Howdy folks. Just back from my visit physical therapy session at the outpatient facility.
Overall, it went well and the therapist thought I was well-along for 19 days after surgery.
He did notice that I had a "Compensating Trendelenburg Gait." That's an expensive way of saying I limp a little. He assures me that can be fixed.
Thought the Cats played pretty well. They played the way they are going to have to p;lay to succeed -- pretty efficient on offense, not too many turnovers or wasted possessions. The defense could be open to criticism, but what I saw was an LSU team that shoots pretty well and is athletic enough that you can't overplay them on the perimeter having a better-than-normal shooting night.
I know some are frustrated with Cal slowing the game down at the end. And, there is evidence that it didn't totally succeed. But the way LSU was capable of scoring I don't see reducing the overall number of possessions when you have a lead as a terrible idea.
Anyway, we'll know more after the Alabama road game.
I am happy you seem to be progressing well. It used to be in the not too long ago past that if you Trendelenburg'd in public you'd get in some serious trouble.
Wanted to take this time to address the stall ball approach. (I preface this stating my basketball knowledge is minimal at best. I am actually going by the common practice of using the best you have when you need to win theorem.)
Cal uses that approach in every game I have ever seen him coach when he is ahead. The serious issue about what he does is that UK also has to score at times they are given a chance. For a lot of years UK cannot score enough at the end to keep a lead more often than not in those situations. A ten point lead evaporates with just minimal mistakes of UK not scoring which has exactly been UK's problem late in games (Even before this season for a good while now.) (In 2012, Bill Self was correct in hindsight. He did just run out of time.) (Cal needs to realize and real soon that all teams will not always just run out of time...)
While the mathematics agree with Cal's way of play and is even probably part of his coaching motivation. Players have to at least make free-throws and these UK players cannot, at least they cannot make them enough to play the way Cal plays, which is stall ball with a lead.
Cal should be the first to recognize deficiencies in his players and change play due to the strengths of his personnel but, Cal will not change according to his personnel or his players strengths. That is the issue with why UK lost the all time wins lead and very rarely now wins against ranked teams.
I blame every bit of that on coaching and not the players. Cal has the best ranked players.. He does and there is no denying that. The best ranked needs the best coached or at least real good coaching to get a team to the top. Cal is deficient in that he will not change his tactics to his personnel. (There are nuances in that statement but that is the gist of the issue.)
The one thing I do know is, you and I can have a conversation here in the D-League and it not turn into anything but a good experience, unlike the rest of this site. (You and I could have a conversation via the typed word or anywhere but the observers would surely chime in and try making it an argument.
BLUF: Win with what "brung" ya...
Thank you for that... (I'd have never post this in RR.)