Well, I'm happy to interact. Like you Bev, I have two young adults back in my home temporarily - my 25-year-old daughter moved back from Austin, Texas and is working as an elementary school teacher at a Waldorf Academy (school for kids of rich hippies) in Bethesda, Maryland. My son is home from Lexington. He's working driving a moving truck and taking a couple summer school UK classes. He got set back a bit by COVID forcing all classes to be remote. He hated that, and went from a dean's list kid to essentially whiffing a semester.Thank you gentlemen
not sure how much of a benefit but all good
I just don’t like seeing conflict like that. The older I get the less I can handle
at any rate..life is crazy busy as usual. We’re still trying to settle into our house; especially now that our older son moved back in and we have his little girl with us too about 95% of the time
Younger son is still struggling..they finally determined he is likely autistic (well no duh) and he’s having a formal evaluation on the 30th
Still not happy about the state of our basketball program or our coach, but can’t dwell on it right now
hoping that this time around in the D there will be more interaction and not just everyone liking my posts
I'm a bit less pessimistic than some about the state of UK, though I don't blame anyone for being upset. I keep focusing on the fact that Kentucky blew out the two teams that ended up playing for the title. Things went badly wrong after that, but I believe the team UK had last year had the potential to be one of the best in the country. And I think on paper the team SHOULD be better in the coming year.
Glad you are occasionally weighing in Bev. I wish you and your family well.