

Thank you on behalf of my granddaughter for the excellent work of art you made especially for her. She was thrilled and will cherish it the rest of her life. Her words. She is going to put it on her desk.

Before the season slips away, wanted to say "Merry Christmas From the Fam-o-lee"

This Robert Earl Keen classic reminds me of my adolescence.

Now, my parents were upright Christian folk - no drinking, smoking, cussing - and our Christmases were right out of Norman Rockwell.

BUT -- my best friend was the youngest of a large family who had relocated from Greenup County and they were a crazy bunch. He had two older brothers who were into every sort of reckless behavior by the time we were about 14, and two older sisters who were "wild as grass," as my mother put it.

So Christmas at their house was a hell of a lot more colorful and funny for a kid. This song captures some of the spirit.

My input to the season's family songs.


Got out of the building early. All I have to do, I do not have to be there but for appearances. All is going decently and I have good people that at least show they care about their work. I try staying out of the way but always offer them my extra set of hands. (They see exactly how I take care of them with leadership (accidently) so they give their best efforts. I am thankful...

Man my office received a pallet of candy for some reason. It was going like hot cakes. I got a few items for the family but not much.

Working from my home office the rest of the day doing training. Will go in again tomorrow but I guess it will be next Tuesday before I am back in the office. I am thankful...
Always liked that one. Keeping the Irish theme going - this one is in honor of my wife's large New York Irish clan which has, among it's stories, one involving her grandfather getting jailed for some shenanigans on Christmas Eve...


Always looked like John about broke her arm in this scene...

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Sold our old car today and now begins the search for a new one for my wife. She only racks up on average 2,500 miles a year so not looking to spend a ton of money. Reliable, safe vehicle is all we're looking for. Probably a used Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic.
Sold our old car today and now begins the search for a new one for my wife. She only racks up on average 2,500 miles a year so not looking to spend a ton of money. Reliable, safe vehicle is all we're looking for. Probably a used Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic.
I hate buying a car. I used to have a family friend who was a dealer. I'd go to his office and say, "I like this or that car." He'd say,"What do you want to give me for it?" I'd try to be fair to both of us, so he always took my offer. He's retired now though, so I have to negotiate. I purely hate it.
I hate buying a car. I used to have a family friend who was a dealer. I'd go to his office and say, "I like this or that car." He'd say,"What do you want to give me for it?" I'd try to be fair to both of us, so he always took my offer. He's retired now though, so I have to negotiate. I purely hate it.
I'm with you Bernie. Absolutely hate it but we need a car. I wish I had your dealer friend now.
I hate buying a car. I used to have a family friend who was a dealer. I'd go to his office and say, "I like this or that car." He'd say,"What do you want to give me for it?" I'd try to be fair to both of us, so he always took my offer. He's retired now though, so I have to negotiate. I purely hate it.

I drive a 2012 Mazda 3 that has a junk title due to the San Antonio hail storm. Has 80k on it. The annual on that car "usage tax" is around $75.00.... My daughter owns a 2019 Toyota Rav4... "ANNUAL" tax bill this past October... over $900.00..... I will not buy a car here. The wife's 2015 Camry is around $350.00 annually as a TAX..... Just criminal!

I watch the people around here driving the Mercedes, BMW's,... Geez what they pay is just scary...

My next door neighbor and his wife drives two late model Mercedes'....
I drive a 2012 Mazda 3 that has a junk title due to the San Antonio hail storm. Has 80k on it. The annual on that car "usage tax" is around $75.00.... My daughter owns a 2019 Toyota Rav4... "ANNUAL" tax bill this past October... over $900.00..... I will not buy a car here. The wife's 2015 Camry is around $350.00 annually as a TAX..... Just criminal!

I watch the people around here driving the Mercedes, BMW's,... Geez what they pay is just scary...

My next door neighbor and his wife drives two late model Mercedes'....
We have a 2015 Mazda 3. Love the car.
I drive a 2012 Mazda 3 that has a junk title due to the San Antonio hail storm. Has 80k on it. The annual on that car "usage tax" is around $75.00.... My daughter owns a 2019 Toyota Rav4... "ANNUAL" tax bill this past October... over $900.00..... I will not buy a car here. The wife's 2015 Camry is around $350.00 annually as a TAX..... Just criminal!

I watch the people around here driving the Mercedes, BMW's,... Geez what they pay is just scary...

My next door neighbor and his wife drives two late model Mercedes'....
I have a 98 Ford Ranger with about 80,000 miles on it. I used it as a run around town for errands business vehicle. A tree fell on it and I had body work done with mismatched colors to keep costs down. It was used for hauling junk around anyhow. Now the transmission went out from the tree episode damage. I've been trying to decide if I should fix it or junk it.
I have a 98 Ford Ranger with about 80,000 miles on it. I used it as a run around town for errands business vehicle. A tree fell on it and I had body work done with mismatched colors to keep costs down. It was used for hauling junk around anyhow. Now the transmission went out from the tree episode damage. I've been trying to decide if I should fix it or junk it.
The car I sold today was a 1996 Saturn. It was a good car but it was time. I practically gave it away to my Step FIL's great grandson. He needed it for college. Studying to be a preacher at a school in Johnson City TN.
We have a 2015 Mazda 3. Love the car.

We bought my youngest daughter this car when we went to Korea. I bought it for her new. (Realizing the brutal conditions of Texas driving I wanted to give her the best chance of not having car issues while we were away. Of course in 2014 some time the hail storm hit SA and my daughter happened to be driving on the highway when it hit. (Golf ball sized hail and worse.) We were called it seems about 3AM Korea time with her screaming out of her mind. (Smashed her windshield, dented most everywhere, and cars around her were wrecking left and right but at least she didn't get into a wreck or hit.)

Anyway when we came back in January 2015 that became my hand-me-down car and we bought her another one. I always seem to get the hand me downs but oh well. Now I could buy a new one if there are any and if the taxes weren't so stupidly criminal.

The car doesn't look horrible, has real good rubber, the A/C works and it is clean. I'm good. I call it my commuter car and it is gold in these hills of Northern Virginia. I'd drive it to Texas tomorrow. (I have no desire to drive to California but the car would make that trip.)
Good Wednesday Morning

56° , so this odd weather continues. Just brutal with cloudy skies. Not good. The high will be 69° and chances of rain 7%. There are better days in the future, I am confident of that. I hope you are warm wherever you may be.

Today is National Signing Day for football. The Cats may be bringing in some good ones so that is exciting.

Thanks again to @cordmaker for his very nice gift, he is a craftsman and takes pride in his work. I have my cardiac workout this morning and need to unload my pickup that is full of yard waste. It was raining yesterday so I stayed in the house. Take care all,

Christmas Time's A Comin'

Good morning D-League.

All the talk above about the hunt for a good used car reminded me of when we car shopped for my son before he went off to Lexington four years ago.

We went to CarMax and got what seemed like an incredible deal on a 2013 Hyundai - about five years old at the time.

That Thanksgiving Eve our 18-year-old is making his first drive home alone, and I get a call around 6pm -he’s on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere in West Virginia with a seized engine.

It turns out that year’s model Hyundai had a flaw in manufacturing where metal shavings got into engine blocks. So much for our “good deal.”

Anyway, the whole family piles into our car and we haul ass nearly 200 miles to pick him up. I’d worked the internet and found a tow company —and a Hyundai dealership in Morgantown, about 40 miles away. We pick up the boy at a McDonalds there around midnight and get home around 3:30 am on Thanksgiving. One of our family T-Day tales we laugh about now.

The rest of the story: our timing was perfect. Hyundai had finally been pressured into accepting their responsibility. We got a brand new 2019 model engine, our towing paid for, and even reimbursed for our costs in picking up our son. Four years later he’s got a pretty good car with only about 40,000 miles on the engine.
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We bought my youngest daughter this car when we went to Korea. I bought it for her new. (Realizing the brutal conditions of Texas driving I wanted to give her the best chance of not having car issues while we were away. Of course in 2014 some time the hail storm hit SA and my daughter happened to be driving on the highway when it hit. (Golf ball sized hail and worse.) We were called it seems about 3AM Korea time with her screaming out of her mind. (Smashed her windshield, dented most everywhere, and cars around her were wrecking left and right but at least she didn't get into a wreck or hit.)

Anyway when we came back in January 2015 that became my hand-me-down car and we bought her another one. I always seem to get the hand me downs but oh well. Now I could buy a new one if there are any and if the taxes weren't so stupidly criminal.

The car doesn't look horrible, has real good rubber, the A/C works and it is clean. I'm good. I call it my commuter car and it is gold in these hills of Northern Virginia. I'd drive it to Texas tomorrow. (I have no desire to drive to California but the car would make that trip.)
Had a hailstorm 2 or 3 years ago that had some large hail balls intermixed with some smaller ones that beat my F150 up a bit. Broke the drivers side mirror, busted some of the plastic grilling on the hood near the windshield, busted the running lights on the top rear of the cab, and dented the truck all around. Pictured below is one that hit in my back yard. For reference, my hands were big enough to palm a basketball years back.

Wow. Just saw that Franco Harris died.

The irony is that it’s two days short of the 50th Anniversary of the Immaculate Reception.

That may still be the most exciting moment I felt in a football game I was watching in my whole life.

Seems like yesterday. I was a high school junior. I had a bet with my high school basketball coach who was a big Raiders fan. The stakes seemed enormous and I’d given up —I lost. Then, Boom!

I’ll probably do Kamala in the Paddock thread but for here all I can say is RIP.
Wow. Just saw that Franco Harris died.

The irony is that it’s two days short of the 50th Anniversary of the Immaculate Reception.

That may still be the most exciting moment I felt in a football game I was watching in my whole life.

Seems like yesterday. I was a high school junior. I had a bet with my high school basketball coach who was a big Raiders fan. The stakes seemed enormous and I’d given up —I lost. Then, Boom!

I’ll probably do Kamala in the Paddock thread but for here all I can say is RIP.
He gave my Cowboys hell. Great football player.
Wow. Just saw that Franco Harris died.

The irony is that it’s two days short of the 50th Anniversary of the Immaculate Reception.

That may still be the most exciting moment I felt in a football game I was watching in my whole life.

Seems like yesterday. I was a high school junior. I had a bet with my high school basketball coach who was a big Raiders fan. The stakes seemed enormous and I’d given up —I lost. Then, Boom!

I’ll probably do Kamala in the Paddock thread but for here all I can say is RIP.
My son's formative years were when the Steelers were the best. He is a Steelers fans to this day as are his kids. Those Bradshaw / Harris / Lynn Swann / Mean Joe Greene / Mel Blount (just to name a few) teams were some of the greatest in NFL history.

RIP Franco. RIP
My son's formative years were when the Steelers were the best. He is a Steelers fans to this day as are his kids. Those Bradshaw / Harris / Lynn Swann / Mean Joe Greene / Mel Blount (just to name a few) teams were some of the greatest in NFL history.

RIP Franco. RIP
Sawnee, as a lifelong Bengals fan I eventually became a Steelers hater.

But -- What only us older guys remember is before the 1970s the Steelers had been a perpetual bottom dweller and NFL joke.

So, when they started pulling it together in the early 1970s, I actually rooted for them the way a kid roots for the underdog. And that moment when Franco plucked the ricochet out of the air and rumbled into the endzone was the beginning of that 1970s run. Pure magic.
Sawnee, as a lifelong Bengals fan I eventually became a Steelers hater.

But -- What only us older guys remember is before the 1970s the Steelers had been a perpetual bottom dweller and NFL joke.

So, when they started pulling it together in the early 1970s, I actually rooted for them the way a kid roots for the underdog. And that moment when Franco plucked the ricochet out of the air and rumbled into the endzone was the beginning of that 1970s run. Pure magic.
I was never a Steelers fan, I admired them but my loyalty then was to the Miami Dolphins. They had Bob Griese and one of my favorite UK players, Larry Seiple. Going undefeated was a magical season for Floridians. They were our only pro team back then and it was a fun team to watch in those days.
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