
Good morning folks. Working from home today.

Suddenly my house, recently full of the clamor of two adult kids, is silent.

My daughter and her boyfriend got a chance to take a trip to Europe - Paris -- associated with his job.
My wife is in New York City visiting her favorite aunt who lives in Manhattan.
My son took a break from his moving truck job to drive up to Boston to help a friend who us relocating from there back to DC.
My older daughter -- she lives in Kansas City with her husband and kids so she wouldn't be home anyway -- is wrapping up a cruise through the glaciers in Southeastern Alaska.

Everybody is doing something interesting but me.
My daughter used to say, '' Daddy, I'm boring.'' As I've gotten old, it seems sometimes boring days are very good.
My daughter used to say, '' Daddy, I'm boring.'' As I've gotten old, it seems sometimes boring days are very good.
Bernie, I am well content to be a boring old man. I am happy to think that I wasn't a boring young man. When I get a little older I want to be like this character in the Townes Van Zant song (sung by Steve Earle) trying to convince people he lived like a rake as a young man, knowing no one will believe his "ravings and lies..."

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This might interest any of you fellows who ever worked with an acetylene torch.

My daughter was in the State Museum of Alaska and saw this exhibit as part of their Alaska Pipeline display.

She sent me the image, because she remembered seeing the one I cut out of a piece of scrap pipe on the pipeline when I was there as a 19 year old in the summer of 1976 -- in the Copper River Valley and in the Chugach Mountains..

I could buff mine up to a shine, get that little bit of white pipe dope off of it that just came from lugging it around, and trace a cleaner line showing the pipeline route and I think it is just as good. I was a pretty fair hand with a torch in those days. Now I can barely tie my shoes.

I cannot read the plaque name plate and it won't enlarge but I am very sure that top one was never touched with an acetylene torch. (Did that for a living as well welding on box cars for Whitehead and Kales in Michigan plus various other interactions with welding of different types. Just loved welding aluminum. Loved silver soldering as well. That just flows beautifully. MIG, TIG...) Upper looks more like plasma arc cutting. jmo

The top one may be acetylene torch made but I have never used that type of equipment or seen it.

An aside, you held a torch well as well though... I made a living for a couple years burning rods. Boxes and boxes of rods...
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I cannot read the plaque name plate and it won't enlarge but I am very sure that top one was never touched with an acetylene torch. (Did that for a living as well welding on box cars for Whitehead and Kales in Michigan plus various other interactions with welding of different types. Just loved welding aluminum. Loved silver soldering as well. That just flows beautifully.) Upper looks more like plasma arc cutting. jmo

The top one may be acetylene torch made but I have never used that type of equipment or seen it.

An aside, you held a torch well as well though... I made a living for a couple years burning rods. Boxes and boxes of rods...
That’s an interesting thought BBUK. The plaque only says the top one was “cut” from a piece of the 48 inch pipe used on the pipeline. So, it is steel pipe and it was cut with some kind of torch. But maybe not by hand. I can vouch that the bottom one was cut by hand.

I did some utility welding up there on things like the VSMs —vertical support mounts. (I assume you’ve seen the pipeline. Most of it is above ground on H shaped shock absorbers to keep it from rupturing in an earthquake.) But I was not good enough to actually weld on the pipeline. I did a lot of fitting and cutting.

There were some talented pipeliners up there —the best in the world. I was just a kid, and knew I’d never be as good as the top hands out of our Union —Pipeliners Local 798.
That’s an interesting thought BBUK. The plaque only says the top one was “cut” from a piece of the 48 inch pipe used on the pipeline. So, it is steel pipe and it was cut with some kind of torch. But maybe not by hand. I can vouch that the bottom one was cut by hand.

I did some utility welding up there on things like the VSMs —vertical support mounts. (I assume you’ve seen the pipeline. Most of it is above ground on H shaped shock absorbers to keep it from rupturing in an earthquake.) But I was not good enough to actually weld on the pipeline. I did a lot of fitting and cutting.

There were some talented pipeliners up there —the best in the world. I was just a kid, and knew I’d never be as good as the top hands out of our Union —Pipeliners Local 798.

I never had to join a union. I was too young. I started at $11.42 an hour back then about 1976 or 77. That was some real good dough for a guy my age that was still in high school. Minimum wage back then was around two bucks an hour. I lived large and got some serious over time. Where the dough went only the ladies knew...
Good morning from ATX. Currently 71°F and raining. Thunderstorms hit us earlier this morning. Today's high expected around 97°F. Pup got upset by all the booming and banging going on.

Gonna shoot a productive Saturday after a morning walk. Stay tuned.

Wishing all D-League members an awesome day.



73° this morning with a lot of wind. Thunderstorms just to the north keeping their distance so, no rain today.

Not much scheduled this morning other than walking the monster, working out, cleaning the house, killing some moles, wait...I take that back, that's quite a bit for the morning.

@AustinTXCat I will need a few of those Ice Teas to be of the Long Island variety please. MIL is coming over again today (almost every weekend now).

UK baseball playing LSU today in a Super Regional at 1500 eastern time. Gives me a reason to go to my bedroom and watch tv while the MIL is here.

Well, got to get started, it is starting to get light out and I must walk the monster before the sun gets shining.

Enjoy the Saturday folks and God Bless.

Oh yeah, GO Cats!
Good morning folks.

Out for a long walk. It’s a stunning day so far in the east - flawless blue skies, cool so far. A light breeze. Great weather for my long walk.

Still in the hours where being alone is more a positive than a negative. Wife and kids will be back from their various trips tomorrow. Until then I’ll enjoy doing whatever I want.

I hope you all have a good day.
Had a fine, fine dinner out and about....

The tray was full but then I thought to take some pictures. A seaweed wrap with imitation crab, egg, spinach, pickled turnips, carrots, and a couple other items...


The below is called be-bim-bop. Pour the sauce in and mangle it up and eat it. A tangy-spicy sauce but what you see is what you get. (Egg, carrots, cucumbers, spinach, bean sprouts, cabbage, and a couple other veggies.) This would have been enough for me and My Darling but eating the above as well, staves off supper.


This soup came with it along with rice and black beans. (The soup was some sort of sausage soup. My Darling re-boils it to get a lot of the fat off of it and then strains it but it makes for a good snack later today.)

All of the above ran right around $16.00.

Part of the bounty from our shopping trip. That is a little less than $10.00 worth of Mackerel at $1.99 a pound. They were about as fresh as you can get from the store. My Darling cleans them. Those will see the air fryer in a day or two if the Lord doesn't take us home.

Edit: the fish are about three or four meals for us.. definitely not one sitting. ;)

Have a great rest of your day... cleaning, cleaning, decluttering, decluttering.......
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Good morning from ATX. 74°F is our current temperature. Today's high expected around 101°F. Triple-digits expected for at least the next 8 days. Yikes!

- LSU kicked Cats butts last night. Ugh! Need a good comeback tonight.

- Purchased new fire extinguishers yesterday. Yep, growing more care these days.

Wishing all a wonderful Sunday.

Good morning folks.

Had a nice evening last night -- a reunion of the old Scripps Howard News Service Washington staff now widely dispersed, at the Virginia home of a friend of mine. Some really good folks I rarely get to see.

I worked there from 94-2000. The bureau in Washington was where famous war correspondent Ernie Pyle had worked before being sent to cover WW2, and there was still lots of his old memorabilia around the office, along with other war correspondents and notable political reporters from the 40s, 50s, 60s. Scripps always kept an overseas writer on staff in Ernie's job after he was killed by a Japanese sniper in 1945, and I had that job for a few years.

There was a nice turn out, a lovely cool summer evening in Arlington, not far from the Cemetery, and a clear night full of stars. Lots of memories shared with those folks.

Hope you all are having a good Sunday.
Good late morning all,

Wasn't able to take time to even post on my phone this morning. Left around 0730. My Darlings first day of singing in the choir. The early service is the only "worship" service, the next three are "contemporary" with the third one being a Spanish only service.

The contemporary service has you listening more than participating in the music part. I guess change from worship...

In any event, I just made a pan of biscuits I hadn't been able to make in at least three weeks. Was almost angry about it. They came out nearly like cake but not sweet so I did my duty. The mixture of the sharp shredded cheese makes it a meal. I have a half one on my plate left as I type.... I made another and Oops it is gone....

Have a blessed day and replenish whatever it is you need revitalized....

Still decluttering...
Evidently after a few good/moderate air quality days the smoke returned today. Back to unhealthy for now. Hopefully this will be the end of it.
My wife happened to be in New York City all week end until late this afternoon. She said there was no noticeable smoke. I know in DC there was a day or two in which the media acted like we were walking through poisoned gas and I barely noticed it. It feels like an agenda driven story —the climate change folks are pushing it hard.
My wife happened to be in New York City all week end until late this afternoon. She said there was no noticeable smoke. I know in DC there was a day or two in which the media acted like we were walking through poisoned gas and I barely noticed it. It feels like an agenda driven story —the climate change folks are pushing it hard.
You may well be right MD. The air quality index was 110 in NYC this afternoon which is high BUT can you believe it? Honestly I'm skeptical about everything these days. My niece is the one and only newsperson that I can trust.
My wife happened to be in New York City all week end until late this afternoon. She said there was no noticeable smoke. I know in DC there was a day or two in which the media acted like we were walking through poisoned gas and I barely noticed it. It feels like an agenda driven story —the climate change folks are pushing it hard.

Glad you are seeing it MdW.

Not so far from you. A few noticed the air at its worst. Actually waiting to see what freedoms will be confiscated this time.

Sure wish I could post some stuff....

Have a peaceful evening...
I have Spectrum and I get good service. I have 300,000 mbps download; I did have 600,000. I got to thinking that I did not need to watch 60 movies at once and I had over kill.

My March 2023 Spectrum bill was $353.28 a month. I had all the movie and sports channels and four DVR boxes ($12.00 a month each). I record all of UK's football and basketball games on HD (1080 lines). To avoid HDCP I used the old DVR boxes with the component outputs. I decided that recording UK's football and basketball games was not worth $4,239.36 dollars a year. I had the three extra DVR's as backup as they often quit working as they are old technology.

I dropped cable and now only have internet and phone. My bill went down to $74.98. So $899.76 per year is a lot better than $4,239.36 dollars a year. I now have YouTube tv for $72.00 a month. The differential is enough to have my yard mowed.
I am about to decide the same thing Bert. Wish I lived closer I would mow that yard for You!😀