
Stoops isn't waiting around to do his house cleaning. This follows the running backs coach being let go yesterday.

This had to happen and I am glad Coach did not drag it out. Filling that with the correct man will be the most important job Stoops has this off season. He has to hit a home run.

There are some great candidates out there and acting fast should increase the odds of brining in The Man.

With the craziness of the transfer portal now, a decision can't take too long, we need to have a guy in place quickly...not only because we want to be an attractive option for a really good QB/some O-lineman to transfer here (both big needs for next year), but also we got some really good young WRs we don't won't looking elsewhere.
More and more people are accepting soccer, but I know nothing about it. I was more into baseball because I was an average size guy and that worked better for me than basketball or football. I suppose if soccer was popular when I was a kid, I might have looked into it, but since I know nothing about it, it doesn't appeal to me.
So, I see the USA beat the Flying Aytollahs and will advance in the World Cup. One of my buddies remarked that the families of the Iranian players would be in prison by dawn.

That reminded me of my only soccer story:

I was in Bogota on an assignment covering the Drug Beat in 1994 when the Colombian World Cup player who'd kicked an "own goal" to allow the USA to get the upset was assassinated a few days after the team returned home. If you never heard this story, see clip below.

About a week before that, when the USA-Colombia match was live, I had watched it with a woman who was working in the US Embassy at a sports bar. When the US took the lead, I started cheering - a lone voice in a place full of Colombians who were getting increasingly angry.

Suddenly, the woman signaled the waiter for the tab, which I paid, and quickly hustled me out of the place. When I asked why we bolted, she said she overheard talk (in Spanish obviously) that made it clear hanging around wouldn't be healthy. It was then she told me the sports bar was run by the drug cartels.

More and more people are accepting soccer, but I know nothing about it. I was more into baseball because I was an average size guy and that worked better for me than basketball or football. I suppose if soccer was popular when I was a kid, I might have looked into it, but since I know nothing about it, it doesn't appeal to me.

If you don't know the rules of a game you obviously can't enjoy it, I don't know the rules of soccer plus it just seems boring from the 8 minutes I have watched in my entire life...and the American in me says 'the rest of the world really loves this sh-t' so I then naturally hate it.
More and more people are accepting soccer, but I know nothing about it. I was more into baseball because I was an average size guy and that worked better for me than basketball or football. I suppose if soccer was popular when I was a kid, I might have looked into it, but since I know nothing about it, it doesn't appeal to me.
I played couple years HS and also German club league. Endurance is key. One quickly learns offsides or Abseits.
If you don't know the rules of a game you obviously can't enjoy it, I don't know the rules of soccer plus it just seems boring from the 8 minutes I have watched in my entire life...and the American in me says 'the rest of the world really loves this sh-t' so I then naturally hate it.
This may sound odd, but I spent a lot of time in Turkey. Most civilians who worked on base were Muslim. They would do the on their knees praying (toward the east if I recall correctly)thing, but on their breaks, they all played volleyball, not soccer.
I was referencing Fredricks shooting, It picked up a bit.



I'd mess with you anywhere (Away from you, preferably on the internet with at least 800 miles between us.), any place (Except near you.), and any time (You are in a quasi ...decent mood. I know never, but never has various shades of seriousness...)
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Don't get me wrong but I'm thrilled with the win. My concern for the past several years is that UK is too easy to scout on offense. Pass the ball around the perimeter and wind up with a contested shot. Time after time. No surprises. All the other team needs to do is pack the paint and put a man on the outside shooter. Even the announcers made that point tonight.
The current style of play offensively does not give me that warm and fuzzy feeling I used to get when we played. Going into any game I might be nervous but was sure our chances were good but now...not so much.
The 1996 championship team was the only team that I rarely got nervous about. Oh sure 1978 and 2012 were great teams but 1996, I always knew they'd pull it out.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 44°F, clear and windy. Today's high may reach 57°F if we're luck. Huge difference from 24 hours ago.

Bellarmine kept things a bit too close during first 25 minutes last night. Cats woke up and pulled away. Whew!

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

More and more people are accepting soccer, but I know nothing about it. I was more into baseball because I was an average size guy and that worked better for me than basketball or football. I suppose if soccer was popular when I was a kid, I might have looked into it, but since I know nothing about it, it doesn't appeal to me.
I have never watched a soccer match. Just checking in on it while I am channel surfing. It bores me bad.

I am a stuck in the mud ole school guy and half of my life they have been trying to shove soccer down our throat. NOPE NOPE NOPE, not for me.

Morning Legionnaires!

28° this morning with light winds. Mid 40's as the high with sunshine predicted for the day.

Going back to sleep after wife leaves for work shortly, doing a late morning workout after, walk the monster (if I don't, she gets mopey) and then...nothing.

Did my prediction for the UK vs Mich. basketball game for Sunday a bit ago in Old Reds thread and was struggling to pick the winner. Both are 5-2 with one loss we should have won so, it was a hard choice. It came down to where they are playing and being it is in the UK (London) I marked it down in my head as a home game since it is in the UK. Not very scientific but the only way I could justify my choice since it seems to be a toss-up.

That is all for this morning folks, have a nice day and God Bless.
It is a windy 37.2°F here on our way to a cool 42°F. We got .91" of rain last night and this morning, so on top of the .43" we got Sunday we are looking good on the rain part.

This team is not going to be world stoppers unless something drastically happens which I don't see. Cal has no offense.
Good morning folks. I was going to complain about pelting frozen rain and lead colored skies, but if dog-sick BBUK can be thankful, well so can I.

Didn’t get to watch the Cats. Sounds like I didn’t miss that much though I note that they beat Bellarmine by more than Duke and UCLA I think, and holding any team to 41 points is something to build on. Best to stay an optimist in life until it makes you a fool. Not there yet with this team.

Hectic work day but I can see a stretch of easier days ahead. Better be, so I can rehab from hip surgery.

Hope it’s a good day for all.
I have never watched a soccer match. Just checking in on it while I am channel surfing. It bores me bad.

I am a stuck in the mud ole school guy and half of my life they have been trying to shove soccer down our throat. NOPE NOPE NOPE, not for me.
I don't watch it myself except for the WC if we are playing. Watched some and played some (not good) when stationed in Germany (3 tours). Now, I just watch college basketball and football, NFL (mostly Bengals), and baseball (mostly Reds). Oh, and let's not forget, Bass fishing tournaments on ESPN and educational Bass fishing videos on YouTube.
I have never watched a soccer match. Just checking in on it while I am channel surfing. It bores me bad.
I’ll probably be asked to turn in my D-League Man Card but I’ve come around on soccer.

I forced myself to watch a few high-level matches start to finish, not expecting to enjoy it or even understand it at first, but gradually I started to feel the rhythms and get into the pace and anticipate the strategy a bit. After that, I began to get pulled into the tension, the huge value of each goal.

Parts of it still infuriate me -the flopping, the bullshit offsides. But those last few minutes yesterday of the US defending a 1-0 lead against some furious attacks was pretty damn thrilling.
Good Morning all,

Still under the weather but thankful. My sleep has failed me but I am thankful. Sicker than a dog but I am thankful. Am I thankful you ask? Yes, I am thankful....

Have a great day! 😁
I am in the same boat, sicker than a dog and the first time I have felt like this in years. My son texted me and said the Lexington hospitals are full of flu patients. It is not an issue down here so I will hang around the house a few days and try to get back my strength. I am weak. But I too am thankful.

This afternoon we will reach 81° and sunshine. That should help. I will assist the sunshine with chicken broth and grandma's medicine. I keep a jug of moonshine around and some fresh orange blossom honey. That should do it.

Over Thanksgiving my granddaughter said she was considering training for the Wings of Blue which is parachute skydiving club at the Academy. They are the team that jumps at college and prof football halftime or pregame shows. I told her to go for it.
