
Good morning D-League.

Quite a day on the Metro (Subway) today. Running to catch a train about to close its doors, I note one car looks empty - what luck!. I jump on board and am staggered by the smell. Some hobo with a giant pile of bags and junk piled onto a large cart was sleeping, sprawled across two seats. The whole car was so rank people couldn't breathe and were giving him a wide berth.

Moving on to the next car, a guy about 30, close cropped hair and a suit, sits next to me. He's wearing a weird rubber mask instead of a paper or cloth one, that has a prominent nose bump. Watch this weirdo, I say to myself. But all is well for about ten minues. Then he starts hooting and barking. And loud. Obviously some extreme form of Tourettes or worse. Soon he is making ominous declarations: "Get Him! Get Him!. Let's Start Again! Start Again! Abort! Abort! Abort!." By now everyone in the car is looking straight ahead, trying to ignore the guy or not provoke him, but also very aware that this nut could do anything. I'm sure everyone was aware of the subway shooting in NYC yesterday.

I'm next to him, and I'm a big guy - much bigger than him. I was ready to do whatever I needed to. But he just kept barking and hooting until we got to my station.

Lots of sad and weird stuff out there.
A funny:
Good morning D-League.

Quite a day on the Metro (Subway) today. Running to catch a train about to close its doors, I note one car looks empty - what luck!. I jump on board and am staggered by the smell. Some hobo with a giant pile of bags and junk piled onto a large cart was sleeping, sprawled across two seats. The whole car was so rank people couldn't breathe and were giving him a wide berth.

Moving on to the next car, a guy about 30, close cropped hair and a suit, sits next to me. He's wearing a weird rubber mask instead of a paper or cloth one, that has a prominent nose bump. Watch this weirdo, I say to myself. But all is well for about ten minues. Then he starts hooting and barking. And loud. Obviously some extreme form of Tourettes or worse. Soon he is making ominous declarations: "Get Him! Get Him!. Let's Start Again! Start Again! Abort! Abort! Abort!." By now everyone in the car is looking straight ahead, trying to ignore the guy or not provoke him, but also very aware that this nut could do anything. I'm sure everyone was aware of the subway shooting in NYC yesterday.

I'm next to him, and I'm a big guy - much bigger than him. I was ready to do whatever I needed to. But he just kept barking and hooting until we got to my station.

Lots of sad and weird stuff out there.
My business is basically next door to a nursing home. Most of the folks there have some mental issues (some worse than others). Until the county greatly enlarged the drainage ditch by the road between us, occasionally one of them would just wander in like they owned the place. They don't seem to watch them closely. One was found 20 miles away a couple of years ago and pulled a knife on law enforcement when they tried to bring him back. Another froze to death one winter in a field nearby. Another one offered me 20 bucks to drive him to Paducah one time (I said no).
Good morning! Listening to the Jones show and drinking my first pint of coffee. Looked out the kitchen window while I was making coffee to admire my mowing job and the Sun was shining bright. That didn't last long.

I'm under a wind advisory at the moment but the wind is calm. They must have been advising the wind wasn't going to blow. I can handle surprises like that without warning.
My business is basically next door to a nursing home. Most of the folks there have some mental issues (some worse than others). Until the county greatly enlarged the drainage ditch by the road between us, occasionally one of them would just wander in like they owned the place. They don't seem to watch them closely. One was found 20 miles away a couple of years ago and pulled a knife on law enforcement when they tried to bring him back. Another froze to death one winter in a field nearby. Another one offered me 20 bucks to drive him to Paducah one time (I said no).
There are definitely significant numbers of people who don't fit in, and are never going to.

The part of downtown DC where I work is really nice - just off Pennsylvania Avenue about halfway between the White House and the Capitol. Lots of decent restaurants, museums, galleries, etc.

But a few blocks up is the massive homeless shelter the city opened about 35 years ago after a long battle with homeless advocate Mitch Snyder (his battle became a Martin Sheen movie, etc.) So now, lots of homeless folks, many with mental issues and, or deep substance abuse problems, wander down our way because there is enough tourist traffic that well-meaning people keep them supplied with money for booze or pills.

I certainly have sympathy for the situation some people find themselves in, and help some of the regulars who I've seen actually using the money to buy food. And I don't have any solution.
Lots of sad and weird stuff out there.
The stuff is exacerbated by an inability to discern fact from fantasy, creating mental confusion. So as most mammals, frightened apes will follow the leader. If leaders don't know, they are conditioned to fake it. In a chaotic stampede of ignorance, many innocent are being swept off the cliff.
I see folks walking down the street waving their arms wildly and talking to voices in their head. Saw it as a kid. Sometimes intoxicated but not always. Like the gentleman on the subway, people haven't changed. When seeing this disfunction my Mammaw would murmur. "He (or she) ain't right". Both compassion and caution required for society to heal seems to be in short supply these days.​
I was at a Roses store when the fire broke out a Family Fair.......before the fire dept got there people were riding bicycles out the front door and carrying everything that could be carried.....every place I lived as a kid was along or near to Cane Run Rd..........I put a lot of miles walking that road........I worked at a Kentucky Fried Chicken just a couple of blocks north of this picture..........prior to the KFC opening there was a Probus Liqour/Restruant that had the best fried chicken in town right up the street on the left.
Slot cars are pretty damn fun, with upgraded equipment (tuned cars, variable power supply, track wired for braking, digital lap timing system, beefed up controllers with 90 ohm resistors etc. )

It's nothing like the toys we had as kids. (cars flying off everywhere, two speeds: dead stop and full out etc.)

Beautiful routed track with a tuned car from Viper Scale

When Bass Pro opened they had a black Friday promo for a racing set with two cars and 128 ft of track.......having six young grandsons at the time it was easier to have multiple tracks.....when they come to Camp Paw they spend hours with the racing set......since the twins are going to be 10 this year they are going to take it the time the great grand children get oldget old enough to play with it I will not be able to bend over to help them put it together.............
I was at a Roses store when the fire broke out a Family Fair.......before the fire dept got there people were riding bicycles out the front door and carrying everything that could be carried.....every place I lived as a kid was along or near to Cane Run Rd..........I put a lot of miles walking that road........I worked at a Kentucky Fried Chicken just a couple of blocks north of this picture..........prior to the KFC opening there was a Probus Liqour/Restruant that had the best fried chicken in town right up the street on the left.
Probus sold draft by the quart to go. It was on the right traveling south from Wilson across Algonquin. Closer than 18th/Dixie Highway. I remember other catastrophes too. Mike Linnig's burning down, DuPont in Rubbertown blowing up.​
DuPont in Rubbertown blowing up.​
I remember that well. We lived next to Iroquois golf course and I felt the ground shake prior to hearing the first explosion. I had time to ask my friends if they felt that. There were several more that followed, each just as loud as the last.

If environmentalists of today were old enough to remember how dirty Louisville was in those days, they might say "hey, this is pretty good".
Speaking of baseball, the Reds team president and the son of the owner made some comments yesterday that didn't go over so we'll.

He should know better than to tell the truth in todays social environment. Lies are much more palatable to the masses.
Speaking of baseball, the Reds team president and the son of the owner made some comments yesterday that didn't go over so we'll.

I remember that well. We lived next to Iroquois golf course and I felt the ground shake prior to hearing the first explosion. I had time to ask my friends if they felt that. There were several more that followed, each just as loud as the last.

If environmentalists of today were old enough to remember how dirty Louisville was in those days, they might say "hey, this is pretty good".

He should know better than to tell the truth in todays social environment. Lies are much more palatable to the masses.
  1. We ran outside and could see the smoke plumes.
  2. The river is cleaner and not by accident. The streets not safer or cleaner because of denial. The cost for the neglect will be some 20-40 years.
  3. With economy and ecology being essentially the same word, mono-culture simplicity creates conditions susceptible to plagues and loss of adaptability needed for developement/maintenance of sustainable systems. The incompetency just boggles my mind and for me incomprehensible. It really is like the "Acid Heads" of 1970 San Francisco have been put in charge. I write that because it's the last time I can even recall hearing such insanity.
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Speaking of baseball, the Reds team president and the son of the owner made some comments yesterday that didn't go over so we'll.

Speaking of the Reds, I am watching right now and they are behind Cleveland 6-0 in the 5th. Lost to Cleveland yesterday 10-5.

Edited: Meant to comment also on the amount of fans there today. It looked so sparce that there was probably about 10% or less in the seats.
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We are experiencing a huge supply and services shortage down this way.

My wife's car has been disabled for 5 weeks due to the inability to get a fuel line.
I need some work on my irrigation system and that will take 8 weeks
I want to replace one of the field lines from my septic tank. How about 5 months!
We are remodeling two bathrooms and I signed a contract 6 weeks ago with the understanding they can not do the work for another 5 months. It is taking 90 days to get tile for the flooring so I made an advance payment so they could get that ordered now.

Meanwhile all of these trades are increasing in price so I locked in the cost by signing a contract. No other way to handle it, this gets my name on the list. There are several reasons for this and most important are getting supplies. When America shut down this created a huge backlog. We are experiencing unbelievable growth and that adds to the issue.

I'm still waiting for a passenger side view mirror for my Mazda. It hasn't been nearly as long but come on! This should be an easy one.
We are experiencing a huge supply and services shortage down this way.

My wife's car has been disabled for 5 weeks due to the inability to get a fuel line.
I need some work on my irrigation system and that will take 8 weeks
I want to replace one of the field lines from my septic tank. How about 5 months!
We are remodeling two bathrooms and I signed a contract 6 weeks ago with the understanding they can not do the work for another 5 months. It is taking 90 days to get tile for the flooring so I made an advance payment so they could get that ordered now.

Meanwhile all of these trades are increasing in price so I locked in the cost by signing a contract. No other way to handle it, this gets my name on the list. There are several reasons for this and most important are getting supplies. When America shut down this created a huge backlog. We are experiencing unbelievable growth and that adds to the issue.


About six weeks ago a big pickup truck backed into the front of my wife's car in a parking lot. They admitted fault. Front bumper and grill, hood, fender and headlight. Got it in the shop 2 1/2 weeks ago and still waiting on parts. $4K in damages from a light hit. I'm driving a rental they provided but those costs will be added on.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 59ºF and clear. Today's high expected around 85ºF.

Day 7 and we're on a roll. Gobbled down our last pill at 4:15 am. Yesterday, she ate 3 cans prescription dog food plus 1/4 lb boiled chicken. Stool returning to normal.

Tornadoes hit north of us this past Tuesday. 61 structures in Bell County, Texas destroyed. Active storm season. We've been lucky. Cousin just texted me back from Nolin Lake. Still no power since last night.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


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