It was bad.
UK hit 10 of 20 from the free throw line. Geeze in high school we would not see the floor if we could not hit 50%. Wheeler was 2 of 6. Holy shit.
I hope that this team wins it all but I don't see them being good. Sorry.
Good rebounding, good assists but turnovers and free throw shooting really hurt them.
In high school, at the end of practice, we had to shoot free throws. When you are dragging your ass you have to go to the line. Apparently UK never has to do this sort of shit. That in practice makes you concentrate and hit the freebies.
It shows. Wallace missed the front end of a one plus one to put Michigan State away in regulation. Then his missed a free throw in the first over time to cost the game in the second over time.
You can coach against crap like that, but Cal apparently does not understand how important free throws are.
I am proud of this win, but I don't think that Michigan is a very good team. I hope that I am wrong but I have no confidence in this team or it's leadership.
It may be a long winter.
I WISH I could argue with you in this instance, I do...the thing is there is no excuse for leaving 50% of your points at the free-throw line. That is inexcusable. No team UK plays will leave 50% at the line. NONE, NADA, NO TEAM....
Anyone can say whatever they want but if a team cannot play the fundamentals of the game the COACH is at fault for allowing it. Haven't even started in on other parts of the game. This is a given...