
I don’t follow Kentucky football closely. Please tell me that QB will never see the field again. There were a lot of terrible performances on both sides of the ball, but the Cats had no chance with the QB play.
He was a running QB in high school and that does not fit Stoops coaching style. Although against Iowa's defense he did not even look like that. Stoops relies on running from his backs not so much QB's unless it is a draw or a scramble. His passes looked good in his form, technique, and arm strength but, his accuracy was lacking. That seems to be common among running QB's.
Classic film scene.

Spring practice better focus on ways to score points. Here is hoping the new OC and QB will work out. But the Cats are going to need a solid backup QB to win. You can't do it with one QB and the rest below average in the SEC.

And the O Line better improve also. They were nothing to write home about.

On a positive note, the defense played winning football
To be honest, I was a big Levis fan...guy was a warrior no doubt, but I'm looking forward to the bowl game because I think it will be interesting to see a possible future QB...whether we move the ball and so on.

Probably better for the future of the program that the backups got all these bowl game practice might end up looking really ugly or we might be pleasantly surprised.

This post did not age well...
Good New Years Day 2023

What a night for football. Two of the most exciting games in a long time as both Big Ten teams go down. Georgia and TCU will be a fun matchup, speed galore. Wouldn't it be nice to have an offense like these four teams have? I can dream.

Well I have a sad day ahead. I am headed up to Georgia to attend a funeral of a lifelong friend who grew up with me in Clearwater, FL. Our grandparents knew each other, that is how far back our families go. All the way back to the 1800's. She had a severe case of Alzheimer's and the end has been in sight for awhile but it is never easy. Prayers for her husband, another long time friend from childhood, her children and grandchildren. She was a talented pianist

I trust all are well and Happy New Year. May 2023 be your best year yet.

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Happy New Year everyone.

UK vs UL was a much needed good game. Glad Toppin had a nice game. I opted out of the Opt Out Music City Bowl.

After 6 days of bear hunting and not seeing one this past season I got an up close view of one on the front porch last night. It was a good size bear....maybe 250#. It found the bird feeders and pulled one down. We watched him until he grabbed the feeder and planned to take off. I then opened the door and he ran off dropping the feeder. Fun to watch, but destructive creatures.

Hope everyone has a great day.
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Happy 2023 D-League.

Big Ten collapse! I love it. I have so many Big Ten graduate friends who are constantly telling me the Big Ten is the sports equivalent of the SEC while being superior academically.

So great to see them fail again. Here’s an amazing statistic: In the past TWO DECADES the Big Ten has won one football and ZERO basketball championships. That’s the entire conference, not one program.
New Year's resolution time again. Actually, started mine back in August as it is my new year. Started out at 220lbs then with the goal of getting to about 200lbs. Got to 208 before Thanksgiving before suspending until after the Holidays. Weighed in at 212 this morning so gained 4lbs during the holidays. Back at it after today.

Speaking of back at it, @MdWIldcat55 Did you make it 8 miles?