
Hello all,

Took most of the day off to spend with My Darling. Drove down to Westmoreland State Park in Montross, VA and then to Colonial Beach to check out the fishing. We are looking for a spot to catch Croaker's. This trip didn't work out. We did stop off while in Colonial Beach, VA to the Hunan Diner and got greeted by the owner who stated he was only able to do take out due to his employee's not showing up. (Two out of three just didn't show up.) He stated one couple was there eating as they had a reservation. The owner after he told us that told us again to have a seat as he guided us to a table. (It was a decent place that has been in business since 1997 or 1987 (I cannot remember which.). The food was good. (My Darling had soup and the Shrimp Fried Rice, I had scallops and beef with vegetables.)

Is it me or does ANYONE keep there word? What I mean is, does any one do what they say they are going to do? (Can't be many that keep their word in that area as the owner stated it is not only his business that is having trouble with people just not showing up to work. (This is a tourist type town.)

Just quit, don't string someone along to where they are depending on you...

I guess there is too much dough now to just ...................stay home. I had this same discussion with My darling for a few minutes while we ate.
This is just like the military, find the lowest ranking GI and pass it on down

Good Saturday Morning D

About 1:00 AM I heard a thunderous loud sound and flashes of lightning that danced across the skies following by a downpour. My wife loves that kind of weather so I nudged her and we enjoyed Mother Nature at work through the patio glass door in our bedroom. It was worth the price of admission. Nature does it the best.

We have 73° right now and will reach 89° by this afternoon. A 70% chance of more thunderstorms around 4:00 PM. Plenty of sunshine, so it will be much like yesterday and the day before.

I trust all are well and those bones are feeling better for those of you hurting. Things will get better I can assure you of that. So enjoy the ride and God bless you through your journey

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Hello all,

Took most of the day off to spend with My Darling. Drove down to Westmoreland State Park in Montross, VA and then to Colonial Beach to check out the fishing. We are looking for a spot to catch Croaker's. This trip didn't work out. We did stop off while in Colonial Beach, VA to the Hunan Diner and got greeted by the owner who stated he was only able to do take out due to his employee's not showing up. (Two out of three just didn't show up.) He stated one couple was there eating as they had a reservation. The owner after he told us that told us again to have a seat as he guided us to a table. (It was a decent place that has been in business since 1997 or 1987 (I cannot remember which.). The food was good. (My Darling had soup and the Shrimp Fried Rice, I had scallops and beef with vegetables.)

Is it me or does ANYONE keep there word? What I mean is, does any one do what they say they are going to do? (Can't be many that keep their word in that area as the owner stated it is not only his business that is having trouble with people just not showing up to work. (This is a tourist type town.)

Just quit, don't string someone along to where they are depending on you...

I guess there is too much dough now to just ...................stay home. I had this same discussion with My darling for a few minutes while we ate.
One of my sons (twin 41 years old) is a big liberal and he believes that if you give everyone UBI, a home, and a car to get around, most will want to better their conditions and go to work to add to it. He said that some people deserve have this given to them because they did not ask to be brought into this world, so we need to take care of them. I told him he was out of his mind and that these days most would just stay home and do what they wanted. If fact, I told him they would in short order start complaining that this was not enough. He has been corrupted by our higher education system as he was a professional student up until a few of years ago changing his major a few times until he landed on environmental science and chemistry. Now, he is all about recycling and the Green New Deal. Whenever he visits us, he gets upset when he does not see about 5 or 6 bins set up in my garage for recycling and sets them up for me. They promptly go away after he leaves.

His brother went the opposite way and joined the Marines for 4 years (serve in Iraq) and got 55K for college to use for a nursing degree. He is a Christian man with a wife and 5 kids. One adopted girl and 4 boys (triplets and a single). He is a staunch conservative so him, his wife, and I have been trying to talk sense to his brother and make him see the truth. It is a hard task but, we have hope.
In response to a couple of posts. It has been said, "If you are young and not liberal, you have no heart. If you are old and not conservative, you have no brain." My daughter was lib enough to vote for Obama, but she has seen the error of her ways, so there is hope.

I listed my business building with a real estate agent this past week. I've been in business a long time. It takes unskilled labor and much of the time competing with china, so I never paid big money, but I tried to be as fair as I could. At one time, I was providing jobs for 30 people. Covid was pretty much the last straw. Gov Andy forced me to lay everyone off, then raise my unemployment rates when the fund went broke. With all the free money, no one wanted to work. The last guy working for us was an older man with med issues, They forced him to get the shot to stay on a med program and he died shortly after.

Jan and I are getting old and decided 80 hour work weeks were to much, so we are going to cut way back and sell the building if we can. We will do some work from home and let her focus on craft shows.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 78°F and clear. Today's high expected about 101°F. Triple-digit streak continues.

Watched The Babe last night. Historically inaccurate, but still okay for a feel-good flick, I guess. Babe Ruth may have been the first-ever sports superstar. Iconic, for sure.

Plan on hiking to the grocery store in a few. Grab milk and get some exercise.

42 days until Kentucky Football.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

In response to a couple of posts. It has been said, "If you are young and not liberal, you have no heart. If you are old and not conservative, you have no brain." My daughter was lib enough to vote for Obama, but she has seen the error of her ways, so there is hope.

I listed my business building with a real estate agent this past week. I've been in business a long time. It takes unskilled labor and much of the time competing with china, so I never paid big money, but I tried to be as fair as I could. At one time, I was providing jobs for 30 people. Covid was pretty much the last straw. Gov Andy forced me to lay everyone off, then raise my unemployment rates when the fund went broke. With all the free money, no one wanted to work. The last guy working for us was an older man with med issues, They forced him to get the shot to stay on a med program and he died shortly after.

Jan and I are getting old and decided 80 hour work weeks were to much, so we are going to cut way back and sell the building if we can. We will do some work from home and let her focus on craft shows.
The best to you in the future. That is tough having to lay off 30 people because of a governor's orders. It did not have to be that way and fortunately for America a few states did not shut down and they are prospering today.
Good morning folks. Back from a long, sweaty walk. Clear, sunny day in the east, but very muggy. Now to start my weekend chores.

Still isolating a bit just to be safe, but that's most past. I've somewhat enjoyed the chance to run the TV remote myself and watch an unbroken string of movies from about 1971-1975. Women were so much more naturally sexy in those days.

Bernie, the best of luck to you with the transition. Business people are put in a tough situation today. I hope a slower pace works out for you. I know I'm looking forward to retiring when I can.

Hope you guys are having a restful weekend.
The best to you in the future. That is tough having to lay off 30 people because of a governor's orders. It did not have to be that way and fortunately for America a few states did not shut down and they are prospering today.
30 was at our peak. We were down to 8 or 9 when that happened. Chinese imports had already captured much of the market.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 78°F and clear. Today's high expected about 101°F. Triple-digit streak continues.

Watched The Babe last night. Historically inaccurate, but still okay for a feel-good flick, I guess. Babe Ruth may have been the first-ever sports superstar. Iconic, for sure.

Plan on hiking to the grocery store in a few. Grab milk and get some exercise.

42 days until Kentucky Football.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Good morning all,

ATX from what I gather it was the John Goodman version. I had a hard time watching that the second time. I have the William Bendix version I watch from time to time . Still not accurate but I can watch that version.

Wow I wanted to respond back to several other posts as well. I was up until after 2 this morning doing paperwork and other items that must be completed. (My Darling gets upset and fights me at times telling me I need to sleep.) If you have your hands in a lot of fires as some of you can attest to, what do you do. (I play very little on the computer now other than enjoy this site and read some news.) I won't go into all I am involved with but I'll just state I have my hands involved in several areas.

Anyway, enjoy your day. I should be around pecking away on my keyboard though my oldest daughter has it in her mind my youngest grandchild needs to go fishing. I bought her a pole yesterday but she is still a little young to capture it but I see myself somewhere today doing that a little as my oldest will get her feelings hurt that I took the BB fishing while we were at our home in Summersville fishing in our backyard pond... (All should have my "problems".)...
Not boring and also, I would question why he would not suggest replacement surgery as soon as you can. Would not bone on bone rubbing chip and wear down the hip? Not a doctor so bear with me, but it seems like that would be the case. I wonder also, perhaps you have researched, what would be the recovery time for that?

Others here can answer that as well as I am curious. Also, for those in the know, after replacement how well is the mobility and comfort level?

Warrior -- The sense I got from the guy was that once the hip was bone-on-bone it wasn't going to get any MORE destroyed, and whenever it was replaced, all that was damaged would go. So, getting it done just depended on how much pain I could tolerate -- he seemed to think I SHOULD be in more pain than I am, based on my x-ray. But it's not that bad right now.

The recovery time question is interesting. They say I need to "work from home" for three weeks - in my case that just means avoiding the stress of the commute and walking around the halls at the office. But I should be able to work at a home desk, which I did for two years anyway.

Home PT starts almost immediately and can extend for a few months. I'm told I might get by with a cane for the first 30 days, or I could briefly need a walker, then a cane. After that I should be good to go, with possibly some additional PT. The surgery is outpatient -- you are home within a few hours of arriving at the hospital. Follow-up visits out six months. That's about it.
My right hip was an over night stay in the hospital and a week and one half of physical therapy. There is pain the first two day but we have good drugs to mute that. By the fifth day I could walk with a cane and drive. I was down to four tylenols a day. After 10 days I did not need a cane.

After two weeks it was zero pain or zero though about having an artificial hip. I did have to wait two weeks to shower and I love a good shower to start the day off right.
Then about a month after that my right hip was replaced my left hip started the same pain as in the other side. I was supposed to have it replaced on March 23, 2020 but Covid messed that up. Now I must consider doing it again, but it is not just a hip replacement they will have to remove and replace the steel in my left femur. It will be several days in the hospital. Pictures below:

My right hip was an over night stay in the hospital and a week and one half of physical therapy. There is pain the first two day but we have good drugs to mute that. By the fifth day I could walk with a cane and drive. I was down to four tylenols a day. After 10 days I did not need a cane.

After two weeks it was zero pain or zero though about having an artificial hip. I did have to wait two weeks to shower and I love a good shower to start the day off right.
Then about a month after that my right hip was replaced my left hip started the same pain as in the other side. I was supposed to have it replaced on March 23, 2020 but Covid messed that up. Now I must consider doing it again, but it is not just a hip replacement they will have to remove and replace the steel in my left femur. It will be several days in the hospital. Pictures below:

Thanks for that insight Bert. I have been feeling fine as long as I was on the anti-inflammatory drug Diclofenac. In fact, I was ready to blow off the surgical appointment but my wife was strongly opposed to that. I decided to get off that drug for a while, and after two days I can already feel myself stiffening up, and the inability to rotate my joints returning.

You can't stay on this drug forever -- it'll wear out your heart and liver. So I can see that the surgery is necessary. I'm going to try to stay off the drug for awhile, but if I need it as a "bridge" until the surgery, I'll use a it that way. That's what the doc recommended.
Thanks for that insight Bert. I have been feeling fine as long as I was on the anti-inflammatory drug Diclofenac. In fact, I was ready to blow off the surgical appointment but my wife was strongly opposed to that. I decided to get off that drug for a while, and after two days I can already feel myself stiffening up, and the inability to rotate my joints returning.

You can't stay on this drug forever -- it'll wear out your heart and liver. So I can see that the surgery is necessary. I'm going to try to stay off the drug for awhile, but if I need it as a "bridge" until the surgery, I'll use a it that way. That's what the doc recommended.

I take one Diclofenac before I go to bed. Not every day but three or four times a week at least. I can take a heavier dose but that is good so far.

I really liked when I had Tylenol 3s but those are about outlawed... because they worked. Six or seven of those a month worked well.
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If this is even remotely true or even comes close, there are some seriously STUPID Floridians... (I realize the inbreds coming in but DANG you have to be human debris to not want some of what DeSantis is dishing out as your Governor.) This was not posted to be political, this was posted to call a spade a spade... and to call stupid, stupid if this is even a remote possibility...

If this is even remotely true or even comes close, there are some seriously STUPID Floridians... (I realize the inbreds coming in but DANG you have to be human debris to not want some of what DeSantis is dishing out as your Governor.) This was not posted to be political, this was posted to call a spade a spade... and to call stupid, stupid if this is even a remote possibility...

You have to look at who conducted these polls and who did they poll. DeSantis has a war chest well in excess of $100 million now and it is growing. Charlie Crist will most likely be the Democrat nominee and he might have $10 million at the most. Most of his is out of state money.


You are going to get a lot of this before the election because the media sees DeSantis as a threat and they will attack him. He is at constant war with the media because he calls them out with their false narratives.
ATX is famous...others are jumping on the band wagon. Waiting on his report from his walk today but in the interim...

This morning I was cleaning out the 2006 Kia Sportage that we got back from my MIL since she can no longer drive. It was a complete mess and was full of items she wanted stored in our side shop. While rearranging the side shop to make space for her (sh--crap) I found a box of mine with some old photos of my DI days. In amongst the photos was a small packet which was a gift to me several years ago from my wife because I liked collecting wheat pennies. Below are the contents of that packet containing wheat back pennies from 1940-1949


This morning I was cleaning out the 2006 Kia Sportage that we got back from my MIL since she can no longer drive. It was a complete mess and was full of items she wanted stored in our side shop. While rearranging the side shop to make space for her (sh--crap) I found a box of mine with some old photos of my DI days. In amongst the photos was a small packet which was a gift to me several years ago from my wife because I liked collecting wheat pennies. Below are the contents of that packet containing wheat back pennies from 1940-1949



Nice stuff... I finally got my safe open yesterday. Took me three tries with the combination and instructions. A rough one to crack.

I am going to try tomorrow to look through some older coins I have. None special but, ATX got me wanting to mine for gold....
This morning I was cleaning out the 2006 Kia Sportage that we got back from my MIL since she can no longer drive. It was a complete mess and was full of items she wanted stored in our side shop. While rearranging the side shop to make space for her (sh--crap) I found a box of mine with some old photos of my DI days. In amongst the photos was a small packet which was a gift to me several years ago from my wife because I liked collecting wheat pennies. Below are the contents of that packet containing wheat back pennies from 1940-1949


1949, min wage .75. The first job where I got paid by a check was at a car wash for 75 cents an hour. Later I got a job at a bowling alley. I don't even recall the pay, but it included free bowling. I bowled 10 or 12 games a day.
My right hip was an over night stay in the hospital and a week and one half of physical therapy. There is pain the first two day but we have good drugs to mute that. By the fifth day I could walk with a cane and drive. I was down to four tylenols a day. After 10 days I did not need a cane.

After two weeks it was zero pain or zero though about having an artificial hip. I did have to wait two weeks to shower and I love a good shower to start the day off right.
Then about a month after that my right hip was replaced my left hip started the same pain as in the other side. I was supposed to have it replaced on March 23, 2020 but Covid messed that up. Now I must consider doing it again, but it is not just a hip replacement they will have to remove and replace the steel in my left femur. It will be several days in the hospital. Pictures below:

No way that's human.
1949, min wage .75. The first job where I got paid by a check was at a car wash for 75 cents an hour. Later I got a job at a bowling alley. I don't even recall the pay, but it included free bowling. I bowled 10 or 12 games a day.
I started out at 75 cents an hour too. At a family owned grocery store bagging groceries. A Mr.Anderson owned the store. As a boy I would mow lawns for 25 cents. I even set up a shoe shine business when I was 7 or 8. I would go through the neighborhood with my wagon going house to house asking if anyone wanted me to shine their shoes for a nickle a shoe and a dime for a boot. I never got rich doing that.

My son starting making money when he was 6 years old. I got him interested in making money one Saturday. A friend had a landscaping business and one of his helpers couldn't work that day. He asked me to help and he would give me 50 dollars. I agreed and brought my six year old boy with me to help out. He would carry plants and go fetch tools, etc. Just kind of piddling around. When we were finished my friend gave me a $50 bill and I handed it over to my six year old boy. I told him to start saving his money and we would get him that new bike. The next week he stared going around asking neighbors if they needed any chores done and the first thing you know he was bringing home money. He continued to do some type of work for pay until this day.
For the St Louis Cards fans, this man is one of my all time favorites.

On July 17, 1974 - The great "Dizzy" Dean died at the age of 63. Dean starred with the Cardinals "Gashouse Gang" World Champions in 1934. He led the National League in strikeouts four straight times. In 1934, he won 30 games and lost only seven. He is also remembered for his colorful language while broadcasting games.

For the St Louis Cards fans, this man is one of my all time favorites.

On July 17, 1974 - The great "Dizzy" Dean died at the age of 63. Dean starred with the Cardinals "Gashouse Gang" World Champions in 1934. He led the National League in strikeouts four straight times. In 1934, he won 30 games and lost only seven. He is also remembered for his colorful language while broadcasting games.

Dizzy had a brother they called Daffy. Dizzy won 30 and Daffy won 19 in 1934 I think it was as the Cards won the WS. Once Dizzy pitched the first game of a double header, a 2 hit shut out. Daffy pitched a no hitter the second game. Dizzy said if he knew his brother was going to pitch a no hitter, he would have also pitched one.

In the 34 WS, Diz came in as a pinch runner and was hit in the head with the ball at second base. The newspaper headlines the next day read, "X rays show nothing in Dizzy's head."
Good morning folks. Back from a long walk. A bit cooler today. My intrepid wife is in the late stages of training for a marathon so she's off with her runner's group doing 20 miles this morning. Makes me hurt all over the think about it. They start way up in Montgomery County Maryland where we live and run all the way to Union Station - the historic train station in DC on the edge of Capitol Hill. Coincidentally, when my wife and I first met and she was a young writer of about 23 and I was in my late 20s, I lived in that area and we used to take nighttime walks down to the train station to eat at an Italian Restaurant that was in the building -- while still a train station it had been converted into a shopping and dining area. Good memories.

You guys talking about coins -- I'll bet there is quite a collection of challenge coins among the ex-military folks here.

It would probably piss off some military guys who worked hard to be recognized, but when I was in combat zones with units, if I behaved respectfully, and wrote honest, informed pieces about a unit, sometimes the commanders at division, brigade or battalion level would give me a coin. Over the years between Desert Storm - first time I ever heard of such a thing - and my last embed in Baghdad with a 10th Mountain Division unit in 2007, I collected about 30 of them, and they represent important memories to me.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 80°F and partly cloudy. Today's high expected around 102°F. I'll be so glad when fall arrives.

Wife getting major dental work done tomorrow, so I need to purchase soft stuff while grocery shopping today. She gave me a long list. Heading out in a few.

Watched Hoosiers again last night. Dennis Hopper is my favorite character in the movie.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

The Bengals finally released pictures of their new alternate helmet. Can't say I'm a fan of it

I have to disagree. I love the white helmet.

I'm sure everyone knows this, but in case there are some younger, or non-Cincy area folks: I was a kid of about nine when Cincinnati first got a franchise, and the big hoopla in the area in those days were the White Tiger Cubs the zoo had started breeding. That's why people voted for the name Bengals in the local newspaper polls, and a white helmet makes sense.
Good morning folks. Back from a long walk. A bit cooler today. My intrepid wife is in the late stages of training for a marathon so she's off with her runner's group doing 20 miles this morning. Makes me hurt all over the think about it. They start way up in Montgomery County Maryland where we live and run all the way to Union Station - the historic train station in DC on the edge of Capitol Hill. Coincidentally, when my wife and I first met and she was a young writer of about 23 and I was in my late 20s, I lived in that area and we used to take nighttime walks down to the train station to eat at an Italian Restaurant that was in the building -- while still a train station it had been converted into a shopping and dining area. Good memories.

You guys talking about coins -- I'll bet there is quite a collection of challenge coins among the ex-military folks here.

It would probably piss off some military guys who worked hard to be recognized, but when I was in combat zones with units, if I behaved respectfully, and wrote honest, informed pieces about a unit, sometimes the commanders at division, brigade or battalion level would give me a coin. Over the years between Desert Storm - first time I ever heard of such a thing - and my last embed in Baghdad with a 10th Mountain Division unit in 2007, I collected about 30 of them, and they represent important memories to me.
Think I've got two. One from battalion commander in middle east, another from division commander.
Good morning folks. Back from a long walk. A bit cooler today. My intrepid wife is in the late stages of training for a marathon so she's off with her runner's group doing 20 miles this morning. Makes me hurt all over the think about it. They start way up in Montgomery County Maryland where we live and run all the way to Union Station - the historic train station in DC on the edge of Capitol Hill. Coincidentally, when my wife and I first met and she was a young writer of about 23 and I was in my late 20s, I lived in that area and we used to take nighttime walks down to the train station to eat at an Italian Restaurant that was in the building -- while still a train station it had been converted into a shopping and dining area. Good memories.

You guys talking about coins -- I'll bet there is quite a collection of challenge coins among the ex-military folks here.

It would probably piss off some military guys who worked hard to be recognized, but when I was in combat zones with units, if I behaved respectfully, and wrote honest, informed pieces about a unit, sometimes the commanders at division, brigade or battalion level would give me a coin. Over the years between Desert Storm - first time I ever heard of such a thing - and my last embed in Baghdad with a 10th Mountain Division unit in 2007, I collected about 30 of them, and they represent important memories to me.
Not sure how many coins I collected, packed them all away in boxes.
Now you know what they mean when someone says us old folks have a screw loose. I look at the photo of my spine occasionally to remind me of my limitations in life.

Life is good if you can find a skilled surgeon as time goes by


I know I have done this before so, this is for those that missed it. A remake is coming with Sawnee as the lead.