
Good morning everyone

I've been looking forward to this day for awhile now. Nothing planned! My wife and I worked the election yesterday and everything went smoothly, but still a long day. Turnout was of course LOW.

I'm still waiting on the final offer on my truck (totaled) from the insurance agency. I dread shopping to replace it.

Wildlife Wednesday.... I had 2 bluebird boxes that had a nesting pair. One lost the female to a hawk and the male did not stay with the little ones. Sad. The other (eyesight of our entrance door) was successful. However, I suspect the little ones left the nest yesterday while we were at the election. I'll watch a couple of times this morning. Not my pic, but did get to watch this many times.

I hope everyone had a great day.

Good morning everyone

I've been looking forward to this day for awhile now. Nothing planned! My wife and I worked the election yesterday and everything went smoothly, but still a long day. Turnout was of course LOW.

I'm still waiting on the final offer on my truck (totaled) from the insurance agency. I dread shopping to replace it.

Wildlife Wednesday.... I had 2 bluebird boxes that had a nesting pair. One lost the female to a hawk and the male did not stay with the little ones. Sad. The other (eyesight of our entrance door) was successful. However, I suspect the little ones left the nest yesterday while we were at the election. I'll watch a couple of times this morning. Not my pic, but did get to watch this many times.

I hope everyone had a great day.

I built some Bluebird boxes, one is on a pole wherever can watch it from our deck, first hatching had 6 eggs, hope they all made it. I like watching them when a Sparrow comes around!
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Glad to see you still doing the glass work. You have a God-given talent that would be a shame to see you waste. I was going to try to come to Central City to put flowers on my Grandparent's grave for Memorial Day, but my wife is not in condition to ride that far so I called the Flower Barn Florists and had them do it.
Funny thing yesterday, we went to vote and I left with 3 glass orders, 3 shields, two for Correction Officers (gray line) and a Thin Red Line. Wish y'all could see the necklaces I am making, I am taking some of the flint I am finding and tumbling it! Beautiful! One especially, when I took it out it had a small impression of a fossil shell!
Bert, this must be the biggest thing ever in Smith's Grove history:

Well other than the news that I was retiring to Smiths Grove! :)

It is a big deal; however, the traffic could get really bad. I hope that they add a bunch of lanes on the south side of I-65 to handle volume.

Leon Tarter, a relative of mine, had owned that property for 50 years and the politics kept him from developing it until a couple years ago. He finally sold it and then died. He survived D-Day and local politics!
Okay, aging D-Leaguers: I stuck it out and finished the 5K Capital Challenge. My time was embarrassingly slow but it was the first 3-mile-plus run I've done since my hip surgery. I didn't beat Kyrstin Sinema, of Arizona. She's actually pretty fast and rather foxy in yoga tights. But I did stay ahead of Joe Manchin of West Virginia. Brett Kavanaugh pissed off liberals by winning first place among judges.

Plus -- my team name was picked as "Third Place - Worst Name." The Titanium Hipsters.

Okay, aging D-Leaguers: I stuck it out and finished the 5K Capital Challenge. My time was embarrassingly slow but it was the first 3-mile-plus run I've done since my hip surgery. I didn't beat Kyrstin Sinema, of Arizona. She's actually pretty fast and rather foxy in yoga tights. But I did stay ahead of Joe Manchin of West Virginia. Brett Kavanaugh pissed off liberals by winning first place among judges.

Plus -- my team name was picked as "Third Place - Worst Name." The Titanium Hipsters.

I guess it must be the hip that reminds of the six million dollar man but I keep going back to the thought of the "one-eye" vision Ole Steve had...maybe you got that too when you had your hip work done. Am glad all went well though! 😁
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Okay, aging D-Leaguers: I stuck it out and finished the 5K Capital Challenge. My time was embarrassingly slow but it was the first 3-mile-plus run I've done since my hip surgery. I didn't beat Kyrstin Sinema, of Arizona. She's actually pretty fast and rather foxy in yoga tights. But I did stay ahead of Joe Manchin of West Virginia. Brett Kavanaugh pissed off liberals by winning first place among judges.

Plus -- my team name was picked as "Third Place - Worst Name." The Titanium Hipsters.

Manchin shouldn’t have been running. He has had a knee replacement. His surgeon did both of mine.
Good morning everyone

I've been looking forward to this day for awhile now. Nothing planned! My wife and I worked the election yesterday and everything went smoothly, but still a long day. Turnout was of course LOW.

I'm still waiting on the final offer on my truck (totaled) from the insurance agency. I dread shopping to replace it.

Wildlife Wednesday.... I had 2 bluebird boxes that had a nesting pair. One lost the female to a hawk and the male did not stay with the little ones. Sad. The other (eyesight of our entrance door) was successful. However, I suspect the little ones left the nest yesterday while we were at the election. I'll watch a couple of times this morning. Not my pic, but did get to watch this many times.

I hope everyone had a great day.

At our club, we have a Bluebird count and we have 7 boxes that have eggs.
Yogi grew up in St Louis on the same block as Joe Garagioli who played MLB for a few years and later worked on the Today Show. Both were Cardinal fans and both catchers. The Cards offered Joe a few hundred dollars as a bonus. They offered Yogi a bit less. Yogi said they had played together for years and he knew he was better than Joe, so he said give me the same money or I will sign elsewhere. The Cards said no, so Yogi signed with the Yankees and had a HOF career as a Yankee over a hundred bucks or so.
Good morning folks.

Thanks for those kind words Austin. You wouldn’t envy me this morning —Boris Karloff’s 1930s Frankenstein had a more fluid walk than I do today. But I’m glad to know a future of jogging is still possible if I work myself into it.

Cloudy and cool in the east. Heading in early. This might be the last long day of this stretch if things go well on the job today.

Hope you all have a good one.
Good morning everyone.

Great run Md, especially after your surgery. I ran track/cross country way back in HS, but I'm more of a powerlifter in a long distance runner's body. lol

@Ben101er @cordmaker And anyone else interested I have 4 bluebird boxes and had 2 nests w/ bluebirds and the other 2 had chickadees. Also, had a wren's just outside the patio, red shouldered hawks nest just up the hill (3rd time). Somewhere close are cardinals and robins nesting. Love it. I'll try to edit this post and show the biggest reason.

Off to another group hike (ages 50-almost 90) this morning at a place I've never hiked. It won't push my wife and me physically, but is great being with this crowd.

I pray everyone is still doing good while I haven't been able to keep up as much. Have a great day!
I'll just add this here. Our love of birds really took off after my wife picked up this little girl (way before this pic was taken) when she fell out of the nest early. I had told her to leave it as it was too young and no way it would make it. For three days I knew I was right. After 3 days she made a remarkable recovery. It's a robin. We kept her for a little over a month in the house and she would fly back and forth to us. Working for the Dept. of Fish and Wildlife and both of us traveling we finally turned her out. She hung around close for the day and then off on her own. A year later we had a 3 oz. most spoiled critter (Daisy-cockatiel) I've ever seen and she has changed our lives. lol

I guess it must be the hip that reminds of the six million dollar man but I keep going back to the thought of the "one-eye" vision Ole Steve had...maybe you got that too when you had your hip work done. Am glad all went well though! 😁
Beat me to it. As soon as I read his post the series theme song popped into my head as I imagined @MdWIldcat55 was holding back so as not to embarrass the rest of them.


59° this morning with light rain. High to be in the mid 70's with possible thunderstorms throughout the day.

Still sore from the bout with the ground during Tuesday night's games. Could not work out yesterday and probably will not today. Hate missing days but...

My old friend came back over yesterday for me to redo his passport paperwork because he gave me some incorrect information the day before. While here his radiator was leaking, and I ask him when this started. He said about 3 weeks ago, but it is now worse. I told him to go to a radiator shop in Lawton (15 miles from where I live) because we don't have one here and get it looked at. We do have a NAPA store here so I got him some stopleak and filled his radiator back up and sent him on his way. He is the same guy who when he had battery problems in OKC and needed a jump, called me to help him out. OKC is about 60 miles from me, so I told him just flag someone down and get some help. He did and got back to Lawton and bought a battery.

He recently had a flat in Lawton at a local gym and left his truck there and called me the next morning because he did not know how to change the tire, nor did he have the equipment for it. He actually did have the equipment and had no clue as to where it was. I showed him and helped him change the tire. He is 64 years old and has no skills in this area at all. Says friends and family have always helped him out. I showed him and made him do it (tire) and gave him jumper cables (for the next time) and showed him how to do that. Maybe next time...

It's Friday Eve folks! Enjoy your day and God Bless.


59° this morning with light rain. High to be in the mid 70's with possible thunderstorms throughout the day.

Still sore from the bout with the ground during Tuesday night's games. Could not work out yesterday and probably will not today. Hate missing days but...

My old friend came back over yesterday for me to redo his passport paperwork because he gave me some incorrect information the day before. While here his radiator was leaking, and I ask him when this started. He said about 3 weeks ago, but it is now worse. I told him to go to a radiator shop in Lawton (15 miles from where I live) because we don't have one here and get it looked at. We do have a NAPA store here so I got him some stopleak and filled his radiator back up and sent him on his way. He is the same guy who when he had battery problems in OKC and needed a jump, called me to help him out. OKC is about 60 miles from me, so I told him just flag someone down and get some help. He did and got back to Lawton and bought a battery.

He recently had a flat in Lawton at a local gym and left his truck there and called me the next morning because he did not know how to change the tire, nor did he have the equipment for it. He actually did have the equipment and had no clue as to where it was. I showed him and helped him change the tire. He is 64 years old and has no skills in this area at all. Says friends and family have always helped him out. I showed him and made him do it (tire) and gave him jumper cables (for the next time) and showed him how to do that. Maybe next time...

It's Friday Eve folks! Enjoy your day and God Bless.
I'm pretty dumb in those areas, but I did put on a new battery last week. Dad always let me concentrate on baseball, but that future in baseball didn't quite work out. LOL!
I'll just add this here. Our love of birds really took off after my wife picked up this little girl (way before this pic was taken) when she fell out of the nest early. I had told her to leave it as it was too young and no way it would make it. For three days I knew I was right. After 3 days she made a remarkable recovery. It's a robin. We kept her for a little over a month in the house and she would fly back and forth to us. Working for the Dept. of Fish and Wildlife and both of us traveling we finally turned her out. She hung around close for the day and then off on her own. A year later we had a 3 oz. most spoiled critter (Daisy-cockatiel) I've ever seen and she has changed our lives. lol

Stotrm, are you a game warden? My son wanted to be one until he got the railroad itch!!
I'm pretty dumb in those areas, but I did put on a new battery last week. Dad always let me concentrate on baseball, but that future in baseball didn't quite work out. LOL!
He was born and mostly raised in Bangkok. Came to Oklahoma (Ft. Sill) with his stepfather at 16 or 17 years old. Knows martial arts (many styles) and was raised Thai Boxing until he came to the states. Is a very good instructor and generally takes over tournaments we go to because those in charge would prefer, he run them. But that is the extent of his expertise outside of cannabis. He has been selling medical marijuana for years now. Only does it for his former employers part time now as he is retired. Everything else in his life has been taken care of by family and friends.
Had a physical earlier. How any guy can be gay after that exam escapes me.

Doc said I hadn't had a colonoscopy since 2014. I immediately pointed out that I had reached the magic age of 75 a few weeks back. He relented because my gay test was fine.

The other thing good about 75 is that you don't have to remove your shoes in airport security.
Good morning D, love the talk about birds. There are two birds that I just don't see hardly ever anymore, a Cat bird and Brown Thrasher, use to not see any little Yellow Finches but see a few now. Have a great day D, going arrow head hunting in a little while.
We have had brown thrashers out near the family cemetery the last few years. I love listening to them. I saw my first catbird here a couple of weeks ago. We've lived here 33 years now.

I actually supervised the Hunter Education program in the eastern 1/4 of the state most of my F&W career. I tell all the youngsters that ask about working for the Dept. because they loved the outdoors to go out and get a good paying job. Then enjoy the outdoors on your time off. Great career, but like all of them, it does turn into a job after a few years.
Me supper this evening...

A soup with an anchovy, crab, and mushroom base,.... just heavenly.. (I can do without anchovy's most any day of the week but My Darling freeze-dried these (Herself) and ground them to powder and freezes it to use for these type bases... (Just unimaginable how I eat regularly...).. the mandu (The large pod-looking things are store bought (They are full of beef) as well as the rice chips...) I add the black pepper. I am thankful but I DO eat like a King... (Just a thankful post and not meant to brag.)

There are better cooks/ chef's out there but as John Wayne stated in Rio Bravo about who is better Dude or Colorado... "I'd hate to live on the difference..." (And My Darling doesn't do it for a living, though, she could...)

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