
About a year or so before I retired I had to interview a person for a position and brought her into the interview room. Before I could tell her to have a seat she pulled out a list of "demands". It was a full page, single spaced, of what she expected the company would do for her. She was demanding perks the Vice President or CEO couldn't get.

The interview was short.
I was stopped at a red light yesterday, and the two women in the car beside me were wearing masks as well. All you can do is shake your head and laugh.

Server at a restaurant told me their company is preparing for another covd lockdown. Changing menus and everything. I was shocked... so was she
Good morning D-League. It's currently 62° and partly cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring sunny skies and a high of 81°

Everyone stay safe on this Thursday.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 82°F, humid and clear with some clouds. Today's high may max at 99°F. 70% chance for afternoon thunderstorms. Not a drought-buster, but we'll take it.

Power Apps training continues. I'm not heading into the office today. Welcome reprieve. Must logon to class by 9 am. Still running morning systems checks.

I've got nothing else. Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

An official Good Morning D

Our weather today will have a current temperature of 74° and the high will hit 87° by mid afternoon. We have a 50% chance of rain. A typical August day. I trust all who have been under the weather are improving and back to 100% soon. We need you at full strength for football season. We are counting down the days.

I go in for my annual checkup this afternoon. I like my doctor. Have a nice day everybody.
About a year or so before I retired I had to interview a person for a position and brought her into the interview room. Before I could tell her to have a seat she pulled out a list of "demands". It was a full page, single spaced, of what she expected the company would do for her. She was demanding perks the Vice President or CEO couldn't get.

The interview was short.
Before retiring from my last job, the new supervisor tried to get me to stay by telling me he had just hired a new person for the open job we already had and that she would start working in two weeks. She was young, blond, and beautiful he said and easy on the eyes. That's how he and the next level supervisor hired. She never made it to the office as he found out later, she took off to San Antonio when she found out from others what the workload was like there. Not long after I retired, he hired another attractive woman from the area he used to work. After about 2 months she quit because he had told her that her only job would be a receptionist at the front desk and just have to input a bit of information and not be involved with all of the other parts of the job. The office (Passenger Travel for Ft. Sill) had no receptionist because we all took customers as they came in and handled all of the BCT, AIT, and other unit level travel as well as all other travel at Ft. Sill. We stayed busy. We also did Passports and helped the Unit Movement Office load/manifest planes for passengers/soldiers (contracted civilian aircraft) and equipment (C5's C17's and other Air Force planes) which required us to drive heavy equipment such as container handlers, forklifts up to 45k, K-loaders, stair trucks, baggage conveyor trucks and aircraft De-icing trucks. Jack of all trades and very busy. A lot of overtime.
I have put roofs up in August. I ain't Mexican, but I am part Spanish, but I am 100% American. Americans do the work that is required.

No work is above or below anyone. Hell I worked for the railroad.o_O
When I was young I never knew hard work was considered a virtue. It was just a way to survive.

My first job was when I was 15. I was big for my age and talked myself onto a non-union work crew building a small apartment complex in my town. Side note: Maybe 7-8 years later George Clooney would live in the apartments we built while attending Northern Kentucky U. for a year or two.

My first minute of my first day on the job, an older guy gruffly ordered me to jump into a bell hole about chest deep. There was a tile pipe about 16 inches in diameter sticking over the hole with a plug in it. The guy handed me a shovel and told me to knock out the plug. Several gallons of foul smelling water gushed out and drenched me. The pipe was the sewer line coming into the development. Big laugh for all. I had to work the day like that, the water eventually mingling with my sweat.

That was my introduction to the working life. I’ve worked most days not in school for the next 51-plus years. Most have been better, a few worse, than my first day. I guess it’s good to start at a level where eventually you can see progress from your labor.
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Cool and crisp in the east. Days like this are a blessing in August in DC.

Finishing up a project at work that celebrates veterans. I was able to bring into it people I met and got to know in my previous work: Quang Pham, came to the US as a child in the Vietnam boat lift. His father was a fighter pilot for South Vietnam, captured and tortured by the commies. Quang became a Marine medevac pilot in Desert Storm and Somalia. Rhonda Cornum, flight surgeon on a Black Hawk shot down in Iraq trying to rescue an F-15 pilot. Captured with severe injuries and abused by the Iraqis. Col. David Eberly, the highest ranking US POW in the Gulf War.

We also have people from WW2, Korea and Nam. Should be a good read.
So my son got back last night from his trip to Los Angeles to spend time with a young woman from out there he met in Lexington.

A highlight for him was two days -- and nights -- spent exploring Joshua Tree's alien beauty.

He described one night in the early am driving around by Cap Rock, where Gram Parsons' manager had attempted the freestyle cremation of his corpse, and suddenly remembering a song I'd told him was a favorite of mine during my overnight drives out west while pipe-lining when I was the age he is now.

He said he found it on Spotify and listened while admiring the vast expanse of stars you can see out there:
So my son got back last night from his trip to Los Angeles to spend time with a young woman from out there he met in Lexington.

A highlight for him was two days -- and nights -- spent exploring Joshua Tree's alien beauty.

He described one night in the early am driving around by Cap Rock, where Gram Parsons' manager had attempted the freestyle cremation of his corpse, and suddenly remembering a song I'd told him was a favorite of mine during my overnight drives out west while pipe-lining when I was the age he is now.

He said he found it on Spotify and listened while admiring the vast expanse of stars you can see out there:
This is a short bio of who he was.
This is a short bio of who he was.
Thanks Sawnee. That's an interesting video. What a waste. I think if he'd gotten clean and focused he had a shot at finding the answer to merging rock and folk and country into something that would have been lasting and might have at least been an alternative to the dreary progression from DIsco to Punk to Grunge to Rap...Not that there isn't, and hasn't always been good music out there. It just fell out of the mainstream.

Here's one of the songs talked about in that video, with GP, Emmylou Harris and a young Linda Ronstadt combining for some very tight harmonies.
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About a year or so before I retired I had to interview a person for a position and brought her into the interview room. Before I could tell her to have a seat she pulled out a list of "demands". It was a full page, single spaced, of what she expected the company would do for her. She was demanding perks the Vice President or CEO couldn't get.

The interview was short.

This reminded me of a "date" I had before I met my wife and after the disaster of my first marriage... Same type of interview. Supposed to just be hanging out and catching a movie when she asked me to hang "out."

From the time I walked into the Chili's where we were meeting, she grilled me about what I was going to do for her and how much money I had and made, and what my income goals were going forward. Started to tell me what she expected, when I stopped her and told her "As far as you know and will ever know, I don't own a thing, don't make any money, and am not interested in doing a thing for you. I'm going to see a movie. When you can learn to talk to someone like they aren't going to be a drone in your service, maybe we can be friends."

Had a heck of time keeping her off of me from there, but I managed. Pretty on the outside. Vampire on the inside. She stalked me for weeks until and a week after I met my wife.

These days a lot of what I see are hollowed out people that are glued to their tech and have no motivation except to brand themselves and be famous, as if the money will just flow to them without their having to dress for work. Most of the country has become what our parents warned us not to be, and warned us not to focus on.

That said, I'm going back to work again.
Thanks Sawnee. That's an interesting video. What a waste. I think if he'd gotten clean and focused he had a shot at finding the answer to merging rock and folk and country into something that would have been lasting and might have at least been an alternative to the dreary progression from DIsco to Punk to Grunge to Rap...Not that there isn't, and hasn't always been good music out there. It just fell out of the mainstream.

Here's one of the songs talked about in that video, with GP, Emmylou Harris and a young Linda Ronstadt combining for some very tight harmonies.

I'm still on the fence about whether most "rap" is music. I binge listen to Linda a few times a year. I.LIKE.BIG VOICESANDICANNOTLIE...
Before retiring from my last job, the new supervisor tried to get me to stay by telling me he had just hired a new person for the open job we already had and that she would start working in two weeks. She was young, blond, and beautiful he said and easy on the eyes. That's how he and the next level supervisor hired. She never made it to the office as he found out later, she took off to San Antonio when she found out from others what the workload was like there. Not long after I retired, he hired another attractive woman from the area he used to work. After about 2 months she quit because he had told her that her only job would be a receptionist at the front desk and just have to input a bit of information and not be involved with all of the other parts of the job. The office (Passenger Travel for Ft. Sill) had no receptionist because we all took customers as they came in and handled all of the BCT, AIT, and other unit level travel as well as all other travel at Ft. Sill. We stayed busy. We also did Passports and helped the Unit Movement Office load/manifest planes for passengers/soldiers (contracted civilian aircraft) and equipment (C5's C17's and other Air Force planes) which required us to drive heavy equipment such as container handlers, forklifts up to 45k, K-loaders, stair trucks, baggage conveyor trucks and aircraft De-icing trucks. Jack of all trades and very busy. A lot of overtime.
So you can't be deployed out of the country without a passport? Never thought about it.
This reminded me of a "date" I had before I met my wife and after the disaster of my first marriage... Same type of interview. Supposed to just be hanging out and catching a movie when she asked me to hang "out."

From the time I walked into the Chili's where we were meeting, she grilled me about what I was going to do for her and how much money I had and made, and what my income goals were going forward. Started to tell me what she expected, when I stopped her and told her "As far as you know and will ever know, I don't own a thing, don't make any money, and am not interested in doing a thing for you. I'm going to see a movie. When you can learn to talk to someone like they aren't going to be a drone in your service, maybe we can be friends."

Had a heck of time keeping her off of me from there, but I managed. Pretty on the outside. Vampire on the inside. She stalked me for weeks until and a week after I met my wife.

These days a lot of what I see are hollowed out people that are glued to their tech and have no motivation except to brand themselves and be famous, as if the money will just flow to them without their having to dress for work. Most of the country has become what our parents warned us not to be, and warned us not to focus on.

That said, I'm going back to work again.

Those days were short-lived for me but I sure had them. Distant memories that are foggy at best. I am thankful.

I am actually finished with what I needed to complete this morning. I am going to head into my new office now. I gave them a heads up. Take care...
Better a goat in a flatbed Ford than a camel in a Toyota pickup. Southern Iraq, April, 2003. My buddy snapped this as we headed north with an Army battalion. I shudder to think what those characters had in mind for that poor unsuspecting beast. There is an off color joke I could tell here that the Marines used to share in Iraq, but maybe I shouldn't repeat it...
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Fishing report:

Went to go to spot (Bald) and hooked 5, landed 4. 2lbs being the biggest. Clouds kept it cooler, so it was pleasurable. After that I went to my old go to spot (Rattler) and had a couple of heavy strikes but no hooks. Always a good day for fishing just to be out there but it is made better when I score.

Ran in to some more Turkey at Bald. Counted 12 but there could have been more. Half of them were young ones but the other were fat and ready for the season.
Two nights ago, I got out of bed to pee. As soon as I stepped in the bathroom, the room started spinning. It was dark and I couldn't find a light switch. After I bounced off a few things, I lost a sense of where I was. I broke into a cold sweat, felt a doorknob and went into a closet. Sweat is dripping off me now. I managed to get out of the closet and thirty seconds later I was back in it again. I was about to scream for Jan, when I felt a doorknob and decided to chance it. It led to a spot where I could see light in the living room, so I managed to get to the couch and spent the night there. I finally feel halfway human today. It was only a.mild meneires attack. First one in a few years. I've had much worse.
Two nights ago, I got out of bed to pee. As soon as I stepped in the bathroom, the room started spinning. It was dark and I couldn't find a light switch. After I bounced off a few things, I lost a sense of where I was. I broke into a cold sweat, felt a doorknob and went into a closet. Sweat is dripping off me now. I managed to get out of the closet and thirty seconds later I was back in it again. I was about to scream for Jan, when I felt a doorknob and decided to chance it. It led to a spot where I could see light in the living room, so I managed to get to the couch and spent the night there. I finally feel halfway human today. It was only a.mild meneires attack. First one in a few years. I've had much worse.
Meneire's is bad stuff, bc. Only 2nd hand experience thru DW. That description sounds about like her worst.
Better a goat in a flatbed Ford than a camel in a Toyota pickup. Southern Iraq, April, 2003. My buddy snapped this as we headed north with an Army battalion. I shudder to think what those characters had in mind for that poor unsuspecting beast. There is an off color joke I could tell here that the Marines used to share in Iraq, but maybe I shouldn't repeat it...

@BBUK : Here ya go. Yeungling Oktoberfest. Actually fairly decent. Smooth and malty. Currently overcast after a good rain here in ATX. Must-have for Yeungling afficionados.


Never even saw or "heared" of one of those. I want twelve!!! Going to grab a Yuengling lager now.. (Been a while.)

Serious congrats today. Those raises feel real good. I got some decent ones last year a time or two. I just started in to see what I can really do in an environment where the criticality is upped exponentially. We shall see... It won't be because I didn't try...

Edit: They have them at a store about four miles from me so says the internet. May trek over there tomorrow. I was wanting to try a different beer anyway. Thanks!
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The bad ones are when you get so dizzy you pass out. When you wake up, you vomit for eight hours every couple of minutes. Since you don't have that much in your stomach, most of it is dry heaves.
Sorry to hear.

She hadn't been that bad. Just times when she can't stand at all for hours. Been much better over last 1-2 years for her.