
I was hoping Bert gave it to you!!!!

He may be a rogue Sir but he is an honest rogue....

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Morning Legionnaires!

49° this morning with moderate winds (20-25mph). Today's high to be in the mid 60's.

Not much going on today, normal workout sometime this morning and then clean the house a bit then, veg out the rest of the day.

TGIF for those working and to all God Bless.
Party cloudy and a cold 45.9°F. It is cold feeling really more like 30°. We are supposed to get to 56°F. I hope it feels like 56.

My daughter and son in law bought a new house this last weekend. It is out on the south eastern part of Sheperdsville, KY. It has a little over 5 acres with a 50' building to house an RV and a large shop out back. They are juiced over it. It is a big one. The good news is that it is only one hour away from Smiths Grove; whereas, their place in Shelbyville was an hour and forty five minutes. Now all they have to do is sell the current house.

You all have a great day.
Party cloudy and a cold 45.9°F. It is cold feeling really more like 30°. We are supposed to get to 56°F. I hope it feels like 56.

My daughter and son in law bought a new house this last weekend. It is out on the south eastern part of Sheperdsville, KY. It has a little over 5 acres with a 50' building to house an RV and a large shop out back. They are juiced over it. It is a big one. The good news is that it is only one hour away from Smiths Grove; whereas, their place in Shelbyville was an hour and forty five minutes. Now all they have to do is sell the current house.

You all have a great day.
I have a 20,000 sq foot bldg up for sale. I fooled around and put it up for sale to late. Right after the tornado, it would have sold pretty quickly. Now with demand dropping and interest rates going up... Stupid has a price.
Howdy folks. Started work before 7am today and am just now raising up my head to look around.

This feels like the last really hard day for a while, given our normal rhythms. It'll be good to start getting more into the Christmas spirit after today.

All is well otherwise. Hope the day is going well for everyone else.
They were always worried if was throwing the spitball or not.

A good part of what he did was completely legal. He was the epitome of crafty. Just loved watching him pitch. In a lesser amount I enjoyed watching his brother Jim pitch as well. Just because they were brothers I guess.

I did not realize Gaylord won 314 games.😲
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 64°F and cloudy. Light wind. We're already sitting near today's high.

Plenty college football on tap today. Kansas State plays TCU for Big XII championship at 11 am. Watching some. Hope TCU gets in CFP, but also would not mind a K-State upset. Must take pup to vet for a blood test scheduled at 1:30 pm. Should not take long. Plan on catching LSU vs UGA later. Must also work a few chores around here. Busy day ahead. Also USA versus Netherlands in World Cup soccer action.

EDIT: Wife negotiated a deal with cable company. We keep our $323/month business with and they increase our cable speeds + provide free year streaming. Spectrum sent a new modem. Must change out with old one.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

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It is a wet 59.0°F here and we were graced with .19" of rain last night. Just like Austin in Austin we are near our high of 60° for the day.

I turned to another channel last night about a minute from halftime and USC was up on Utah 17-10. I was sort of shocked to get up this morning to the news that Utah beat them 47-24. That probably does not knock USC out of the playoff but they may actually be down to 4th depending on TCU, UGA and Michigan. If TCU, Georgia and Michigan win their title games that will be three undefeated teams in, so I suggest that USC would be the 4th place with two losses. However, with 2 losses does USC even get in? Ohio State only has one loss and there is Alabama with only 2 losses and they played a much tougher schedule than Ohio State and USC.

I am probably going to be watching a lot of football today.
It is a wet 59.0°F here and we were graced with .19" of rain last night. Just like Austin in Austin we are near our high of 60° for the day.

I turned to another channel last night about a minute from halftime and USC was up on Utah 17-10. I was sort of shocked to get up this morning to the news that Utah beat them 47-24. That probably does not knock USC out of the playoff but they may actually be down to 4th depending on TCU, UGA and Michigan. If TCU, Georgia and Michigan win their title games that will be three undefeated teams in, so I suggest that USC would be the 4th place with two losses. However, with 2 losses does USC even get in? Ohio State only has one loss and there is Alabama with only 2 losses and they played a much tougher schedule than Ohio State and USC.

I am probably going to be watching a lot of football today.
Good morning folks. Big sports day today. Go Cats! Go America! Go Purdue! Go Kansas State!

Bert, I disagree on the Trojans. Getting blown out by Utah knocks them out of the playoffs. Unfortunately, as far as I’m concerned, Ohio State is in unless something freaky happens.

Raining hard here, so I’m just chilling and watching second-string Christmas movies for now. Hope you all have a good day.
Good morning everyone.

Got back in late (for me) last night but still up early. Not much planned today. Rainy and windy this morning so looks like the treadmill vs walking outside. My wife and I will be going on a big group hike Monday. We'll be in the "fast/younger" group on this trip. Normally that's not an issue, but we haven't been hiking/walking as much the last 2 months. The hike will be high elevation at Mt Rogers in Va. We're looking forward to it.

Besides walking I'll watch a little football and maybe part of a BB game and hope nothing else comes up.

Enjoy your day D-Leaguers.
Peanut butter flavor is great. Love Reese Cups. But I can't handle that smooth stuff sticking on the roof of my mouth. Think I'm gonna gag. Has to be crunchy to help avoid that issue. That said, still don't partake much.
Arachibutyrophobia....the fear of getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth.

Sorry for keeping the PB posts going but saw this while looking for more info about the PB song and thought about someone mentioning this.
I can't believe I haven't heard this song before now. If it's on Alexa or Pandora my wife may want to strangle you for bringing it to my attention. lol
I graduated from high school in 1961 and it was a pretty big hit back then. I think they played it at our Sr Prom. Our songs had meaning in those days. I mean Peanut Butter, how much meaning could one get. Yes sir

Another big one back then was by the Coasters. Don't let her hear this one.

Morning Legionnaires!

33° this morning with moderate (15-25mph) winds. High of near 50° expected.

About all of the games going on today, would not mind seeing upsets across the board just to see how it would shake up the order. It would be fun to see how the powers that be would handle it and the reactions of teams/fans around the nation. Come On Underdog! Sweet Poly Purebred needs you.

Well, workout time followed by cleaning the house, (did not get to it yesterday because wife had some other honey do list to do) before games start.

Relax and enjoy your day folks, and God Bless.
I graduated from high school in 1961 and it was a pretty big hit back then. I think they played it at our Sr Prom. Our songs had meaning in those days. I mean Peanut Butter, how much meaning could one get. Yes sir

Another big one back then was by the Coasters. Don't let her hear this one.