Hello all,
Just sitting down from our trip. Nothing to show except a half of a Costco cheese pizza for supper tomorrow. My Darling and I ate the other half....
I never took time to watch the game or listen today, I was driving.... That was on the ever-loving Cats Coach.
NOW, the rest of the story... My Darling and I were at the First Landing State Park in Virginia near Virginia Beach...
We had parked and walked the back trail and found a beach where we did not know one existed in our previous trip to this place... When we walked the back trail our path took us to this beach where we walked the sand a bit. Low and behold a man and his two sons. (I talked to them and asked is how I know.) He seemed about 40 and his two sons seemed late teens. This guy was in shorts and peeled his shirt as we walked past. I stated "oh my" in a half joking manner...All he had on was swim trunks and his two sons were peeling their clothes as well. My Darling and I kept walking on to the street. (My Darling was in an ankle-length snow parka with a hood. I had on a wind-breaker type jacket but I did have on an insulated sweatshirt underneath.)
I did not want to make a spectacle but there was no way I wasn't snapping some sort of picture.
I've seen this type stuff on TV but never imagined I'd see it in person....
I hope you can blow this picture up or you can see it...
The first is me behind the wheel after we got back to the car to warm up after about a two mile walk.
You have to look to see this guy but hopefully you still can...
The dude shortly after I snapped this took the plunge as did his two boys...
When I got back to my car the thermostat read 43 degrees. Had to be nearer 40....(Seemed like a brisk 5-10 mph sustained wind as well.)
Yeah color me shocked for the day....
Have a good rest of your evening no matter what this coach produces... Yeah I'm bitter...