
Good morning D-League. It's currently 46° and cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring cloudy skies and a high of 67°. The remnants of Ian will move into the area tomorrow with soaking rains all day.

Everyone stay safe on this Friday.

A friend of mine who lives in Scotland sent this picture to me.

It is a three dimensional likeness of a young woman buried at Whithorn Priory in Galloway, Scotland. It has been released as part of a project and exhibition designed to bring modern-day Scots face to face with their medieval ancestors.

The women was in her 20s when she died sometime in the 14th century

Don't Scots mainly have blue eyes?
Good morning D-League. It's currently 46° and cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring cloudy skies and a high of 67°. The remnants of Ian will move into the area tomorrow with soaking rains all day.

Everyone stay safe on this Friday.

Have walked all thru there a couple of times. You don't realize how far down you trek till you start to walk back up & out. And it's like 7000-7500' elevation at top. Can be under 40 in the morn even mid-summer.
A little Jimmy Buffett tune.

Thanks for posting that Sawnee.

The nostalgia is running strong for me hearing that. When I was 21, right out of Kentucky and living in Pompano Beach a couple blocks from A1A, that album was like the sound track of my life. I had a girlfriend who was from the area and whenever we'd be walking along that stretch of beach where the state road signs were on display one of us would sing, "there's something about this Sunday, it's a most peculiar gray, strolling down the avenue that's KNOWN AS A1A..." shouting the last part, because we felt so lucky to be in that beautiful spot along that beach road, and to be 21 and together.

My favorite off that album is this song: I remember thinking about what it would be like to face 40, and finding it impossible to believe I'd ever be that old. Well, I passed that marker more than a quarter century ago.
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Fort Meyers is unrecognizable this morning. If you have never seen a scene like this in person it is difficult to explain. Pictures can not do it justice. You have to stand at the scene and just look all around and even then you can not believe your eyes.

100's a people have been rescued. The last I heard 10 are confirmed dead and I fear more may be added to the list. I pray it is not 100's as the Sheriff reported. I think he spoke without verification.

It is times like this that you appreciate who your governor and leaders are. Think before you vote.
I look forward to the day I can cast my own vote for DeSantis. He's exactly what I want in a leader.
I look forward to the day I can cast my own vote for DeSantis. He's exactly what I want in a leader.
Another thing, his wife Casey is very impressive. She is smart as a tack and very articulate. She is in charge of raising donations for those who will need some extra help and also the mental health for our first responders and rescue workers. She set up a special program just for them.

She got a huge assistance from Tom Brady in the fund raising and as of this morning has raised in excess of $12 million dollars. As First Lady of the United States of America she would rock. We love her as much as our governor. She is so valuable in support of him.

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Good morning all, I took the day off. Working around the house. My Darling has appointments with her friends to eat and socialize. She needs it. Have a fruitful day... Me, I plan to eat English muffins, cream cheese, and coffee shortly.
Another cool and sunny day in Smiths Grove. It was 47°F when I got up and now is 54.3°F on our way to 75. No rain predicted and we really need some.

The damage done to Florida is massive. Water sure can change things. Now that it is back over water it is up to 85 mph already, so a big storm again. Fingers crossed for those folks also.

Game day tomorrow. UK ranked 7, Ole Miss ranked 14th and Ole Miss is the favored. Go figure.
The storm is heading to South Carolina? Predictions.... We shall see. The models or the modeling is not much of a science as it seems guessers with not much accuracy...
The last I heard it was Charleston. But like you say it is a crap shoot. It could head on up to Myrtle Beach or Wilmington, NC. We just have to hold our breath and be ready. Ready as much as a human can be ready.
I wouldn't be surprised if your area of Virginia doesn't get a lot of rain because of this storm. Same for Eastern North Carolina

Yes Sir,

My Darling and I considered going fishing today but thought better of it. We hope to go again soon. I have my tackle box in my office emptied. Just bought a new rod and reel and various tackle (Sinkers, hooks, some steel leader lines. but just a couple.) I am tying my own leader's (30lb line) in preparation and just got back from the dollar store with some small containers to arrange things properly. This is priority work around the house you know. ;)

OT: Man I am thinking hard about selling that house. I have it leased for two years but I have a bunch of free dough if it sold like the market dictates there. With how Summerville population has changed I know we will never move back there but the home is about issue free for at least another five or so years. (Unless)
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Yes Sir,

My Darling and I considered going fishing today but thought better of it. We hope to go again soon. I have my tackle box in my office emptied. Just bought a new rod and reel and various tackle (Sinkers, hooks, some steel leader lines. but just a couple.) I am tying my own leader's (30lb line) in preparation and just got back from the dollar store with some small containers to arrange things properly. This is priority work around the house you know. ;)

OT: Man I am thinking hard about selling that house. I have it leased for two years but I have a bunch of free dough if it sold like the market dictates there. With how Summerville population has changed I know we will never move back there but the home is about issue free for at least another five or so years. (Unless)
I am thinking about going fishing late this afternoon myself. Depends on how much sleep I get here shortly.
I just heard a classic back-handed compliment. Joe Burrow said the Bengals' offense line play last night against the Dolphins was "the best O-Line performance I've played behind in the NFL."

Uh, Joe. You do realize all your other NFL games were behind Bengals offensive lines, so all you are really saying is the horrible O-line play you've been forced to endure got a slight bit less horrible.

If he had thrown in LSU, that might have been impressive. I'd guess the boys in Baton Rouge had a better o-line than Cincy.

Joe is saying the right things but that just struck me as very funny.
Scottish history and green eyes here. Hazel but mostly green.

I seem to be German, Irish, and Scottish from what I've been told. I have hemochromatosis which is an inherited disease of Irish and German decent so I think that part is correct anyway. (Both parents had to be of Irish and German decent from what I understand from the slight reading I have done.)

Nothing but brown (Eyes and hair) except where I have gray. ;)
I seem to be German, Irish, and Scottish from what I've been told. I have hemochromatosis which is an inherited disease of Irish and German decent so I think that part is correct anyway. (Both parents had to be of Irish and German decent from what I understand from the slight reading I have done.)

Nothing but brown (Eyes and hair) except where I have gray. ;)
I was a towhead all of my childhood and youth and my hair still gets blond in the sun. Some cousins from dad's side of the family are redheads, Scot-Irish, and most of my cousins from mom's side were born blonde and still have light hair in adulthood. A few days in the sun and it would turn blond. Mother had a grandmother who was 100% German.
I was a towhead all of my childhood and youth and my hair still gets blond in the sun. Some cousins from dad's side of the family are redheads, Scot-Irish, and most of my cousins from mom's side were born blonde and still have light hair in adulthood. A few days in the sun and it would turn blond. Mother had a grandmother who was 100% German.
I am red haired, blue eyed, large nose

I am 42% scot by DNA. Of course the next generation is mixed even more.

thank God for the United States where all the curs can interbreed.
I just heard a classic back-handed compliment. Joe Burrow said the Bengals' offense line play last night against the Dolphins was "the best O-Line performance I've played behind in the NFL."

Uh, Joe. You do realize all your other NFL games were behind Bengals offensive lines, so all you are really saying is the horrible O-line play you've been forced to endure got a slight bit less horrible.

If he had thrown in LSU, that might have been impressive. I'd guess the boys in Baton Rouge had a better o-line than Cincy.

Joe is saying the right things but that just struck me as very funny.
He is saying that. Bungles realized last year's OL was awful & spent a lot to add three better experienced guys. Either they haven't jelled yet or the Bungles wasted a lot of money.
My cousin Mary, who lives near Sanford and graduated with a BSN from Gators way back in '71, just posted on Facebook.

"Thank you, FPL (Florida Power & Light)".

Heh, guess her lights are back on. Good stuff.
The Governor is giving a press conference at this very moment and covering this. He is amazed at the speed the utilities are doing their job. Most of the state will have power by this weekend.

The only exception are the areas right on the water where the storm surge completely wiped out the system and it will have to be rebuilt. But if repairs are only replacing lines and poles that is going extremely fast.

Another interesting factor is there is more water damage in Central Florida than the coastal counties. Flooding is historic and as he described it a 500 year event. Some areas had 20 inches and the rivers were not emptying into the Gulf to compound the problem. Polk County was a prime example of this around the Peace River. Same with the St Johns River. It is flooding at record levels but it is big and empties into the Atlantic up in Jacksonville.
My cousin Mary, who lives near Sanford and graduated with a BSN from Gators way back in '71, just posted on Facebook.

"Thank you, FPL (Florida Power & Light)".

Heh, guess her lights are back on. Good stuff.
My sister lives in Sanford and she lost her power yesterday at around noon. Haven't heard if it's back on or not.
My son stated the winds got rough but he never lost power in Gainesville. I am thankful... May have forgot to mention. I found out I will be a grandpa again in a few months. My son's girl friend has a daughter who I haven't met yet but I will unless the Lord takes me home so I actually have five grand children already as I see my son marrying his girl friend. (He is that kind and I think this one is a keeper from my close observations. She is also a nurse at his hospital... (I don't miss much.)) Six grand babies...................... OUCH! (With the Love of God.) Like I tell my kids, I have plenty of love to spread around. Just plenty...

You all have a great evening, I am going to drink a Yuengling, been a few days. Just me and My Darling the last couple days and she is laying down listening to her talk shows. (Has had a rough cough the last few days. Just got back from Walgreen's a few minutes ago.)
Good morning from ATX. Currently 57°F, clear and calm. Today's high expected around 88°F.

Game Day! Let's Go Cats and beat the Rebels! Zaxby's opens around 10:00 am CST. Plan on sitting in drive-thru line by 10:30 am. Got some beer brewed in Lexington by Mirror Twin ready in the fridge for later. Longhorns play tonight at DKR here in ATX.

Taking a hike here after bit. Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.
