
That's very cool, Sawnee. I didn't get to see any spring training games until the late 1970s, but it was still fun then. And in the mid-1960s, old parks like Crosley Field in Cincinnati were small enough and built in a way that the players were fairly accessible. I still have a scorecard from 1968 signed by Pete Rose, Johnny Bench and Tony Perez, among a few others in those pre-Big Red Machine days.
We didn't think back then that the autographs and other memorabilia would have any value. I remember taking a clothespin and pinning a 1952 Mickey Mantle baseball card to the spokes of my bicycle. To give it that engine sound. It was my favorite card so I wanted that one in my spokes. it was my favorite because The Mick was replacing the Great Joe DiMaggio.

This is what a 1952 Mantle card looked like. One sold for $2.88 million bucks. And I had one in my spokes


Nothing as good as Sawnee, but as a kid, I got to see Stan Musial at Sportsman Park in St Louis. Stan hit one off the screen in right field for a double. Owner Angie Busch was losing to much money to batting practice home runs, so he put Up a large screen that ran from the right field line to deep right center. you had to hit it over the screen and on the pavilion roof to get a homer. It cost Stan a lot of homers over his career.
That's very cool, Sawnee. I didn't get to see any spring training games until the late 1970s, but it was still fun then. And in the mid-1960s, old parks like Crosley Field in Cincinnati were small enough and built in a way that the players were fairly accessible. I still have a scorecard from 1968 signed by Pete Rose, Johnny Bench and Tony Perez, among a few others in those pre-Big Red Machine days.
Locker rooms were behind the lower stands and separate little buildings from the park. Players had to walk under the stands thru the fans to get to the dugouts. Only thing close to similar today is Wrigley. Maybe Fenway. Attended 2nd last game at Crosley.
We didn't think back then that the autographs and other memorabilia would have any value. I remember taking a clothespin and pinning a 1952 Mickey Mantle baseball card to the spokes of my bicycle. To give it that engine sound. It was my favorite card so I wanted that one in my spokes. it was my favorite because The Mick was replacing the Great Joe DiMaggio.

This is what a 1952 Mantle card looked like. One sold for $2.88 million bucks. And I had one in my spokes


50 RBI in one month in AAA. Unreal.

Did you ever flip cards? We used to play touch - no double touch allowed - or match and the ultimate, match touch. A 20 match touch game could cost you a 100 cards.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 66°F and cloudy. Today's high may max out around 74°F.

Alarm clock (repurposed smartphone) failed this morning. Running late. Something else on my list for troubleshooting.

Worked late on another call with Microsoft yesterday. Meh, only an hour.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


What is the MS migration tool called? I led that a few years ago and need to again. I forgot the tool name. (I have it in my archived docs but thought I'd ask.)
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Talking about autographs earlier: Anyone recall Bob Petitt? He was an NBA star in the 50's. He and Cliff Hagan played for the St Louis Hawks. They had territorial draft picks back then and west KY was part of their territory. The Hawks came to Murray for an exhibition game. Bob had a bad shooting game, so he stayed on the court for close to an hour shooting. Lots of kids stayed watching him and waiting on an autograph. Bob must have stayed another 30 minutes till every kid got an autograph.
I know what it is like to get that call from your wife. Mine called sometime back about the Service Engine light being on. I told her to take off the gas cap and screw it back on. She said she was dropping it off at the service department instead.

When she got there she told the service manager what I said, I suppose to get a laugh from him. He told her "let's try it". They did and the light went off. Funny how these things work.

An honest man.... I am thankful!
Yeah, that's my wife to a T. Oil light on? Either drive it without worrying about it or take it in for a $4,000 engine overhaul that may or may not solve the problem.

I've learned this car. It has a hair-trigger oil light that goes on about every eight months - especially if you get behind with routine oil changes, which is my fault as the man but in my defense I never drive this vehicle so I lose track. What it needs is about half a pint of oil until you can get it to Jiffy Lube for a change. Then the light goes off for up to a year.

Why is it burning a little oil every several months? I don't know but it doesn't seem worth thousands of dollars to find out.

Let it burn that much per year for another ten and you got a good deal...
Never got the chance to see any early baseball training games or regular games for that matter in my youth. But many years later working at the Drill Sergeant School at Ft. Sill OK while on cycle break (no students to train), a few of us Drill Sergeants went to a Texas vs Detroit baseball game at Rangers Stadium the year (1989) Cecil Fielder hit 51. I took my glove in hopes to snag a ball.

We were sitting middle left field area about midway up and I was wearing a Walkman radio with earplugs listening to and watching the game. At one point talking to one of the other DI's, the radio announcer during Fielders at bat said, "hit deep to left field!" Looking to my right expecting it to be over there one of our group said "Mac, it's coming at us!" Having not watched it off of the bat I did not pick it up and it landed right in front of me hitting an old woman's arm which we found out later fracturing it. All I had to do was just reach out and I could have caught it. Was a little pissed at myself for missing that opportunity. It was either 31 or 32 for the year. Her husband wound up with the ball.

Found out later that Cecil went to the hospital where they were treating the woman and he signed the ball for her.
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It is an unusually warm 61°F in Smiths Grove this morning. When it is this warm this late in the year I worry about storms like the tornado last December that ripped through Western Kentucky.

I watched Illinois put down 2 ranked Texas last night. And if it had not been for the refs UNC Greensboro would have beaten Arkansas. Arkansas got 33 FTs to UNC Greensboro's 11. Arkansas did not look good at all. Wisc beat 13 ranked Maryland.

Houston, number 1, beat North Florida by 34; UK beat them by 40! hahahahaha

Now you all are up to date on what I did last night. I did not stay up to finish the Duke game.

Pearl Harbor day. In WWII Sherry's father was stationed there for a while on his way to visit the Kamikazes.
Good Wednesday Morning

A nice, pleasant, warm day is the order of the day. 57° and the sunshine will bring it up to 78°.

Dec 7, 1941 a day that will live in Infamy were the words of President Roosevelt. A lot of people who helped me grow up as a child never forgot. I will never forget but I am not sure many people still do remember. I will forever remember the moment I looked down at the Arizona at the bottom of Pearl Harbor and how somber it was. Never Forget.

I have a work out this morning and looking forward to that. Yesterday I finally got around to having "VETERAN" stamped on my Drivers License. It took about 10 minutes and I should have done this years ago.

Take care all and I trust all have a nice day.

Good morning D-League. Cool and foggy today in the east.

Really feels like winter today. Quail hunting weather. My dad raised and trained English Sitters which are beautiful dogs and good bird dogs but built more for the flat fields of eastern Virginia and the Carolinas than the dense thickets and hillsides of Bracken County where we hunted.

But we did pretty well. With practice I got to be a decent wing shot, if not as good as my father.

The quail in that part of the country pretty much died out with the deep freezing winters of 1977-78. I don’t know if they ever came back but my hunting days with my father all but ended.

Many years later, 2002, I was traveling as a journalist covering George W. Bush in Spain. And this fine dining restaurant we went to while Bush was in his meetings served quail. I found a piece of No. 8 birdshot in mine — and it brought back memories of when we’d have a plate of quail after a winter hunt.
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Good morning everyone.

The link (if it works) is a short vid (30 sec) about the rescue of my 3rd cousin off the Arizona at Pearl Harbor. Lauren Bruner, when the survivor pics are shown he is on the far left. The vid is about Joe George, the man who threw a line to the Arizona despite orders otherwise. My cousin and a couple other survivors met with Donald Trump and finally got George awarded for his actions decades later.

My wife has a friend up today to binge watch a show they like. It's pouring the rain so I fear I will be stuck at home on the opposite side of the house. I may be online a lot today. lol

Hope everyone has a great day.
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Good morning D-League. Cool and foggy today in the east.

Really feels like winter today. Quail hunting weather. My dad raised and trained English Sitters which are beautiful dogs and good bird dogs but built more for the flat fields of eastern Virginia and the Carolinas than the dense thickets and hillsides of Bracken County where we hunted.

But we did pretty well. With practice I got to be a decent wing shot, if not as good as my father.

The quail in that part of the country pretty much died out with the deep freezing winters of 1977-78. I don’t know if they ever came back but my hunting days with my father pretty much ended.

Many years later, 2002, I was traveling as a journalist covering George W. Bush in Spain. And this fine dining restaurant we went to ABush was in his meetings served quail. I found a piece of No. 8 birdshot in mine — and it brought back memories of when we’d have a plate of quail after a winter hunt.

I worked in Bracken Co. some and it was a 4 hr 20 min drive to just arrive at one of the meeting spots. Do you remember Pat Taylor or Herb Rumford? I'll try to recall more names but it gets more difficult as the years go by.
Hey Storm. My parents both grew up in Bracken County and they knew everyone in Brooksville and Augusta and Powersville, which wasn’t really a town, just a road people lived along. By the time I was a kid we lived in the rural part of Campbell County so I didn’t know anyone in Bracken but my cousins and extended family.
Did they call these "fakes".... were they the first "fakes"...Hmmm...

Good morning D-League! We have a new OC for UK Football! Just waiting for Matt Jones to let us know who it is.... waiting....

Hope it's a happy hump day for everyone! Was 61° and wet outside when I woke up this morning, so you know it's winter in KY. I want to visit SawneeCat!!
Good morning, D, we started the book of Luke on the 1st, read 7 this morning.
I never thought I would get this busy making things for people, thank you SC, I told you I couldn't keep my grubby little paws off of it, I got all the glass cut out yesterday, now on to grinding the glass and getting it put together, the pieces are small, but I think I can do it!! SC when I opened my eyes at 4:30 this morning my first thought was I know what I can do to the middle of the star, we'll see! I also made 7 crosses for a lady, then she told me she wanted 10 more, then my sister asks me to make her 4 candy canes, told them I would, but they have to get in line!!!
I want to thank the D, for your prayers for my son and his family, it seems like they have taken a giant step forward! They still need your prayers!!! I think seeing them doing better has taken a huge load off of my shoulders!!!
I hope the D has a great day and prayers for the D!!!!

Bert, watch your mailbox tomorrow or Friday or for the next three weeks (LOL) may be something in there for you!!!!
Speaking of "or next three weeks" ... I just received an order I placed with Amazon on August 3rd. Showed up the 5th of December. Got a notification from Amazon that "the return window" closed "September 22nd"

At one time I was told it was delivered in August, and that I couldn't get a refund because it was delivered, even though no one signed for it and the counter help hasn't seen it. Driver couldn't verify it. Never scanned in anywhere so... I thought I just lost the money on the order and filed a complaint

Now the supplies I ordered last week and were scheduled to arrive Friday, because we have "Prime" will not be arriving until only God knows when. Was told they were delayed until... Monday night by 10pm... then Tuesday... now may be January 14th...
Good morning, D, we started the book of Luke on the 1st, read 7 this morning.
I never thought I would get this busy making things for people, thank you SC, I told you I couldn't keep my grubby little paws off of it, I got all the glass cut out yesterday, now on to grinding the glass and getting it put together, the pieces are small, but I think I can do it!! SC when I opened my eyes at 4:30 this morning my first thought was I know what I can do to the middle of the star, we'll see! I also made 7 crosses for a lady, then she told me she wanted 10 more, then my sister asks me to make her 4 candy canes, told them I would, but they have to get in line!!!
I want to thank the D, for your prayers for my son and his family, it seems like they have taken a giant step forward! They still need your prayers!!! I think seeing them doing better has taken a huge load off of my shoulders!!!
I hope the D has a great day and prayers for the D!!!!

Bert, watch your mailbox tomorrow or Friday or for the next three weeks (LOL) may be something in there for you!!!!
My wife and I are really excited to see the finished product. Really excited. Thank you Cord. You are a jewel and we are happy God is answering prayers for your son and family . God is good, all the time.
My wife and I are really excited to see the finished product. Really excited. Thank you Cord. You are a jewel and we are happy God is answering prayers for your son and family . God is good, all the time.
I haven't been able to work on it again, we had a death in the family and some things to do in the next couple days, but I promise to get on it as soon as I can. I am not going to rush to get it done, haste makes waste!!!!!!