
Labor Day supper...

(Had my two daughters and my two youngest grandchildren over...)

Beef and Chicken...



Potato salad apples, grapes, and other items. (edible...)

Some of the finished products.. (I ate'em...)


Ate some of those too before they were BBQ'd...

I made these...

The BB and his cousin ate well but... It rained today. No sprinklers...

Papa and his babies were doing yoga... (The little BB was rolling her eyes when I was busting moves...) 😅
Labor Day supper...

(Had my two daughters and my two youngest grandchildren over...)

Beef and Chicken...



Potato salad apples, grapes, and other items. (edible...)

Some of the finished products.. (I ate'em...)


Ate some of those too before they were BBQ'd...

I made these...

The BB and his cousin ate well but... It rained today. No sprinklers...

Papa and his babies were doing yoga... (The little BB was rolling her eyes when I was busting moves...) 😅
My youngest laughs at me when I try busting a move. Said I sound like a bowl of rice krispies.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F and clear. Slight chance for rain. Today's high expected around 95°F.

Caught a bit of Clemson/GA Tech game last night. Tigers started a little slow, but turned it on in second half. In fact, Clemson outscored Yellow Jackets 27-0 to finish the game with a final score 41-10. Of course, report I read this morning crucified Clemson coach, QB and team. Crazy.

Another Tuesday that feels like a Monday. I'm on a conference call at 8:30 am regarding the huge Microsoft issue. Looking at 90 minutes tied up there.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good Tuesday Morning.

The first crew should be here this morning to start bathroom #3 remodeling. We have a hardwood floor in there and a leaking under the commode has damaged the flooring. So they will rip it up and go from there. The bathroom tile looked really nice when the house was built but it is outdated and it is time to change it up a little. New glass door, new this and new that. Bath #2 will get the same treatment. All in time for 7 guests to arrive for the Florida-UK game this weekend. Thankfully bath #1 will not be touched. Since I have been trying to get this done since November I dare not reschedule.

We have 74° and 94% humidity at the present time. It will get up to 88° this afternoon with a 15% chance of rain. I pray all are well and in good spirits.

Good morning D-League.

A rainy, dreary Tuesday morning in the east. It’s like even the weather is conspiring to say “summer is over.”

It was a nice three day weekend. Only got dragged into work matters a couple times. But a full day ahead.

Kinda looking forward to seeing the new home basketball uniform today. Much too late but still welcome. Never liked Mitch’s effort to brand Kentucky with checkerboards. Then he got stubborn about it instead of letting it go after a couple years and admitting it didn’t work.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning D-League.

Kinda looking forward to seeing the new home basketball uniform today. Much too late but still welcome. Never liked Mitch’s effort to brand Kentucky with checkerboards. Then he got stubborn about it instead of letting it go after a couple years and admitting it didn’t work.

Hope everyone has a good day.
In My Opinion Only: I would prefer the CURVED BOLD KENTUCKY across the chest as it was in the 50's but that is not going to happen. The uniforms we saw them wearing in the Bahamas would be sent back to NIKE if I was running the show. But I am not so it is what it is.

A couple of the Bahama uniforms look like girl pajamas. Maybe they will surprise us with something sharp and distinct. The curved Kentucky lettering served us well for a half a century and UK basketball had the special look Penn State and Alabama football have. I can't imagine Alabama ever changing their football uniform look. Plain and simple and classic. We once had that in basketball. I love the UK football uniforms and hope they are not changed. Well one thing, I would prefer the BLOCK K

We've had a whole bunch of Black Bear sightings in our suburban DC county in recent years -- including earlier this summer. They must be making their way down from the edge of the Blue Ridge Mountains which isn't all that far.

A few years back when my son was about 11, he was staying the night with a friend and they snuck out of the house to go roaming around some nearby woods. They swear they bumped into a bear which growled at them, but didn't follow when they hauled ass. I just dismissed it as kids with an imagination -- but the next day someone from the neighborhood posted a video of a bear in the same spot!
We have them here occasionally; however, I have personally not seen one.

My favored wild game is Bear. It is gooodd.

It is 70.2°F here and the thick fog is starting to lift. We are supposed to top out at 84° with a 40% chance of rain. The last two days were high chance of rain, but we never got any here.
It sure is nice to see you posting again Rooster. I trust all is well.
Physically I'm fine, but like everyone, mentally dishevelled. Being civil I'll take any rant to the political thread where it belongs. The dawg days are coming to a close. That's OK. I'm tired of these 110°+ days. In fact, I don't want plus anything.
We have them here occasionally; however, I have personally not seen one.

My favored wild game is Bear. It is gooodd.

It is 70.2°F here and the thick fog is starting to lift. We are supposed to top out at 84° with a 40% chance of rain. The last two days were high chance of rain, but we never got any here.
Bear is too greasy but probably a good sausage meat. Can be a decent burrito with potatos, but Javelina is better.
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I’m chilling out watching a rerun of Pawn Stars and a guy comes in with two Hank Aaron baseball cards and a Ricky Henderson card and he’s asking $60,000, claiming he’s researched it online.

I sit up straight because I own two of the same cards from my boyhood collection!!!

Then, after a commercial, the expert shows up and says, “actually graded as 10 the cards are worth $70,000…but your cards are grade 4-5 and so are worth maybe $200.”

And I realize the cards I own are probably a little rougher shape than the guy’s on TV so maybe $80-$90.

So I was rich for a commercial break.
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I’m chilling out watching a rerun of Pawn Stars and a guy comes in with two Hank Aaron baseball cards and a Ricky Henderson card and he’s asking $60,000, claiming he’s researched it online.

I sit up straight because I own two of the same cards from my boyhood collection!!!

Then, after a commercial, the expert shows up and says, “actually graded as 10 the cards are worth $70,000…but your cards are grade 4-5 and so are worth maybe $200.”

And I realize the cards I own are probably a little rougher shape than the guy’s on TV so maybe $80-$90.

So I was rich for a commercial break.

Don't believe everything you see on TV. I have a mint shaped signed John Denver picture. GOT to be worth two fitty.... Okay maybe three dollars. (My brother got it for me when he was the pilot for his flight.)

I really like John Denver's original music before he went flaky. Just turned into a loon, or at least couldn't hide it any longer...
Good morning from ATX. Currently 75°F and partly cloudy. 30% chance for rain. Today's high expected around 94°F.

Nice win by Cat's men's soccer against UL last night. Any day we beat the Cards is a good day.

Wife has an app from US Postal Service which tracks deliveries by USPS. I was due a certified letter from Plant City, FL before 9 pm last night. Letter still has not arrived. Bah!

Another skyscraper going up downtown. This latest structure projected at over 1,000 feet. So much for sleepy Austin.

Happy Hump Day, y'all.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


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