
For a baseball fan like you, I highly recommend the Bill James 2000 Baseball Abstract. It's almost 1100 pages with thousands of stories on players and goes through the different decades of baseball. I learned in the early days, decent folk wouldn't go to baseball games because of all those ruffian Irish people who played.
Thanks for the tip Bernie. I've heard good things about that book. I'll look it up on Amazon.
Good morning all,

Took today off. Had pancakes this morning. Just got back from a trip to school. My Darling is sprucing up. We are headed to the commissary then who knows where. My Darling doesn't know it yet but I'm taking her for a good dinner today to a restaurant she likes.

Who knows what we will eat for supper....I'm stuffed already...

Have a great day!

Starting to get a little nervous about the game tomorrow...we have had two weeks to prepare...they are obviously very dynamic on offense. I think their defense is suspect so I think we will have some scoring opportunities. If we can run the ball well I think we will play 'keep away' from clock and keep their offense off the field.

My two biggest worries are our OL and our kicking game. Our kicking/punting has been very ugly this year and has given up points in numerous games, we can't afford to give away any points in this game...if the OL struggles we might get destroyed, if the OL plays well we could ruin the best season Tennessee has had in decades and that would be amazingly sweet.

So far I have stayed away with my bets from the line which is UK as a 12.5 point underdog, the over/under dropped from 63.5 to 61.5 which really surprised me. I bet big on the I need 62 points, but the lower the score probably enhances the Cats chance of winning. I would rather lose money than the Cats I need 62 points...but if the Cats win 30-27 and I will be incredibly happy to lose money. But if any of you bet...that 61.5 seems low, go for the over.
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Did the commissary and took My Darling and the groceries home. Went to my oldest daughters house and edged her lawn, came back home, picked up My Darling and we are finishing up dinner. A good day but much to do before this day ends.

Thinking about hanging out our shingle and heading to Maryland tomorrow....we shall see...🤔
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I was driving on a well traveled road near my house the day before yesterday. You'd have never suspected it but a bald eagle was about 15 or so feet off the ground fighting something in the air next to a large tree. It was so close to the road and so large I was mesmerized. I almost rear-ended a car. Just majesty to behold. (Not a small bird either, a full grown Bald Eagle near a heavy traffic road.) No mistaking that bird... (The eagle got what he was after as well. He had it clawed and flew off with it...)

I was driving on a well traveled road near my house the day before yesterday. You'd have never suspected it but a bald eagle was about 15 or so feet off the ground fighting something in the air next to a large tree. It was so close to the road and so large I was mesmerized. I almost rear-ended a car. Just majesty to behold. (Not a small bird either, a full grown Bald Eagle near a heavy traffic road.) No mistaking that bird... (The eagle got what he was after as well. He had it clawed and flew off with it...)

Every time I go to Nashville, I cut through the Land Between the Lakes National Park. About half way through is a watch tower. There's a large eagle's nest on the steps near the top of the tower. It's a reasonably busy road.
Sigh.... a mere memory................. I asked My Darling for a batch of Beef Jerky and she turned me down...



Those are gallon bags... sigh...

I KNOW!!!!! I'll go on a hunger strike........................... Nah, she'd never believe it..... Sigh...... o_O :(:confused:😢😢😢
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Morning fellers.

Know what happened 59 years ago today?

A little barely 18 year old girl and I got ourselves hitched.




Hey folks back from a long, enjoyable, but tiring day driving through the Shenandoah Valley with my daughter. Now i face a few hours of mindless chatter with our house guests - my wife's college roomie and her husband. Ah well. The price of being in a marriage. And a small one.

Missed the Blue-White game. Who stood out?
Ugonna Onyenso
Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F and cloudy. Light wind. Rain chances increasing around noon, Today's high expected at around 86°F.

Early voting kicks off today for Travis County, TX. I plan walking over to our local polling place, Chinatown, on Wednesday.

Diwalli celebrated today by colleagues, but my workplace having a get-together tomorrow. Plenty food.

Another weekend in the books. Monday, Monday...

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


@Bert Higginbotha

You said before you like to re-watch the films of UK games and I believe you said you have multiple games you are watching at once on gameday, so I'm assuming you have seen Tennessee some...what are your thoughts...or anyone here's thoughts...about UK being a 12.5 point underdog currently? I will admit, I'm not confident right now in a UK victory, but I think the Cats keep it close.
Go Big Blue!
I have been so busy lately. Part of it is because i am no longer on the internet as a source of entertainment. The other reason I can no longer post is that I intend on running for public office soon and I can't take a chance on being associated with a former mayor.
The D is more than entertainment

AZ_Biotic Communities pdf
AZ_Ecoregions pdf
SW Climate Change
90-year old movie still is creepy as hell.

Cult Classics
Good morning. It is 46.8°F here on our way to 72°, no rain. Each day we are getting a little warmer. 72 today and 73 Saturday, good fall weather.

On politics, I spend some money ever two years to help out the folks that I like. Rand Paul gets the most and my congressman Brett Guthrie gets some when he is opposed. When I was Mayor, Brett would stop into the office for coffee and we would swap lies! He is a great guy. He graduated West Point and served in the 101st Airborne, then got a graduate degree from Yale. He still looks like he could do PT as well now as ever.

I also support Mitch McConnell. Some folks think he is too deep into the weeds and swamp, but he is always nice to me and I fully support him. As the Republican leader in the Senate he is trying to herd a bunch of cats. That ain't an easy thing to do. He is the only reason the U.S. Supreme court is 5-4 conservative. Without him doing that Merrick Garland would be sitting on the Supreme court and Roe vs Wade would still be standing. Plus Mitch was instrumental in helping Trump get three conservative judges on the court and many, many others in lower courts. Mitch knows how to politic the U.S. Senate and how to trade horses. His goals are the same as Trump but he does have the right to pick who he supports.
My support of Mitch is mixed. He has definitely helped the conservative cause in some ways but hurt in others. To be honest I have a personal issue with Mitch. My Dad was promoted to President of the largest bank in the state the same year Mitch was elected to his first term as Senator. Mitch met with my Dad and made all kinds of demands. Dad was a Democrat at the time. Didn't go well.
Gentleman, it has finally arrived...gameday.

There are two games that mean more to me than the rest...Louisville and Tennessee.

I hope we are prepared and I hope we hit the Vols in the mouth. I hate their colors, I hate their stupid song...I have only went to one game at Neyland Stadium...I was a teenager and me and friend had seats away from my dad and the whole section was jerks to us...those were the Tim Couch days...we literally tried to joke around with people next to us and they acted like Kentucky fans were beneath them.

I want this game, everything has been clicking for them offensively basically all year...I think the way to beat them is to keep the ball out of their hands and/or make their offense frustrated, you have seen it time and again, a team that is use to moving the ball find a way to make it hard and they start pressing, you rattle them.

Easier said than done, I think we need some turnovers...but we got two dogs...Levis and Rodriguez...if the OL blocks those two will make it a game. I actually wish we would run Levis a little more like last year, he is a powerful runner and if you run him more the defense has to worry about that...Rodriguez has been running like a man possessed. It takes 3 or 4 guys to get him or lose I don't think our guys will be scared or intimidated. I truly believe the Vols will have to earn it. I think we got to many good players with too much pride to get blown up, I think this one is close.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 56°F, dry and cloudy. Today's high expected around 71°F.

Game Day! Go Cats! I'm hoping for a W, but also realize winning down at Neyland gonna be tough. Vols get their crowd going and we're looking at a long evening.

May go hiking in a few. Couple chores on agenda before the game.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning folks.

Well, today’s the day. Gotta believe. By the time the day ends the Cats will have beaten the sickening Orange Vawls and notched the biggest win in years. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it as long as I can.

I’ll check in with you guys later.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 37° and sunny here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring sunny skies and a high of 70°.

Game Day has finally arrived. I think the Cats put a scare into the Vols tonight, but the House of Horrors known as Neyland proves to be too much to overcome. Final score 37-31.
Here's an interesting stat regarding the 2 offenses: Tennessee runs almost 3 plays per minute, UK less than 2.

Everyone stay safe on this Saturday.

Here's a good article on the game:

Good morning folks.

Well, today’s the day. Gotta believe. By the time the day ends the Cats will have beaten the sickening Orange Vawls and notched the biggest win in years. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it as long as I can.

I’ll check in with you guys later.
I made my prediction in Old Reds thread in favor of UK for both UK vs Tenn and the stupid underdog picks.
Encounters with the Maryland State Bureaucracy, Chapter 459.

I get an email this week from MVA saying I can't get new plates for my car because I failed to get the emissions checked. Okay. I vaguely recall getting sent a notice for the useless nozzle up the tailpipe check imposed by the tree-huggers in our state. I sorta thought my wife took care of it, but whatever.

So I drive to the Vehicle Emissions Inspection spot which happens to be about a mile from my house. A two-minute test follows. Congratulations that'll be $258. Yes, TWO HUNDRED FIFTY EIGHT dollars.

I literally laughed in the guy's face, assuming he'd just made a mistake. But no. I'd rolled up a year or so of late fees that double every two weeks.

So, rather than pick on this peon I told him to get the station manager. The woman confirms that I owe $258. I tell her, "You better figure something out fast. Because I'm not paying more than the $14 fee. And you are going to give me a release to get my license plate before I leave. The only variable is how long that takes."

She blinked a couple times, then says, "Okay, I'll waive the late fee." I gave them $14 and made sure I had my release for the plates.

As I'm paying my $14, I said to the woman, "You realize it's absurd to keep doubling these fees for some nuisance emissions check that late model cars always pass anyway?" She says, "Well, it's the law." I asked her if there was any limit to the late fees. "No." So, I said, if I managed not to get caught with expired plates and drove around for ten years, my late fee could be "$30,000 or so?" Yes, she said.

God bless the Free State, as they laughingly call this place, among other things,
Encounters with the Maryland State Bureaucracy, Chapter 459.

I get an email this week from MVA saying I can't get new plates for my car because I failed to get the emissions checked. Okay. I vaguely recall getting sent a notice for the useless nozzle up the tailpipe check imposed by the tree-huggers in our state. I sorta thought my wife took care of it, but whatever.

So I drive to the Vehicle Emissions Inspection spot which happens to be about a mile from my house. A two-minute test follows. Congratulations that'll be $258. Yes, TWO HUNDRED FIFTY EIGHT dollars.

I literally laughed in the guy's face, assuming he'd just made a mistake. But no. I'd rolled up a year or so of late fees that double every two weeks.

So, rather than pick on this peon I told him to get the station manager. The woman confirms that I owe $258. I tell her, "You better figure something out fast. Because I'm not paying more than the $14 fee. And you are going to give me a release to get my license plate before I leave. The only variable is how long that takes."

She blinked a couple times, then says, "Okay, I'll waive the late fee." I gave them $14 and made sure I had my release for the plates.

As I'm paying my $14, I said to the woman, "You realize it's absurd to keep doubling these fees for some nuisance emissions check that late model cars always pass anyway?" She says, "Well, it's the law." I asked her if there was any limit to the late fees. "No." So, I said, if I managed not to get caught with expired plates and drove around for ten years, my late fee could be "$30,000 or so?" Yes, she said.

God bless the Free State, as they laughingly call this place, among other things,
I lived in Maryland for 6 years. They know how to tax everything. GEEZE.
UL 48-10 over #10 Wake Forest. Granted the ACC is not that strong but damn. Satterfield may have just saved his job with this one. Plus the win over Pitt last week. UL is now looking like a tough win in Lexington. All the sweeter when the Cats kick their ass.