
Good morning from ATX. Currently 71°F and clear. Light wind from the south. Today's high expected around 91°F.

Report yesterday stated average rents in Austin now running $1700-$2K month. Yikes!

Glad to still be counted amongst the living. Every new day is a gift. Happy Friday.

Good morning everyone!

We enjoyed our hike yesterday to the Cumberland Gap area of SE KY. Well, mostly driving to the location. My first time going all the way up to the Hensley Settlement area.

We're babysitting again today, but I hope she'll be outside plenty so I can get some things done while she is playing around.

Anyone know if Sawnee is OK? I just realized I haven't seen a post the last couple of days I've read through here. I don't remember seeing him here any of the times I've made a quick drive by here this spring.

I guess we're getting down to crunch time on the remaining roster questions. I need to check and see what's going on.

I hope everyone has a great day.
Good morning everyone!

We enjoyed our hike yesterday to the Cumberland Gap area of SE KY. Well, mostly driving to the location. My first time going all the way up to the Hensley Settlement area.

We're babysitting again today, but I hope she'll be outside plenty so I can get some things done while she is playing around.

Anyone know if Sawnee is OK? I just realized I haven't seen a post the last couple of days I've read through here. I don't remember seeing him here any of the times I've made a quick drive by here this spring.

I guess we're getting down to crunch time on the remaining roster questions. I need to check and see what's going on.

I hope everyone has a great day.
Cumberland Gap = my old stomping grounds. Hiked dozens of times between Shawanee and Gap town and back. Longest treks were Shawanee to Gap to my mom's old place off Pineville Pike in Middlesboro and back. Made Pinnacle hike several times.

Love the area.
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Good morning everyone!

We enjoyed our hike yesterday to the Cumberland Gap area of SE KY. Well, mostly driving to the location. My first time going all the way up to the Hensley Settlement area.

We're babysitting again today, but I hope she'll be outside plenty so I can get some things done while she is playing around.

Anyone know if Sawnee is OK? I just realized I haven't seen a post the last couple of days I've read through here. I don't remember seeing him here any of the times I've made a quick drive by here this spring.

I guess we're getting down to crunch time on the remaining roster questions. I need to check and see what's going on.

I hope everyone has a great day.
I've also been wondering about Sawnee.
Had a physical earlier. How any guy can be gay after that exam escapes me.

Doc said I hadn't had a colonoscopy since 2014. I immediately pointed out that I had reached the magic age of 75 a few weeks back. He relented because my gay test was fine.

The other thing good about 75 is that you don't have to remove your shoes in airport security.
Don't want to make you feel worse about being violated by a thick-fingered doctor, , but as I discovered a few years back -- the medical consensus is the "digital rectal exam" is useless anyway. It is not recommended by medical authorities...(read highlighted section.)

I found this out a few years back when I went in for my first full physical in probably 15 years. The doc was a fairly attractive woman with smallish hands so I figured if it had to happen, it could be worse. But she skipped it. Wanting to make sure I had a real clean bill of health I asked her about it and she said, "they figured out that was a waste of time."

As for the colonoscopy - I did one, hated it, and since then have been doing the Colo-Guard home test. I recommend that if your doctor will go along.
Don't want to make you feel worse about being violated by a thick-fingered doctor, , but as I discovered a few years back -- the medical consensus is the "digital rectal exam" is useless anyway. It is not recommended by medical authorities...(read highlighted section.)

I found this out a few years back when I went in for my first full physical in probably 15 years. The doc was a fairly attractive woman with smallish hands so I figured if it had to happen, it could be worse. But she skipped it. Wanting to make sure I had a real clean bill of health I asked her about it and she said, "they figured out that was a waste of time."

As for the colonoscopy - I did one, hated it, and since then have been doing the Colo-Guard home test. I recommend that if your doctor will go along.
Isn't there a way now to screen for the prostate through a blood test? Either the prostate or colon.

Edited: "The PSA test is a blood test used primarily to screen for prostate cancer. The test measures the amount of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in your blood. PSA is a protein produced by both cancerous and noncancerous tissue in the prostate, a small gland that sits below the bladder in males."
Don't want to make you feel worse about being violated by a thick-fingered doctor, , but as I discovered a few years back -- the medical consensus is the "digital rectal exam" is useless anyway. It is not recommended by medical authorities...(read highlighted section.)

I found this out a few years back when I went in for my first full physical in probably 15 years. The doc was a fairly attractive woman with smallish hands so I figured if it had to happen, it could be worse. But she skipped it. Wanting to make sure I had a real clean bill of health I asked her about it and she said, "they figured out that was a waste of time."

As for the colonoscopy - I did one, hated it, and since then have been doing the Colo-Guard home test. I recommend that if your doctor will go along.
Did Colo-guard as well, due for another one. They keep sending me reminders that it is time.
Good morning D-League. This is the best Friday since last Friday. Thankful it has arrived.

Sunny and cool in the east. This has been a mostly lovely spring for us.

Planning a hike along the Appalachian Trial with my son tomorrow. There's a stretch not far from us that runs between two battlefields of the South Mountain battle in the Civil War- Crampton's Gap to Turner's Gap, via Fox Gap, for you history buffs. It's about eight miles one way so we probably won't do it all, but it is all striking country.

Hope you all have a good day.
I said something about Blue birds and Sparrows, I was on the deck this morning, Mr.Sparrow was on top of the box, I hadn't seen the Blue birds in a few days, but they were back this morning and the fight was on they went to the ground, then daddy Bluebird got in the mix as well. This has gone on all day, I think the Blue birds are winning!!
When we lived in Illinois, we had blue birds that nested in one of our bird houses every year. They were fun to watch. I've yet to see any at our place here in Louisville.
Good morning everyone!

We enjoyed our hike yesterday to the Cumberland Gap area of SE KY. Well, mostly driving to the location. My first time going all the way up to the Hensley Settlement area.

We're babysitting again today, but I hope she'll be outside plenty so I can get some things done while she is playing around.

Anyone know if Sawnee is OK? I just realized I haven't seen a post the last couple of days I've read through here. I don't remember seeing him here any of the times I've made a quick drive by here this spring.

I guess we're getting down to crunch time on the remaining roster questions. I need to check and see what's going on.

I hope everyone has a great day.

SC seems fine. Saw him post a couple times in another venue.
Isn't there a way now to screen for the prostate through a blood test? Either the prostate or colon.

Edited: "The PSA test is a blood test used primarily to screen for prostate cancer. The test measures the amount of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in your blood. PSA is a protein produced by both cancerous and noncancerous tissue in the prostate, a small gland that sits below the bladder in males."
My doctor used to automatically order the psa test as part of my routine blood work, but he said once i turned 70 it’s no longer done unless specifically requested.
My doctor used to automatically order the psa test as part of my routine blood work, but he said once i turned 70 it’s no longer done unless specifically requested.
My cancer was found using a PSA. It was not the level of the PSA but how quickly it changed.

Because of my age they opted for radioactive seeds. My doc said that at 55 they remove the prostate, but as I 70 they preferred the seeds. I had 72 "seeds" (titanium laced with Iodine 125) put into my prostate. It was a two-hour visit to the hospital. It killed the cancer, but it will come back as bone cancer if it metastasizes.
Made my heart appointment (CAD), we shall see...

On a lighter note, My Darling, my two daughters, and my two grand children here are making a trek to Gainesville Florida to meet our new daughter in law (I am assuming, along with our four grandchildren, two of whom we have not met in person.) I think it is Wednesday of next week we leave.... (I'd rather jump in a van and do what we are about to do, I can take the driving and stopping.) (This plane junk to where all kinds of luggage is involved and a darned dog, I am nearly ready to just drive by myself and meet them...).... Yadda, yadda, yadda...
My cancer was found using a PSA. It was not the level of the PSA but how quickly it changed.

Because of my age they opted for radioactive seeds. My doc said that at 55 they remove the prostate, but as I 70 they preferred the seeds. I had 72 "seeds" (titanium laced with Iodine 125) put into my prostate. It was a two-hour visit to the hospital. It killed the cancer, but it will come back as bone cancer if it metastasizes.
Bert, by the time it comes back you'll probably be too old to know about it.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 69°F and cloudy. Light wind from the north. Today's high expected around 83°F.

Couple years ago, Emergency Room cut off my wedding ring because of swelling from dog bite. Finally got it fixed yesterday - $175.

May attend yet another service-related reunion out in NC this fall. Stay tuned.

Wishing all Happy Saturday.

It is 64.5°F and raining here. So far we have .64 inches. We are to top out at 72°F.

Another death in the extended family. Most are younger than me!

You all remember the horse race this afternoon. We ahve to support Maryland racing.
Bert, my twisted sister's rain gauge had a little over 3" this morning, that puts us at over 14" of rain for this month!!!!
Good morning D League.

Heading out for a walk on a sunny, cool morning in the east.

Watched Cocaine Bear last night. Could have been better but silly enough to be fun.

That whole story about the Lexington cop-turned-drug smuggler Andrew Thornton that was the real-life part of it was an early reporting assignment for me when I was still in my 20s. I went to Knoxville and talked to the nutty old coot who found Thornton’s body in his driveway, the FBI agents looking for the cocaine, and then made my way to Lexington and talked to everyone I could find who knew Thornton. I must have been close to something because I remember I came back from nosing around one day and my hotel room was totally trashed. Weird times.

Hope everyone has a good Sunday.
Good early morning D-League. I am on early because Joe Biden is on TV. He is such a turd.

It is sunny and 52.7°F here. We ended up with .66 inches of rain. You can hear my grass growing. It will get mowed tomorrow if it is not raining.

You all have a great Sunday.
Good morning D League.

Heading out for a walk on a sunny, cool morning in the east.

Watched Cocaine Bear last night. Could have been better but silly enough to be fun.

That whole story about the Lexington cop-turned-drug smuggler Andrew Thornton that was the real-life part of it was an early reporting assignment for me when I was still in my 20s. I went to Knoxville and talked to the nutty old coot who found Thornton’s body in his driveway, the FBI agents looking for the cocaine, and then made my way to Lexington and talked to everyone I could find who knew Thornton. I must have been close to something because I remember I came back from nosing around one day and my hotel room was totally trashed. Weird times.

Hope everyone has a good Sunday.
There is a very good documentary about that on discovery channel (?) that i had watched several years ago. i found it again last summer by searching on my smart tv. it was very intrigueing and makes me wonder just how many operations like that are going on undetected today.
Good morning from ATX. 63°F is our current temperature. Partly cloudy. No rain in our forecast. Today's high expected around 86°F.

Fairly eventful week coming up. More treatment tomorrow. Daughter flying back to Austin this coming Friday night for Memorial Day weekend and anniversary celebration.

Wishing all a great start to your week.

Good morning from ATX. 63°F is our current temperature. Partly cloudy. No rain in our forecast. Today's high expected around 86°F.

Fairly eventful week coming up. More treatment tomorrow. Daughter flying back to Austin this coming Friday night for Memorial Day weekend and anniversary celebration.

Wishing all a great start to your week.

Good morning D-League.

Austin, my prayers will be with you as you deal with the latest rounds of treatment. I’m glad you’ll get to see your daughter later in the week.

Cloudy and cool in the east. Mondays. By far my worst work days. Dreary meetings and lots of grinding tasks. Ah well.

Hope everyone has a good start to the week.
Find you the right size drinking glass, that's what we do

I just never liked that "poof" you get using a glass or cup. Wanted something that had a hole to let the air release. I've been looking. Saw some online but I don't need eight or ten dollars worth of cookie cutters. ;) Even looked at the dollar stores but, not yet Sir...


53° this morning with partly cloudy skies and light winds. Rain forecasted for tonight and for the next 7 days or so. Probably cut the grass this afternoon otherwise it might be a week or so before I can again.

SEC baseball tourney starts on Tuesday. UK has Alabama up first at I believe 15:30. I will be watching.

Well, get to it if you are working today and be careful out there.

God Bless you all and prayers for you @AustinTXCat. Stay strong.
Good morning from ATX. 63°F is our current temperature. Partly cloudy. No rain in our forecast. Today's high expected around 86°F.

Fairly eventful week coming up. More treatment tomorrow. Daughter flying back to Austin this coming Friday night for Memorial Day weekend and anniversary celebration.

Wishing all a great start to your week.


God Bless you brother ATXC... (Glad your daughter is visiting...)