
Ha ha, actually death certificate is for a life insurance policy. My grandmother took out the policy through Western & Southern Life of Cincy in 1947 on my uncle soon after his birth. I get a letter earlier this month listing me as the beneficiary. Huge shock. Not a large amount. Requested death certificate via mail on November 16.
Take that amount and add it to your daily walk tallies and take us all out for a drink.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 27° and cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. The afternoon forecast will bring partly cloudy skies and a high of 43° .

Have a great day.

Good morning D, read Galatians 2 this morning. Woke up thinking about my stained glass projects I need to do, got 11 crosses to do, plus finish up 6 ornaments for a friend of Mrs. M. I still have to solder 33 that I need to get finished. I hope the D has a great day and prayers for the D. Man some of you guys get up early!
Well solder on my good man and watch those trenches.

Morning Legionnaires!

30° this morning with the high of 50° expected. Light to moderate winds and cloudy skies for the whole day.

1st of the 25 days of Christmas and a birthday of one of my brothers. Mine is the 1st of Aug, another brother the 1st of November, and a sister who's is the 2nd of January. Only have one that is not around the 1st and that is 19 Aug. My mother wanted to start the month out right (mostly).

Going to do a traditional (for me) Christmas movie/show a day up until Christmas day starting with Christmas Vacation today while the wife is away. She does not care for that one. I have my Marty Moose clear mugs from the movie and a big CV coffee mug for chugging whatever I decide to drink during the movie. But first, normal workout and training my student this morning, walk the monster when I get back, and then settle in.

You guys enjoy your day and if you are working away from home, be careful out there and God Bless.
Good morning folks. Cold and clear in the east.

Beginning to look a lot like Christmas. A local tree contractor about a half mile from us has a half acre lot that he covers —like every inch —in loud, garish, wonderfully colorful lights and figures from the Grinch and Frosty and Santa and Scrooge and Rudolph and Baby Jesus and Elves and so on. I love, and when he fires it up I feel like Christmas.

Hope you all have a good day.
Good morning D-League!

A frosty 20° here for all you Cats missing colder weather. On our way to a balmy 40° or so. 50s tomorrow supposedly

Big recruiting weekend for football. Hope we get a better bowl than the Liberty or I'll be elsewhere. That was the most disappointing venue for a bowl that I've been to (though I've never been to Detroit in the winter...).

Hope the backside of your week is more well shaped than Raquel, and less of a fantasy. Ha!

Thankful to God for another day! May He bless you and keep you in His hand!

And you NEVER want to be in the winter! (I spent 18 winters there...)
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 38°F and clear with a light wind. Today's high may reach 59°F.

Today is December 1. Another month in the books.

Heading into the office today, so keeping it short.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


My Apple is waiting........................ No PB and definitely no J.😁
Good morning D, read Galatians 2 this morning. Woke up thinking about my stained glass projects I need to do, got 11 crosses to do, plus finish up 6 ornaments for a friend of Mrs. M. I still have to solder 33 that I need to get finished. I hope the D has a great day and prayers for the D. Man some of you guys get up early!
You do excellent work on your stain glass projects. I have a granddaughter at the USAF Academy and a nice piece would make an excellent Christmas present. If you ever find the time I will pay TOP $$$$ for something. Here are a couple of images.

I understand your time is limited and you are very busy but if you want some extra money, you have a customer.


The current temperature is 57° with sunshine and it should get up to 74° by midafternoon. A nice day for sure.

I have to get my blood drawn today for an exam I have scheduled for next week. Other than that it is pilfering time doing odds and ends. The yard is in pretty good shape but I may replace a few plants that deer got to when I was gone for a few days.

I am recovering from my bout with the Kentucky Flu and thankful for warm air and sunshine. It is the best medicine for me. I had no idea Kentucky had so many flu cases until we got up there. Hope they are only mild cases and non Covid.

Take care all and stay on the Sunny Side of Life.
Good morning everyone.

Busy day on the go yesterday. Today, not so much. I loved the movie Devotion yesterday. We only go to one or two movies a year but that was a good one.

Chilly toady but not cold enough to avoid a walk later today. And peanut butter is most likely on tap today. My PB habit started early in life and continues to this day.

I hope everyone has a great day.
Good morning everyone.

Busy day on the go yesterday. Today, not so much. I loved the movie Devotion yesterday. We only go to one or two movies a year but that was a good one.

Chilly toady but not cold enough to avoid a walk later today. And peanut butter is most likely on tap today. My PB habit started early in life and continues to this day.

I hope everyone has a great day.

Had an open face PB sandwich yesterday (which isn't a sandwich according to me, but my ladies disagree)
Good morning everyone.

Busy day on the go yesterday. Today, not so much. I loved the movie Devotion yesterday. We only go to one or two movies a year but that was a good one.

Chilly toady but not cold enough to avoid a walk later today. And peanut butter is most likely on tap today. My PB habit started early in life and continues to this day.

I hope everyone has a great day.

I like PB very much myself. There is a time for everything. There is a time for peanut butter, Just not on apples.... Nope, no, nada....

Had an open face PB sandwich yesterday (which isn't a sandwich according to me, but my ladies disagree)
Good thinking. Less carbs, more PB. I do the same thing with crackers. Which reminds me that every time my Dad sees me eat PB crackers he says "You're sure not related to your GrandDaddy (his Dad). He's was so stingy with his PB he couldn't stick 2 crackers together." I remember that about him...and it's not much of an exaggeration. I on the other hand............. lol.
Good thinking. Less carbs, more PB. I do the same thing with crackers. Which reminds me that every time my Dad sees me eat PB crackers he says "You're sure not related to your GrandDaddy (his Dad). He's was so stingy with his PB he couldn't stick 2 crackers together." I remember that about him...and it's not much of an exaggeration. I on the other hand............. lol.

Made me remember my grandpa distinctly when we lived in the block house in Noetown. Mom made me some oatmeal. Grandpa was there staying over as he did not want to drive back to where he was living. (Near the Gap somewhere. I was in the second or third grade.). Anyway I asked for sugar and my grandpa came over with a spoon and a large bag of sugar. He put about an eighth of a teaspoon of sugar on my oatmeal saying; "that was enough sugar for four boys." I asked my grandpa; "Can I have enough for ten or twelve boys?". He put another eighth of a spoon on my oatmeal and said I'd be sick later. (One time I remember talking back to my elders, I said Mom. (She was listening). She said; "Daddy, give Dave enough sugar to eat his oatmeal." Grandpa grumbled a bit and then put a spoonful on and I was happy... Grandpa stated again; "Davey, you're gonna be sick." and went about his business.

Just a memory that came back to me....

Oh around that time (We didn't live there a few months but it was winter and we had a coal stove to heat with.) My Dad told me to light the stove as it was winter time and we were cold so I put six or seven scoops of coal in that stove with some kindling and paper. (I knew how to start a fire.) That little pot bellied stove was cherry red for the longest time but we were warm. ;) (Couldn't go near the stove for the longest time but it was on a metal plate and in the center of the room.)

Yeah for a time for sure...
You do excellent work on your stain glass projects. I have a granddaughter at the USAF Academy and a nice piece would make an excellent Christmas present. If you ever find the time I will pay TOP $$$$ for something. Here are a couple of images.

I understand your time is limited and you are very busy but if you want some extra money, you have a customer.


SC, I like a challenge, the top one is a no go, it would have to be painted and I am not good at painting on glass, second one is doable. How big would you want it? Bert challenged me to make something for a friend of his and I think I did ok. I probably could not get it done in time for you but let me see. Just give me a size
SC, I like a challenge, the top one is a no go, it would have to be painted and I am not good at painting on glass, second one is doable. How big would you want it? Bert challenged me to make something for a friend of his and I think I did ok. I probably could not get it done in time for you but let me see. Just give me a size
Great news Cord, is 4" x 4" doable? That would be a nice size for her desk.

Thanks buddy
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And you NEVER want to be in the winter! (I spent 18 winters there...)
The winter of 1982 I spent a lot of time in Detroit negotiating with GM to move the Corvette plant to our property in Bowling Green, KY. It simply gets colder than cold up there. The only thing that saved me was a good Irish bar. The black ice sneaks up and trips you.
Good morning everyone.

Busy day on the go yesterday. Today, not so much. I loved the movie Devotion yesterday. We only go to one or two movies a year but that was a good one.

Chilly toady but not cold enough to avoid a walk later today. And peanut butter is most likely on tap today. My PB habit started early in life and continues to this day.

I hope everyone has a great day.
Love me some PBJ/H (Honey if not jelly) sandwich and eat it quite often. Also like to take a banana and put peanut butter on a slice with honey. Quick snack if on the go with no time to eat.
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The winter of 1982 I spent a lot of time in Detroit negotiating with GM to move the Corvette plant to our property in Bowling Green, KY. It simply gets colder than cold up there. The only thing that saved me was a good Irish bar. The black ice sneaks up and trips you.

That was one of my last winters there, I was living in Delray at that time welding on boxcars for Whitehead and Kales in River Rouge, MI.. Making $11.42 and hour when minimum wage was a dollar or two something. Never knew where that dough went but it went... I took drivers training when the car tires never even touched the pavement except on the highway.
In my Bubba voice (from Gorrest Fump)-

PB an apples
PB am bananas
PB an celery
PB and jelly
PB in eggrolls
PB and honey...
Life is like is like a PB and whatever sandwich, you just don't know what will be in it until you look around the kitchen.

On that note, what is the favorite for each of you to put on your PBJ? Me; I like Strawberry preserves the best with chunks of strawberries in it.
Some of you have seen pictures of lamp shades we made. We have scaled back and have our building up for sale. If we sell it, we will get something much smaller and do a few things to keep busy. Anyhow one of our customers makes lamps out of liquor bottles. He says he is talking to Cracker Barrell and Jack Daniels. Who knows how it will turn out, but it would be enough to keep us busy without excess work. Time will tell.

BTW for Sawnee, the same customer says his son is friends with Ron DeSantis and that Ron will run for president in 24. Can't verify truth of either statement. People like to talk, but this guy is usually a pretty straight shooter.
Love me some PBJ/H (Honey if not jelly) sandwich and eat it quite often. Also like to take a banana and put peanut butter on a slice with honey. Quick snack if on the go with not time to eat.
PB is my go to snack, meals, everything. My buddies (wife's cousins) use to joke "he's the only man living that would pick a fight with his wife just so he could eat more peanut butter". lol

If I want to lose a few pounds, which is not too often, I just have to remove all the PB from the house.
Life is like is like a PB and whatever sandwich, you just don't know what will be in it until you look around the kitchen.

On that note, what is the favorite for each of you to put on your PBJ? Me; I like Strawberry preserves the best with chunks of strawberries in it.
Grape. I love my Mom's homemade grape jelly, but she doesn't make it anymore.
PB is my go to snack, meals, everything. My buddies (wife's cousins) use to joke "he's the only man living that would pick a fight with his wife just so he could eat more peanut butter". lol

If I want to lose a few pounds, which is not too often, I just have to remove all the PB from the house.

That is exactly the reason I eat little PB. I love it and I can get a couple sandwiches out of a jar. No limits to the amount of PB on a sandwich... edible... I have none in the house solely due to the fact that............I would EAT it!

"Man's GOT to know his limitations."
SC, I like a challenge, the top one is a no go, it would have to be painted and I am not good at painting on glass, second one is doable. How big would you want it? Bert challenged me to make something for a friend of his and I think I did ok. I probably could not get it done in time for you but let me see. Just give me a size

Great news Cord, is 4" x 4" doable? That would be a nice size for her desk. Her name is Emmy K

Thanks buddy
I think that this is what Cord was referring to. He made it for my best friend Jessie who was a Deputy:


The glass is relatively large as Jessie is 6'8" tall.