
I think that this is what Cord was referring to. He made it for my best friend Jessie who was a Deputy:


The glass is relatively large as Jessie is 6'8" tall.
Yep, didn't you have me to make a Deputy badge?
Good morning everyone.

Busy day on the go yesterday. Today, not so much. I loved the movie Devotion yesterday. We only go to one or two movies a year but that was a good one.

Chilly toady but not cold enough to avoid a walk later today. And peanut butter is most likely on tap today. My PB habit started early in life and continues to this day.

I hope everyone has a great day.
You never outgrow your need for peanut butter. We go through a lot of it and don't have any children around. I like the natural PB with no additives
Life is like is like a PB and whatever sandwich, you just don't know what will be in it until you look around the kitchen.

On that note, what is the favorite for each of you to put on your PBJ? Me; I like Strawberry preserves the best with chunks of strawberries in it.
That is a tough one because PB goes with anything. A boyhood friend made his PB sandwich with yellow mustard. I use to laugh at him then i tried it. It was gooood.

I l;ike to peel a banana and eat a spoonful of PB with each bite. I can go through a jar pretty fast doing that. I had it last night before I went to bed with a glass of sweet milk.

As far as jams or jelly I prefer guava jelly. Probably because that is what we had growing up. It was the most common jelly mama made but there were others. All good.
That is a tough one because PB goes with anything. A boyhood friend made his PB sandwich with yellow mustard. I use to laugh at him then i tried it. It was gooood.

I l;ike to peel a banana and eat a spoonful of PB with each bite. I can go through a jar pretty fast doing that. I had it last night before I went to bed with a glass of sweet milk.

As far as jams or jelly I prefer guava jelly. Probably because that is what we had growing up. It was the most common jelly mama made but there were others. All good.
I never get tired of peanut butter. Hell, I'm eating it on Triscuits for lunch as I type this.

In my traveling days when I was going someplace where the vittles might be scarce like Somalia or Rwanda or western Pakistan I'd throw a large plastic jar of crunchy peanut in my shoulder bag. You could usually at least find some sort of local flat bread or naan or whatever, and maybe some local honey. Luck into some goat cheese and maybe some hummus and a man could get by for a couple weeks like that if he had to.
I never get tired of peanut butter.

In my traveling days when I was going someplace where the vittles might be scarce like Somalia or Rwanda or western Pakistan I'd throw a large plastic jar of crunchy peanut in my shoulder bag. You could usually at least find some sort of local flat bread or naan or whatever, and maybe some local honey. Luck into some goat cheese and maybe some hummus and a man could get by for a couple weeks like that if he had to.

Yeah if you spread it wafer thin....I guess... 😁
Peanut butter flavor is great. Love Reese Cups. But I can't handle that smooth stuff sticking on the roof of my mouth. Think I'm gonna gag. Has to be crunchy to help avoid that issue. That said, still don't partake much.
You should not gulp it down vhcat. Peanut butter is designed to eat at volume of less than two ounces a bite! :)

Morning Legionnaires!

49° this morning with moderate winds (20-25mph). Today's high to be in the mid 60's.

Not much going on today, normal workout sometime this morning and then clean the house a bit then, veg out the rest of the day.

TGIF for those working and to all God Bless.
Party cloudy and a cold 45.9°F. It is cold feeling really more like 30°. We are supposed to get to 56°F. I hope it feels like 56.

My daughter and son in law bought a new house this last weekend. It is out on the south eastern part of Sheperdsville, KY. It has a little over 5 acres with a 50' building to house an RV and a large shop out back. They are juiced over it. It is a big one. The good news is that it is only one hour away from Smiths Grove; whereas, their place in Shelbyville was an hour and forty five minutes. Now all they have to do is sell the current house.

You all have a great day.
Party cloudy and a cold 45.9°F. It is cold feeling really more like 30°. We are supposed to get to 56°F. I hope it feels like 56.

My daughter and son in law bought a new house this last weekend. It is out on the south eastern part of Sheperdsville, KY. It has a little over 5 acres with a 50' building to house an RV and a large shop out back. They are juiced over it. It is a big one. The good news is that it is only one hour away from Smiths Grove; whereas, their place in Shelbyville was an hour and forty five minutes. Now all they have to do is sell the current house.

You all have a great day.
I have a 20,000 sq foot bldg up for sale. I fooled around and put it up for sale to late. Right after the tornado, it would have sold pretty quickly. Now with demand dropping and interest rates going up... Stupid has a price.
Howdy folks. Started work before 7am today and am just now raising up my head to look around.

This feels like the last really hard day for a while, given our normal rhythms. It'll be good to start getting more into the Christmas spirit after today.

All is well otherwise. Hope the day is going well for everyone else.
They were always worried if was throwing the spitball or not.

A good part of what he did was completely legal. He was the epitome of crafty. Just loved watching him pitch. In a lesser amount I enjoyed watching his brother Jim pitch as well. Just because they were brothers I guess.

I did not realize Gaylord won 314 games.😲