
Good morning from ATX. Currently 50°F, clear and calm. Our high today should max out at around 82°F.

It's Thursday, which means I'm heading back into the office today, so keeping it short.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning folks. Decent report from the doctor yesterday, he thinks I will live at the least 6 months for my next appointment. :)

It is 35.2°F here but we are to get to 63° so that ain't bad.

I really don't understand this medicare in relation to different coverage and costs around the nation. People pay different premiums and some of us pay $0

I have a Humana PPO (HumanaChoice Florida) and I couldn't ask for a better policy. Nothing I have had in my life compares to this. I get to see the best doctors and I get to choose them.

My wife and I have $0 Premium. We pay nothing for the coverage. NADA. Other than the monthly deduction out of social security.

*We have a $10 co-pay for our primary doctor and $20 for specialist.
*With a PPO we do not need a referral to see a specialist. I can pick up the phone and call one without my primary doctor even knowing. I did that when I had my spine operation and my kidney cancer surgery.
* My prescription drugs are $0. I go through Humana for that and they send them direct to my house with no charge. They also refill them automatically. If a prescription requires a doctor to authorize, Humana call them. I do nothing and I pay nothing.

In the past 5 years I have had 6 major surgeries. Cancer, Spinal stenois to name a few and they were very expensive. My cost was negligible.

I think they State of Florida negotiaties the Medicare Advantage policies with the insurance carriers. What ever it may be I am about as pleased with my medical insurance as one can be.
Our coverage is great and we have no co-pays for doctors or specialists and we get to choose them. My broken leg cost nothing except some of the ambulance expense. My knee and hip replacements cost me less $5.00 because I had to pay a little for the pain meds. My drugs plan is not good. My cancer treatment cost me nothing. So I am happy with my coverage, but my supplemental insurance is where the cost comes in.

I don't know how Humana is set up, but my daughter is Chief Operating Officer for Medicaid. She helps run a fine company. Plus she is cute:

She gets the freckles from me.
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Morning Legionnaires!

46° this morning with 72° on tap for the day and moderate winds. More rain expected tonight (still under the norm) and tomorrow. We will take it.

Doing the Miyagi thing later this morning after my normal workout. Honey do list to do afterwards. While in town wife has given me a list of items she needs/wants from Sams. That means lunch in town today which will be Korean. Bulgogi and whatever my daughter wants. She likes these days too.

Well, out to the shop for my workout.

Ya'll be cool.
Good morning folks. Decent report from the doctor yesterday, he thinks I will live at the least 6 months for my next appointment. :)

It is 35.2°F here but we are to get to 63° so that ain't bad.

Our coverage is great and we have no co-pays for doctors or specialists and we get to choose them. My broken leg cost nothing except some of the ambulance expense. My knee and hip replacements cost me less $5.00 because I had to pay a little for the pain meds. My drugs plan is not good. My cancer treatment cost me nothing. So I am happy with my coverage, but my supplemental insurance is where the cost comes in.

I don't know how Humana is set up, but my daughter is Chief Operating Officer for Medicaid. She helps run a fine company. Plus she is cute:

She gets the freckles from me.
We are thankful for the great medical report Bert. And congrats to your daughter, she works for a great company that has treated me very fair over the years when it comes to medical insurance. I have never had a dispute with them over any issue.

I have had Humana for many, many years. They have really improved their dental coverage for next year.
Congrats on the decent bill of health. And on the successful daughter. I concur with your “cute” assessment. If your doctor has given you six months you are ahead of many of us.

My status remains day-to-day.

Having lunch today with the Dean of U.K.’s Communications Department. She’s in DC for a conference. They’d been suggesting I might take some role lecturing or teaching. I’ll be polite but don’t have any time, and when I do I have my own projects to pursue.

Hope it is a good day for everyone.
Sorry this is NOT political BUT I can see this for sure as TRUTH....(16 seconds after commercials.)

Reminds me of that scene in the matrix with neo and the architect. I think of God hearing all of these thoughts and tantrums and wonder how close He is to ending it all
My Dad showed up to my championship game in babe Ruth league. I remembered it being the first time he ever saw me play. I went 4 for 4, drove in the winning run and got the winning out. The only game my Dad ever saw me play...

Other than a few little league games, my dad never saw me play baseball or football. Never saw me in any of the four or five sports I played after grade school. Parents got divorced and he got screwed in the settlement. Don't blame him for not being there. He worked 3 jobs between trips to the VA. Eventually got a new family with a beautiful wife that loved him.

Gone 10 years now.

Lost him and 2 sisters in that time. I'm a bit angry about it still a month after my sister has gone, so I hope yall forgive my foul language and short temper for a bit longer. Seeing so many others besides getting sick makes it come to the surface all over again.

My patience is lacking, and my hope for my family has dimmed. I will try to do better and not bring it up again. Got to settle back in to what's real
I have Mr. Carbo, have had several. The best devise I can give you is when it moves, just get in the floor, have your wife put a pair of high heels on and walk on your back, just kidding!!! Best thing is to start drinking as much water as you can, also start drinking 100% cranberry juice, water with lemon or lemonade and lots of it, not cocktail mixes straight cranberry. I have heard that drinking a beer will help, I haven't tried a beer. Last one I had was 3 years ago, spent three days in the hospital, they had me walking as much as I could, they said walking helps make it move. It finally moved away from my kidney enough that they took me down a busted it up. I had to lay on a table, brought some type of machine that was over my stomach and underneath the metal table, then they put me to sleep, when I woke up everything was ok. Pissed a bunch of little stones and a lot of blood which was scary, went home the next day. Wasn't the best place to spend our anniversary but what could I do? Like I said drink, drink and drink!!!!!!

That 100% cranberry juice is good maintenance advice to avoid them as well.
Wow is all I will say. I am a Windows man and have been translating my expertise to a macbookpro. (Actually my expertise in windows is long antiquated as I work in a much different environment now..) I backed up my daughters data using apple products and then verified it actually worked. (I had to clear an external hard drive I had then format it to be compatible with apple.) I did that and then erased the macbook, formatted it and am now waiting for the image to finish. Once it does I will throw Office for MAC on it and install McAfee. THEN it will be all hers again. (I have a copy of her data but I am not reinstalling it unless asked and then only what she asks for as she had some old data on it. If all works I may upgrade her memory.... We shall see but it took a while....

Apple is definitely more work. I still have my windows rigs, but also a hackintosh and 2 McBkPros. The apple quality has seriously gone in the toilet over the last 5 years tho
Other than a few little league games, my dad never saw me play baseball or football. Never saw me in any of the four or five sports I played after grade school. Parents got divorced and he got screwed in the settlement. Don't blame him for not being there. He worked 3 jobs between trips to the VA. Eventually got a new family with a beautiful wife that loved him.

Gone 10 years now.

Lost him and 2 sisters in that time. I'm a bit angry about it still a month after my sister has gone, so I hope yall forgive my foul language and short temper for a bit longer. Seeing so many others besides getting sick makes it come to the surface all over again.

My patience is lacking, and my hope for my family has dimmed. I will try to do better and not bring it up again. Got to settle back in to what's real

Bless you brother Girth....
Congrats on the decent bill of health. And on the successful daughter. I concur with your “cute” assessment. If your doctor has given you six months you are ahead of many of us.

My status remains day-to-day.

Having lunch today with the Dean of U.K.’s Communications Department. She’s in DC for a conference. They’d been suggesting I might take some role lecturing or teaching. I’ll be polite but don’t have any time, and when I do I have my own projects to pursue.

Hope it is a good day for everyone.

Who knows MdW, you may ...trip into some lecturing or teaching.....

Gotta go, gotta go....

Congrats on the decent bill of health. And on the successful daughter. I concur with your “cute” assessment. If your doctor has given you six months you are ahead of many of us.

My status remains day-to-day.

Having lunch today with the Dean of U.K.’s Communications Department. She’s in DC for a conference. They’d been suggesting I might take some role lecturing or teaching. I’ll be polite but don’t have any time, and when I do I have my own projects to pursue.

Hope it is a good day for everyone.
Too bad. You could counter the rampant wokeness inside UK.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 65°F and cloudy. Increased chances for rain as another front moves through over the next few hours. Today's high may reach 70°F. We'll take it. Probably go walking around noon rather than 6 am.

Guess we'll see another 10 more days filled with campaign ads. Tis the season. Ugh.

Happy Friday, y'all.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Morning Legionnaires!

More rain last night and more expected this morning. 51° right now with a high expected to be around 57°. Cooler than is has been but, going back up into the 70's for the foreseeable future. Winds have picked up and that is normal around here for this time of year. For the most part, it does not get very cold (we can hit the teens ever so often) around here. The wind however makes up for it. Fishing will taper off, but I will try on a couple the 70° days.

Yeah, @AustinTXCat, I too will be glad when the election period is over. One thing though and it is disturbing, is how almost all democrats running if you don't know they are democrat are not putting that out there for people to know. Why disturbing? It shows a lack of character in that they know just how bad their party is and they would rather be deceiving us than tell the truth (more of the same?). I would prefer to know and that they would tell me what they plan to do to change what they are doing as a party. Yes, I can look them up before the election and read what their plans are and have a site in my email for my area (wife sent it to me), I just hate the almost subversive way they are going about their campaigns.

Morning Legionnaires!

More rain last night and more expected this morning. 51° right now with a high expected to be around 57°. Cooler than is has been but, going back up into the 70's for the foreseeable future. Winds have picked up and that is normal around here for this time of year. For the most part, it does not get very cold (we can hit the teens ever so often) around here. The wind however makes up for it. Fishing will taper off, but I will try on a couple the 70° days.

Yeah, @AustinTXCat, I too will be glad when the election period is over. One thing though and it is disturbing, is how almost all democrats running if you don't know they are democrat are not putting that out there for people to know. Why disturbing? It shows a lack of character in that they know just how bad their party is and they would rather be deceiving us than tell the truth (more of the same?). I would prefer to know and that they would tell me what they plan to do to change what they are doing as a party. Yes, I can look them up before the election and read what their plans are and have a site in my email for my area (wife sent it to me), I just hate the almost subversive way they are going about their campaigns.
As you look across the nation at the different races it is amazing at the candidates the Democrats are running. I have never in my life seen such an unqualified, anti-American, radical crazies in my life. Some of them are brain dead and others are avowed Marxist who the media say are "moderates". And I have never seen so many lies and misstatements in my life as what is coming out of them this year.

A few weeks ago the Senator from Kentucky, Mitch McConnell made a statement that the GOP would probably lose the Senate because of the quality of candidates. I think he said that because Trump had endorsed some of them. But if you look at how they have performed on the campaign trail it is obvious he was wrong. Some of the candidates Mitch has withheld campaign funds are still making a very strong showing and may win. If the National GOP had supported them earlier it probably wouldn't be close.

Now let's see how this turns out on election day.
Good morning. It is 46.8°F here on our way to 72°, no rain. Each day we are getting a little warmer. 72 today and 73 Saturday, good fall weather.

On politics, I spend some money ever two years to help out the folks that I like. Rand Paul gets the most and my congressman Brett Guthrie gets some when he is opposed. When I was Mayor, Brett would stop into the office for coffee and we would swap lies! He is a great guy. He graduated West Point and served in the 101st Airborne, then got a graduate degree from Yale. He still looks like he could do PT as well now as ever.

I also support Mitch McConnell. Some folks think he is too deep into the weeds and swamp, but he is always nice to me and I fully support him. As the Republican leader in the Senate he is trying to herd a bunch of cats. That ain't an easy thing to do. He is the only reason the U.S. Supreme court is 5-4 conservative. Without him doing that Merrick Garland would be sitting on the Supreme court and Roe vs Wade would still be standing. Plus Mitch was instrumental in helping Trump get three conservative judges on the court and many, many others in lower courts. Mitch knows how to politic the U.S. Senate and how to trade horses. His goals are the same as Trump but he does have the right to pick who he supports.
Good morning D-League. I glanced at this board this morning and saw I had 19 likes and my first thought was "Rooster's Back." He is always gracious about going back to give likes to the stuff he has missed.

I take that as a real good sign -- the Cats are going to need his Blue Spinning Spark Wheels tomorrow for sure.

World Series starts tonight. I guess I'll try to get into it. There was a time I could recite all the World Series winners from before I was born -- back to the early 1950s -- through the early eighties, who they beat and what the record was of games won and lost. Now I can't remember for sure who won it year before last -- Braves last year. Maybe Dodgers year before that. Then a blank.

Lives were marked by what happened in the Series in those days -- Larsen's perfect game, Mazeroski's home run, Gibson dominates one year, Lolich the next, the Miracle Mets, Brooks Robinson's glove magic, Gene Tenace, FIsk's Home Run, the Big Red Machine and on and on.

My dad always told the story that the day I was born they made a very rare long distance phone call back to the nearest neighbor with a phone in rural Bracken County to tell my grandfather. The neighbor hustled down the holler and got papaw, and my dad called back at a pre-set time.

When he got on the phone, before he could break the news about a grandson, his dad blurts out, "Johnny Podres beat the Yankees!" Papaw was a National League fan all the way. That was Game 3 of the 1955 series. Podres went on to win Game Seven and papaw had that to celebrate, oh yeah, and a first grandson.
Good morning D-League. I glanced at this board this morning and saw I had 19 likes and my first thought was "Rooster's Back." He is always gracious about going back to give likes to the stuff he has missed.

I take that as a real good sign -- the Cats are going to need his Blue Spinning Spark Wheels tomorrow for sure.

World Series starts tonight. I guess I'll try to get into it. There was a time I could recite all the World Series winners from before I was born -- back to the early 1950s -- through the early eighties, who they beat and what the record was of games won and lost. Now I can't remember for sure who won it year before last -- Braves last year. Maybe Dodgers year before that. Then a blank.

Lives were marked by what happened in the Series in those days -- Larsen's perfect game, Mazeroski's home run, Gibson dominates one year, Lolich the next, the Miracle Mets, Brooks Robinson's glove magic, Gene Tenace, FIsk's Home Run, the Big Red Machine and on and on.

My dad always told the story that the day I was born they made a very rare long distance phone call back to the nearest neighbor with a phone in rural Bracken County to tell my grandfather. The neighbor hustled down the holler and got papaw, and my dad called back at a pre-set time.

When he got on the phone, before he could break the news about a grandson, his dad blurts out, "Johnny Podres beat the Yankees!" Papaw was a National League fan all the way. That was Game 3 of the 1955 series. Podres went on to win Game Seven and papaw had that to celebrate, oh yeah, and a first grandson.
For a baseball fan like you, I highly recommend the Bill James 2000 Baseball Abstract. It's almost 1100 pages with thousands of stories on players and goes through the different decades of baseball. I learned in the early days, decent folk wouldn't go to baseball games because of all those ruffian Irish people who played.