
Good Tuesday Morning D

58° with mostly sunny skies as we climb to 76°. 4% chance of rain. I am putting the finishing touch on our Christmas meal. We may drift from the traditional ham and turkey and serve a nice prime rib roast. A Pee-can Meal -Rubbed Standing Rib Roast with Oven-Roasted Mushroom Farro Risotto will be a nice and festive meal with all of the trimmings. Easy and just plain good. Sweet potatoes are always a staple for holiday meals too.

I trust all are well and ready for Christmas or close to it. We have been watching a Christmas movie every evening which is what we do during the season. I still love the classics the best. We all know what those are.

Take care and thank God you woke up this morning and are surrounded by people who love you.



Good morning folks. Cold and clear in the east.

Sorry to hear about Coach Leach. He seemed like a unique person and a hell of a coach. Prayers for his family.

So my wife is in a knee-high contraption and on crutches from her broken ankle. Bad timing. We’ll just have to hobble along and help each other. I’m at D-minus 27 hours until my hip replacement surgery at 1030am tomorrow.

Last day of work from DC for a little while. I’m try to get up and running working from home as soon as I can.

Hope it’s a good day for all.

God Bless you and your family brother MdW..... I'd help if I could but I know you have family. I probably only live 20 miles or so from you.
God Bless you and your family brother MdW..... I'd help if I could but I know you have family. I probably only live 20 miles or so from you.
I appreciate that BBUK -- and thanks to several who have wished me well. We got it covered. I'm looking forward to getting past this and starting the PT, to get back to where I can do a lot more comfortably.
If I could tell you how good God works. (I had no doubts as I have seen it so many times in my life.) I made a statement yesterday about having to make some hard decisions and a serious row to hoe. Today I had to make the decision(s). All opened up to a workable solution...
Doing some last minute Christmas wishing.

Upper left -- Ithaca Model 37 12 gauge pump -- got one for Christmas the year I was 14, which would have been 1969 - a little later than this.

God, i loved that gun, and still have it in nearly mint condition. My dad bought it for me because I was a left-handed shooter and unlike other pump shotguns it ejected the spent shell out the bottom instead of out the right side - back into the face of a lefty.

I was determined to hit a quail with my first shot with that gun. We were without a dog that December for some reason and the first covey we jumped I didn't get a shot. We were walking down singles over top of a little ridge when I kicked up a quail who broke down the hill hugging the ground then cut sharp to the right. I couldn't stop myself from taking an almost impossible shot but I thought I saw the bird tumble -- it was snowing and hard to see any damn thing.

My dad and I walked down to the bottom of the hill - there was a very narrow stream there I recall - and looked for the bird, but after a few minutes he said, "You sure you hit that one? Let's try to find the others..." Just as we were giving up, I saw him burrowed into the leaves -- a male bobwhite, black head streaked with white. I'd hit him after all. Damn, what a great day.

Sorry to go on about a single shot from a hunt 50-plus years ago, but I suspect some of you know what I was feeling, either from a hunt or fishing trip...
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Upper left -- Ithaca Model 37 12 gauge pump -- got one for Christmas the year I was 14, which would have been 1969 - a little later than this.

God, i loved that gun, and still have it in nearly mint condition. My dad bought it for me because I was a left-handed shooter and unlike other pump shotguns it ejected the spent shell out the bottom instead of out the right side - back into the face of a lefty.

I was determined to hit a quail with my first shot with that gun. We were without a dog that December for some reason and the first covey we jumped I didn't get a shot. We were walking down singles over top of a little ridge when I kicked up a quail who broke down the hill hugging the ground then cut sharp to the right. I couldn't stop myself from taking an almost impossible shot but I thought I saw the bird tumble -- it was snowing and hard to see any damn thing.

My dad and I walked down to the bottom of the hill - there was a very narrow stream there I recall - and looked for the bird, but after a few minutes he said, "You sure you hit that one? Let's try to find the others..." Just as we were giving up, I saw him burrowed into the leaves -- a male bobwhite, black head streaked with white. I'd hit him after all. Damn, what a great day.

Sorry to go on about a single shot from a hunt 50-plus years ago, but I suspect some of you know what I was feeling, either from a hunt or fishing trip...

You "loved" it? What caused the fall out with it? 😁
One of my many first cousins of which I think I am the next to last youngest..... Passed away in Michigan a few days ago... (I never spent much time with them though I do remember my Dad and Mom taking me to visit them a few times.) I remember her Mom Gracie, she was a real nice lady I enjoyed being around. I am sure they messed up a couple names and relationships as I remember them.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 60°F and raining. Cold front moving in. Looking at 30s tomorrow through Saturday. Today's high expected around 66°F.

Wishing @MdWIldcat55 very best today. Hoping for a successful outcome.

It appears my fan club has returned. Ha ha, they are dedicated.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Upper left -- Ithaca Model 37 12 gauge pump -- got one for Christmas the year I was 14, which would have been 1969 - a little later than this.

God, i loved that gun, and still have it in nearly mint condition. My dad bought it for me because I was a left-handed shooter and unlike other pump shotguns it ejected the spent shell out the bottom instead of out the right side - back into the face of a lefty.

I was determined to hit a quail with my first shot with that gun. We were without a dog that December for some reason and the first covey we jumped I didn't get a shot. We were walking down singles over top of a little ridge when I kicked up a quail who broke down the hill hugging the ground then cut sharp to the right. I couldn't stop myself from taking an almost impossible shot but I thought I saw the bird tumble -- it was snowing and hard to see any damn thing.

My dad and I walked down to the bottom of the hill - there was a very narrow stream there I recall - and looked for the bird, but after a few minutes he said, "You sure you hit that one? Let's try to find the others..." Just as we were giving up, I saw him burrowed into the leaves -- a male bobwhite, black head streaked with white. I'd hit him after all. Damn, what a great day.

Sorry to go on about a single shot from a hunt 50-plus years ago, but I suspect some of you know what I was feeling, either from a hunt or fishing trip...
Don't apologize for as I was reading, I was envisioning the picture and remembering times I used to go rabbit, squirrel, quail, and other huntable creatures and was enjoying the throwback.

I know you will probably see this after the operation but in any case, may God guide the hands of your doctor for a safe and successful operation.

Morning Legionnaires!

33° this morning with light winds. High to be in the low 50's.

Going to do my Christmas gift giving today which consist of cards and checks for my sons and in-laws. Makes it simple as my wife does the buying for our daughter. My MIL always gets one of those boxes of summer sausages and cheese for me every year and my wife told her a few years back that I never eat it and it gets thrown away. She (MIL) just says that that is on me if I don't want it. My wife has told her to just get a package or two of some plastic fishing worms for me and that would be good. They don't cost much, and I would use them but... she (MIL) is stubborn.

Any of you prior military people remember this statement?

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Good morning everyone.

Prayers for MdWildcat. I loved your hunting story and I have one very similar about 7 or 8 years after yours. But, mine involved a rabbit and an old H&R foldable 410.

The last of the bear season was Monday and I didn't see a bear during any of the 6 days. I saw 5 bears while deer hunting this year. Hunting, gotta love it lol or you sure wouldn't do it.

DOL (Day of Leisure) here at home today.

Morning Legionnaires!

33° this morning with light winds. High to be in the low 50's.

Going to do my Christmas gift giving today which consist of cards and checks for my sons and in-laws. Makes it simple as my wife does the buying for our daughter. My MIL always gets one of those boxes of summer sausages and cheese for me every year and my wife told her a few years back that I never eat it and it gets thrown away. She (MIL) just says that that is on me if I don't want it. My wife has told her to just get a package or two of some plastic fishing worms for me and that would be good. They don't cost much, and I would use them but... she (MIL) is stubborn.

Any of you prior military people remember this statement?

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///////Still use it...////////
Good Morning all,

God Bless Ole MdW and his wife...

Teleworking today. I made a big lift yesterday that I am awaiting feedback from but not too concerned as I know right from wrong and can massage operations well. Been in the office at least four out of five work days that I haven't been on leave. The norm that I have seen is working in the office one or two out of five days... (I am close so it is no biggie and I needed to get back to work.)

Going to a retirement dinner around 1130 but other than that some office-keeping and some training... I am thankful...


My BIL and I write each other letters once in a while, nearly knowing we are transmitting code that either wife (The sisters) would not be able to decipher. (Our children as well for that matter.) My BIL's cursive writing (Oxymoron?) is beautifully masterful. I do admit, mine used to be, I do not practice as I once did but I still have some flair. (I do admit though that My Darling has a gift for languages as she speaks Korean, Spanish, and English fluently.)

Yeah I like seeing "kids" try using a pencil when they do their sums or really, any form of math. It gives me a chuckle... calculators were just coming on board late in my education. The teachers were adamant that we could do our work on paper... Yeah right...

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Good morning, D, read Luke 14 this morning.

Prayers for 55 this morning.

Last night was the Kiwanis auction in Owensboro, our family did good on the stuff we donated, my sister sent 4 jars of jams and jellies, they went for $85, my friend donated 2 Angels he makes out for old plates $125, my sister bought 4 Angels they sold for $200, $50 each, Mrs. M made an orange juice cake, it went for $65, I donated a red, white and blue heart it went for $85; a cancer ribbon piece $75 and 9 Christmas ornaments they went for $245! Oue family and my friend did good for charities last night!!! That was without an Uncle Ken ornament!!!!!

On pins and nettles until a piece I made for SC gets to Florida! Bert if you thought I sealed your pieces I sent you, wait till SC gets his!!!!LOL

We have had .6" of rain, supposed to get the same amount later!

I hope the D, has a great day!!!! Prayers for the D, especially 55!!

My BIL and I write each other letters once in a while, nearly knowing we are transmitting code that either wife (The sisters) would not be able to decipher. (Our children as well for that matter.) My BIL's cursive writing (Oxymoron?) is beautifully masterful. I do admit, mine used to be, I do not practice as I once did but I still have some flair. (I do admit though that My Darling has a gift for languages as she speaks Korean, Spanish, and English fluently.)

Yeah I like seeing "kids" try using a pencil when they do their sums or really, any form of math. It gives me a chuckle... calculators were just coming on board late in my education. The teachers were adamant that we could do our work on paper... Yeah right...

I started college in 1964 and used slide rules. I did not see a calculator until 1972. I was in night time business school by then. The good thing about using slide rules was the rounding was so gross that it sometimes made things easier.

My cursive hand writing is definitely code. I have to type it soon or I can't figure out what it is! :)
I started college in 1964 and used slide rules. I did not see a calculator until 1972. I was in night time business school by then. The good thing about using slide rules was the rounding was so gross that it sometimes made things easier.

My cursive hand writing is definitely code. I have to type it soon or I can't figure out what it is! :)
1964 was a good year. And to prove my math (no calculator) and reading problem skills you should be ** years old or there abouts. I won't put the actual number though. I now know why BBUK calls you sir. :)
1964 was a good year. And to prove my math (no calculator) and reading problem skills you should be ** years old or there abouts. I won't put the actual number though. I now know why BBUK calls you sir. :)
Yep, 76 years, 6 months and 1 day old.

I am a failed chemist. Hard courses and no jobs. The railroad hired me and wanted a business major, no chemistry. It worked out well. The last 20 years I worked in Chemical Sales and Marketing! I actually knew how soap was made and how dangerous liquified chlorine was!
Yep, 76 years, 6 months and 1 day old.

I am a failed chemist. Hard courses and no jobs. The railroad hired me and wanted a business major, no chemistry. It worked out well. The last 20 years I worked in Chemical Sales and Marketing! I actually knew how soap was made and how dangerous liquified chlorine was!
You have the same B-day as my youngest brother. I'm 23 yrs older than him.

I started out in Chemical Engineering and had the grades, but as I got into the Chem. Eng courses I decided I wasn't interested. Everything worked out great.
Spent a half hour this p.m. by myself talking with three Hwy Dept officials about the redesign of I-71/75 thru Cincy & Covington including a new, added bridge. The reason I had them to myself is because I was misinformed as to the design presentation time at the Kenton Cty Bldg & was two hours late. Everyone else had left. Good deal, really. Haha. They were talkative & straightened out my misconceptions.

New bridge will be 5 thru lanes for 71/74 versus current 4 & will have 6/5 lanes up the hill to Ft. Mitchell. Plus a lot of added side roads access, Current bridge will still be interstate, but used for local Cincy & Covington traffic. Call it a collector highway.

Looked good except that it ends southbound at Dixie Hwy/Ft. Mitchell as 4 lanes vs. all the way out to I275. I expect that will become the new choke area. They said there will probably a (much) smaller project afterwards to deal with that concern.

All said, I'll probably be dead before I see it. I mean it still isn't funded by Buttplug & Bite Me even with all the infrastructure funds allocated last year.

Also, won't have tolls. Bevin said he could support them in the 2019 election & it cost him 15-20K votes in NKy vs. 2015. He lost by 5K.
Hey D-Leaguers. So many of you were kind enough to send me good wishes that I wanted to let you know that I’m out of surgery and apparently everything went well.

I’m in the recovery room waiting to get feeling back below my waist so I can pass a Basic mobility test and get the hell out of this hospital.

Thanks again for all the prayers and good thoughts.
Hey D-Leaguers. So many of you were kind enough to send me good wishes that I wanted to let you know that I’m out of surgery and apparently everything went well.

I’m in the recovery room waiting to get feeling back below my waist so I can pass a Basic mobility test and get the hell out of this hospital.

Thanks again for all the prayers and good thoughts.
Awesome news! Excellent. Get well soon.
Hey D-Leaguers. So many of you were kind enough to send me good wishes that I wanted to let you know that I’m out of surgery and apparently everything went well.

I’m in the recovery room waiting to get feeling back below my waist so I can pass a Basic mobility test and get the hell out of this hospital.

Thanks again for all the prayers and good thoughts.
Good news.