1st) I've found limited explanation. None for the Friday outages. Saturday a damaged line was grounding. No outages since.
2nd) I have had a blackout. Don't remember. Maybe a couple. according to the stories & scars. Only one I can remember. Some 30 or so years ago, I was sitting on a stool of a favorite watering hole and I informed the bartender I couldn't see, that I was blind drunk. He knew me and that I knew the band before they knew each other so he flagged one over. They determined that I was harmless but unable to drive. That I'd be fine until closing time. When closing time rolled around, Ronnie locked up my truck then hauled me home following verbal instructions by someone who was literally blind drunk. I'm no Saint.
You mention being a Maryland history buff so here's some links of interest.
Nicholas Causine. Born about 1608, his father and GF were both named
Ignatius Causine from
France. Once in Maryland, the Causines & descendants consistently married into families of the
SJ. These families were advisors to George Washington his entire life.
1st) I think of you mentioning not familiar with your ancestry as I explore mine. When I think about my mother being rescue from an orphanage by a soldier from Sunfish,KY after WWII, My father an agnostic not knowing about our his ancestry either. My paternal GF taught me about a
military saint "Ignatius of Loyola". At 71, after 40 years research I still finde out about men like this being in the family. Not as ancestors per se. Men like George Washington, Merriweather Lewis. Saint Robert Middleton and now apparently Saint Ignatius of Loyola. Now I'm not a Catholic (at least not yet). I'm still learning a lot just reading about Ignatius and the constitutions he meditated over.
2nd) I've also a maternal 2nd cousin " Sweet Baby Dumplin" (the one I shot.) who has claimed he's a cheating lesbian tramp since 1967. Tongue firmly planted firmly. Most everybody (fuddy duddies & goody goodies) hate him but not me. He's a riot. I think like him but learned early on to build a wall between my brain and my mouth around mixed company.