
Good morning folks.

Sunny and cool in the east. A glorious morning.

Watched 90 minutes or so of the Band of Brothers marathon some cable station put up as a D-Day tribute. You forget how good that series really was.

“Another Red Letter Day for the Baileys” today. I borrowed that line years ago from it’s a Wonderful Life -George is bottoming out and feeling sorry for himself. I use it to describe any day I know will be filled with hard work for minimal direct reward. I’m being sarcastic. Sort of. But today promises to be one.

Hope you all have a good one.
Good morning everyone

Such a great morning to sit on the patio and listen to the much needed rain. It looks like a day to get things done inside the house.

Yesterday I spent a big portion of the day burning the tree that totaled my truck. Last summer's flood deepened the creek so much that I had a HUGE brush fire, but it stayed down in the little creek that was pretty dry and couldn't see much of it. It's good to live in rural KY where I can do those type things without a care in the world. It worked so good that I burned a bunch of other brush and logs that needed gone.

It's looking like there may be some good news about the KY roster this week. My personality doesn't allow for patience about things like this. If something needs done, get it done and move on. That's one of the reasons I didn't get along with one of my last supervisors. Goodness he was slow about getting things done.

Wildlife Wednesday

We love feeding and watching hummingbirds. We don't have our usual big crowd yet. But, there's 1/2 dozen or so that frequent our feeders. There are always one or two bullies (usually males) that take over this time of the year.

I hope everyone has a great day.


64° this morning with a high today in the mid 80's and sunny with light winds.

Played the city league single elimination tournament last night and we went 1-1. The first game we won 14-2 and the second we lost 10-9. We lost it in the last inning. I went 1-2 and a walk in the first game and 2-3 and a walk in the second. Since we have stealing allowed in our league the runner cannot leave until the ball is coming across the plate (slow pitch). I was behind the plate and had just thrown a couple of balls lazily back to the pitcher and one fell short when our shortstop joking referred to my arm as the old mans rag arm.

The opposition had a man on first and the count was 3-2 when the next pitch came across and the runner took off. The batter did not swing, and it was called a strike as it hit just behind the plate and bounced perfectly into my glove. I quickly shifted my feet to align my throw, fired towards second base to my shortstops glove right on the money in front of second base. Got him. Strike him out throw him out in slow pitch softball. Does not happen very often. It was the third out and as we were walking back to the dugout our shortstop says, I guess I was wrong about the rag arm. 😁

You guys get over the hump today and ride the decline to the end of the week and God Bless.
Never heard of stealing in slow pitch. Interesting. Grew up on the sport.
HA, Please believe me when I state this is not political. I do not mean it that way.. (This is a post about character.)

Ole Mike Pence it seems is now running for Pres. (It was known, but loyalty is out the window.), Ole wannabe Walrus Chris Christie is running too (it seems), The thing is, neither has a puncher's chance in heck and THEY know it. (It is ALL about the dough... Raise it, coffer it, and borrow against it....) That IS how it works... among other ways...
Good morning D, I think I have ask this before, have any if the D ever had any Campari tomatoes? We get them at Kroger, about 8 in a container. They are the sweetest tomatoes I have ever had. They are the closest tomato to a home grown one I've ever had!
Yes. very good. a little pricey but worth it if you love tomatoes and they’re out of season. these are excellent also—
Good morning D, I think I have ask this before, have any if the D ever had any Campari tomatoes? We get them at Kroger, about 8 in a container. They are the sweetest tomatoes I have ever had. They are the closest tomato to a home grown one I've ever had!
Yes, often. Not as meaty as home-grown varieties. Add frequently to salads.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 71°F and clear. Today's high expected around 92°F. Heat dome moving in. Triple-digit highs coming soon. GROAN!

- Olive Garden screwed up our take-out order this past Tuesday afternoon. They forgot my side salad. Manager came clean and sent a $20 gift card. Decent compensation.

- Wife and I celebrate 25 years married today. We actually threw a party few weeks ago during my daughter's visit.

- New toilet installed yesterday. No further comment. [winking]

Wishing all Happy Thursday.

Good morning folks.

The Canadian wildfire smoke is settling in pretty thick in DC. When I first went outside today the air smelled like it used to in October in small Kentucky towns when everyone had a leaf burn barrel working. The sun was a blood red wafer as it came up. Not unpleasant, to be clear, beyond some itchy eyes. But you know it’s here.

I’m at risk of getting interested in the Reds again if they keep up these dramatic wins and long bombs by young kids. If this team can reach .500 for the year, the next few years until everyone bolts as free agents could be fun.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 71°F and clear. Today's high expected around 92°F. Heat dome moving in. Triple-digit highs coming soon. GROAN!

- Olive Garden screwed up our take-out order this past Tuesday afternoon. They forgot my side salad. Manager came clean and sent a $20 gift card. Decent compensation.

- Wife and I celebrate 25 years married today. We actually threw a party few weeks ago during my daughter's visit.

- New toilet installed yesterday. No further comment. [winking]

Wishing all Happy Thursday.

Happy Anniversary.
It is a foggy 56.5°F here and the humidity is 90% outside. We only got .05" of rain yesterday and little chance of rain today. We are dry.

Congrats @AustinTXCat on the 25 years. So to keep her one more year you had to redo the kitchen and get a new toilet? o_O These women are hard on us guys!

Thursdays are house cleaning days, so I will have some extra chores to do. Our Amy gets here about 1:00 pm, we talk for an hour and then she starts cleaning. I have to stay out of the way to keep from being injured.

I need to spray a little round up today. Hopefully it will get done; no promises.

You all have a great Friday eve.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 71°F and clear. Today's high expected around 92°F. Heat dome moving in. Triple-digit highs coming soon. GROAN!

- Olive Garden screwed up our take-out order this past Tuesday afternoon. They forgot my side salad. Manager came clean and sent a $20 gift card. Decent compensation.

- Wife and I celebrate 25 years married today. We actually threw a party few weeks ago during my daughter's visit.

- New toilet installed yesterday. No further comment. [winking]

Wishing all Happy Thursday.


Good morning all,

Sitting in the dentist office. Waiting my turn. It's been a while and my first time at this joint. My Darling has been here before and is currently being worked on....

We shall see...

I hope a visit to the dentist is not indicative of this day...😉

May you have a day without a need to visit your dentist. By itself, that should make for a good day.
We’re switching internet providers today. We’ll see how that goes.
I have Spectrum and I get good service. I have 300,000 mbps download; I did have 600,000. I got to thinking that I did not need to watch 60 movies at once and I had over kill.

My March 2023 Spectrum bill was $353.28 a month. I had all the movie and sports channels and four DVR boxes ($12.00 a month each). I record all of UK's football and basketball games on HD (1080 lines). To avoid HDCP I used the old DVR boxes with the component outputs. I decided that recording UK's football and basketball games was not worth $4,239.36 dollars a year. I had the three extra DVR's as backup as they often quit working as they are old technology.

I dropped cable and now only have internet and phone. My bill went down to $74.98. So $899.76 per year is a lot better than $4,239.36 dollars a year. I now have YouTube tv for $72.00 a month. The differential is enough to have my yard mowed.
The last few weeks have been a test to me. Excruciating hip pain, only to find out the ball on my hip was obliterated due to hip injection. (This rarely ever happens). Nothing helped the pain with the exception of a fentanyl shot prior to surgery. Yesterday afternoon I had a full hip replacement, and now sitting at home basically pain free playing on computer. I can't say enough how great my Dr, his staff, and the staff at the hospital were. Just amazing how things change in a matter of hours.
I have Spectrum and I get good service. I have 300,000 mbps download; I did have 600,000. I got to thinking that I did not need to watch 60 movies at once and I had over kill.

My March 2023 Spectrum bill was $353.28 a month. I had all the movie and sports channels and four DVR boxes ($12.00 a month each). I record all of UK's football and basketball games on HD (1080 lines). To avoid HDCP I used the old DVR boxes with the component outputs. I decided that recording UK's football and basketball games was not worth $4,239.36 dollars a year. I had the three extra DVR's as backup as they often quit working as they are old technology.

I dropped cable and now only have internet and phone. My bill went down to $74.98. So $899.76 per year is a lot better than $4,239.36 dollars a year. I now have YouTube tv for $72.00 a month. The differential is enough to have my yard mowed.
We had Spectrum at $301/mo. Switched to fiberoptics company & for basically the same thing, it's $217 or $1K/yr less. Internet speed is up to 1G, so see if that helps Netflix/Prime buffering. Those weren't bad, but still annoying. Also gained recording/viewing to a 2nd TV. So I understand your internet/YT combined bill is $147. Me, I enjoy mowing. Good exercise.
The last few weeks have been a test to me. Excruciating hip pain, only to find out the ball on my hip was obliterated due to hip injection. (This rarely ever happens). Nothing helped the pain with the exception of a fentanyl shot prior to surgery. Yesterday afternoon I had a full hip replacement, and now sitting at home basically pain free playing on computer. I can't say enough how great my Dr, his staff, and the staff at the hospital were. Just amazing how things change in a matter of hours.
Sounds fantastic. 👍
Good morning from ATX. Currently 71°F and clear. Today's high expected around 92°F. Heat dome moving in. Triple-digit highs coming soon. GROAN!

- Olive Garden screwed up our take-out order this past Tuesday afternoon. They forgot my side salad. Manager came clean and sent a $20 gift card. Decent compensation.

- Wife and I celebrate 25 years married today. We actually threw a party few weeks ago during my daughter's visit.

- New toilet installed yesterday. No further comment. [winking]

Wishing all Happy Thursday.


Me and my wife are 8 days and 2 years behind you. 16 June 2000
Went fishing this morning, report follows:

I hooked 6 and landed 3 so, another push. Warrior-Cat 3---Large Mouth Bass 3. While I did not get one as big as last week (6lbs 9 ounces), I did get another lunker of 5lbs 11 ounces. Todays Haul:

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What a day, what a day... Teeth not too bad though they did need a cleaning. The lady took care of that , quick, fast, and in a hurry.

Had a tooth missing. She asked me how long that molar had been missing, I stated about 35 or 40 years. Asked if I wanted a bridge at about $2500.00 after insurance (Just got dental insurance this year.) I stated, let me mull it over as I have done without it for a good while and eat pretty well.

I have crooked teeth BUT, they don't need any work so I'm good in that department. I am thankful...

Since we moved My Darling now has THREE gardening spots. (Our home and my daughters two houses.) She uses more gas than I do going to work between her trips to their houses, picking up and taking the BB to school three days a week and shopping.) Welll.... (Ala John Wayne as Rooster Cogburn when Ms. Goodnight finished the talking at the end...)

Anyway, it's back to work in the morning to the office.... (Not sure me and my "new" supervisor are going to get along... I will try and am holding off judgement for just a little bit. Will give it the old college try.) I was hoping this was my last work stop but who knows.... I will know better in another day or two. Need ONE WIGI..... that will be the decider...

Have a peaceful evening.... God Bless you D-Leaguer's....

Edit... I just read my work email to check and see if I had anything that was urgent needing to be addressed. I received an email from my supervisor that cemented some ignorance stupidity, I was concerned about. I guess I will start looking as this guy "ain't" going anywhere.... Just criminal who is put in charge of hard charging personnel. (Not me I am talking about...) Just criminal.....
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68° this morning with light winds. High to be near 90° with sunny skies.

A lot on the plate today, walking the monster (shortly), working out and then a doctor's appointment at 0915. Wife gave me a list to buy at Sams and Lowes after appointment. Getting lunch for daughter before I come home and then will finish the day cutting the grass. German beers will be on ice to top it off when done.

Took out fishing gear and equipment out of the bed of my truck to prepare for the day last night after dinner when I realized I had left my favorite rod at the pond when I left at 10:30 yesterday morning. $100.00 rod and reel with some lures. Had to go back last night to check. Luckily the grass was high where I was parked earlier (no one could see them), and they were still there when I went back so, while there, I fished a little more and wound up catching a 6lb catfish. Put it back in for the next guy. Thank God and a Good Day.

Well, TGIF folks. Don't work too hard and God Bless.
The last few weeks have been a test to me. Excruciating hip pain, only to find out the ball on my hip was obliterated due to hip injection. (This rarely ever happens). Nothing helped the pain with the exception of a fentanyl shot prior to surgery. Yesterday afternoon I had a full hip replacement, and now sitting at home basically pain free playing on computer. I can't say enough how great my Dr, his staff, and the staff at the hospital were. Just amazing how things change in a matter of hours.
I have one artificial hip and one artificial knee. I need another artificial hip and artificial knee plus two ankles.
We had Spectrum at $301/mo. Switched to fiberoptics company & for basically the same thing, it's $217 or $1K/yr less. Internet speed is up to 1G, so see if that helps Netflix/Prime buffering. Those weren't bad, but still annoying. Also gained recording/viewing to a 2nd TV. So I understand your internet/YT combined bill is $147. Me, I enjoy mowing. Good exercise.
See the above, lack of good joints, is why I don't mow. I love mowing too.

It is 53.4°F and sunny here. We are supposed to get to 81°F today with no chance of rain.
Good morning folks. Working from home today.

Suddenly my house, recently full of the clamor of two adult kids, is silent.

My daughter and her boyfriend got a chance to take a trip to Europe - Paris -- associated with his job.
My wife is in New York City visiting her favorite aunt who lives in Manhattan.
My son took a break from his moving truck job to drive up to Boston to help a friend who us relocating from there back to DC.
My older daughter -- she lives in Kansas City with her husband and kids so she wouldn't be home anyway -- is wrapping up a cruise through the glaciers in Southeastern Alaska.

Everybody is doing something interesting but me.
This might interest any of you fellows who ever worked with an acetylene torch.

My daughter was in the State Museum of Alaska and saw this exhibit as part of their Alaska Pipeline display.

She sent me the image, because she remembered seeing the one I cut out of a piece of scrap pipe on the pipeline when I was there as a 19 year old in the summer of 1976 -- in the Copper River Valley and in the Chugach Mountains..

I could buff mine up to a shine, get that little bit of white pipe dope off of it that just came from lugging it around, and trace a cleaner line showing the pipeline route and I think it is just as good. I was a pretty fair hand with a torch in those days. Now I can barely tie my shoes.
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Hello all,

Back home now. I picked up the BB from his mom after he got out of school.

He wanted a happy meal. Wonder what Papa bought.

My Darling is with friends jabber jawing and eating. I do hope she has fun. Had some pork chops thawing but I stuck them in the fridge. I snacked around and I know My Darling won't be hungry. Decluttering my office and aligning it is the hearts desire. I can't stand clutter. The BB has a different idea though....... Legos.....

Have a restful weekend.

Oh, had some serious contention today but it will keep until Monday or Tuesday....😉