
Morning folks. I fell yesterday afternoon and I am down to walking with a walker. I apparently fought falling all the way down and hit a chair with my left leg. It is one sore dude.

It is 86.2°F and we are supposed to get to 97°. Ouch.

Antietam is a good battle field to visit. The little bridge and the cornfield were brutal places to be.
I guess running that over 70's marathon is out. 🤪

Prayers for a speedy recovery and that it is nothing serious.
Morning folks. I fell yesterday afternoon and I am down to walking with a walker. I apparently fought falling all the way down and hit a chair with my left leg. It is one sore dude.

It is 86.2°F and we are supposed to get to 97°. Ouch.

Antietam is a good battle field to visit. The little bridge and the cornfield were brutal places to be.
Sorry to hear of your fall Bert.

The entire Antietam campaign is fascinating to explore —I live close by so I’ve walked all parts of it - the battles at Crampton’s Gap and South Mountain that marked the preliminaries, then all areas of the main battlefield.

I thought I’d seen the full scope of it until a few years back when I was hiking a section of the Appalachian Trail and came across a piece of woods called Fox’s Gap where there had been a small but truly vicious fight before Antietam that cost the lives of a Confederate Brigade commander named Samuel Garland and a Corps Commander in the Union army named Jesse Reno.
Morning folks. I fell yesterday afternoon and I am down to walking with a walker. I apparently fought falling all the way down and hit a chair with my left leg. It is one sore dude.

It is 86.2°F and we are supposed to get to 97°. Ouch.

Antietam is a good battle field to visit. The little bridge and the cornfield were brutal places to be.
Take it easy Bert. Regarding Antietam...I loved taking the bike there and riding the roads throughout the park, especially in the fall. I always preferred bike riding there vs Gettysburg. Too much auto traffic at Gettysburg.
Morning folks. I fell yesterday afternoon and I am down to walking with a walker. I apparently fought falling all the way down and hit a chair with my left leg. It is one sore dude.

It is 86.2°F and we are supposed to get to 97°. Ouch.

Antietam is a good battle field to visit. The little bridge and the cornfield were brutal places to be.
Prayers for a speedy and a full recovery Bert! I had a fall about 3 weeks ago and got a “high ankle sprain”. It still hurts a bunch! I don’t know how Jeff Sheppard did it!😀
Good morning folks.

I’m not a cat person. I note that because right now, improbably, I’m taking care of three of them, including one who woke me up twice cratching at my bedroom door and whining. One (Atticus) belongs to my wife, vacationing in London, one (Onion) to my daughter who is with her, and one (Hermes) was left with my son by a young woman he was shacking up with, and he brought it along when he came home for the summer.

Cats. Not my thing.

Anyway, I hope it is a good day for all.

Morning Legionnaires!

104° yesterday and more of the same coming today and for the foreseeable future.

Trained my student yesterday in the gym where she works and there is no AC. The people who own the building have never put it in and said they would not so, they have exhaust fans and large floor fans going and all of the rollup style doors and regular doors open trying to move air around. Yesterday was a low impact workout focusing on balance, form and technique so as not to get too hot.

Put off cutting my grass this past weekend at the behest of my wife so today, it is on. Doing it early after my workout this morning because it will be another scorcher this afternoon.

@MdWIldcat55 Did you happen to catch the Reds game last night against the Mets? 0-0 bottom of the ninth with bases loaded walk off sacrifice by Moustaskas. Reds players acted as if they had just won the pennant. That's what happens when you only win one once in a while. Have to take your joy when you can get it.
Good morning folks.

I’m not a cat person. I note that because right now, improbably, I’m taking care of three of them, including one who woke me up twice cratching at my bedroom door and whining. One (Atticus) belongs to my wife, vacationing in London, one (Onion) to my daughter who is with her, and one (Hermes) was left with my son by a young woman he was shacking up with, and he brought it along when he came home for the summer.

Cats. Not my thing.

Anyway, I hope it is a good day for all.
Never had any cats and don't really like them. Wife and daughter wanted one so when one showed up at our door (kitten about 2 months old) two years ago this month about 0430 in the morning, we kept him. Now we have three.

Morning Legionnaires!

104° yesterday and more of the same coming today and for the foreseeable future.

Trained my student yesterday in the gym where she works and there is no AC. The people who own the building have never put it in and said they would not so, they have exhaust fans and large floor fans going and all of the rollup style doors and regular doors open trying to move air around. Yesterday was a low impact workout focusing on balance, form and technique so as not to get too hot.

Put off cutting my grass this past weekend at the behest of my wife so today, it is on. Doing it early after my workout this morning because it will be another scorcher this afternoon.

@MdWIldcat55 Did you happen to catch the Reds game last night against the Mets? 0-0 bottom of the ninth with bases loaded walk off sacrifice by Moustaskas. Reds players acted as if they had just won the pennant. That's what happens when you only win one once in a while. Have to take your joy when you can get it.
Warrior: The same thing happened last week when they finally won a game after setting the GABP record for consecutive home losses. Embarrassing. Can you imagine the Big Red Machine getting so excited about anything except winning the fourth game of the World Series? Those guys must be disgusted with what the franchise has become.
Warrior: The same thing happened last week when they finally won a game after setting the GABP record for consecutive home losses. Embarrassing. Can you imagine the Big Red Machine getting so excited about anything except winning the fourth game of the World Series? Those guys must be disgusted with what the franchise has become.
Did not get to see that one because the setup we have on our Firestick was not working for the last couple of weeks so, I have missed the last couple of weeks' worth of games.
A final word on our discussion of the Antietam campaign. Along the bloody road the armies took as they hustled to Sharpsburg there is a quirky monument to one man's vanity: George Alfred Townsend was a reporter for New York newspapers who covered the battle of Antietam. After the war he actually bought the property where the Battle of Crampton's Gap was fought and erected a huge monument -- basically to himself and other war correspondents. (see the brownish band about half way up, and you can make out the words WAR CORRESPONDENT.)

This this is like 30 feet high. You can see a person at the bottom right to get the scale. The National Park Service had to agree to leave it there when they eventually took over the property as a Civil War site.

In 2003, trying to drum up support among the media for the War on Terror, the Bush Administration made a feeble effort to convert the area to a spot commemorating TODAY'S war reporters. But the park service pushed back and all it ever amounted to was this plaque...

Its pretty much totally ignored today. But in the small world of overseas journalism, I worked with each of the four people named on the plaque, dating back to Desert Storm and Somalia in some cases. Kelly, Bloom and Pearl all had children - Danny's daughter born after he died. So when I'm on my Antiertam tours I stop there and say a prayer for their kids.
Did not get to see that one because the setup we have on our Firestick was not working for the last couple of weeks so, I have missed the last couple of weeks' worth of games.
Most of you guys are Reds fans. Being a Cards fan, I guess I shouldn't complain, but the Cards aren't world beaters. Have you guys paid any attention to Harrison Bader (Cards CF)? He's been out a couple of times this year and last with injuries. His bat is off and on, but his glove is very very good. They are something like 11 games over 500 when he's played this year and 6 under when he's missed games. It was a larger margin last year. When he's out the RF moves over, so it weakens them in CF and RF. Also sometimes OLI moves Edman to the OF and in those cases, it weakens them in 3 spots those times.
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Who wants it?

We have a gigantic mountain of mail in our offices dating back to March, 2020 -- the date our offices closed and that this masterpiece was published. One of our assistants working through the avalanche saw this today, remembered I was from Kentucky and dropped it on my desk.

I was going to throw it in the garbage, but thought someone here might need an extra copy, having worn out your original edition. Bert? Are you a big fan of the author?
Who wants it?

We have a gigantic mountain of mail in our offices dating back to March, 2020 -- the date our offices closed and that this masterpiece was published. One of our assistants working through the avalanche saw this today, remembered I was from Kentucky and dropped it on my desk.

I was going to throw it in the garbage, but thought someone here might need an extra copy, having worn out your original edition. Bert? Are you a big fan of the author?
As I drove to Lex earlier this morning, KSR came on the radio. I switched channels. Matt's well-known around my neck of the woods. I respect how far he's come over the years, but something about him simply annoys the hell outta me.

Spent enough time in Lex to visit 3 breweries. Grabbed enough beer to satisfy most of football season. I'll travel again to KY weekend of UGA- Cats game. Plan on leaving early, maybe even day prior.

Daughter works tonight. Wisdom tooth bothering her. Granddaughter with her dad (huge Vols fan). Currently listening to relatives pick electric guitar.

Morning Legionnaries!

105° on tap for today with moderate winds. Cut the grass yesterday so with all of these high temp days and no rain forecasted I will not have to do that again for about 2 weeks. Will wait until the day or two before the Oklahoma State slow pitch softball tournament starting 22 July in Ardmore OK. It bounces each year between Ardmore and Norman OK. The fields in Norman are better but, we won our last one (Class E) in Ardmore in 2019. Skipped last year and 2020 because of Covid.

Training my student today but will again be light because of the heat. She told me Tuesday that after years of complaining the owners have finally ordered AC units for the building. Supposed to come in at the end of this month. Not sure when they will install them but, at least they will be getting them, or so they say. We will see.

Reds lost again last night after going into the top of the 9th up 3-2 over the Mets. The Mets tied the game and went on to win 8-3 in the 10th. Once again, the bull pen can't hold on.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 72° and overcast here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring a chance of thunderstorms and a high of 87°.

The last couple of days have been rough, as I found out that I have Covid. The best way to describe it, is a flu on steroids.

Everyone stay safe out there today.

Good morning D-League. It's currently 72° and overcast here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring a chance of thunderstorms and a high of 87°.

The last couple of days have been rough, as I found out that I have Covid. The best way to describe it, is a flu on steroids.

Everyone stay safe out there today.

Get well soon.
Sorry you caught COVID 41102. In some ways it feels like it has passed, in other ways it feels like it'll never completely pass.

Dealing with lots of technical headaches today. Work phone issues.

My family is starting to reassemble. Son back from the beach, and back to work on his summer moving job. He's hired a couple buddies and he's the crew chief, which has been working out good -- so far. These are teammates from his high school basketball days and they seem reliable. But I've warned him that he'll be accountable if they start to flake. WIfe and daughter heading home from London later today. Apparently nothing left to buy at Harrods. I feel bad for the tourists who get there after my women.

I hope you all have a good day.
Good morning from Shawanee, TN. Currently 78° and raining. Feels nice. We may hit 86°F.

Been up for a while. Drove over to Middlesboro for breakfast. Plan on returning later and visiting a few more folks before leaving out tomorrow. Granddaughter comes back from her dad's this afternoon. Must start packing tonight.

@UK_fan_41102 : Sorry to hear. Get well soon.

That's all for now. Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning D-League. It's currently 72° and overcast here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring a chance of thunderstorms and a high of 87°.

The last couple of days have been rough, as I found out that I have Covid. The best way to describe it, is a flu on steroids.

Everyone stay safe out there today.

Assume that's Santorini. Haven't been there. But in 10 weeks I can change that tune.

Edit: Sorry I skipped over you have covid. Best to you.
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Good morning D-League. It's currently 72° and overcast here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring a chance of thunderstorms and a high of 87°.

The last couple of days have been rough, as I found out that I have Covid. The best way to describe it, is a flu on steroids.

Everyone stay safe out there today.

This has to be Greece. When we sailed into some of the Greek Islands you could see the dwellings, all with blue roofs and bright white structures. It is a beautiful place

I trust you are doing well fighting that COVID. We don't hear much about it down here anymore but the flu on steroids does not sound good. Prayers your way for a complete recovery.
This has to be Greece. When we sailed into some of the Greek Islands you could see the dwellings, all with blue roofs and bright white structures. It is a beautiful place

I trust you are doing well fighting that COVID. We don't hear much about it down here anymore but the flu on steroids does not sound good. Prayers your way for a complete recovery.
So far I'm doing good in my fight with it. One of the main things they want you to do, is get plenty of rest, and I've gotten plenty of that today.
Good morning from Shawnee, TN. Currently 69°F and partly cloudy. Received some good rain yesterday. Cooled everything down.

Plan on leaving here around 8 am EST heading for Cookeville, TN. Meet up with my cousin for a few. From there, it's on to Lebanon, TN and then north to Bowling Green and Smiths Grove. Plan on arriving by 4 pm.

Talked to Don for a short bit last night. He immediately recognized my number and sounded good.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning D-League. Its currently 75° and cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring heavy thunderstorms and a high of 85°.

Enjoyed my best night of sleep this week. I feel like the worst is behind me now.

Everyone stay safe on this Friday.

Chew on this Reds fans in the D-League.

The Reds have the highest batting average in the MLB with men in scoring position. Problem is, they don't get them there very often which is why they have one of the if not the worst record in the league this year. Makes me wonder why if you can hit with a higher batting average then, why not normally? Focus?
Good morning D-League. Out walking in a light rain. Daughter and wife home from London, and it was a great trip for them. Son off helping a high school buddy who is a student at Clemson move into a new place.

starting to sound like the Cats May reel in Wagner after all. I’m rarely right about these things but I did predict that to much ridicule on Rafters back when all the experts said U6. We’ll see, but a backcourt with Wagner, Dillingham, Sheppard and this Thiero kid who I think is going to be better than his ranking would be scary talented.

RIP Cpl. Agarn - dead at 99. That show F-Troop was my favorite at age 8, and I found out I can still recite all the lyrics to the theme song. For example: “Where Indian fights are colorful sights and nobody takes a licking cause pale-face and redskin both turn chicken…”

of course we are too woke for a show like that today, unfortunately.
Hope it’s a good day for all.
Good morning D-League. Out walking in a light rain. Daughter and wife home from London, and it was a great trip for them. Son off helping a high school buddy who is a student at Clemson move into a new place.

starting to sound like the Cats May reel in Wagner after all. I’m rarely right about these things but I did predict that to much ridicule on Rafters back when all the experts said U6. We’ll see, but a backcourt with Wagner, Dillingham, Sheppard and this Thiero kid who I think is going to be better than his ranking would be scary talented.

RIP Cpl. Agarn - dead at 99. That show F-Troop was my favorite at age 8, and I found out I can still recite all the lyrics to the theme song. For example: “Where Indian fights are colorful sights and nobody takes a licking cause pale-face and redskin both turn chicken…”

of course we are too woke for a show like that today, unfortunately.
Hope it’s a good day for all.
I loved the F-Troop. Ninety-nine is a long time on this earth so he earned a "Rest In Peace".

You are right about too WOKE. I seriously doubt any of the TV shows I grew up with in the 1950's could be allowed on TV today. One of the all time greats had a 100% black cast with some of the best actors in the history of TV and it is banned. When I was growing up it was the favorite program of every black I knew and today it is called racist.

Old Kingfish and the gang were brilliant

I loved the F-Troop. Ninety-nine is a long time on this earth so he earned a "Rest In Peace".

You are right about too WOKE. I seriously doubt any of the TV shows I grew up with in the 1950's could be allowed on TV today. One of the all time greats had a 100% black cast with some of the best actors in the history of TV and it is banned. When I was growing up it was the favorite program of every black I knew and today it is called racist.

Old Kingfish and the gang were brilliant

Hilarious stuff. And no more racist than the buffoonish shenanigans of Ralph Kramden and Ed Norton. Of course the Honeymooners is at least informally banned if not explicitly, because of Ralph’s comically inept threats directed at Alice.
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