desire for a service....

Guess I will put the TV'S up for if we have company and need to project something. Do have a couple Chromecast sticks and a whatever that one service I have two of those. They do have some "free" movies and shows...

I almost need a beer. I don't have any but I did drink a couple with my son when we visited. Have a good night...
Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and cloudy. Humid. Sweaty walk ahead. Today's high may reach 97°F. Heat dome in place. Triple digits expected until late next week.

Monday, Monday....

Wishing a great start to your week.



Cooler weather this morning and rain. Today's high will be in the low 70's after 90's yesterday.

Will take the monster for a walk as soon as the rain stops. Nothing much more going on today. Normal workout and then, couch potato day.

You grinders: time to get the day started so coffee up and try to have a good day and to all God Bless.
Good morning D-League.

Working at my home desk today. Mondays are the worst - for everyone but specifically for my job, and more specifically today when we have both a MONTHLY and a QUARTERLY tele-session that will test my patience enormously.

We're supposed to get rain today. It's been a nice run of clear, coolish days. I don't like the heat. Hope it is a good day for all of you.
Well, the rain stopped earlier and radar had some light clouds but nothing menacing so, I took the monster out for her walk. Weather report said possible storms popping up all day.

About midway through the walk a dark wall cloud showed up and the wind picked up and we turned around and I briskly walked back home and moments after getting through back door, hail started coming down. Could have been painful had we not made it back. Pictured below are just two of the hail balls and the back yard shortly there after.


My daughter took a picture from her phone just moments later (pictured below). Zoom in to the right of the darker cloud and you will see a small funnel. This is just beyond my shop over my neighbors house. Picture taken from our back yard.

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Well, the rain stopped earlier and radar had some light clouds but nothing menacing so, I took the monster out for her walk. Weather report said possible storms popping up all day.

About midway through the walk a dark wall cloud showed up and the wind picked up and we turned around and I briskly walked back home and moments after getting through back door, hail started coming down. Could have been painful had we not made it back. Pictured below are just two of the hail balls and the back yard shortly there after.



Geez brother WC, those could be death pellets... Just wow, (You posted some large ones as well a long while ago...) I have seen some seriously large hail but the timing was once or twice in different areas. That is near shocking, thinking of the bad possibilities....

I have heard the cliché' "You seem to have a problem with authority." Speaking for myself, I do not.

What I do have is a problem with authority who are making stupid decisions and effecting lives and work lives with uninformed "pat" answers in areas that have been proven to work better using unconventional methods. (I might add well documented proven unconventional methods...). No need to make changes unless the circumstances change or there is a warranted requirement, directive, or other authoritative input. (There is none in this case and it sure steams me to see my people having to suffer through...) Just venting...
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Good afternoon D, finished the Old Testament not sure where we are going to read next.

Well, another trip to Arkansas is in the books, what a trip! We had heard that there was going to be low water at Norfork Dam, wow what an understatement. We got there Friday morning and the water was so low, there were people standing in the middle of the river fly fishing. Luckily there is a large pool below the dam, we went through a small gap and made it to the pool. Our guide said that he was seeing rocks in the river that he hadn't seen in 26 years! I have never caught so many Trout, the three of us probably caught 250-300 fish, that's in an eight hour period, with an hour taken out for lunch. Here's the kicker, I caught an 8lb 25" Brown trout!!!! The guy that gets these trips together told me that it was the largest trout that had been caught since he started these trips 18 years ago!!! Saturday was a different story, we got there and the water was up at least 10 feet but still had a a great day, still caught lots of fish. We caught more fish in the 15"-20" range than any trip that I have been on. Saturday I also caught a 4lb Rainbow, just a great trip. Won big fish for the trip!!! I'll se if Bert or SC can post a couple pictures for me, maybe a video.

Please pray for our church, our pastor resigned Sunday morning, I hope GOD has already got someone else redy to step in and led us.

I hope the D, has a great day and prayers for the D!!!!!
Good afternoon D, finished the Old Testament not sure where we are going to read next.

Well, another trip to Arkansas is in the books, what a trip! We had heard that there was going to be low water at Norfork Dam, wow what an understatement. We got there Friday morning and the water was so low, there were people standing in the middle of the river fly fishing. Luckily there is a large pool below the dam, we went through a small gap and made it to the pool. Our guide said that he was seeing rocks in the river that he hadn't seen in 26 years! I have never caught so many Trout, the three of us probably caught 250-300 fish, that's in an eight hour period, with an hour taken out for lunch. Here's the kicker, I caught an 8lb 25" Brown trout!!!! The guy that gets these trips together told me that it was the largest trout that had been caught since he started these trips 18 years ago!!! Saturday was a different story, we got there and the water was up at least 10 feet but still had a a great day, still caught lots of fish. We caught more fish in the 15"-20" range than any trip that I have been on. Saturday I also caught a 4lb Rainbow, just a great trip. Won big fish for the trip!!! I'll se if Bert or SC can post a couple pictures for me, maybe a video.

Please pray for our church, our pastor resigned Sunday morning, I hope GOD has already got someone else redy to step in and led us.

I hope the D, has a great day and prayers for the D!!!!!


Congrats! I haven't caught fish like that since I was fishing on the naval base in Corpus Christi catching croaker. My Darling and I caught 300 or so croaker at a pound, pound and a half... Just tons of fun... My Darling was using a ten pound test line with four or five hooks on it. It never did break. I spent a lot of time just de-fishing her line... ;)

On another note, sorry to hear about your Pastor, that weighs on a congregation in so many ways. I will keep you and your church in prayer. Hopefully it was not an altercation of some sort that caused it... God Bless you Sir...
Good afternoon D, finished the Old Testament not sure where we are going to read next.

Well, another trip to Arkansas is in the books, what a trip! We had heard that there was going to be low water at Norfork Dam, wow what an understatement. We got there Friday morning and the water was so low, there were people standing in the middle of the river fly fishing. Luckily there is a large pool below the dam, we went through a small gap and made it to the pool. Our guide said that he was seeing rocks in the river that he hadn't seen in 26 years! I have never caught so many Trout, the three of us probably caught 250-300 fish, that's in an eight hour period, with an hour taken out for lunch. Here's the kicker, I caught an 8lb 25" Brown trout!!!! The guy that gets these trips together told me that it was the largest trout that had been caught since he started these trips 18 years ago!!! Saturday was a different story, we got there and the water was up at least 10 feet but still had a a great day, still caught lots of fish. We caught more fish in the 15"-20" range than any trip that I have been on. Saturday I also caught a 4lb Rainbow, just a great trip. Won big fish for the trip!!! I'll se if Bert or SC can post a couple pictures for me, maybe a video.

Please pray for our church, our pastor resigned Sunday morning, I hope GOD has already got someone else redy to step in and led us.

I hope the D, has a great day and prayers for the D!!!!!
Good deal with so many fish. 8lb brown trout is a big haul.

Fish fry at your house for the 4th!

Congrats! I haven't caught fish like that since I was fishing on the naval base in Corpus Christi catching croaker. My Darling and I caught 300 or so croaker at a pound, pound and a half... Just tons of fun... My Darling was using a ten pound test line with four or five hooks on it. It never did break. I spent a lot of time just de-fishing her line... ;)

On another note, sorry to hear about your Pastor, that weighs on a congregation in so many ways. I will keep you and your church in prayer. Hopefully it was not an altercation of some sort that caused it... God Bless you Sir...
Thanks, BBUK, no altercation, things like our older generation passing away, our youth growing up and leaving, Covic killed us. We are down to about 10 families left, 90% of are retirees on fixed incomes. There are some things that I won't discuss that led to this, but like I said won't discuss it. I am the second oldest member there, most of us grew up at our church that what makes it so hard, I have been there since 1957! Unless GOD has someone for us, it's a good possibility the doors may be closed!!! Thanks for your prayers.
Thanks, BBUK, no altercation, things like our older generation passing away, our youth growing up and leaving, Covic killed us. We are down to about 10 families left, 90% of are retirees on fixed incomes. There are some things that I won't discuss that led to this, but like I said won't discuss it. I am the second oldest member there, most of us grew up at our church that what makes it so hard, I have been there since 1957! Unless GOD has someone for us, it's a good possibility the doors may be closed!!! Thanks for your prayers.

God Bless you and your congregation Sir. I remember when I started going to church. Our Pastor Ray J. Wilson and his wife Wilma pastored our church Rouge Freewill Baptist Church in River Rouge Michigan.

In the city of River Rouge, this man still owned a farm outside the city and worked a fulltime job at a factory (as I remember). He was a full time pastor as well.

His commitment to God and his congregation did not go unfruitful. I still stay in some contact with members of that church in various ways and at the time I had to be around ten. I stayed at that church until I graduated High School.

I yearn for the spirit-filled services I've attended there and at other churches since. It has been a while but the church I attend now may have a small out pouring I am praying for and trying to commit to serving in some small way. It is a larger church and I am trying to stay out of the spotlight but serve.


63° this morning with mid 70's expected for a high. Fishing will be the order of the day.

Yesterday's hail dented up my truck, and my hooptie (KIA Sportage) some more. The Sportage took the worst of it with the luggage racks plastic covering portions broken and knocked off, the passenger side front door handle broken off, and many dents. Got to get the door handle fixed at least. Don't care much about the luggage racks, never use them. Probably should have had it in my shop but, did not see that storm coming.

Saw where people were getting excited about the commitment of Jordon Burks yesterday. 3 star 6'9" 190lb player. Not sure one to get excited about except for the fact that we needed more bodies. Hopefully a diamond in the ruff.

Well, going to finish my coffee and then off to hopefully fight a few bass this morning.

Enjoy your days folks, and God Bless.
Good morning all,

Heading inside.

The talk is now Reeves is back as of later today.

We shall see....

Yeah, I know about hail damage. I drive it every day. The only good thing here is, they totaled my car so the "usage" or car tax is "only" $75.00 versus $350.00 annually or so for this 2012 yeah, 2012 Mazda 3....

Have a enjoyable day....

Good luck and God bless AtX and the D...
Good morning folks.

Another Reds win last night. Making the season worthwhile, though I’d still say .500 is a realistic target. 3.5 back, and that’s behind the Pirates who will come back to earth.

Congrats to Jamal Murray and the Nuggets. It was good to hear throughout this series Dan Issel depicted as the franchise pioneer. Guys who played in Lexington nearly 50 years apart. Both part of the Wildcat legacy.

Hope it is a good day for all.
Fishing report: Warrior-Cat 1--Large Mouth Bass 0. Only had 3 strikes with one hooked and one landed. Not a banner day but not, blanked either. Ran into this bad boy at Jump.


Small lake I fish in the bass are hitting top water right now. Bigger ones come out around dark.
And as bad as that spider is, I had a skunk walk about 20 feet behind me. Scared me, but was more scared what the wife would do if I drove home after getting sprayed in her Explorer. LOL
I got to be home 10 fillets, this is the way I fry my trout. I get hit battered up, usually fry about 8 pieces since I am the only one to eat it. I fry the first 4, usually eat the first piece to make sure it's ok, it's good so I eat another piece. By now I have put the second 4 pieces in, so I eat two more pieces. By the time that batch is done, all I have left is 4 pieces for supper and no leftovers, that sucks!!!!
I got to be home 10 fillets, this is the way I fry my trout. I get hit battered up, usually fry about 8 pieces since I am the only one to eat it. I fry the first 4, usually eat the first piece to make sure it's ok, it's good so I eat another piece. By now I have put the second 4 pieces in, so I eat two more pieces. By the time that batch is done, all I have left is 4 pieces for supper and no leftovers, that sucks!!!!
Here is a picture of the minnow Cord caught:
Hello all,

Been a day been a day. Got to the house, ate supper, headed to our new couples bible study group. Got home about 20 minutes ago. Still have things to do but am going to cut things short this evening...

Oh, did any of you know Jim Lucas (He was an insurance man in Shepherdsville (Lucas Insurance.) and had several rentals.) (He's gone now but just came to mind I'd ask.)
Hello all,

Been a day been a day. Got to the house, ate supper, headed to our new couples bible study group. Got home about 20 minutes ago. Still have things to do but am going to cut things short this evening...

Oh, did any of you know Jim Lucas (He was an insurance man in Shepherdsville (Lucas Insurance.) and had several rentals.) (He's gone now but just came to mind I'd ask.)
It is a small world BBUK. Jim Lucas married one of Sherry's best high school friends.

Is this the Jim Lucas you are talking about:

They lived up the street from us in Louisville for a few years before I moved to Florida.
It is a small world BBUK. Jim Lucas married one of Sherry's best high school friends.

Is this the Jim Lucas you are talking about:

They lived up the street from us in Louisville for a few years before I moved to Florida.

I don't think so Sir. I knew him when he lost most of his hair on top if that was him but the Jim I knew wore a mustache. His wife was Anita and had children Tommy (Tommy passed away as well.), and Lori. His wife's last name before married was Daniels.