
Good Wednesday Morning

We have had a lot of very hard rain for what seems like the past few weeks and today will not be any different. It only lasts an hour or so. We have 73° at the moment and our high will be 86° by this afternoon. There is a 40% chance of scattered thunder showers.

Our county does a good job of controlling mosquitos and I remember the days when the trucks would come down the street spraying DDT. We would ride our bikes behind the truck and get the cool spray soaking to our bones. We also had planes flying over and they concentrated more on the pastures and swamps. Sometimes they would spray at night and with no AC we always slept with the windows open. You would wake up with your sheets and pillow cases damp with DDT. Oh for the old days, how did I make it this far.

Lol. I remember as a kid going to the drive in movies with my parents in the summer and they’d drive between the rows fogging the place with DDT so people could keep their windows open without getting eaten by skeeters.

I remember reading somewhere an estimate of how many tens of millions of people in Africa and Asia had died of Malaria from mosquitos after the US stopped the manufacture and export of DDT after left-wing environmental nuts forced a ban in response to Rachel Carson’s book “Silent Spring.” But of course we meant well. That’s what counts.
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Good morning D-League. Beautiful day in the east. WE had some rain that took the humidity out of the air and now it is clear and cool.

Hard to believe tomorrow will be September. A mixed bag -- the summer for me felt like it vanished without a trace without the usual week at the Delaware shore or long weekends in Philadelphia. Just work.

On the other hand, the period between mid-September and Christmas is my favorite stretch of the year. Sports kicks into high gear and all the family holidays.

In any case, we can't seem to slow time down so we might as well enjoy the ride.

Hope it is a good day for all.
Good morning. It was a nice 61°F this morning when I go up. It is still going to get to 84° but no chance of rain.

I spent two hours on a chat with Sony over my three BluRay players. They will no longer allow ESPN+. I can watch it on my Sony TV but not the BluRay players. Soft ware update probably prompted by Disney. I was pissed because they would not tell me the real truth.

Grills some steaks last night. It had been several weeks and they tasted good.

You all have good hump day.
A friend sent me this. Thought Bernie and other Cardinal fans would be interested...

On Aug. 29, 2001, Serena Williams won a U.S. Open match in straight sets while Albert Pujols homered and walked in a Cardinals win.
• Elsewhere in MLB, Vladimir Guerrero Sr., Craig Biggio and Dante Bichette all recorded base hits.

On Aug. 29, 2022, Serena Williams won a U.S. Open match in straight sets while Albert Pujols homered and walked in a Cardinals win.
• Elsewhere in MLB, (sons) Vladimir Guerrero Jr., Cavan Biggio and Bo Bichette all recorded base hits.
A friend sent me this. Thought Bernie and other Cardinal fans would be interested...

On Aug. 29, 2001, Serena Williams won a U.S. Open match in straight sets while Albert Pujols homered and walked in a Cardinals win.
• Elsewhere in MLB, Vladimir Guerrero Sr., Craig Biggio and Dante Bichette all recorded base hits.

On Aug. 29, 2022, Serena Williams won a U.S. Open match in straight sets while Albert Pujols homered and walked in a Cardinals win.
• Elsewhere in MLB, (sons) Vladimir Guerrero Jr., Cavan Biggio and Bo Bichette all recorded base hits.
Interesting. I was disappointed in the ending of Mark McGwire's career, but your post reminded me of him because of Vlad Guerrero Sr. Mark once called him the best player in baseball.
A McGwire story. I forget who the Cards were playing, but a fight broke out. The runner on first base was a large man (I looked his size up the next day, but forget the name). He started toward the fight and Mark grabbed him from behind at the biceps and said, "Let's just stay here." The guy was on the pre game show the next day. He said Mark was just holding him in place, but he had huge imprints on both his biceps from where Mark had grabbed him.
I see this is the first August in decades -- at least 25 years -- without a named storm - much less a hurricane - in the Atlantic Ocean.

An emergency meeting was called by the Progressive Scientists Union to discuss possible ways that was caused by Global Warming - aka Climate Change. CNN and the New York Times are waiting to report the findings. Possible headlines - "Lack of Hurricanes a Result of Rising Oceans Caused by Heating Planet." Or maybe "Hurricanes Found to be Sign of Healthy Planet - Climate Change is Killing them."
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I see this is the first August in decades -- at least 25 years -- without a named storm - much less a hurricane - in the Atlantic Ocean.

An emergency meeting was called by the Progressive Scientists Union to discuss possible ways that was caused by Global Warming - aka Climate Change. CNN and the New York Times are waiting to report the findings. Possible headlines - "Lack of Hurricanes a Result of Rising Oceans Caused by Heating Planet."
Yes. The earth has been changing it's climate since it's origin.

We are 10,000 years out of the last "Ice Age". Wonder why we are warming?

The only folks that miss the old days are the mammoths, giant slouths

I prefer a warming climate than an Ice Age. Joe Biden and Al Gore love an Ice Age. Screw those dumb shits.

Sorry folks for the bad language.
Lol. I remember as a kid going to the drive in movies with my parents in the summer and they’d drive between the rows fogging the place with DDT so people could keep their windows open without getting eaten by skeeters.

I remember reading somewhere an estimate of how many tens of millions of people in Africa and Asia had died of Malaria from mosquitos after the US stopped the manufacture and export of DDT after left-wing environmental nuts forced a ban in response to Rachel Carson’s book “Silent Spring.” But of course we meant well. That’s what counts.

Yep, I remember the ban of chlordane as well. I was in the bug business a couple years when it was banned. Just dumb. Treat a house with that and no more termites for decades. Now they put you on a service plan. What once cost $300.00 dollars now costs $3000.00 AND they don't get rid of the termites many times.... I will stop....
Hello All, home frome work. Still on my phone but plan to take tomorrow off to burn up some leave. Will be back at work Friday to relieve the "old timers" so they can be off. Just realized Monday was a holiday so there is that.

Taking my Mazda in the morning to a mechanic. All the things I did were needed anyway but the issue is not fixed yet...

Type at you later ..
I see this is the first August in decades -- at least 25 years -- without a named storm - much less a hurricane - in the Atlantic Ocean.

An emergency meeting was called by the Progressive Scientists Union to discuss possible ways that was caused by Global Warming - aka Climate Change. CNN and the New York Times are waiting to report the findings. Possible headlines - "Lack of Hurricanes a Result of Rising Oceans Caused by Heating Planet." Or maybe "Hurricanes Found to be Sign of Healthy Planet - Climate Change is Killing them."
Well we have not had a Named Storm but we have had plenty of rain so the earth is not drying up. Today it started at about 1:30 and finished up about 3:00. It was hard and heavy. Everything around me is as green as it can get and the lake is busting at the seams. I am glad there is a slight hill going down to it.

I don't pay much attention to these scientific reports about the weather. It has been with us since creation and will be here long after I am gone. So I just keep on trucking and let the worry warts worry about something man can and never will be able to control. I am thankful they can't because if they could it would turn into a political weapon.

God says it will rain on the just and the unjust. A Democrat controlling the weather might cut me and Bert off permanently. We would end up like Arizona.
Yes. The earth has been changing it's climate since it's origin.

We are 10,000 years out of the last "Ice Age". Wonder why we are warming?

The only folks that miss the old days are the mammoths, giant slouths

I prefer a warming climate than an Ice Age. Joe Biden and Al Gore love an Ice Age. Screw those dumb shits.

Sorry folks for the bad language.

Carbon dating is so flawed....(Not at you Sir, just in general )
It's 8:42 pm CST and I'm still working. Microsoft on a Teams call. Late night action.

Teams is an amazing tool... It must be in the air....Team's chat's, Team Sites, SharePoint, JIRA, Confluence, ServiceNow, Agile, fedRAMP compliance, ATO's, ATT's, CoN's, Migration's, Legacy systems, Legacy apps, Data preparation, Data compliance, Remedy, ELT reporting, KPI's, Metrics, Metadata, Metamodeling, workflows, Cloud migration, AWS, Azure... yadda, yadda, yadda...
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Teams is an amazing tool... It must be in the air....Team's chat's, Team Sites, SharePoint, JIRA, Confluence, ServiceNow, Agile, fedRAMP compliance, ATO's, ATT's, CoN's, Migration's, Legacy systems, Legacy apps, Data preparation, Data compliance, Remedy, ELT reporting, KPI's, Metrics, Metadata, Metamodeling, workflows, Cloud migration, AWS, Azure... yadda, yadda, yadda...
Heh, got that right. Guess what? I'm still on the call.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F and clear. Today's high may reach 94°F. Chance for rain.

Worked late last night with Microsoft and my organization regarding a major emergency issue. We are still working it. Heading in to the office this morning, so keeping things short.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning. It was a nice 61°F this morning when I go up. It is still going to get to 84° but no chance of rain.

I spent two hours on a chat with Sony over my three BluRay players. They will no longer allow ESPN+. I can watch it on my Sony TV but not the BluRay players. Soft ware update probably prompted by Disney. I was pissed because they would not tell me the real truth.

Grills some steaks last night. It had been several weeks and they tasted good.

You all have good hump day.

That's horse manure. So tired of the childish tactics by corporations. Someone will probably make a class action suit out of them dropping that service after having it for years.

Morning Legionnaires!

Today's high is going to be 81° apparently with scattered thunderstorms and then back up over 90° for tomorrow. The predictions seem to be changing now by the day. I guess that's the norm for nearing the end of summer and the onset of fall.

Well, I did not make my goal of 10lb weight loss for the month of August. I weighed in at 220lbs when I started and weighed in this morning at 213lbs. I will take it while continuing to use 10lbs a month as my target and will try to achieve that goal but, in the long run, down is down.

Enjoy the day folks and God Bless.
Good morning D-League!

It's so nice and cool outside this morning! Football must be close at hand! Hope it's a great day and weekend for everyone here and for our Wildcats! May not be on here much, so I will miss the game chat.... There better be plenty of fireworks
Here you go so you won't miss it when it happens.


Good morning D-League!

It's so nice and cool outside this morning! Football must be close at hand! Hope it's a great day and weekend for everyone here and for our Wildcats! May not be on here much, so I will miss the game chat.... There better be plenty of fireworks
I am ready for some football. I got word last night we will have three more to add to our total that is heading up to Gainesville to see the Cats and Gators. That makes 6 total. After the game we will head back to my house and bunk down.

But first it is Miami of Ohio, taking them one at a time.
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Good morning folks. Cool and clear in the east. October weather, which I would take 365 days a year.

Warrior, a seven-pound loss is not bad. I decided to lose some weight recently, cut back on all meals, no between-meal snacks, and most notably replaced by terrible habit of eating ice cream or pie as a night-time snack with eating an apple before bed -- Lincoln did it. I don't think I've lost an ounce. The over-60 body just doesn 't respond the way it used to. And I'm getting sick of Apples.

Well, the football season is at hand. Hope the Cats have an easy go Saturday to get ready for the SEC slate. Hope Ohio State embarrasses Notre Dame. Not sure what other games I'm looking forward to yet.

Have a good day folks.
Good Thursday morning,

September 1. Wow August flew by and we now enter my favorite time of the years. Football will kick off, the humidity will decrease and family holidays will be here before you know it. Labor Day is Monday and starting tomorrow through Labor Day the state sales tax will be taken off any product, tool, etc. used in any type of work. From garden hoes to chain saws. Tax free.
It is a pleasant 71° this morning and is going to get to 87° with a 54% chance of rain this afternoon. Yesterday afternoon we had a doozie. This has been our pattern for several weeks so you plan your day accordingly. I try to knock off my outside work by noon anyway so a hard rain is welcome anytime. We never get too much rain in Florida.

I trust all have a great day and if you are hurting it passes soon.

Good Thursday morning,

September 1. Wow August flew by and we now enter my favorite time of the years. Football will kick off, the humidity will decrease and family holidays will be here before you know it. Labor Day is Monday and starting tomorrow through Labor Day the state sales tax will be taken off any product, tool, etc. used in any type of work. From garden hoes to chain saws. Tax free.
It is a pleasant 71° this morning and is going to get to 87° with a 54% chance of rain this afternoon. Yesterday afternoon we had a doozie. This has been our pattern for several weeks so you plan your day accordingly. I try to knock off my outside work by noon anyway so a hard rain is welcome anytime. We never get too much rain in Florida.

I trust all have a great day and if you are hurting it passes soon.


Too close to the truth....
Good morning All,

Took today off, had a bagel with cream cheese and butter along with coffee. Dropped off my Mazda earlier. (Dread the cost already but these guys have been reasonable previously...)

Heading out the door shortly but should be back by noon. Cleaning, straightening, reorganizing, and chucking are the operative words...