
If you think I am dragging this along, you'd be correct but...


Far be it from me to cause some anticipation and not deliver.

Thank you Sir!!! God Bless you!!! @cordmaker
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Damn...we were 19.5 point favorites...I have been betting against Kentucky pretty much every game...but South Carolina had lost to a few really little teams, so I didn't bet this one. I should have just continued to bet against Kentucky...what am I doing? The smart bet is bet against Cal and Kentucky right now.
Ha haha y'all not gonna believe this, but I watched final 9.36 of CFP championship last night here in intensive care recovery room. Dawgs ate 'em up. Crazy.
Great news Austin, so thankful you are able to do that and keep in touch with the D League. We are praying for your complete recovery each and every day.

You are missed and appreciated.

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