
Going to take the time to post once more, (I will post again too Lord willing.). I just came across this... (Kind of long, apologies in advance...)

Let me preface the below video to state I personally knew this man. I was a government civilian with this man at Fort Gordon before My Darling and I went to Korea. I spent untold time with this man as he was divorced and I was away from my family at the time as My Darling stayed in SA along with my youngest who was finishing High School.

This guy was as liberal is you get but he was a man. I cannot tell you the times I had with this man at work and after hours as I had the pleasure of spending untold times, walking, running, exercising, eating, and yes, fighting with this man concerning politics and other areas where we ran contrary. We bickered constantly but were always respectful towards each other. He even called me a fat ass once in front of several people and those same people thought we were going to come to blows but Willie and I knew each other as well as could be expected since we only knew each other about 14 or 15 months but we hit it off nearly immediately.

I was in a training class one Monday morning on post and got a phone call that Willie had passed away. Some soldiers did a wellness check as he didn't show up for work that morning. He was all things apple and they found him at his desk slumped over it with his cell phone in his hand.

We were bickering about a fitness class he was going to start up again and I would not commit to it as the last one was nine weeks long that we did at work before work.

I told him I wasn't going to commit to the class and then later that day, I think it was a Saturday evening, I text him but he didn't text me back. I figured he was stewed that I didn't commit to his class but I figured I'd just slap him in the back of his head when I "would" see him Monday afternoon....

I was at his funeral later that week...

I lost a good friend but it was an honor knowing him.... Willie Bido... (Ret. 1SG)

I am getting a good laugh at all of these roach tales. When you live where I do, roaches are as common as birds in the tree. There are several varieties of a coach roach and to me the worst are the small German roaches. We do a good job of keeping them out of the house. The big boys with wings are the palmetto bugs or roaches also known as the Florida woods cockroach. You seldom see one in your home as they prefer palmetto fan palms and cabbage palms. But if you do, don't freak out when they spread their wings and fly into your hair. The chameleons keep the roach population down and become your best friend.

Last night my wife entertained me with her screams over a frog in the house. Now the girl is petrified over a frog and living on a lake means we have them by the thousands. Very few get inside but last night was the exception.

I had gone to be bed and drifted off to sleep. My wife stayed up to read. I was in a deep slumber when she woke me with deadly screams of panic and fear. What the heck? I heard the sound coming from our bathroom where she had gone to wash her hands and face before coming into bed.

The frog was jumping all around her and the more it jump the more fear she had. After fighting a losing battle and screaming the whole time for about 10 minutes, she went into the kitchen and got a pot and a strainer. All the time I stayed in bed, laughing my butt off and enjoying the entertainment this Kentucky girl was giving me. The longer I stayed in bed the madder she got and the louder she screamed. I refused to budge.

This morning I went into the bathroom and there was the pot turned upside down. I lifted the pot and no frog. It had escaped. When she got up she accused me of letting it go and said I would pay for the frog's terrorism. HA This story will continue when Mr. Frog returns again. I will have my popcorn ready. Oh, my mama used salt or vinegar to rid the house of frogs. Just put it down in the area and they will jump back in the lake. But I ain't telling my wife that because this is too much fun.

Handsome. Below is Barvarius. A controlled substance. Colorado River toads now require protection as they are a favorite for individuals disposed to toad licking.

This is called Soon dae.
Natural selection

Book links to free download
Howdy! How y'all doin? Got a late start on the scores today and I had too many people come and talk to me while I was trying to do math. I only took home 10 dollars this week. Since I spent 20 to play...loser.

It's drizzling rain here at the moment and the temp has dropped to 63°. Supposed to play glow ball tonight. Looks like it might be a cool one.

My thighs, hips, knees, and ankles were all hurting this morning when I woke up. I thought all that roof work would take a toll.
I just come back inside to take a breather. We had a hard rain over night and again this morning and left a heavy blanket of humidity that makes working outside a challenge for an old boy like me. But I have been working off and on hard since 9:00 this morning.

I will take a break and go back out and spread two bags of red mulch around the flower beds. Then call it a day and take a dip. Sweat Boy Sweat
A good one:

"Lexington Common, April 19, 1775" painting by Don Troiani​


I'm partial to this Troiani print.​

Mantz's Rifle Company of Frederick, MD. Flying Camp 1776​


I envision this is very similar to the dress of my Maryland continental forefathers serving with Washingtons original "Old Line"
I am getting a good laugh at all of these roach tales. When you live where I do, roaches are as common as birds in the tree. There are several varieties of a cock roach and to me the worst are the small German roaches. We do a good job of keeping them out of the house. The big boys with wings are the palmetto bugs or roaches also known as the Florida woods cockroach. You seldom see one in your home as they prefer palmetto fan palms and cabbage palms. But if you do, don't freak out when they spread their wings and fly into your hair. The chameleons keep the roach population down and become your best friend.

Last night my wife entertained me with her screams over a frog in the house. Now the girl is petrified over a frog and living on a lake means we have them by the thousands. Very few get inside but last night was the exception.

I had gone to be bed and drifted off to sleep. My wife stayed up to read. I was in a deep slumber when she woke me with deadly screams of panic and fear. What the heck? I heard the sound coming from our bathroom where she had gone to wash her hands and face before coming into bed.

The frog was jumping all around her and the more it jump the more fear she had. After fighting a losing battle and screaming the whole time for about 10 minutes, she went into the kitchen and got a pot and a strainer. All the time I stayed in bed, laughing my butt off and enjoying the entertainment this Kentucky girl was giving me. The longer I stayed in bed the madder she got and the louder she screamed. I refused to budge.

This morning I went into the bathroom and there was the pot turned upside down. I lifted the pot and no frog. It had escaped. When she got up she accused me of letting it go and said I would pay for the frog's terrorism. HA This story will continue when Mr. Frog returns again. I will have my popcorn ready. Oh, my mama used salt or vinegar to rid the house of frogs. Just put it down in the area and they will jump back in the lake. But I ain't telling my wife that because this is too much fun.

Have never seen a roach in our house here but plenty of frogs around the house during the rainy season. Counted about 15 or more last night as I was walking around the house looking for our 3rd cat that had not come in by 2200 (all three usually do) and there was a heavy storm coming in. I Like the frogs; they eat a lot of the bugs around here especially the crickets. We have a lot of those. We have had some carpet beetles this year and used some diatomaceous earth to help get rid of them. So far so good.
That's double what it used to be. I'll say this, nothing beats a good chunk roast on Sunday. Grab a bag of McCormick's seasoning and it's even better. I think I could just eat the potatoes this way.

The best crockpot meat. I smoke it too when I don't feel like spending all day and night cooking a whole brisket. Wonderful pulled beef sandwiches.
The best crockpot meat. I smoke it too when I don't feel like spending all day and night cooking a whole brisket. Wonderful pulled beef sandwiches.
You got that right. Brisket is good, but it's not better than some other cuts of beef. Now that'it's up there with chuck on price, it should be your last choice for pulled beef. Liberals have done killed brisket!

It was fun when you could spend $10 and have 5 pounds of good meat. Now you have to spend$40 to have 5 pounds of good meat. Same with ribs.

America was too easy. It was too easy to get by in America by doing the bare minimum.

People suck.
Got to play for free tonight. Perks. Won $50.

Apparently, the weekly game that I run, and score, and tolerate feedback on, gives me employee status for such events. When I couple that with the fact that I can have a hotdog or brat whenever I want, the golf course is a better deal than being at home. Too bad golf is a fad. It will never last.
Good Saturday Morning D Leaguers

Trust all are well and slept good overnight. Looking forward to today as I will be taking my wife to the Michaelangelo Sistine Chapel Exhibition in Tampa. She is an art lover and is excited about going. Years ago she worked at the University of Kentucky Art Museum and became very knowledgeable of the masterpieces. She has tried to rub that onto me and I am warming up to it somewhat. So today I hope to learn something.

We have a nice day today with a current temperature of 74° and our high will be 82°. Our nice breeze should continue with winds steady at 11mph. Yesterday we had winds from 10 to 24 mph all day and I see down South of us they had winds of 50mph. We call it the Gulf Breeze. Pleasant.

Take care all.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and sunny. High pressure heat dome still in effect. Today's high expected around 104°F. Records may fall over the next few days.

Watched some NBA Finals last night. Bah!

Co-workers holding a get-together. Plan on leaving here at 12:30 pm. Pizza and cold drinks. Since I'm driving, I'll not drink. May stop Rudy's BBQ afterwards for wife.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

I've got some more catching up to do on here but for I'm headed to the mow grass :mad: and hopefully get some time in the water. Hoping for some clear skies tonight so I can pull the scope out for some viewing of the skies. Be safe everybody! For those in KY, enjoy today and tomorrow because the forecast looks like HOT and NASTY next week. 100 on WED? What the heck!
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Blast from the past. President Reagan wearing sweatpants while talking to staff aboard Air Force One on a trip to Iowa. 9/20/84.

Good morning D-League. Love the photo, Austin. In my day dreams America finds another Reagan. Never got to fly AF-1 when Reagan was president. My first trips were when Bush 1 had the job, then lots of times when Clinton was in office. My last trip, I think, was the election eve-election day trip when Bush 2 was re-elected in 2004. It could be a lot of work for a journalist but it never got old.

Gloomy and rainy in the east. Back from a long walk and planning a niec lunch at a favorite italian restaurant with my wife and son and possibly our daughter if she feels like it. I hope it is a good day for all of you.
I've got some more catching up to do on here but for I'm headed to the mow grass :mad: and hopefully get some time in the water. Hoping for some clear skies tonight so I can pull the scope out for some viewing of the skies. Be safe everybody! For those in KY, enjoy today and tomorrow because the forecast looks like HOT and NASTY next week. 100 on WED? What the heck!
It is Austin's fault. He has been cooking it up for a week and he is sending toward us. :mad:
It is 71.9°F here on our way to a humid 83°. My kids are coming in to spend the night. We a goin' to cook some steaks, drink some beer, whisky, rye, gin and some margaritas. I always stick with whisky straight up but I do love rye straight up.

I am not looking forward to the high 90's mid week. I plan on mowing Sunday afternoon and avoid being out.
I'm just sitting here minding my own business and I get a phone call from the golf course. "hey Bob, did you forget the club championship is today"? I'm going up there in about an hour to give it a shot.

I no longer have a chance to win the club championship, but I can still win the senior division.

I am so sore.
Fishing report:

Many strikes with 9 hooks and 6 landed. All returned to water like last week. Largest today around 3lbs. Had a storyline "one that got away" story today. Thought I had a snag until it started pulling back on the line. Fought it for about 30 seconds or so until it got off. One of the other ones that got off jumped out of the water as it spit out the hook.

Bald is my new go to pond but so far, no lunkers as some people have said. The one that got away might have been one though. Still had a good time as it is better to catch smaller ones than to be blanked as I was early on this season.