
Whata the Hecka is an Uncle

Good morning from ATX. Currently 47°F and foggy. Today's high may reach 53°F. Meh, we'll take it.

Huge spate of US mail robbery happening around ATX. Thieves stealing checks, packages, gift cards, you name it. Crazy.

Seems like UK football heading in right direction. What about basketball?

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

I think Blake Shelton has a song about that stuff!!!!!!
I think Blake Shelton has a song about that stuff!!!!!!
We go to the Columbia Restaurant often. (oldest and probably largest Spanish Restuarant in America) and they make it right at your table and serve it in a Sangria pitcher


  • 1 orange
  • 1 lime 1
  • 375 ml bottle of Sangre de Toro wine (or any other red Rioja wine)
  • 1 ounce Torres 5 brandy (or substitute any Spanish brandy)
  • Splash of lemon-lime soda
  • Cherries for garnish
  • Simple Syrup Recipe
  • To make simple syrup, combine one part water to one part sugar in small saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve sugar. Chill before use.
Good Morning

57° with winds NE at 6 mph, sun is peaking out and will soon rise. We have clear skies now but the clouds will roll in off of the Gulf and by this afternoon we have a 77% chance of rain. Probably an inch and a half or two inches. Not much. Our high will peak at 66° .

I talked to the folks in Kentucky and they are bracing for some cold weather up there. May get below zero by Christmas. That should be against the law. I am much too soft for weather like that and no way I could make it from day to day living like that. Mercy be.

I trust all are well and staying warm. And if you heat your house with fossil fuels I hope your budget covers the bill. Folks way up North especially. They voted for this mess so I guess things happen that way.

My wife loves that kind of weather. My Blue Kentucky Girl

Good morning D-League. Getting colder in the east. And we’re into the year’s darkest days. Would be gloomy except there are lots of Christmas lights around my neighborhood.

I’ve resumed my morning walks. Just a mile for now, but I feel I can do more soon.

Beautiful sliver of moon this morning as the first light of day appears over our woods. Very serene.

Hope you all have a great day.
Good morning D-League. Getting colder in the east. And we’re into the year’s darkest days. Would be gloomy except there are lots of Christmas lights around my neighborhood.

I’ve resumed my morning walks. Just a mile for now, but I feel I can do more soon.

Beautiful sliver of moon this morning as the first light of day appears over our woods. Very serene.

Hope you all have a great day.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!!! Great to hear MdW....

Heading inside now...All have a great day!
Good morning D-League. Getting colder in the east. And we’re into the year’s darkest days. Would be gloomy except there are lots of Christmas lights around my neighborhood.

I’ve resumed my morning walks. Just a mile for now, but I feel I can do more soon.

Beautiful sliver of moon this morning as the first light of day appears over our woods. Very serene.

Hope you all have a great day.
Great news, you are on your feet. One mile at a time.
Good morning D-League. Getting colder in the east. And we’re into the year’s darkest days. Would be gloomy except there are lots of Christmas lights around my neighborhood.

I’ve resumed my morning walks. Just a mile for now, but I feel I can do more soon.

Beautiful sliver of moon this morning as the first light of day appears over our woods. Very serene.

Hope you all have a great day.
Pretty fast recovery. When can your wife start back or has she already?

Speaking of dark days, I believe tomorrow is supposed to be the shortest day of the year (winter solstice) so, days will start to slowly lighten back up.
Thanks for asking after me BB, Sawnee and Warrior.

I’ve been surprised by how good I feel. My physical therapist took me out for a walk yesterday so I figured if she thought it was okay, then I was good to go. Got more than 3,000 steps in this morning. No significant swelling. I do have bruising on my hip but I’m told by the PT that’s normal and not to worry.

Things just went right for me I guess, at least so far. Blessed.

My wife is back to work with that “boot” she has to wear. She may be in more discomfort overall than I am, but she’s getting around fine.

The past week has played out better than I thought it would.
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Morning Legionnaires!

39° this morning with moderate winds. Intermittent clouds and sunshine today with a high in the low 40's expected.

Feeling a little stiff this morning so extra stretching before the workout coming.

Wife giving me a honey do list this morning, so I am headed out to the local ACE to pick up a new bathtub spout with shower diverter for daughter's bathroom and a few other items she wants. Daughter's shower has a now nonfunctional diverter. Apparently been that way for a few months so she only takes baths and wants to take showers. I ask my wife why they had not told me before and she said they thought it would be too hard to replace and would just wait until something else happened to the system and just replace it all at once. Now that one of my sons (daughter's half-brother) is coming for a few days on Christmas day, they want it fixed because he will be using her bathroom.

You guys be careful out there today (I am looking at you @MdWIldcat55) and God Bless.

/////////////////////////////////////Nothing Follows//////////////////////////////////////////////
Thanks for asking after me BB, Sawnee and Warrior.

I’ve been surprised by how good I feel. My physical therapist took me out for a walk yesterday so I figured if she thought it was okay, then I was good to go. Got more than 3,000 steps in this morning. No significant swelling. I do have bruising on my hip but I’m top by the PT that’s normal and not to worry.

Things just went right for me I guess, at least so far. Blessed.

My wife is back to work with that “boot” she has to wear. She may be in more discomfort overall than I am, but she’s getting around fine.

The past week has played out better than I thought it would.
I posted the other day about a wreck I had years ago and the casts and etc. Shortly after the first surgery and while still in the hospital, the weekend came up. They started coming in the room a couple of times a day and making me walk up and down the hallway on crutches with someone beside me. It was so much work that I'd be sweating when they let me go back to bed. When the surgeon found out, he went ballistic. His instructions had been I was only to get out of bed long enough to go to the bathroom and someone was to help me get there.
Good morning D-League. Getting colder in the east. And we’re into the year’s darkest days. Would be gloomy except there are lots of Christmas lights around my neighborhood.

I’ve resumed my morning walks. Just a mile for now, but I feel I can do more soon.

Beautiful sliver of moon this morning as the first light of day appears over our woods. Very serene.

Hope you all have a great day.
You are doing wonderful. Full recovery is soon. I had great progress on both my hip and knee. The docs are good at replacements, but it is still a brutal job. They stretch connective tissue to it limit.
Thanks for asking after me BB, Sawnee and Warrior.

I’ve been surprised by how good I feel. My physical therapist took me out for a walk yesterday so I figured if she thought it was okay, then I was good to go. Got more than 3,000 steps in this morning. No significant swelling. I do have bruising on my hip but I’m top by the PT that’s normal and not to worry.

Things just went right for me I guess, at least so far. Blessed.

My wife is back to work with that “boot” she has to wear. She may be in more discomfort overall than I am, but she’s getting around fine.

The past week has played out better than I thought it would.
55, just don't push yet, I know, I thought hey I feel great, walk to much to soon, set me back a little, build up gradually!!!
It is a warmer 35°F this morning, an improvement over yesterday. We are supposed to top out at 48°F. Thursday it is supposed to get to minus one.
Negative 3 here for Thursday and 1-3 inches of snow. Only 8 degrees for a high on Friday with winds at 25-30 mph. Wind chill expected to be 10-15 below 0. Could be much worse. Parts of the mid-west and north snow accumulation will be measured in feet not inches.
Before the season slips away, wanted to say "Merry Christmas From the Fam-o-lee"

This Robert Earl Keen classic reminds me of my adolescence.

Now, my parents were upright Christian folk - no drinking, smoking, cussing - and our Christmases were right out of Norman Rockwell.

BUT -- my best friend was the youngest of a large family who had relocated from Greenup County and they were a crazy bunch. He had two older brothers who were into every sort of reckless behavior by the time we were about 14, and two older sisters who were "wild as grass," as my mother put it.

So Christmas at their house was a hell of a lot more colorful and funny for a kid. This song captures some of the spirit.

Did you say -1 ?
For Thursday it was projected at -1°F and they have now updated it to -2°F. Friday is a low of 5°F and a high of 11°.


The good news is that I have a nice well insulated house with natural gas heat, except for the guest bed and bath (all electric). But this part of Kentucky usually gets single digit temps nearly every year.
Before the season slips away, wanted to say "Merry Christmas From the Fam-o-lee"

This Robert Earl Keen classic reminds me of my adolescence.

Now, my parents were upright Christian folk - no drinking, smoking, cussing - and our Christmases were right out of Norman Rockwell.

BUT -- my best friend was the youngest of a large family who had relocated from Greenup County and they were a crazy bunch. He had two older brothers who were into every sort of reckless behavior by the time we were about 14, and two older sisters who were "wild as grass," as my mother put it.

So Christmas at their house was a hell of a lot more colorful and funny for a kid. This song captures some of the spirit.

Merry Christmas back to you and your family.

My folks were like yours except the smoking. My dad was a Baptist Deacon and my mom was a converted Methodist (she was more fundamental than dad). My dad's worst word was gosh-dall-it. I don't know what that means but dad would not say darn, much less damn.

My dad's brothers were totally different.
Before the season slips away, wanted to say "Merry Christmas From the Fam-o-lee"

This Robert Earl Keen classic reminds me of my adolescence.

Now, my parents were upright Christian folk - no drinking, smoking, cussing - and our Christmases were right out of Norman Rockwell.

BUT -- my best friend was the youngest of a large family who had relocated from Greenup County and they were a crazy bunch. He had two older brothers who were into every sort of reckless behavior by the time we were about 14, and two older sisters who were "wild as grass," as my mother put it.

So Christmas at their house was a hell of a lot more colorful and funny for a kid. This song captures some of the spirit.

My input to the season's family songs.


Got out of the building early. All I have to do, I do not have to be there but for appearances. All is going decently and I have good people that at least show they care about their work. I try staying out of the way but always offer them my extra set of hands. (They see exactly how I take care of them with leadership (accidently) so they give their best efforts. I am thankful...

Man my office received a pallet of candy for some reason. It was going like hot cakes. I got a few items for the family but not much.

Working from my home office the rest of the day doing training. Will go in again tomorrow but I guess it will be next Tuesday before I am back in the office. I am thankful...
Always liked that one. Keeping the Irish theme going - this one is in honor of my wife's large New York Irish clan which has, among it's stories, one involving her grandfather getting jailed for some shenanigans on Christmas Eve...


Always looked like John about broke her arm in this scene...

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Sold our old car today and now begins the search for a new one for my wife. She only racks up on average 2,500 miles a year so not looking to spend a ton of money. Reliable, safe vehicle is all we're looking for. Probably a used Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic.
Sold our old car today and now begins the search for a new one for my wife. She only racks up on average 2,500 miles a year so not looking to spend a ton of money. Reliable, safe vehicle is all we're looking for. Probably a used Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic.
I hate buying a car. I used to have a family friend who was a dealer. I'd go to his office and say, "I like this or that car." He'd say,"What do you want to give me for it?" I'd try to be fair to both of us, so he always took my offer. He's retired now though, so I have to negotiate. I purely hate it.
I hate buying a car. I used to have a family friend who was a dealer. I'd go to his office and say, "I like this or that car." He'd say,"What do you want to give me for it?" I'd try to be fair to both of us, so he always took my offer. He's retired now though, so I have to negotiate. I purely hate it.
I'm with you Bernie. Absolutely hate it but we need a car. I wish I had your dealer friend now.
I hate buying a car. I used to have a family friend who was a dealer. I'd go to his office and say, "I like this or that car." He'd say,"What do you want to give me for it?" I'd try to be fair to both of us, so he always took my offer. He's retired now though, so I have to negotiate. I purely hate it.

I drive a 2012 Mazda 3 that has a junk title due to the San Antonio hail storm. Has 80k on it. The annual on that car "usage tax" is around $75.00.... My daughter owns a 2019 Toyota Rav4... "ANNUAL" tax bill this past October... over $900.00..... I will not buy a car here. The wife's 2015 Camry is around $350.00 annually as a TAX..... Just criminal!

I watch the people around here driving the Mercedes, BMW's,... Geez what they pay is just scary...

My next door neighbor and his wife drives two late model Mercedes'....