Good.Hello Sir, that post is no longer there or it would be reported. I'd sure like to know if the skank posts again. (I know, multiple accounter for sure.)
Edit: That username no longer exists.
That thug needs to get the shit beat out of him by a bunch of old D-League dudes. We can hit him with our canes, dead pigeons, walkers, metal detectors and let our old dogs bit him.
Man, I hate crap like that.
Several years ago on Cats Illustrated I was attacked by a dude who gave out my street address, phone number, photo while I was Mayor. After about 5 posts I called in my Chief of police and showed him the posts. He basically was asking folks to stop by and beat me up.
The Chief asked me to email the post to him. I did.
Two hours later the posts were gone because the guy who posted them was given two choices by my Chief of Police when he showed up at his house: pull the posts or go to jail for felony terrorist threats. In Kentucky we have some good laws.
He pulled the posts instantly and now he continues to post likes on my very limited posts on Cats Illustrated!
I did not have to go to a mod, but he happened to live in an area in which my Chief of Police had arrest authority. The dumb ass over stepped his bounds and discovered that he was a little chickenshit thug and his big "internet balls" shrank really quick when faced with an instant trip to Warren County jail, and the cost of an defense attorney loomed in his face.
My chief watched over his shoulder as he removed every damned post.