Morning Legionnaires!
104° yesterday and more of the same coming today and for the foreseeable future.
Trained my student yesterday in the gym where she works and there is no AC. The people who own the building have never put it in and said they would not so, they have exhaust fans and large floor fans going and all of the rollup style doors and regular doors open trying to move air around. Yesterday was a low impact workout focusing on balance, form and technique so as not to get too hot.
Put off cutting my grass this past weekend at the behest of my wife so today, it is on. Doing it early after my workout this morning because it will be another scorcher this afternoon.
@MdWIldcat55 Did you happen to catch the Reds game last night against the Mets? 0-0 bottom of the ninth with bases loaded walk off sacrifice by Moustaskas. Reds players acted as if they had just won the pennant. That's what happens when you only win one once in a while. Have to take your joy when you can get it.