Good morning D, read Mark 9.
.66, that was just a teaser!!!!
Went to my kidney doctor Monday, last year when I went, I could have sworn he told me that my kidneys were clear, no stones, BUT I have a 2mm stone in my left one! I ask the nurse practitioner, I thought he said I was clear of them, let me check his notes, nope right hear it says, 2mm, no bigger than last year. Now what I have to look forward to is, pushing a cocklebur the size of a golf ball through a garden hose!!!!! The LORD says, "This too shall pass!!!!
One of my growing up friends dropped by last night, laughed it up for about an hour about our parents and our good times we had. Our parents had permission to whip our a$$ if we got out of line if we were at their house, plus we'd get it again when we got home from our parents, so we had to be good, or sneaky.
I hope the D has a great day!!!