
Y'all ain't gonna believe this. I just found and carried home a set of golf clubs + bag. As I was walking along, guy says "you see that guy? I'll pay you if you pick up his shit." I said, "man, no, it's okay". Walk further and it appeared some dude pushed along a couple carts with junk inside. Lots of other stuff. Should have got pictures. Below is our dog, Summer, sniffing my latest find.


Like my Dad used to say, more money than sense... Dang ATX, you could darn near make a living walking.... At least in "decadent" Austin.....
Good morning from ATX. Currently 82°F and clear. Today's high expected around 104°F. We're under excessive heat warning. About two more months remain of this misery.

Wife put my newly found golf club set find on neighborhood chat bulletin board. We'll keep it up there for a month, then on to Craigslist.

Must accompany wife to dentist at 12:30 pm today. She broke a tooth.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good Morning all,

Been a rough couple of days. Engaged to the max and spread out to the max. A bad combination in my book but, as my son says at times. It is what it is... So many areas need attention. Too many areas but oh well... I got to IM my niece yesterday as well. It was her birthday. We were really close for a lot of years before I went into the Army. (Still are in some ways.)(She was just a baby then until she was about 5.) (She is one of the daughters of my BIL that died a couple months ago, and my sister that I talked with yesterday.)

Have a great day!
During my noon walk, I found 23 wheat pennies in an empty lot full of junk. Coins just lying around like someone dropped them. Many appear in great condition.

Sigh. No 1943 steel pennies in the lot.
That and some copper infusion makes some nice and healthy bread.

Me thinks you have to work on your English. "Did not steal those pennies in the lot"

You're welcome. ;)
Y'all ain't gonna believe this. I just found and carried home a set of golf clubs + bag. As I was walking along, guy says "you see that guy? I'll pay you if you pick up his shit." I said, "man, no, it's okay". Walk further and it appeared some dude pushed along a couple carts with junk inside. Lots of other stuff. Should have got pictures. Below is our dog, Summer, sniffing my latest find.

On your death bed you will receive total consciousness. You got that going for you, which is nice.

Sorry, mind just went that way. 🤪
Good morning D Leaguers

Another day and another dollar if you can find it on the street. I have my 6 months dental appointment today. I expect a good report. God did bless me with good teeth for which I am thankful. My mother had all of her teeth when she died at age 95. Daddy lost all of us teeth by the time he was 21 years old. I plan on leaving with mine.

Our weather is Florida Style today which means our high should hit 86° in the early afternoon and we will have a chance at thunderstorms later in the day. Most of the day will bring sunshine and scattered clouds. The humidity is the difference maker and most people from out of state have a problem with it. It takes awhile to get use to it.

I trust all are doing well and old time regulars like Don, Starchief, Rooster and Cord as well as the others are feeling well. I pray Don continues to recover from his stroke. My shoulder is on the mend and the brace helps. I think I am going to get through this little pain with home care and time.

Keep the faith.

Good morning D-League. Just got back from voting in the Maryland primary.

As always, it was a mostly futile gesture aimed at voting "against" rather than "for."

We have well-backed candidates in my county who basically run on doing more for illegal aliens, including building more taxpayer subsidized high-rise developments. They've been running ads on television accusing the sitting guy -- who is enough of a lefty a-hole - of not doing enough for illegals. So I go out and vote for the people the loonies target. We'll see if enough have my POV. A good sign - I was the only person at the polling place.

I'll leave the rest of my political rant off this page.

Already very hot here today. Hope you fellows are staying cool.
Good morning D-League. Just got back from voting in the Maryland primary.

As always, it was a mostly futile gesture aimed at voting "against" rather than "for."

We have well-backed candidates in my county who basically run on doing more for illegal aliens, including building more taxpayer subsidized high-rise developments. They've been running ads on television accusing the sitting guy -- who is enough of a lefty a-hole - of not doing enough for illegals. So I go out and vote for the people the loonies target. We'll see if enough have my POV. A good sign - I was the only person at the polling place.

I'll leave the rest of my political rant off this page.

Already very hot here today. Hope you fellows are staying cool.

When we arrived here, I never even fathomed living in Maryland. Virginia is bad enough. I have yet to see the change I had hoped for with the new Governor... (I will stop...)
It is sunny and 78.4°F here. We are supposed to start getting back in the really hot summer mode again this week. The high today is to be 89° and the rest of the week above 95°.

Went to the orthopedic surgeon yesterday and it appears the damage to my left leg is all muscle. He again reminded me that every joint is covered in arthritis and anytime I want the left hip and knee replaced to call him.

Ymmot called me Sunday and he had talked to Don. He is doing better. He had trouble hearing so he keeps the phone next to his ear.

Stay cool out there folks.
Back from the dentist and all is well. Next appointment is in January. I have a host of chores to do around here that I will get on this afternoon. I would like to finish up spraying roundup as it looks like we should have clear skies for the rest of the day. The heat is a little too much to start digging in the dirt. My pool is pretty clean now after my mishap so that is good.

Bert I am thankful your pain is only muscular for now, arthritis is a bummer. Hip replacement is a big decision and I want to get through life without any more major surgies. 11 is enough for one person in a lifetime.

Have a great rest of the day to all.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 79°F and clear. Today's high expected around 106°F. More records may fall. Excessive heat warning in effect. Very high fire danger in effect.

Temperatures also soared to record highs over in Great Britain yesterday. While we are somewhat prepared for such heat, Brits are not.

Watched a little of MLB All-Star game last night. American League won 9th straight. Bah.

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning all.... Took a day off. Made a pan of biscuits. Waiting for My Darling to return from taking the BB to school. Will eat and head for the commissary. We were going crabbing but my daughter works tonight. We want to go catch some croakers too. Have to find the right place. We are thinking Friday.

Have a great day!

Edit: I found the coffee concoction to my liking. Folgers coffee with a touch of sea salt and coconut milk... unsweetened. Just a good feeling drink....

Why do I think of Gilligan?
Good Morning D

I just walked in the house from working outside. I put down 32oz of water like the hog dog eating man puts down Nathans. The humidity is so high I must have lost 5 lbs walking to the road and back. Sweat boy sweat. We have 80° right now and the high should reach 87° but that is not the end of the story. The humidity makes it feel much hotter. We do have a 37% chance of rain later on.

Today I have a truck load of sod being delivered to replace the area where we tore up the ground installing sewer drainage fields. I will soak the heck out of it for the next few days and a good rain will be welcome.

Other than that I am doing just fine and my shoulder is mending. The brace helps but it does not cure the arthritis in the rest of my body. That bothers me more than anything else. I trust all are well

It is a sunny 80.9°F on our way to a hot 97°F with a 20% chance of rain. I am praying for rain.

I have had to contract a lawn mowing service for the first time in my life. What a downer.

I look forward to the August games. Maybe we will see what UK has if the competition is decent. I am old school and I have all the channels on Spectrum. SEC Channel is 516. They provide wonderful service, along with 600,000 Mbps internet speed, my land telephone line and many movie channels. I pay out the butt, but it is good services. I just set the money aside because Sherry and I are TV people. My children has U-Tube streaming service and I find it horrible. I am stuck in my ways.

You all stay cool today. I doubt that I will go out.
It is a sunny 80.9°F on our way to a hot 97°F with a 20% chance of rain. I am praying for rain.

I have had to contract a lawn mowing service for the first time in my life. What a downer.

I look forward to the August games. Maybe we will see what UK has if the competition is decent. I am old school and I have all the channels on Spectrum. SEC Channel is 516. They provide wonderful service, along with 600,000 Mbps internet speed, my land telephone line and many movie channels. I pay out the butt, but it is good services. I just set the money aside because Sherry and I are TV people. My children has U-Tube streaming service and I find it horrible. I am stuck in my ways.

You all stay cool today. I doubt that I will go out.
Bert, you certainly sacrifice in quality when you go to streaming. I have ROKU and it does not compare to my old cable but it is cheaper. I do not watch any network TV and not much TV at all. I do watch old movies and enjoy that part of streaming.

I started using a lawn service 6 or 7 years ago. I have a young man who cuts it, trims and blows the debris away for $100 a month. He does it once a week for 9 months and every other week the other 3.
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Good morning folks. Hot as Hades in the east. Mostly stuck inside working anyway.

The evenings, when things cool down, are lovely. I've taken to going on long walks after all my work is done.

My weight has been creeping up since I can't run anymore with my bad hip -- and also truthfully because I've been eating like crazy since the COVID WFH days. Also, without doubt my metabolism has slowed just in recent years. I couldn't tell much change all the way to 60.

I'm up to 235 on my 6'5'' frame. I need to get that down to 212-215, which was my college playing weight. I've started with a fairly strict eating regimen. We'll see. Not going to obsess.

I tried to watch a bit of the All-Star game last night, but all the freaking gimmicks -- talking to players on the field, airing conversations between the pitcher and the catcher and the 1st basemen and the runners, having "Big Papi" roam around randomly acting a fool -- really turned me off. Switched back to Law and Order reruns.
Good Morning D-League. It is a cloudy 73.6°F on our way to 85° with a 30% chance of rain. Early this morning we got a welcomed .57 inches. We could use a couple more inches. My grass is under stress.

@Sawnee Cat you may want to see a professional on that shoulder. Sherry went through that and I think the sooner it gets attention the better; however, you are over 21! :)

I was not much of an athlete. I never started on the high school basketball team. I never started on the high school football team. I never started on the high school baseball team. I did win the region in the 440 yard, but I refused to go to State because I was tired of getting sick from running my guts out. I really pissed my coach off. But being on the team was important. The girl I was crazy about was a cheer leader and the cheer leaders rode the bus to games with the team, so I got to sit with her as long as I could make the team. It was worth it!

I go to the Doctor this afternoon to see what is broken, stretched or ripped in my left leg.
Bert, we got 2.1" Sunday night!!!!
Good afternoon, D, we are reading in Mark, read 8 this morning.

Wow, it is hot here in the Berg!!!! It's 91, feels like 106, humidity is just 63%, but look at the dew point is 77, 70 is intolerable. The dew point is what I watch for.

Bert glad it's just a muscle thing, praying you get to feeling better, wish I lived closer, I would mow for you!!!!
SC, Rotar cuff is horrible, had both mine done (carpet laying wore them out), my right one needs it again, but just don't want to go through that again!!!!

If you use Styrofoam plates, look at them very carefully, got to looking at some we bought and there are small bits on the plated, never going to use them again!!! No telling how much I have already ate!!!!

Well, my plans are made, Arkansas here we come in September!! Look out trout!!!!!

The last time I was in heat like this was at Fort Hood, dust was so deep you would think the soles of our boots were going to melt!!!! Hood was the first place I heard, it's so hot I saw a coyote chasing a Roadrunner and they were both walking!!!!

I hope the D has a great day and prayers for all the D!!!!!
It is a sunny 80.9°F on our way to a hot 97°F with a 20% chance of rain. I am praying for rain.

I have had to contract a lawn mowing service for the first time in my life. What a downer.

I look forward to the August games. Maybe we will see what UK has if the competition is decent. I am old school and I have all the channels on Spectrum. SEC Channel is 516. They provide wonderful service, along with 600,000 Mbps internet speed, my land telephone line and many movie channels. I pay out the butt, but it is good services. I just set the money aside because Sherry and I are TV people. My children has U-Tube streaming service and I find it horrible. I am stuck in my ways.

You all stay cool today. I doubt that I will go out.


Many should be so lucky to be 'Stuck in their ways"... You are to be commended. I cannot tell you how many times I get nearly accosted for things I do that are "not the norm" now. (Won't go into the work items or "new" philosophy's about production...)

I do not see changing to something that isn't better than what I am doing. (I have no issue with change, if it is for the better. BUT, it actually has to be "BETTER"... The common smell test tells me if it is better or not. I do not need anyone to "explain" to me how things are "better".

Rant turned off now................ 😁

Many should be so lucky to be 'Stuck in their ways"... You are to be commended. I cannot tell you how many times I get nearly accosted for things I do that are "not the norm" now. (Won't go into the work items or "new" philosophy's about production...)

I do not see changing to something that isn't better than what I am doing. (I have no issue with change, if it is for the better. BUT, it actually has to be "BETTER"... The common smell test tells me if it is better or not. I do not need anyone to "explain" to me how things are "better".

Rant turned off now................ 😁
I have had chili with beans for supper the last 2 nights (and I think there's enough left for tonight). I don't think you'd want to do the smell test around here.