
Good morning D-League. It's currently 47° and cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. The morning clouds will give way to generally sunny skies for the afternoon and bring a high of 69°.

Continued thoughts and prayers for Sawnee and all those affected by Hurricane Ian.

Everyone stay safe on this Thursday.

Yes, it would take a plant for sure. But you know they are working on that.

Facts: There has never been preparations for a storm like we saw down here in U.S. History. They even got black hawk helicopters from Alabama to help in search and rescue. There was a call a few days ago for airboats to be on the ready. The Cajun Navy has arrived from Louisiana. An invaluable group of people in times of a storm. Governor DeSantis went out of his way in a press conference to stress how much he appreciated their presence.

Drones are flying at this moment to identify the priorities of power restoration. Every base was covered.

But, my concern is potential loss of life, especially Ft Meyers and barrier islands. Population growth has made this a dangerous area in times of storms. New comers have never experienced hurricanes and may not know how to act. I hope this does not translate into deaths. Today will provide the answer.
I'm praying for a better than expected outcome. You're right. That part of Florida has experienced a big expansion within the past several years. My sister in Sanford will get hit today with 40-60 mph winds. Only about an inch or two of rain. Nothing like the southwest part of the state but it just shows how widespread hurricanes can be. Hell we lost power for nearly a week in 2008 due to Hurricane Ike.
Yeah, hoping for the best. I know Florida can take a tremendous beating from a hurricane without lots of fatalities —as far back as Andrew the loss of life in Florida was remarkably small considering the incredible devastation. Let’s hope this one sees the same pattern.
Fox News reporting 100's are dead in Fort Meyers. I pray this is a false report but they were quoting the Sheriff of Lee County.
Woah. Praying that is not true. National wire services haven't picked up on that yet which gives me some small hope it's a false report.

It is being reported on our local news. They have boots on the ground reporting. The Governor is holding a press conference at 8:45 AM. I am sure he will cover that in detail.

Since we did not have any damages to speak of and flooding is minimal the Sheriff is dispatching all resources to SW Florida. Including air boats. Neighbor helping neighbor. These water craft are invaluable and can navigate swamps as well as water. And fast.

The Governor just finished up his press conference. 30,000 workers are in or on their way to Lee and Charlotte counties. 28 helicopters are doing search and rescue. People have been airlifted from Sanibel Island. The causeway and bridge is destroyed so no access except by boat or air.

Regarding the deaths. None have been confirmed as of this moment. Apparently the Sheriff of Lee County was basing this on 911 calls from people saying the water was rising and they thought they could not make it. It is hoped they were able to get into their attics or a second floor to escape. We will not know until the area is searched. Until this happens he can not confirm deaths. We are praying this was a false report or the sheriff got poor information.

The governor is on the way down there now. Once on the ground he will prepare another press conference.

Sawnee, I’m happy you were spared. Continued prayers for those who face some difficult days.

And a prayer for the reporters from the New York Times and Washington Post who were sent to Florida with explicit instructions: “Find the state run organizations or services managed by Desantis that failed, and interview some crying grandma who was harmed as a result. We need headlines by later today!” Sounds like they may have a tough task criticizing the preparation and execution of storm relief.

As for the D-League, I wish you all well.
Those cruel retarded bastards.
Good morning D-League. Here is hoping for good reports out of Florida. They think it may be a 500 year rain event. Wow.

It was 46°F when I got up this morning which was 6 degrees higher than yesterday morning, but I turned the heat on anyway. It felt good and the coffee was really tasty.

The causeway to Sanibel Island is in tatters. It took part of the asphalt and stacked it around the road. I can't imagine the power of that tide coming in like that. I have been over that causeway and the bridge and it is hard to understand the power of mother nature until it starts stacking massive waves onto land.

The one good thing about events like this is how the folks from other states rush in to help. It makes you proud.
Good morning D-League. Here is hoping for good reports out of Florida. They think it may be a 500 year rain event. Wow.

It was 46°F when I got up this morning which was 6 degrees higher than yesterday morning, but I turned the heat on anyway. It felt good and the coffee was really tasty.

The causeway to Sanibel Island is in tatters. It took part of the asphalt and stacked it around the road. I can't imagine the power of that tide coming in like that. I have been over that causeway and the bridge and it is hard to understand the power of mother nature until it starts stacking massive waves onto land.

The one good thing about events like this is how the folks from other states rush in to help. It makes you proud.
It is a 500 year flood event. I doubt there has been one like this one, certainly not in my lifetime. Here is the causeway to Sanibel. What a mess

Trip home from Athens was "interesting". Plan was Athens/London/Philly/CVG, 19 hours total. But, for unknown reasons, Athens flight left 1/2 hour late & we sat on tarmac at Heathrow for a 1/2 hr. Net, we missed our flight to Philly. So BA & AA booked us on the only thing they had that would get us home "same day": London/DFW !!! / CVG and extra 4 hours in the air. That was OK except the AA DFW-CVG flight was 1.5 hours late. So instead of walking into house at 930p as originally planned, it was 145a. 25+ hours from when we left hotel. Sounds brutal but somehow we both coped better than either expected.
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It is one thing to have water in your house. That is about as bad as it gets but quite another thing to have Ali Alligator paying a visit. I have heard stories of water snakes in houses and the occasional gator, just part of living in what once was Nature's Great Swamp before man showed up. "Honey bring the shotgun, NOW"

I know we have a lot of Ali fans. I was going through some magazines I have on Ebay for sale and found this one. I bought it in 1964. The Sonny Liston second fight.

Sonny thought he was crazy. Before one of the fights (can't recall which), he was out in front of Liston's house with a loudspeaker ranting and calling him names such as "big old ugly bear". Liston called the cops on him. BTW, rumors at the time of his death were Liston was killed by the mafia for horning in on their bookie operations.
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A friend of mine who lives in Scotland sent this picture to me.

It is a three dimensional likeness of a young woman buried at Whithorn Priory in Galloway, Scotland. It has been released as part of a project and exhibition designed to bring modern-day Scots face to face with their medieval ancestors.

The women was in her 20s when she died sometime in the 14th century

A friend of mine who lives in Scotland sent this picture to me.

It is a three dimensional likeness of a young woman buried at Whithorn Priory in Galloway, Scotland. It has been released as part of a project and exhibition designed to bring modern-day Scots face to face with their medieval ancestors.

The women was in her 20s when she died sometime in the 14th century


Not being a smart aleck but darned if she doesn't look like Wilma but with a different hair doo...


I forgot to tell you all what I did today!

A first for me in my 61 years....

I took my Buddy's wife to the hospital to have her baby at 5AM this morning. (I never took another man's wife anywhere that I am aware. ;))

I also stopped at our chestnut tree and got 9 more chestnuts for My Darling. I sure did try to find ten but they were just not there.

I hired him when he lived in Colorado and we both worked for who I used to work for. That is how I met him. After about a year he got a job on Fort Belvoir about 7 miles from where I live. He and his wife live about a half mile from us. (I found him his house.) They have both been good friends.

Anyway, he is in his middle 50's (I think 54), he is a new Dad I think by now as My Darling and I talked with them earlier after I got home from work. She is a nice lady.

I do not envy the boy though (He had a class he had to finish today that is required where he works.) At his age with a new one. God Bless them...

The BB is all I can handle and I'm just his Papa... (The BB is downstairs running his grandma around the house in a manner of speaking...)
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A friend of mine who lives in Scotland sent this picture to me.

It is a three dimensional likeness of a young woman buried at Whithorn Priory in Galloway, Scotland. It has been released as part of a project and exhibition designed to bring modern-day Scots face to face with their medieval ancestors.

The women was in her 20s when she died sometime in the 14th century

I dated a couple girls that looked like that!

Of course Kentucky if full of girls with Scott DNA.

I forgot to tell you all what I did today!

A first for me in my 61 years....

I took my Buddy's wife to the hospital to have her baby at 5AM this morning. (I never took another man's wife anywhere that I am aware. ;))

I also stopped at our chestnut tree and got 9 more chestnuts for My Darling. I sure did try to find ten but they were just not there.
Off the topic, but how does a chestnut tree still exist anywhere? I thought they were all wiped out 75 years ago.
Miami is showing how an O-line is supposed to protect a quarter back. They are giving Tagovailua a lot of time to throw. His last throw though was too weak and it got intercepted. Bengals leas 7-3 and currently have the ball.

Burrow running for his life again. 2 plays, 2 times he had to run to avoid a sack.
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If one thing can be said, it's that Florida definitely has the right guy in charge to lead the recovery. Prayers for those affected.

Fort Meyers is unrecognizable this morning. If you have never seen a scene like this in person it is difficult to explain. Pictures can not do it justice. You have to stand at the scene and just look all around and even then you can not believe your eyes.

100's a people have been rescued. The last I heard 10 are confirmed dead and I fear more may be added to the list. I pray it is not 100's as the Sheriff reported. I think he spoke without verification.

It is times like this that you appreciate who your governor and leaders are. Think before you vote.
Good morning D-League. Up early to rewatch the 4th quarter of the Bengals game. Who Dey still rounding into shape, but a good win. Team should be 4-0 but at least they’ve avoided a disastrous post-Super Bowl hangover. McPherson just nailed that 57yarder. Great to have that weapon.

Missed the hit on the Miami QB that my son says was brutal so can’t comment on that.

Continued prayers for Florida, and now the Carolinas.

Hope it’s a good day for the D-League.
Good last day of September Morning D League

It is 65° and today will bring sunshine with only a 4% chance of rain. The hurricane is gone but destruction remains. We expect a high of 74°. The breeze is steady at 6 mph. So this is a very pleasant day with blue skies. Floridians can see clearly now but the work ahead is monumental and a lot of insurance companies are going to be insolvent when they start paying claims. My insurance rates now are manageable but after this who knows.

I have rehab for my shoulder this morning. It is not healing like it did when I was 75.

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Good morning D-League!
44° in our little holler, 70° in the house.
Makin breakfast and getting back in the swing of things.
Hope you and your loved ones are well and safe. Hope Sawnee is drying out down in the beautiful state of FL. Hope the trains are running on time and fully loaded.
Let's get a win from them Rebs tomorrow!