
Good morning from ATX, Currently 69°F and cloudy. Strong rain/thunderstorm chances this afternoon. Today's high expected around 87°F.

Only $6.30 received from can collection yesterday. Bah.

@cordmaker Thanks! Safe travels to you, sir. Happy to hear about your business. Mucho success.

Wishing all a fine Sunday.

For those who have one of my Uncle Ken ornaments, I was told I can't do that anymore, so from now on it will just Ken on a blue ornament (K), easy around that!
Good morning folks.

Cord —is there anything keeping you from honoring foreign countries? I was thinking of the United Kingdom, where a lot of our ancestors are from…Just a thought.

Nice day in the east. Finished up some weekend chores and heading out for a walk before lunch. Have a good day folks. .
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Went fishing again this morning and it was a push. Warrior-Cat 1--Largemouth Bass 1 as I hooked 2 and lost 1.

Wife said while I was gone, one of our neighbors was out in his yard with his dog and the monster was barking at them making a lot of noise. One of our other dogs (pit mix) who is always trying to control the other dogs took offense and went after the monster. Well, the monster was having none of it, so they got into a fight that scared off 2 of the 3 cats that were in the back yard with them. she said that the third cat pictured below was up on the fence, jumped down, and ran over to where they were fighting and jumped up with all four claws forward into the pit mix which took them by surprise and they quit fighting. I guess he did not want them fighting. Wife said she wish she had recorded it. She said it was the craziest thing she had ever seen an animal do.

Kato is a different kind of cat.

Went fishing again this morning and it was a push. Warrior-Cat 1--Largemouth Bass 1 as I hooked 2 and lost 1.

Wife said while I was gone, one of our neighbors was out in his yard with his dog and the monster was barking at them making a lot of noise. One of our other dogs (pit mix) who is always trying to control the other dogs took offense and went after the monster. Well, the monster was having none of it, so they got into a fight that scared off 2 of the 3 cats that were in the back yard with them. she said that the third cat pictured below was up on the fence, jumped down, and ran over to where they were fighting and jumped up with all four claws forward into the pit mix which took them by surprise and they quit fighting. I guess he did not want them fighting. Wife said she wish she had recorded it. She said it was the craziest thing she had ever seen an animal do.

Kato is a different kind of cat.


Got a little "Pit Bull-mix" in her I guess.... 😅
Good morning folks.

Cord —is there anything keeping you from honoring foreign countries? I was thinking of the United Kingdom, where a lot of our ancestors are from…Just a thought.

Nice day in the east. Finished up some weekend chores and heading out for a walk before lunch. Have a good day folks. .
Only me, my ability to continue doing stained glass depends on my eye sight and my hands
Good morning from ATX. We've got 71°F and cloudy. Chance for rain this afternoon. Today's high expected at around 84°F.

Random thoughts:

- Police car just rode by with blue lights on. No siren. Hope nothing serious.

- Half and Half cream sure keeps long in the fridge. Purchased a carton two weeks ago for oyster stew. Expiry date good until July.

- Beat the Hoosiers!

Wishing a good start to your week.

For my good friend Willy, who should return to posting soon.

Good morning folks. Another Monday. Beautiful, cool and sunny day in the east. These are some of the best days of the year. Got out for a bit this morning but I'll likely be stuck behind a desk most of the day.

I heard from a friend I'd lost track with yesterday who went to WVU and he immediately goaded me into a lunch bet on the baseball game. So I got a free lunch ahead out of that Cats' win.

UK up 1 game to -0 on IUse2Be in the tournament. I hope they close that out today, because I work with a guy who is an IU grad and don't want to hear from him about the opposite outcome. Everybody in DC is from somewhere else, so over the years -- about 45 for me now -- you end up with these incredibly tangled and complicated sports relationships with people you have worked with on one job or another. That's about half the reason I even stay interested in college sports anymore. It's the conversational currency of the office during football and basketball seasons especially.

I hope you all get to enjoy a nice Monday.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 67°F and partly cloudy. Very humid. Slight chance for a late day storm. Today's high may hit 86°F. 90s and 100s on the way later in the week.

Loved Cats win yesterday. I watched entire game from end of 2nd inning until complete. Sound was off. Winning 3 straight requires something special. Go Cats! On to Baton Rouge.

Finally growing some hair back. F%cking chemo. Experienced a couple headaches yesterday. Definitely don't need those.

Wishing all a fine Tuesday.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 67°F and partly cloudy. Very humid. Slight chance for a late day storm. Today's high may hit 86°F. 90s and 100s on the way later in the week.

Loved Cats win yesterday. I watched entire game from end of 2nd inning until complete. Sound was off. Winning 3 straight requires something special. Go Cats! On to Baton Rouge.

Finally growing some hair back. F%cking chemo. Experienced a couple headaches yesterday. Definitely don't need those.

Wishing all a fine Tuesday.


God's comfort to you brother ATXC....
Good morning all,

Heading inside after it seems a daily commute wreck to navigate. People drive so darned aggressive. Just not needed.... And, will never learn. I have my moments but darn you have to temper your emotion.

Have a day that brings contentment....

I have a meeting with my new supervisor today....that may cause some tension but it's okay.

God Bless you members of the D-League...
Good morning folks.

Glad you are seeing some positive signs Austin.

I also watched the Cats’ baseball game last night - the first college baseball game I can remember watching. Great win. My son was home and we celebrated together. He knows I hate the Hoosiers even if that is strange to him. They’ve been irrelevant in every sport his whole life. To him loathing IU is like hating Morehead State.

On the subway. Overcast and cool in the east. Have a great day folks.
Forgot today was the anniversary of D-Day.

A few years back, on the 75th anniversary, I designed a package of stories on Normandy and hired the writer Alex Kershaw, who had written a terrific book on a small town of Bedford, Virginia, who lost the most men killed per capita that day, to write some stuff for us. If interested, here's the link to the opener, and you can follow it to other pieces.



Mid 80's today with sunny skies and light winds.

Have a city end of season softball tournament starting tonight. Single elimination so it will be over tonight. I will try and just watch as my ribs have not yet healed. Some days worse than others depending on honey do workload. I will play if the team is short of players only.

Wanted to go fishing today but have to go to Lowes and get some planks for my privacy fence since a few of them are starting to weaken, crack and break (fence is old) under the pressure of the monster hitting them while fence fighting with the neighbor's dogs who he lets run outside a couple of times a day. Had a couple extra already in my shop and used them to replace 2 yesterday morning as I found them broke in between the middle and bottom wood cross braces. Neighbor says he tries to keep them (his mutts) in his own yard, but his kids and their friends go in and out of the back yard and sometimes let them out. If she (the monster) ever gets out, those dogs are toast if they don't run. They will probably run because they did before when our older Pyrenees mix was with me in the front yard a couple of years ago and they came running and snarling until Princess (daughter named her) charged at them and they took off.

Well, got to go to Lowes now, you guys enjoy your day and God Bless.
It is a sad day. The D-League lost a friend............

Calling it a night. Been a horrid couple days. Today I had my quasi showdown. Not sure who won yet and that concerns me. We shall see. I am working from home the next two days. (Part of some changes implemented.... yeah, just dumb.)

Have a restful evening. God is still in control.... God Bless you all ....
It is a sad day. The D-League lost a friend............

Calling it a night. Been a horrid couple days. Today I had my quasi showdown. Not sure who won yet and that concerns me. We shall see. I am working from home the next two days. (Part of some changes implemented.... yeah, just dumb.)

Have a restful evening. God is still in control.... God Bless you all ....
Not sure how to react to this post, so I will just like.
I had some relatives there that day.

My cousin Bill was the only one that survived of all of them in his Higgins boat and he was shot twice.
My dad’s little brother kia in france 08/03/1944/ 330 infantry 83 div. don’t know if he was on the beach on dday. he married a “war bride” just before he shipped out from the states, nyc i think. the family didn’t get all of his records and no one ever met or even knew her name.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 69°F and clear. Calm. Today's high expected around 91°F. Triple digits coming next week.

- No disrespect intended about June 6. If I remember correctly, my uncle Thomas landed with second wave. He served as a combat engineer. He joined in early 1940 and also helped out at the Airborne School, Fort Benning. Tom ended up retiring from USAF in 1962.

- Grabbed Calamari from Olive Garden yesterday afternoon. Wonderful.

Happy Hump Day.

It is a sad day. The D-League lost a friend............

Calling it a night. Been a horrid couple days. Today I had my quasi showdown. Not sure who won yet and that concerns me. We shall see. I am working from home the next two days. (Part of some changes implemented.... yeah, just dumb.)

Have a restful evening. God is still in control.... God Bless you all ....



64° this morning with a high today in the mid 80's and sunny with light winds.

Played the city league single elimination tournament last night and we went 1-1. The first game we won 14-2 and the second we lost 10-9. We lost it in the last inning. I went 1-2 and a walk in the first game and 2-3 and a walk in the second. Since we have stealing allowed in our league the runner cannot leave until the ball is coming across the plate (slow pitch). I was behind the plate and had just thrown a couple of balls lazily back to the pitcher and one fell short when our shortstop joking referred to my arm as the old mans rag arm.

The opposition had a man on first and the count was 3-2 when the next pitch came across and the runner took off. The batter did not swing, and it was called a strike as it hit just behind the plate and bounced perfectly into my glove. I quickly shifted my feet to align my throw, fired towards second base to my shortstops glove right on the money in front of second base. Got him. Strike him out throw him out in slow pitch softball. Does not happen very often. It was the third out and as we were walking back to the dugout our shortstop says, I guess I was wrong about the rag arm. 😁

You guys get over the hump today and ride the decline to the end of the week and God Bless.